Van den bosch transport

Ok-I`ll do it me self…


nearly… :smiley:


I win!!!




Frans !!! What is the reason for the 2 hour deduction per 15 hour shift?

And why do you pay a reduced hourly rate for waiting time(POA)?

Why not pay the advertised rates all the way through the shifts?

And as a follow on to my Question above, How does any of your drivers get the overtime rate if the rates are cut for POA? ie 5 hour tip or load


Somehow I don’t think you will get an answer to this one :laughing: Frans :question:

Nothing to hide Pete, like some on here :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Enlighten me then :unamused:



Gary, you didn’t knoiw that you where employed by UK company■■?

But you got paid in the UK, I did the interview, gave you my Business card to send all the details too.

Your Payslip says: VdB Ltd on it, but it never appeared to you that you where employed iin the UK■■?

You claim, that I made you promisses what didn’t get fulfilled. but you didn’t come back to me??

Is that what you always do Gary■■? Buy a new Toyota and go to the Vauxhall dealer for the waranty■■?

WHY :question: :question: :question: :question: :question: :question: :question: :question: :question: :question: :question: :question: :question:

You have made big mistake with that one, all details went to thijs in Erp as requested, only time i seen you was interview and thats it . thijs definately seemed senior member at the interview asking for all docs be emailed to him try to take mick talk sence, you and your h.r manager gave me cards we never seen you. its not what i usualy do would not buy toyota or vauxhall both [zb], but thanks for letting me know that after over a month of asking questions of the man that at the interview offered me the job, words from his mouth, that i was only speaking to the monkey not the organ grinder. how silly of me i should have went to office in Birmingham rather than the place i worked …FOR what probably to be told same WEVE HAD YOU MATE YOU BE WORKING FOR NOWT A BIT AND WERE KEEPING IT LOL. In our country h.r manager carries some athourity no point telling me now. YOUR TRYING TO DISCREDIT STORIES FROM ME AND FEW OTHERS BUT IT HELPS DISTRACT FORUM FROM WHAT WE FOUND OUT ABOUT VDB YOU ARE RIPPING US OF BIGTIME AND KEEPING CASH , MAYBE TO FUND OUR FLIGHTS…

I don’t discredit any of your stories, they are fine with me, they are of your opinion, freedom of speech comes to mind.
If you where so sure that Thijs was a HR manager, you would have noticed of his e-mail that he is a HR officer, and is supporting the UK.

I’m the only manager in the UK, already for the last couple of years.

But anyway when you did your 5 month review meeting with Thijs and another Manager, you still decided to stay 2 months longer, because VdB didn’t rip you off enough.

You must been thinking I like this, I will work another couple of month for free■■?

I have left myself VdB, because I didn’t want to work with a certain person, but I left when I needed to leave, job or no job.

I had a job coming up no problem, but realised that if grass is greener on the other side, you need to mow it a lot more!!

After eleven month I was back, and I could come back because I didn’t slam the door.

Youve made another load of mistake :smiley: .

1 i didnt have any meeting for reveiw didnt decided to stay any extra 2 months.
2 i left when i wanted to.
3 i couldnt get home quick enough when i realised after 4-5 weeks asking about pay
4 Asked week before to go home but was refused must stay another week
5 I have no issues whatsoever working with any person erp.
I will say again you are trying your best to discredit most people who have worked vdb on this forum with continued attacks or generalisations you did not know if i had meetings thought i had been stupid enough to volunteer my services for another two months
and all this shows you dont realy know about what was going on. Does it matter if thijs is manager, officer, chef, chief, i had many chats with him and at no point he said i should be in touch with you. Every employee first day report thijs sign papers contracts etc you get impression he is your on site contact. lets leave it at that.

    Your last two messages have been aimed at me in a way to try to take urine so i suggest you log off your now discrediting your employer
    Your contract doesnt work mixing bit british rules for pay but using the dutch way to claw it back with the other hand im home for one reason vdb steal money and i didnt want to come back, to be away so long for wages like gogzy .PART TIME MONEY,
    Now keep it going and i will tell more theres loads under my hat lets leave it there or you want more revealed go ahead. :sunglasses: :exclamation:


Frans, I tried to contact you from Erp and you didn’t answer my call, you replied to my text 8 hours later saying there was nothing you could do to ‘help me’.
Who do these guys contact if they have a ‘problem’? You? HR guy? Planner?

I couldn’t help you, because my magic stick couldn’t make a driver of you, you couldn’t drive, I am sorry, what do you expect me to do■■?

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I win!!!

Now the challenge is finding me somewhere so I can buy you your prize!




Gary, you didn’t knoiw that you where employed by UK company■■?

But you got paid in the UK, I did the interview, gave you my Business card to send all the details too.

Your Payslip says: VdB Ltd on it, but it never appeared to you that you where employed iin the UK■■?

You claim, that I made you promisses what didn’t get fulfilled. but you didn’t come back to me??

Is that what you always do Gary■■? Buy a new Toyota and go to the Vauxhall dealer for the waranty■■?

WHY :question: :question: :question: :question: :question: :question: :question: :question: :question: :question: :question: :question: :question:

You have made big mistake with that one, all details went to thijs in Erp as requested, only time i seen you was interview and thats it . thijs definately seemed senior member at the interview asking for all docs be emailed to him try to take mick talk sence, you and your h.r manager gave me cards we never seen you. its not what i usualy do would not buy toyota or vauxhall both [zb], but thanks for letting me know that after over a month of asking questions of the man that at the interview offered me the job, words from his mouth, that i was only speaking to the monkey not the organ grinder. how silly of me i should have went to office in Birmingham rather than the place i worked …FOR what probably to be told same WEVE HAD YOU MATE YOU BE WORKING FOR NOWT A BIT AND WERE KEEPING IT LOL. In our country h.r manager carries some athourity no point telling me now. YOUR TRYING TO DISCREDIT STORIES FROM ME AND FEW OTHERS BUT IT HELPS DISTRACT FORUM FROM WHAT WE FOUND OUT ABOUT VDB YOU ARE RIPPING US OF BIGTIME AND KEEPING CASH , MAYBE TO FUND OUR FLIGHTS…

I don’t discredit any of your stories, they are fine with me, they are of your opinion, freedom of speech comes to mind.
If you where so sure that Thijs was a HR manager, you would have noticed of his e-mail that he is a HR officer, and is supporting the UK.

I’m the only manager in the UK, already for the last couple of years.

But anyway when you did your 5 month review meeting with Thijs and another Manager, you still decided to stay 2 months longer, because VdB didn’t rip you off enough.

You must been thinking I like this, I will work another couple of month for free■■?

I have left myself VdB, because I didn’t want to work with a certain person, but I left when I needed to leave, job or no job.

I had a job coming up no problem, but realised that if grass is greener on the other side, you need to mow it a lot more!!

After eleven month I was back, and I could come back because I didn’t slam the door.

Youve made another load of mistake :smiley: .

1 i didnt have any meeting for reveiw didnt decided to stay any extra 2 months.
2 i left when i wanted to.
3 i couldnt get home quick enough when i realised after 4-5 weeks asking about pay
4 Asked week before to go home but was refused must stay another week
5 I have no issues whatsoever working with any person erp.
I will say again you are trying your best to discredit most people who have worked vdb on this forum with continued attacks or generalisations you did not know if i had meetings thought i had been stupid enough to volunteer my services for another two months
and all this shows you dont realy know about what was going on. Does it matter if thijs is manager, officer, chef, chief, i had many chats with him and at no point he said i should be in touch with you. Every employee first day report thijs sign papers contracts etc you get impression he is your on site contact. lets leave it at that.

    Your last two messages have been aimed at me in a way to try to take urine so i suggest you log off your now discrediting your employer
    Your contract doesnt work mixing bit british rules for pay but using the dutch way to claw it back with the other hand im home for one reason vdb steal money and i didnt want to come back, to be away so long for wages like gogzy .PART TIME MONEY,
    Now keep it going and i will tell more theres loads under my hat lets leave it there or you want more revealed go ahead. :sunglasses: :exclamation:

Gary, write what you want. Feel free its a free country :grimacing:

Hello mate, if you have read through the posts on here there are around 3 or 4 of us who are working at VDB and who post replies regularly to the questions we can answer, In total at the moment there are around 15/20 British guys who are based in Erp and on between liquids and powders, with them still actively recruiting in the UK at the moment, there are usually between 2 and 4 guys starting on a weekly basis as work in this sector in Europe and for VDB is slowly picking up and after the downturn in work. The guys who are based in Erp seem to be on the whole very satisfied with the job, wages and the way we are treated, which on the whole is very good. There are others who have come from the UK and are based in Tielt BE and who are on liquids for De Mullemeister and the ones that I have chatted to seem pretty pleased with their jobs and are doing fine. I understand from what the new guys who have started recently that they are now doing driving assesments in the UK, this is because they were taking guys over and finding out after spending money on flights etc that they were actually not very good in different aspects of their driving, and as Frans stated in a previous post one driver who was taken to Erp actually couldnt read signs etc and was sent home!!!
In total if you read the posts from start to finish you will see that in the beginning when Graham asked the initial question it was getting a lot of negatives and that we should be wary of such a good job and good conditions, and as you read further the posts get better as the first wave of UK drivers started and began posting from what I can see as positive comments.
This seems to have changed the attitude of all the doubters and the guys with a hint of jealousy that maybe due to their own commitments ex: Jobs in the Uk or Family that they put comments in that were unfounded or unjust.
But I was one of the first to go over and I took the gamble to take the job and try to see if it was better than working in the UK, I now have no doubts that I made the correct choice as I have had a few jobs in the UK over my 20+ years driving including Euro work and this has to be the best from all aspects and I personally am happy with the job that I have now and wish that I had done this 20 years ago!!!

Hope this outlook helps any one thinking of applying…It may not be to everyones liking but whats wrong with giving it a go, those in the UK have nowt to lose as in the next 5 years the job in the UK is going to be completely and utterly shafted

Hi guys, just done my 2nd 3 wk stint, back home for a week
And in answer to why there have been no further postings it is because we are all working and making money, the money is better than what I was earning in the UK but im not gonna go into great detail as this is a personal matter between me and my wife…lol
The job is pretty much good there are bad bits but the good stuff outweighs that. I would say you are treated with respect and the work is very good if not a bit dusty at times, im on bulk powders. But as with any job you get the good days and the bad days. Out of all the guys I have met from the UK I have heard them complain about various parts of the job but if you have a problem they are more than willing to sort it out for you, which is more than can be said for or UK hauliers who fling you the keys and pretty much leave you to get on with it.
All I can say is if you are interested give it a try, it may be for you, but for some people it might not be.
One thing i will add is that, I have heard that a few of the new starts have only lasted a couple of days as when they do the assesment drive they either caused damage or could’nt reverse very well. I never met these guys as pretty much when u get over you are out on the road for your 3 weeks and it is very rare you return to Erp. So if you are taking up the job and coming over, dont be nervous on the assesment if u can drive and reverse you will do fine, it is not hard and they dont want to send u back home but if they have to due to bad mistakes they will.

Ok so things seem to have gone slightly off here, MY initial post was to inform potential employees with VdB of the pitfalls and the things of which I stupidly was not aware of, which is my own personal fault for not reading my contract properly, but also on the part of Frans Van Hoof who it has been stated at MY interview, I am not privvy to what information was given at anyone elses. I was told I could earn good money by doing a bit extra for THE COMPANY, I am not averse to hard work and I could use hundreds of previous instances of where my work has been greatly appreciated for doing that little bit more to get the job done and been rewarded financially. I am not stupid, but I do stupid things without thinking, I never thought that through hard work and doing the job correctly could be construed as breaking the law, bending the law slightly as required and doing things the DUTCH way was what I regarded as being loyal and A GOOD EMPLOYEED, I was offered a full time contract with VdB but I chose not to go ahead and continue with my notice period. I performed MY job to the best of my abilities, I made a few mistakes, I was accused of drinking a can of beer, which was actually ENERGY DRINK through the village the evening that Holland Played Spain in the WC final.
It seems there are some posters on here Intent on putting down people who have reacted and commented on my post as to the realities of working for VdB, So what if you have been there, done it, ate the pie, I have too!!! Lucy you have only commented on 1 person namely Gogzy so you have 10 years experience or so on him, I have 12 years experience on you does that mean I can put you down and criticize you? Wheel Nut we all know you worked for VdB and you fitted in and made it work for you, good for you mate, Im more than happy for you, Vas Im sorry you got 6 years on me so I should accept Im not worthy and could not lace your boots :frowning: The bear who has done more miles in reverse, but has never been back on■■?
You guys and Girls who dont know the situation of the guys who have left but assume it is because they/we/I could not hack it and adjust!!
Im sorry but I personally could, have, and will do again, the simple fact of the matter is, I went, I did the job, I did it well, I was offered a full time contract but I choose not to work for FREE note the word CHOOSE.
It all comes down to MONEY and the hours I worked it wasn’t just 2 hrs a day as in my original post it was far more than 2hrs some days that they were robbing from us and the drivers who are still over there or are thinking of going over that they are aware of the way that the pay structure works and with the info that I have given hopefully they will not experience the same blatant theiving that I and a few colleagues who have posted since.
Good luck to the guys who go over and give it a try

Basically reading the different posts from the same person it appears that he can´t make his mind up, like several others on this thread.

You went to Holland why ? because there were no half decent jobs to be had in UK ? I can´t understand anyone leaving a wonderful British company that pays all your hours and overtime and has an excellent maintenance record with nothing else but top the line equipment to go wandering off to Holland on the off chance.

Like all jobs if you don´t like it walk, if it´s that bad ffs.

A bigger bunch of whinging moaning young ladies I have not seen in a long time if you were all such fantastic excellent drivers with out any faults then why did you have to go to Holland in the first place.

Dinosteveor whatever you went there you weren´t up to standard (yet anyway) get over it and grow up one day you may well reach the necessary standard.

is there any company in the UK which pays a wage this amount and a flight ticket (petrol money) for them hours worked?

where are you all wellpaid drivers? which uk haulier can still afford to go to europe? what is the average pay per hour?
weak up boys! there is a company which offer you a job,the might keep some of the pay,but for the most there is a pay improvement and no one of the drivers complaint about pay beeing late or customers dont treat you well

where are you all wellpaid drivers? which uk haulier can still afford to go to europe? what is the average pay per hour?
weak up boys! there is a company which offer you a job,the might keep some of the pay,but for the most there is a pay improvement and no one of the drivers complaint about pay beeing late or customers dont treat you well

LMAO, theres some good places, and theirs some down right terrible places. the germans are the worst.
also pay is always late, never goes in on the 26th like were told usually 2 or 3 days later.


where are you all wellpaid drivers? which uk haulier can still afford to go to europe? what is the average pay per hour?
weak up boys! there is a company which offer you a job,the might keep some of the pay,but for the most there is a pay improvement and no one of the drivers complaint about pay beeing late or customers dont treat you well

LMAO, theres some good places, and theirs some down right terrible places. the germans are the worst.
also pay is always late, never goes in on the 26th like were told usually 2 or 3 days later.

late and short

Gary I totally agree with your posts and can confirm your side, Frans has tried to discredit myself, you, Gogzy and to a certain extent Graham.
It was stated earlier on in this post if he cares to read back from Okley that he had only just found out that he had to report to Frans, and he has been there 7 months.
The whole thread has taken a totally different slant now, all the VdB lovers stating that we couldn’t hack it and it takes a special kind of person to work for the Dutch!!!
So let me describe the perfect VdB employee:
Absolutely no experience, but able to drive a truck without scaring the Cees, hard as it may seem but possible
Absolutely no concept of hours or money!
Will have a mental age of 6
Unable to comprehend hours worked to hours paid ratio
Will believe all that is said at interview and at everypoint from there on as long as it is stated that whoever is telling them something that they are more valued VdB employee
Frontal Labotomy preferred but not essential

how come,its always the germans which get mentioned?
and is it right, you asked to work for them? why?,if our national hauliers are this good :unamused:

how come,its always the germans which get mentioned?
and is it right, you asked to work for them? why?,if our national hauliers are this good :unamused:

because the germans are absolute {zb}s with us brits. somethign to do with the war ach i dunno i wasnt around then.
one guy i know got told to

speak german or {zb} off out of the factory

didnt have to tell him twice while somebody chased after the truck.

i have no problems in france, no problems in holland, no problems in belgium, no problems in denmark and no problems in sweden, yet german always a problem.

nuess is a pain in the arse if you dont get the vdb guys as gunter is always up in that frigging office smoking a {zb} cigar, i may be a smoker but i hate cigar smoke.

Gary I totally agree with your posts and can confirm your side, Frans has tried to discredit myself, you, Gogzy and to a certain extent Graham.
It was stated earlier on in this post if he cares to read back from Okley that he had only just found out that he had to report to Frans, and he has been there 7 months.
The whole thread has taken a totally different slant now, all the VdB lovers stating that we couldn’t hack it and it takes a special kind of person to work for the Dutch!!!
So let me describe the perfect VdB employee:
Absolutely no experience, but able to drive a truck without scaring the Cees, hard as it may seem but possible
Absolutely no concept of hours or money!
Will have a mental age of 6
Unable to comprehend hours worked to hours paid ratio
Will believe all that is said at interview and at everypoint from there on as long as it is stated that whoever is telling them something that they are more valued VdB employee
Frontal Labotomy preferred but not essential

completely different story to that which you were posting when this thread started

Is this thread a bloody joke or what■■?

UK jobs for trampers paying good money are freely available for good drivers… END OF STORY!!!

Why can some of us find the good jobs and some struggle? i’ll tell u why, some drivers are either lazy or bad at their jobs, simple.

I’m not saying there are not dodgy companies out here, dutch or otherwise, i know there are, but a good driver will simply ignore the cowboys and keep looking!

My lot pay a decent wage in a decent truck for decent work. Why the hell trek to Holland…

…I THINK I KNOW THE ANSWER… people are trying to live the dream, sounds good down the pub saying “I work for a dutch outfit”, maybe VDB are ok, i don’t know, but seriously people look closer to home, the jobs are there!