Van den bosch transport

is he not the one that didnt get started even!

Yes I am, :stuck_out_tongue: along with an ex Car Transporter and Refer Driver we both got ditched on the same day. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:



Rob K:


Wheel Nut:
The difference is I worked there. I worked in & out of Continental Europe for over 20 years. your mate Steve didn’t get past the starting gate and it appears it is him amongst others who have carried this thread along. I just have an alternative view, using my own experiences!

We can all use our feet if we are not happy, even the UK “recruiter” did just that, to discover like me that grass comes in many shades of green.

Wrong. :unamused: :unamused: Doh :confused:
You just don’t give up do ya, you and your best buddy are keeping this thread going with your constant ‘When I’s’ and put down of other Members that don’t see things how you both want them to see it.

So what if I didn’t get the job, I was lucky it seems, if the Staff are all back stabbers like I’ve been reading then maybe my luck has changed. I went and gave it a shot, it wasn’t meant to be but I’ve moved on[/b]. Why can’t you?
BTW, there are two sides to every story, just because one side is different to yours it doesn’t mean they are wrong, move on ffs, I have.
You’ve moved on!!! Are you for real? You don’t know the [zb] meaning of the phrase. All you’ve done since you got sacked is sit on this thread munching your huge bag of sour grapes and moaned non-stop.
is he not the one that didnt get started even!
How long have You been working for Van Den bosh mate?
Me? :confused: :confused: :confused:




Rob K:


Wheel Nut:
The difference is I worked there. I worked in & out of Continental Europe for over 20 years. your mate Steve didn’t get past the starting gate and it appears it is him amongst others who have carried this thread along. I just have an alternative view, using my own experiences!

We can all use our feet if we are not happy, even the UK “recruiter” did just that, to discover like me that grass comes in many shades of green.

Wrong. :unamused: :unamused: Doh :confused:
You just don’t give up do ya, you and your best buddy are keeping this thread going with your constant ‘When I’s’ and put down of other Members that don’t see things how you both want them to see it.

So what if I didn’t get the job, I was lucky it seems, if the Staff are all back stabbers like I’ve been reading then maybe my luck has changed. I went and gave it a shot, it wasn’t meant to be but I’ve moved on[/b]. Why can’t you?
BTW, there are two sides to every story, just because one side is different to yours it doesn’t mean they are wrong, move on ffs, I have.
You’ve moved on!!! Are you for real? You don’t know the [zb] meaning of the phrase. All you’ve done since you got sacked is sit on this thread munching your huge bag of sour grapes and moaned non-stop.
is he not the one that didnt get started even!
How long have You been working for Van Den bosh mate?
Me? :confused: :confused: :confused:
No, I was asking glenman how long he had worked for them.

Lucy, I seen your question half a mile ago about the “Dutch way of coupling a Trailer” and I forgot to give you a decent answer.
I first tell you about the reasons:
The first reason is that Dutch Trailers for national transport can be nearly as heavy as your national weigh limit 50 ton Gross — tractor unit 7.600 = 42 .4for the trailer inclusive the load.
This put some strain on the legs.
The other one is: in the early eighties trucks and trailers changed from Steel suspension to Air suspension.
The fact with air suspension if you put the handbrake on, and the trailer loses his air, due to the lever working of the suspension arms, the trailer will move slightly forwards, and put strain on the legs.
In the past they put steel wheels under the legs, but with that weight on each leg they won’t turn, but the forward movement will bend the leg eventually.
When the Dutch drop a trailer, they undo the suzies,press the shunt button to release the brake, drop the suspension on the trailer, wind the legs down, open the fifth wheel and drive a little forward until the fifth wheel clicks out, than you drop the suspension on the unit so you can move forward away from the trailer, when you far enough forward you put the air suspension of the tractor unit in driving position.
When you couple up, you reverse back to the trailer and line properly up, go out the cab and drop your suspension on the unit until your fifth wheel is just below the kingpin plate, reverse slowly under it (you can give a little bit more lift while reversing) until the fifth wheel clicks in. At that pint lift the suspension on the unit to the max, to lift the legs of the floor, check the fifth wheel has locked properly, connect the suzies, put the suspension of the trailer in driving position, and wind the legs up, who are dangling at this point above the ground, so any easy job with no strain.
Because Holland is so flat they have a habit not to use the parking brakes, so a tug test would leave you halfway down the yard. :blush: :blush: :blush:



Rob K:


Wheel Nut:
The difference is I worked there. I worked in & out of Continental Europe for over 20 years. your mate Steve didn’t get past the starting gate and it appears it is him amongst others who have carried this thread along. I just have an alternative view, using my own experiences!

We can all use our feet if we are not happy, even the UK “recruiter” did just that, to discover like me that grass comes in many shades of green.

Wrong. :unamused: :unamused: Doh :confused:
You just don’t give up do ya, you and your best buddy are keeping this thread going with your constant ‘When I’s’ and put down of other Members that don’t see things how you both want them to see it.

So what if I didn’t get the job, I was lucky it seems, if the Staff are all back stabbers like I’ve been reading then maybe my luck has changed. I went and gave it a shot, it wasn’t meant to be but I’ve moved on[/b]. Why can’t you?
BTW, there are two sides to every story, just because one side is different to yours it doesn’t mean they are wrong, move on ffs, I have.
You’ve moved on!!! Are you for real? You don’t know the [zb] meaning of the phrase. All you’ve done since you got sacked is sit on this thread munching your huge bag of sour grapes and moaned non-stop.
is he not the one that didnt get started even!
How long have You been working for Van Den bosh mate?
i dont work for van den bosch, but i havent really read anything on here that would put me off working for them if i needed a job. nothing so far that hasnt been explained/answered that i would find i couldnt work around and if it was that bad i would do what anyone could do…and that is leave.




so to sum it up ,if its not for you move on. :unamused:

Surely when you move from a UK job on you would warn other potential drivers about bad or illegal working practices at the company you just left!
Seems if we criticise foreign COMPANIES we are just drama queens, or it’s sour grapes!
Ridiculous attitudes from some people on forums.

i’m sure people are having issues with uk/irish companies as well as foreign ones. whinging about not having a fridge and not being able to take one on a plane when anyone with a bit of wit would buy one in holland/europe. not being able to eat,although many blew that whinge out of the water, not getting to sleep which again people explained the solution to that, not being paid correctly although its pointed out how to use the on board computer to remedy that,using a vehicle with a dodgy tyre again pointed out that the driver shouldnt have took it in the first place then… virtually everything has seen advice and remedies from other drivers given which would help but that is not popular with the minority of men who went and failed/didnt get a start/or are so green they know no better (although they think they do). so at the end of the day its a case of move on to where you are going to be happy, (for a while at least)whether its local, distance or further afield. i think some people like to drive trucks but dont like being a truck driver for a living :unamused:

Lots of the threads on here are asking what companies are like to work for. People express their opinions about the UK/Irish ones and argue to and fro a little, BUT with foreign companies it seems it’s sacrilege to offer any criticism at all, and it’s ALWAYS the driver who can’t hack it. LOL

exactly and trust me the ones making top dollar are not doing within the law, same guys bumming up the job well if you got seven days would you not be trying to protect the company if being a lorry driver means you got to do them hours then maybe im in wrong industry. we all dont want mars bars from 7 day work to flatter our kids when we get home. some us would rather do the rest thing is what your meant to do. LAW IS MORE IMPORTANT

it does seem to be the driver that cant hack it,correct.

cant hack it? wtf are you on about/ have you not read its all about money, they want the work done they pay for it,

you ask frans if there has been any complaints about me doing the physical job or any major problems and the answer will be no, there has been minor problems which have been sorted.

but im sorry but who the {zb} is going to work for free just because thats how it is after being told you can top up your wages for doing things that aint exactly legal? if they pay the wages they get the work, but as i said the other night which i still havnt got a reply from mr van hoof, they started mixing the product because thats how they do it now what would happen if i turned round to them after soo long and said

nope dont want it till the morning now?

im pretty sure my planner would be on the phone or the computer to tell me to load that night.

and btw okey your wrong about the wages i took home £1645 this month so your estimate is way off, but granted my wages are wrong not like ill see that money anyway


Rob K:
You’ve moved on!!! Are you for real? You don’t know the [zb] meaning of the phrase. All you’ve done since you got sacked is sit on this thread munching your huge bag of sour grapes and moaned non-stop.

WOW, Phil you’ve posted more bile to go along with all your other troll posts. If YOU don’t like what I post naff off, nobody is asking you to read them or respond. Just like your bile like posts, I’m free to post what I want so ‘do one’ if ya don’t like it. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

So in actual fact you are full of [zb] and haven’t moved on at all. More grapes kid?


it does seem to be the driver that cant hack it,correct.

cant hack it? wtf are you on about/ have you not read its all about money, they want the work done they pay for it,

you ask frans if there has been any complaints about me doing the physical job or any major problems and the answer will be no, there has been minor problems which have been sorted.

but im sorry but who the {zb} is going to work for free just because thats how it is after being told you can top up your wages for doing things that aint exactly legal? if they pay the wages they get the work, but as i said the other night which i still havnt got a reply from mr van hoof, they started mixing the product because thats how they do it now what would happen if i turned round to them after soo long and said

nope dont want it till the morning now?

im pretty sure my planner would be on the phone or the computer to tell me to load that night.

and btw okey your wrong about the wages i took home £1645 this month so your estimate is way off, but granted my wages are wrong not like ill see that money anyway

Gogzy, so you handed your notice in than??
I wouldn’t want to work for free, no way.
And no I wouldn’t even have asked them to make the load ready, as you knew before how long it would take to mix the load (see you own BC message of that day)
On your salary i will dive into that on Monday and will publish here what was wrong if there was anything wrong


it does seem to be the driver that cant hack it,correct.

cant hack it? wtf are you on about/ have you not read its all about money, they want the work done they pay for it,

you ask frans if there has been any complaints about me doing the physical job or any major problems and the answer will be no, there has been minor problems which have been sorted.

but im sorry but who the {zb} is going to work for free just because thats how it is after being told you can top up your wages for doing things that aint exactly legal? if they pay the wages they get the work, but as i said the other night which i still havnt got a reply from mr van hoof, they started mixing the product because thats how they do it now what would happen if i turned round to them after soo long and said

nope dont want it till the morning now?

im pretty sure my planner would be on the phone or the computer to tell me to load that night.

and btw okey your wrong about the wages i took home £1645 this month so your estimate is way off, but granted my wages are wrong not like ill see that money anyway

Gogsy, that’s not estimate, that’s what I take home. Actually apart from the first 2 months I have not taken home less than £2100.

But I do silo road, we do more work than yous liquid boys :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:


it does seem to be the driver that cant hack it,correct.

cant hack it? wtf are you on about/ have you not read its all about money, they want the work done they pay for it,

you ask frans if there has been any complaints about me doing the physical job or any major problems and the answer will be no, there has been minor problems which have been sorted.

but im sorry but who the {zb} is going to work for free just because thats how it is after being told you can top up your wages for doing things that aint exactly legal? if they pay the wages they get the work, but as i said the other night which i still havnt got a reply from mr van hoof, they started mixing the product because thats how they do it now what would happen if i turned round to them after soo long and said

nope dont want it till the morning now?

im pretty sure my planner would be on the phone or the computer to tell me to load that night.

and btw okey your wrong about the wages i took home £1645 this month so your estimate is way off, but granted my wages are wrong not like ill see that money anyway

So are you going to shut up your whinging and crack on then, or jack it and get a job you’re happy with?


it does seem to be the driver that cant hack it,correct.

cant hack it? wtf are you on about/ have you not read its all about money, they want the work done they pay for it,

you ask frans if there has been any complaints about me doing the physical job or any major problems and the answer will be no, there has been minor problems which have been sorted.

but im sorry but who the {zb} is going to work for free just because thats how it is after being told you can top up your wages for doing things that aint exactly legal? if they pay the wages they get the work, but as i said the other night which i still havnt got a reply from mr van hoof, they started mixing the product because thats how they do it now what would happen if i turned round to them after soo long and said

nope dont want it till the morning now?

im pretty sure my planner would be on the phone or the computer to tell me to load that night.

and btw okey your wrong about the wages i took home £1645 this month so your estimate is way off, but granted my wages are wrong not like ill see that money anyway

without other peoples help you cant work out how to eat/sleep and probably drink ! head back to the uk if its that bad and take your pick off employers who will be falling over themselves to give a good man like yourself a job. could be an interesting reference from vdb…

without other peoples help you cant work out how to eat/sleep and probably drink ! head back to the uk if its that bad and take your pick off employers who will be falling over themselves to give a good man like yourself a job. could be an interesting reference from vdb…



it does seem to be the driver that cant hack it,correct.

cant hack it? wtf are you on about/ have you not read its all about money, they want the work done they pay for it,

you ask frans if there has been any complaints about me doing the physical job or any major problems and the answer will be no, there has been minor problems which have been sorted.

but im sorry but who the {zb} is going to work for free just because thats how it is after being told you can top up your wages for doing things that aint exactly legal? if they pay the wages they get the work, but as i said the other night which i still havnt got a reply from mr van hoof, they started mixing the product because thats how they do it now what would happen if i turned round to them after soo long and said

nope dont want it till the morning now?

im pretty sure my planner would be on the phone or the computer to tell me to load that night.

and btw okey your wrong about the wages i took home £1645 this month so your estimate is way off, but granted my wages are wrong not like ill see that money anyway




it does seem to be the driver that cant hack it,correct.

cant hack it? wtf are you on about/ have you not read its all about money, they want the work done they pay for it,

you ask frans if there has been any complaints about me doing the physical job or any major problems and the answer will be no, there has been minor problems which have been sorted.

but im sorry but who the {zb} is going to work for free just because thats how it is after being told you can top up your wages for doing things that aint exactly legal? if they pay the wages they get the work, but as i said the other night which i still havnt got a reply from mr van hoof, they started mixing the product because thats how they do it now what would happen if i turned round to them after soo long and said

nope dont want it till the morning now?

im pretty sure my planner would be on the phone or the computer to tell me to load that night.

and btw okey your wrong about the wages i took home £1645 this month so your estimate is way off, but granted my wages are wrong not like ill see that money anyway

Gogzy, so you handed your notice in than??
I wouldn’t want to work for free, no way.
And no I wouldn’t even have asked them to make the load ready, as you knew before how long it would take to mix the load (see you own BC message of that day)
On your salary i will dive into that on Monday and will publish here what was wrong if there was anything wrong

i never knew how long it would take because i never knew they had to mix it,



it does seem to be the driver that cant hack it,correct.

cant hack it? wtf are you on about/ have you not read its all about money, they want the work done they pay for it,

you ask frans if there has been any complaints about me doing the physical job or any major problems and the answer will be no, there has been minor problems which have been sorted.

but im sorry but who the {zb} is going to work for free just because thats how it is after being told you can top up your wages for doing things that aint exactly legal? if they pay the wages they get the work, but as i said the other night which i still havnt got a reply from mr van hoof, they started mixing the product because thats how they do it now what would happen if i turned round to them after soo long and said

nope dont want it till the morning now?

im pretty sure my planner would be on the phone or the computer to tell me to load that night.

and btw okey your wrong about the wages i took home £1645 this month so your estimate is way off, but granted my wages are wrong not like ill see that money anyway

without other peoples help you cant work out how to eat/sleep and probably drink ! head back to the uk if its that bad and take your pick off employers who will be falling over themselves to give a good man like yourself a job. could be an interesting reference from vdb…

i suggest you visit it because you aint been {zb} reading have you?




it does seem to be the driver that cant hack it,correct.

cant hack it? wtf are you on about/ have you not read its all about money, they want the work done they pay for it,

you ask frans if there has been any complaints about me doing the physical job or any major problems and the answer will be no, there has been minor problems which have been sorted.

but im sorry but who the {zb} is going to work for free just because thats how it is after being told you can top up your wages for doing things that aint exactly legal? if they pay the wages they get the work, but as i said the other night which i still havnt got a reply from mr van hoof, they started mixing the product because thats how they do it now what would happen if i turned round to them after soo long and said

nope dont want it till the morning now?

im pretty sure my planner would be on the phone or the computer to tell me to load that night.

and btw okey your wrong about the wages i took home £1645 this month so your estimate is way off, but granted my wages are wrong not like ill see that money anyway

Gogzy, so you handed your notice in than??
I wouldn’t want to work for free, no way.
And no I wouldn’t even have asked them to make the load ready, as you knew before how long it would take to mix the load (see you own BC message of that day)
On your salary i will dive into that on Monday and will publish here what was wrong if there was anything wrong

i never knew how long it would take because i never knew they had to mix it,

I will check later today on BC Communication, But you are leaving us I understand■■?

and btw okey your wrong about the wages i took home £1645 this month so your estimate is way off, but granted my wages are wrong not like ill see that money anyway

does this include or exclude the 21 nights subsistence allowance at 20 odd quid per night that you spend away from home every 3 weks





it does seem to be the driver that cant hack it,correct.

cant hack it? wtf are you on about/ have you not read its all about money, they want the work done they pay for it,

you ask frans if there has been any complaints about me doing the physical job or any major problems and the answer will be no, there has been minor problems which have been sorted.

but im sorry but who the {zb} is going to work for free just because thats how it is after being told you can top up your wages for doing things that aint exactly legal? if they pay the wages they get the work, but as i said the other night which i still havnt got a reply from mr van hoof, they started mixing the product because thats how they do it now what would happen if i turned round to them after soo long and said

nope dont want it till the morning now?

im pretty sure my planner would be on the phone or the computer to tell me to load that night.

and btw okey your wrong about the wages i took home £1645 this month so your estimate is way off, but granted my wages are wrong not like ill see that money anyway

Gogzy, so you handed your notice in than??
I wouldn’t want to work for free, no way.
And no I wouldn’t even have asked them to make the load ready, as you knew before how long it would take to mix the load (see you own BC message of that day)
On your salary i will dive into that on Monday and will publish here what was wrong if there was anything wrong

i never knew how long it would take because i never knew they had to mix it,

I will check later today on BC Communication, But you are leaving us I understand■■?

:open_mouth: gobsy been headhunted by stobarts for the second drama series then ?

and btw okey your wrong about the wages i took home £1645 this month so your estimate is way off, but granted my wages are wrong not like ill see that money anyway

does this include or exclude the 21 nights subsistence allowance at 20 odd quid per night that you spend away from home every 3 weks

includes 21 at 19.50 or something like that