Van den bosch transport

after 30 odd pages the general concensus is the majority say if you cant do/dont want to do the job just move on and stop being drama queens. get back to england and get a job driving for tesco or the like and just hold your hands up and say you weren’t cut out for euro work. :unamused:

flat to the mat:
This is very reminiscent of the ex-pat sites a few years ago after every Tom ■■■■ and Harry came to Canada then suddenly didn’t like the working conditions or expectations of the company.Shape up or ship out,we all have bad days/weeks but it’s the employees choice,they’ve hardly been press-ganged.

it seems that some want when in rome do as the british would do,or when in holland/spain/ireland/canada/australia… add appropiate country as suits. :confused:

flat to the mat/ bob the dog,
i had posted this myself a few days ago and although you say its reminiscent of those sites a few years ago i would say it still goes on.its termed as whinging poms in oz/nz, i’m sure other countries have their own way of putting it…

after 30 odd pages the general concensus is the majority say if you cant do/dont want to do the job just move on and stop being drama queens. get back to england and get a job driving for tesco or the like and just hold your hands up and say you weren’t cut out for euro work. :unamused:

As long as there are the ‘old school’ macho truckers who WANT to work for free in any country so they can brag about doing 100 hrs a week for the same money as you would get for 40hrs in a lot of regular jobs in the UK, then yes…there will still be whinging Brits who choose not to be taken for mugs. That means they made a sensible choice to pack in, NOT that they ‘aren’t cut out for it’, jeez it’s only driving a wagon FFS, we can all do that anywhere… BUT WE WANT PAYING for ALL the time we make ourselves available for the company.

It seems that some posters are too quick to take the side of the recruiters (and blindly believe them) who post on here, and who would hardly knock their own company would they?

As long as there are the ‘old school’ macho truckers who WANT to work for free in any country so they can brag about doing 100 hrs a week for the same money as you would get for 40hrs in a lot of regular jobs in the UK, then yes…there will still be whinging Brits who choose not to be taken for mugs. That means they made a sensible choice to pack in, NOT that they ‘aren’t cut out for it’, jeez it’s only driving a wagon FFS, we can all do that anywhere… BUT WE WANT PAYING for ALL the time we make ourselves available for the company.

It seems that some posters are too quick to take the side of the recruiters (and blindly believe them) who post on here, and who would hardly knock their own company would they?

Nice one, :stuck_out_tongue: get ready for the ‘flack’ :frowning:

so to sum it up ,if its not for you move on. :unamused:

FTTM, you are spot on. It is extremely similar, isn’t it.

OK, so you picked up a trailer with studs worn off, right? Why did you pick it up? Why not call maintenance and tell them you couldn’t pick it up till they fitted a new hub?

The driver with the worn tyre, why did he leave the yard or wherever without getting something done?

The manlid fastener, Gogz, did you spin it too far so it came off?

I challenge you, with your camera phone, to take pics of the terrible equipment, and the messages you send and receive. See, you have to realise that people like Lucy, Malc, me and a bunch of others, know tankwork rather well.

All this moaning still boils down to the simple fact that you either cannot or do not wish to do the job. Time to move on if that is so.

Unless martyrdom really appeals to you, that is.

Bob, that just about covers it! :stuck_out_tongue:

I wondered about the manlid fastener, in any tanker work it is important that anything in the spill trays does not end up in the tank. I picked a tank up one day and the overflows were blocked with chocolate & glucose, the previous driver had used it like that for several days, but when you washed out the water from the spinners stayed in the trays. God knows how he had not contaminated every load he had carried. It took me an a lad in SETS about 3 hours to clear the blockage. (I got paid for that 3 hours too :wink: )

mickfly, you believe what you think bud. I am not sticking up for the recruiters because I know no better. It is because I have worked for some of the biggest charlatans in haulage, both general and tankers and do know when I am onto a good thing :laughing:

Okly Dokey posted about the onboard computers and if you enter the correct information the wages are paid correctly. I hope to find some old payslips but it may be difficult as I have moved home and we binned a lot of stuff.

I don’t believe lorry driving is difficult either, but not everyone is cut out for the change of not being tucked in at night, foreign languages, food and working practices.

I enjoyed the way of working with the computer, you do not need to talk to anyone for 3 weeks, ideal for an anti social driver like myself :stuck_out_tongue:

so to sum it up ,if its not for you move on. :unamused:

Surely when you move from a UK job on you would warn other potential drivers about bad or illegal working practices at the company you just left!
Seems if we criticise foreign COMPANIES we are just drama queens, or it’s sour grapes!
Ridiculous attitudes from some people on forums.

Wheel Nut:
I don’t believe lorry driving is difficult either, but not everyone is cut out for the change of not being tucked in at night, foreign languages, food and working practices.

I’m sure that we can all adapt to “not being tucked in at night, foreign languages, food and working practices”, but what it usually boils down to is not being paid properly.

We can all put up with crap… IF the price is right.


Wheel Nut:
I don’t believe lorry driving is difficult either, but not everyone is cut out for the change of not being tucked in at night, foreign languages, food and working practices.

I’m sure that we can all adapt to “not being tucked in at night, foreign languages, food and working practices”, but what it usually boils down to is not being paid properly.

We can all put up with crap… IF the price is right.

The difference is I worked there. I worked in & out of Continental Europe for over 20 years. your mate Steve didn’t get past the starting gate and it appears it is him amongst others who have carried this thread along. I just have an alternative view, using my own experiences!

We can all use our feet if we are not happy, even the UK “recruiter” did just that, to discover like me that grass comes in many shades of green.

Take home pay is between £1900 and £2200, Just under £3000 top line.
This vis for 3 weeks work. How many jobs in the uk pay that kind of money.
A lot of uk jobs you struggle to get that for 4 weeks work!!!

At the end of 3 weeks I get flown home and spend a week at home.
Not 24 or 45 hours.

All parking is paid.
Maintenance is very good, seeing as the trailers may be going round europe for weeks on end, the trailers get dropped all over the place at depots and cleaning stations customers. But when they get back to erp all maintenance is done in house in a purpose built carroserie.

I got back to Erp last saturday with 2 tyres getting to the limit, went to fitter, 30 minutes later 2 new tyres, no ?s asked.

As for hours not being paid, they knock off 2 hours for a 15 hour day then take the breaks, I do! No come backs.

Euro work is not easy, It’s very competative, the amount of firms doing tanker work in Europe is extensive. The planners have targets as do drivers, if we want to keep our job we got make the trucks earn the money, simples.

Oh by the way, I consider myself an skool trucker, but not the macho type, I will not work for free, I will give a fair days work for a days money.
People on day rate, say £100 per day, are they getting paid for every hour? People on trip money, are they getting paid for every hour?
Drivers ho do palletline type work, are they getting a good wage?

Stop your ■■■■■■■ moaning and groaning, get on with it, if you think your being hard done by! hand in your notice and go and get another job, though I doubt you would get a much better one than this!

Gogsy, stop washing your dirty laundry here, it’s not doing you any favours, Dinost6evus, you didn’t make the grade and you were sent home, get over it! I have had plenty of dissappointments in my career, you will get other opportunitys.

There are a couple of posters on here who sounding like they can’t spit out the sour grapes. Maybe the job didn’t work out for them, maybe it was the fact that they lost hours, maybe it was their attitude to their planners.
Just please stop making out that VdB are a bunch of cowboys, there are still plenty of us out in Erp who are making it work, are happy with the pay and conditions, who think the money is good for what we do


Wheel Nut:
I don’t believe lorry driving is difficult either, but not everyone is cut out for the change of not being tucked in at night, foreign languages, food and working practices.

I’m sure that we can all adapt to “not being tucked in at night, foreign languages, food and working practices”, but what it usually boils down to is not being paid properly.

We can all put up with crap… IF the price is right.

Mickfly, all these 700 drivers who work already longer time for VdB have it wrong?? some of them work already more than 25 year for the company.
I be on a salary, I don’t get any bonusses for recruiting anybody, it cost me a lot of time if anything else.
Nobody forces anybody to sign to go there and work stupid hours.
If people starting to do their own planning and arrive hours for the booked loading/unloading time, do you think that a company would pay that? would you expect it?
It took them 7 month to decide they didn’t get paid properly■■?
While they are paid by the UK company, they didn’t raise any complain, or started a legal case??

Mickfly I am sorry, but get real


so to sum it up ,if its not for you move on. :unamused:

Surely when you move from a UK job on you would warn other potential drivers about bad or illegal working practices at the company you just left!
Seems if we criticise foreign COMPANIES we are just drama queens, or it’s sour grapes!
Ridiculous attitudes from some people on forums.

i’m sure people are having issues with uk/irish companies as well as foreign ones. whinging about not having a fridge and not being able to take one on a plane when anyone with a bit of wit would buy one in holland/europe. not being able to eat,although many blew that whinge out of the water, not getting to sleep which again people explained the solution to that, not being paid correctly although its pointed out how to use the on board computer to remedy that,using a vehicle with a dodgy tyre again pointed out that the driver shouldnt have took it in the first place then… virtually everything has seen advice and remedies from other drivers given which would help but that is not popular with the minority of men who went and failed/didnt get a start/or are so green they know no better (although they think they do). so at the end of the day its a case of move on to where you are going to be happy, (for a while at least)whether its local, distance or further afield. i think some people like to drive trucks but dont like being a truck driver for a living :unamused:


As long as there are the ‘old school’ macho truckers who WANT to work for free in any country so they can brag about doing 100 hrs a week for the same money as you would get for 40hrs in a lot of regular jobs in the UK, then yes…there will still be whinging Brits who choose not to be taken for mugs. That means they made a sensible choice to pack in, NOT that they ‘aren’t cut out for it’, jeez it’s only driving a wagon FFS, we can all do that anywhere… BUT WE WANT PAYING for ALL the time we make ourselves available for the company.

It seems that some posters are too quick to take the side of the recruiters (and blindly believe them) who post on here, and who would hardly knock their own company would they?

Nice one, :stuck_out_tongue: get ready for the ‘flack’ :frowning:

cool thats a great answer some of us could have done longer but not for free or handing back £300+ every trip, and in response to wheel stud issue the nuts were slack to excess and just needed tightened but this wheel had been of and not been torqued wheel key fixed it.
you will get backlash mickfly from the but suckers for your post.

Wheel Nut:
The difference is I worked there. I worked in & out of Continental Europe for over 20 years. your mate Steve didn’t get past the starting gate and it appears it is him amongst others who have carried this thread along. I just have an alternative view, using my own experiences!

We can all use our feet if we are not happy, even the UK “recruiter” did just that, to discover like me that grass comes in many shades of green.

Wrong. :unamused: :unamused: Doh :confused:
You just don’t give up do ya, you and your best buddy are keeping this thread going with your constant ‘When I’s’ and put down of other Members that don’t see things how you both want them to see it.

So what if I didn’t get the job, I was lucky it seems, if the Staff are all back stabbers like I’ve been reading then maybe my luck has changed. I went and gave it a shot, it wasn’t meant to be but I’ve moved on. Why can’t you?

BTW, there are two sides to every story, just because one side is different to yours it doesn’t mean they are wrong, move on ffs, I have.



so to sum it up ,if its not for you move on. :unamused:

Surely when you move from a UK job on you would warn other potential drivers about bad or illegal working practices at the company you just left!
Seems if we criticise foreign COMPANIES we are just drama queens, or it’s sour grapes!
Ridiculous attitudes from some people on forums.

i’m sure people are having issues with uk/irish companies as well as foreign ones. whinging about not having a fridge and not being able to take one on a plane when anyone with a bit of wit would buy one in holland/europe. not being able to eat,although many blew that whinge out of the water, not getting to sleep which again people explained the solution to that, not being paid correctly although its pointed out how to use the on board computer to remedy that,using a vehicle with a dodgy tyre again pointed out that the driver shouldnt have took it in the first place then… virtually everything has seen advice and remedies from other drivers given which would help but that is not popular with the minority of men who went and failed/didnt get a start/or are so green they know no better (although they think they do). so at the end of the day its a case of move on to where you are going to be happy, (for a while at least)whether its local, distance or further afield. i think some people like to drive trucks but dont like being a truck driver for a living :unamused:

Lots of the threads on here are asking what companies are like to work for. People express their opinions about the UK/Irish ones and argue to and fro a little, BUT with foreign companies it seems it’s sacrilege to offer any criticism at all, and it’s ALWAYS the driver who can’t hack it. LOL


Wheel Nut:
The difference is I worked there. I worked in & out of Continental Europe for over 20 years. your mate Steve didn’t get past the starting gate and it appears it is him amongst others who have carried this thread along. I just have an alternative view, using my own experiences!

We can all use our feet if we are not happy, even the UK “recruiter” did just that, to discover like me that grass comes in many shades of green.

Wrong. :unamused: :unamused: Doh :confused:
You just don’t give up do ya, you and your best buddy are keeping this thread going with your constant ‘When I’s’ and put down of other Members that don’t see things how you both want them to see it.

So what if I didn’t get the job, I was lucky it seems, if the Staff are all back stabbers like I’ve been reading then maybe my luck has changed. I went and gave it a shot, it wasn’t meant to be but I’ve moved on[/b]. Why can’t you?
BTW, there are two sides to every story, just because one side is different to yours it doesn’t mean they are wrong, move on ffs, I have.
You’ve moved on!!! Are you for real? You don’t know the [zb] meaning of the phrase. All you’ve done since you got sacked is sit on this thread munching your huge bag of sour grapes and moaned non-stop.

it does seem to be the driver that cant hack it,correct.

Rob K:


Wheel Nut:
The difference is I worked there. I worked in & out of Continental Europe for over 20 years. your mate Steve didn’t get past the starting gate and it appears it is him amongst others who have carried this thread along. I just have an alternative view, using my own experiences!

We can all use our feet if we are not happy, even the UK “recruiter” did just that, to discover like me that grass comes in many shades of green.

Wrong. :unamused: :unamused: Doh :confused:
You just don’t give up do ya, you and your best buddy are keeping this thread going with your constant ‘When I’s’ and put down of other Members that don’t see things how you both want them to see it.

So what if I didn’t get the job, I was lucky it seems, if the Staff are all back stabbers like I’ve been reading then maybe my luck has changed. I went and gave it a shot, it wasn’t meant to be but I’ve moved on[/b]. Why can’t you?
BTW, there are two sides to every story, just because one side is different to yours it doesn’t mean they are wrong, move on ffs, I have.
You’ve moved on!!! Are you for real? You don’t know the [zb] meaning of the phrase. All you’ve done since you got sacked is sit on this thread munching your huge bag of sour grapes and moaned non-stop.
is he not the one that didnt get started even!

Rob K:
You’ve moved on!!! Are you for real? You don’t know the [zb] meaning of the phrase. All you’ve done since you got sacked is sit on this thread munching your huge bag of sour grapes and moaned non-stop.

WOW, Phil you’ve posted more bile to go along with all your other troll posts. If YOU don’t like what I post naff off, nobody is asking you to read them or respond. Just like your bile like posts, I’m free to post what I want so ‘do one’ if ya don’t like it. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Rob K:


Wheel Nut:
The difference is I worked there. I worked in & out of Continental Europe for over 20 years. your mate Steve didn’t get past the starting gate and it appears it is him amongst others who have carried this thread along. I just have an alternative view, using my own experiences!

We can all use our feet if we are not happy, even the UK “recruiter” did just that, to discover like me that grass comes in many shades of green.

Wrong. :unamused: :unamused: Doh :confused:
You just don’t give up do ya, you and your best buddy are keeping this thread going with your constant ‘When I’s’ and put down of other Members that don’t see things how you both want them to see it.

So what if I didn’t get the job, I was lucky it seems, if the Staff are all back stabbers like I’ve been reading then maybe my luck has changed. I went and gave it a shot, it wasn’t meant to be but I’ve moved on[/b]. Why can’t you?
BTW, there are two sides to every story, just because one side is different to yours it doesn’t mean they are wrong, move on ffs, I have.
You’ve moved on!!! Are you for real? You don’t know the [zb] meaning of the phrase. All you’ve done since you got sacked is sit on this thread munching your huge bag of sour grapes and moaned non-stop.
is he not the one that didnt get started even!
How long have You been working for Van Den bosh mate?