Van den bosch transport



Hurrah :laughing: :laughing: Merc0447 has taken the ‘soap opera’ onto page 30. if anybody remembers the short lived ‘Truckers’ drama from 1987 :question: :question: this thread has beat it hands down :laughing: :laughing:

Dave Penn;

Can somebody introduce the cast in this on going soap, Constipation street will be outmarked;
Moanique playd by …WheelNut… ■■
Simoane played by …Okley Didley Dokley…■■
Ben Ullshitter:… Frans Van Hoof aka Caledonian Dream
William Anker …Thijs Groenmann…■■

Etc Etc
haha :laughing: :laughing:

Who need Beast Enders :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Hold on a minute, when guy’s complain about working over 15 hours which they don’t get paid for, they get shot down for not adapting to the " DUTCH " way ( whatever the ■■■■ that is ) , barely or not really legal ? Then somebody else tells of a bald tyre and having to pay for the pleasure of running back to base to get it changed. This is followed by an assurance that the equipment is serviced to " a good state of maintenance ", Is this the " DUTCH " good state of maintenance then ?

Rob K:

i talked to a english vdb driver the other week over the water. he showed me what tread was left on the drive tyres. he had reported it to the planner who told him he could come back to base to have them replaced BUT he can pay for the diesel.

:open_mouth: What a cowboy outfit !!! Someone should shut them down !!!

no six weekly checks like here lot of stuff broken or not working properly to :wink:

like i said in the post, im only stating what the driver told me, it may be bull and im only stating what i saw. the driver did not mention the workshop or the fact he had called them. i talked to the driver at henkels in dusselldorf ad he was worried about being pulled by BAG. We all have worked for firms that we think are the worst company in the world. i for one laugh when i read on here about a company i worked for, planner i mostly worked with was a tool, i lasted 9 months then left moral being if its not for you, its not for you.

Hold on a minute, when guy’s complain about working over 15 hours which they don’t get paid for, they get shot down for not adapting to the " DUTCH " way ( whatever the [zb] that is ) , barely or not really legal ? Then somebody else tells of a bald tyre and having to pay for the pleasure of running back to base to get it changed. This is followed by an assurance that the equipment is serviced to " a good state of maintenance ", Is this the " DUTCH " good state of maintenance then ?

Alright Pete, still on the Hiab placing beams?

I don’t know the whole story, if the driver has left the yard without checking his vehicle.
Or that the profile just rained of that day, or that he worked that hard (25 hours a day 7 days a week,and no time for a ■■■■) that he used a tyre.
Anyway if he picked it up with a bald tyre, not from the yard but somewhere else, why did he move and did not demand a new tyre.

I don’t know (yet) you don’t know, anybody’s guess will do.
People who work on the continent realise that the maintenance is up a high standard, because equipment does not come in the workshop every six weeks.
so it has to last much longer, than six weeks,
But you are relying on the drivers to properly report, there is no requirement for “check sheets” but by law is the driver responsible for his vehicle.


Hold on a minute, when guy’s complain about working over 15 hours which they don’t get paid for, they get shot down for not adapting to the " DUTCH " way ( whatever the [zb] that is ) , barely or not really legal ? Then somebody else tells of a bald tyre and having to pay for the pleasure of running back to base to get it changed. This is followed by an assurance that the equipment is serviced to " a good state of maintenance ", Is this the " DUTCH " good state of maintenance then ?

Alright Pete, still on the Hiab placing beams?

I don’t know the whole story, if the driver has left the yard without checking his vehicle.
Or that the profile just rained of that day, or that he worked that hard (25 hours a day 7 days a week,and no time for a [zb]) that he used a tyre.
Anyway if he picked it up with a bald tyre, not from the yard but somewhere else, why did he move and did not demand a new tyre.

I don’t know (yet) you don’t know, anybody’s guess will do.
People who work on the continent realise that the maintenance is up a high standard, because equipment does not come in the workshop every six weeks.
so it has to last much longer, than six weeks,
But you are relying on the drivers to properly report, there is no requirement for “check sheets” but by law is the driver responsible for his vehicle.

Never been on hiab’s pal, I agree with you that the driver should never have lifted the trailer tho. Personally, I don’t give a toss if your new guys work 25 hr days :confused: , more fool them for putting up with it. Surely the company must share some responsibility regarding the condition of the equipment :open_mouth:



Hold on a minute, when guy’s complain about working over 15 hours which they don’t get paid for, they get shot down for not adapting to the " DUTCH " way ( whatever the [zb] that is ) , barely or not really legal ? Then somebody else tells of a bald tyre and having to pay for the pleasure of running back to base to get it changed. This is followed by an assurance that the equipment is serviced to " a good state of maintenance ", Is this the " DUTCH " good state of maintenance then ?

Alright Pete, still on the Hiab placing beams?

I don’t know the whole story, if the driver has left the yard without checking his vehicle.
Or that the profile just rained of that day, or that he worked that hard (25 hours a day 7 days a week,and no time for a [zb]) that he used a tyre.
Anyway if he picked it up with a bald tyre, not from the yard but somewhere else, why did he move and did not demand a new tyre.

I don’t know (yet) you don’t know, anybody’s guess will do.
People who work on the continent realise that the maintenance is up a high standard, because equipment does not come in the workshop every six weeks.
so it has to last much longer, than six weeks,
But you are relying on the drivers to properly report, there is no requirement for “check sheets” but by law is the driver responsible for his vehicle.

Never been on hiab’s pal, I agree with you that the driver should never have lifted the trailer tho. Personally, I don’t give a toss if your new guys work 25 hr days :confused: , more fool them for putting up with it. Surely the company must share some responsibility regarding the condition of the equipment :open_mouth:

Pete we met in person, I remember it, did you not do something with placing beams??

I remember it because you have the same accent as my missus, but she is from the Gorbals and I think you came from the other site of town




Hold on a minute, when guy’s complain about working over 15 hours which they don’t get paid for, they get shot down for not adapting to the " DUTCH " way ( whatever the [zb] that is ) , barely or not really legal ? Then somebody else tells of a bald tyre and having to pay for the pleasure of running back to base to get it changed. This is followed by an assurance that the equipment is serviced to " a good state of maintenance ", Is this the " DUTCH " good state of maintenance then ?

Alright Pete, still on the Hiab placing beams?

I don’t know the whole story, if the driver has left the yard without checking his vehicle.
Or that the profile just rained of that day, or that he worked that hard (25 hours a day 7 days a week,and no time for a [zb]) that he used a tyre.
Anyway if he picked it up with a bald tyre, not from the yard but somewhere else, why did he move and did not demand a new tyre.

I don’t know (yet) you don’t know, anybody’s guess will do.
People who work on the continent realise that the maintenance is up a high standard, because equipment does not come in the workshop every six weeks.
so it has to last much longer, than six weeks,
But you are relying on the drivers to properly report, there is no requirement for “check sheets” but by law is the driver responsible for his vehicle.

Never been on hiab’s pal, I agree with you that the driver should never have lifted the trailer tho. Personally, I don’t give a toss if your new guys work 25 hr days :confused: , more fool them for putting up with it. Surely the company must share some responsibility regarding the condition of the equipment :open_mouth:

Pete we met in person, I remember it, did you not do something with placing beams??

I remember it because you have the same accent as my missus, but she is from the Gorbals and I think you came from the other site of town

No fraid not, but if your mrs is from the Gorbals you win :laughing:

Hold on a minute, when guy’s complain about working over 15 hours which they don’t get paid for, they get shot down for not adapting to the " DUTCH " way ( whatever the [zb] that is ) , barely or not really legal ? Then somebody else tells of a bald tyre and having to pay for the pleasure of running back to base to get it changed. This is followed by an assurance that the equipment is serviced to " a good state of maintenance ", Is this the " DUTCH " good state of maintenance then ?

I do believe that is absolutely true . When i had put my notice in the whole of the last week i tried to organise an extra bag for my return to uk many problems and lack of help from planner. (same help as my colleage week before when he was leaving, his mum had to fix it my missus mine) . then i told planner on my last friday id return to base a.m to sort flight luggage details, to be told by planner IF YOU RETURN YOU WILL PAY DIESEL FROM DUSSELDORF TO ERP AND PRICE OF REDISTRIBUTION OF 2 LOADS THAT WERE PLANNING FOR YOUR WORK TOMORROW now remember im in strange land only wanting to guarantee all bags and belongings are going home with me so these threats are normal in “orange land” its just we aint polish , hungarian, or east of berlin, were brits and will not tolerate short changing or threats of this nature around work issues. and maintenance was always last priority many trailers taped up stuff loads of things falling of or no working correctly needing attention tied with string i even had a trailer i picked up with wheel nuts hanging of the studs and wheel about to fall of. :slight_smile:


Hold on a minute, when guy’s complain about working over 15 hours which they don’t get paid for, they get shot down for not adapting to the " DUTCH " way ( whatever the [zb] that is ) , barely or not really legal ? Then somebody else tells of a bald tyre and having to pay for the pleasure of running back to base to get it changed. This is followed by an assurance that the equipment is serviced to " a good state of maintenance ", Is this the " DUTCH " good state of maintenance then ?

I do believe that is absolutely true . When i had put my notice in the whole of the last week i tried to organise an extra bag for my return to uk many problems and lack of help from planner. (same help as my colleage week before when he was leaving, his mum had to fix it my missus mine) . then i told planner on my last friday id return to base a.m to sort flight luggage details, to be told by planner IF YOU RETURN YOU WILL PAY DIESEL FROM DUSSELDORF TO ERP AND PRICE OF REDISTRIBUTION OF 2 LOADS THAT WERE PLANNING FOR YOUR WORK TOMORROW now remember im in strange land only wanting to guarantee all bags and belongings are going home with me so these threats are normal in “orange land” its just we aint polish , hungarian, or east of berlin, were brits and will not tolerate short changing or threats of this nature around work issues. and maintenance was always last priority many trailers taped up stuff loads of things falling of or no working correctly needing attention tied with string i even had a trailer i picked up with wheel nuts hanging of the studs and wheel about to fall of. :slight_smile:

Come on Gary they give you superglue and gaffer tape, :grimacing: :grimacing:

I had To lend a hungarian a wheel brace to tighten the nuts on his trailer, I then saw the wheel and the nuts/bolts had misshapen the holes yet was still expected to load by his planner,

Tielt is a dive

Hmm, mention Krystle & dive in the same sentence. I cope with it again :laughing:

Wheel Nut:

Tielt is a dive

Hmm, mention Krystle & dive in the same sentence. I cope with it again :laughing:

Nah ur alrite, I’d rather have my 45 hour break in Brake than spend anymore time in tielt

Lucy you have only commented on 1 person namely Gogzy so you have 10 years experience or so on him

I’ve made comments aimed more generally as well. I’ve picked Gogz up on some specifics because he has posted some very naive stuff, but the bits about the industry in general were aimed at all concerned.

, I have 12 years experience on you does that mean I can put you down and criticize you?

If I spout crap, then yes, carry on. How else will I learn?

I had To lend a hungarian a wheel brace to tighten the nuts on his trailer, I then saw the wheel and the nuts/bolts had misshapen the holes yet was still expected to load by his planner,

There was a knackered wheel & tyre in the training room like that and part of our training was to avoid it happening again, that and the suspension and braking system models.

But do these vehicles really look like they are badly maintained and abused?

I have just had 663 for the last 2 weeks.

On Thursday I had a manhole fastener come off and fall into the tank. I’m pretty sure I’m not meant to climb into the tank?

This is very reminiscent of the ex-pat sites a few years ago after every Tom ■■■■ and Harry came to Canada then suddenly didn’t like the working conditions or expectations of the company.Shape up or ship out,we all have bad days/weeks but it’s the employees choice,they’ve hardly been press-ganged.

FTTM, you are spot on. It is extremely similar, isn’t it.

OK, so you picked up a trailer with studs worn off, right? Why did you pick it up? Why not call maintenance and tell them you couldn’t pick it up till they fitted a new hub?

The driver with the worn tyre, why did he leave the yard or wherever without getting something done?

The manlid fastener, Gogz, did you spin it too far so it came off?

I challenge you, with your camera phone, to take pics of the terrible equipment, and the messages you send and receive. See, you have to realise that people like Lucy, Malc, me and a bunch of others, know tankwork rather well.

All this moaning still boils down to the simple fact that you either cannot or do not wish to do the job. Time to move on if that is so.

Unless martyrdom really appeals to you, that is.

Nein das ist falsh, da sind 130 fahrer mit die name Andreas und 150 mit die name Marcus :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Nein das ist falsch, da sind 130 Fahrer mit dem Namen Andreas und 150 mit dem Namen Marcus

The preposition “mit” requires the use of the dative in German.
“Name” ist masculine (der Name), hence “dem Namen” (with the extra “n” to agree with the dative) following “mit” :wink:

Now write it out a hundred times before sunrise, or I’ll cut yer balls off :laughing: :laughing:

And surely “es gibt” would be more grammatically correct than “da sind”■■?

:grimacing: :grimacing:

I thought “dem” was possessive, not dative… :confused: :confused: