Van den bosch transport

Does anyone know if the bookies are taking bets on how long certain uk drivers will last at a certain dutch tanker company? I fancy a little flutter. :stuck_out_tongue:

Rob K:
Does anyone know if the bookies are taking bets on how long certain uk drivers will last at a certain dutch tanker company? I fancy a little flutter. :stuck_out_tongue:

coming from the man who finds the A702 difficult


Rob K:
Does anyone know if the bookies are taking bets on how long certain uk drivers will last at a certain dutch tanker company? I fancy a little flutter. :stuck_out_tongue:

coming from the man who finds the A702 difficult

Gogz, Frans knows who you are on this forum, I’m pretty sure that other VdB hierachy are aware of it too, whilst you’re not slagging them off per se, you ain’t gonna be doing yourself any favours posting on here, yeah it’s a free world, but seeing as it’s VdB’s hand that is feeding you, it may be a good idea not to bite too hard :bulb:

Hi i don’t wanna fuel the fire more here but as FRans said nobody has forced anyone to work for VdB and we all know what truck driving is and can be like weather it be down to traffic tipping or loading it’s a game of two halfes you gotta take the rough with the smooth weather it’s a uk job or over seas, following my point people shouldn’t moan about it as it was their choice to take the job on in the first place, I know if I got a job there I would just get on with it and not moan as the just creates Hatred and stress and that’s not a good way to work, just my opinion on the topic happy trucking guys :slight_smile:

And did I not tell you at the interview that “Van den Bosch” is not your mother, and that we are not telling you when to eat, sleep, go to the toilet, put your jim-jammies and your Teddybear ready■■?

Your a big boy now, and they can make their own decission when to eat, or be organised enough to be able to eat.

What do expect that the catering service turns up at 12:00, build up a tent , set the table, and serve you a four course meal? small monte ■■■■■ and and espresso after??

You are very craft Frans, turning your very own humongous job advert on here with the help of ‘when I’s’ into any direction you want.
I went to an interview and you tell the candidates what they want to hear and you are liberal with the truth.
I know who I believe in this thread.

“Bring it on”, as if I give a toss :smiley: :smiley:

BTW, the saying is “bohica” :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

NO disrespect to the ‘When I’s’, but you are so full on in this thread, give the 'wanna be’s a chance. :unamused:

Rob K:
Does anyone know if the bookies are taking bets on how long certain uk drivers will last at a certain dutch tanker company? I fancy a little flutter. :stuck_out_tongue:

LOL :laughing: :laughing: I’m with you on this RobK :exclamation: :exclamation: :wink: This thread has been a bloody soap opera, you just couldn’t make it up :unamused: before the internet it would have been cafe & canteen bullsxxx :laughing: Now it’s all out in an open public forum :unamused: :unamused: Methinks someone is talking themselves out of their job :astonished: :astonished:
Making a back door as we used to call it :exclamation: :exclamation: :wink:

Dave Penn;

Steve or did you listen to what you wanted to hear■■ :cry: :cry:

It’s a slight difference but still important: mrgreen: :grimacing:

Also I’ am still waiting for the pictures of:

  • the gun we hold to the applicants head when they sign the contract
  • The whip we use if they don’t drive 24/7 and stop for a break
  • The gallows we use when you complain
  • The chain where the driver are linked to the truck with so they cannot walk away until after 3 weeks the planner undo the lock and let them out of their jail.

There are approx 280 German drivers working with the same contract, the same pay and the same working conditions (admitted not the FM’s) but further equal, most of them are already a couple of years there.
Nobody ask anybody to stay, nobody forces anybody to do anything, the driver is in control, he holds the ignition key and he can switch it of when he need a break, something to eat, do a number 1 or 2, whatever.
I have said to every applicant and even to yourself: “We are not your Mother” we won’t hold you by the hand, don’t drag you back to your truck, but we expect that grown up man can make that decision when he want to eat, sleep, do a rukkie, and whatever he wants to do.
We have no device that immediately strangles the driver if he tries to stop for a break.
We expect that the job get done, but many people are their worst enemy their selves, leave to early to load, arrive somewhere to early, load not ready and complain than that they have to wait and the company wouldn’t pay al your waiting.
They would have paid when you where on time, but if you run on your own back, take the consequences and don’t moan about it.
I have done it, many more have, sometimes we where lucky, sometimes we shoot ourselves in the foot, but…we only blamed ourselves!!

Harry Monk:

Nah, not me. Reading this thread I had a VERY lucky escape :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Steve or did you listen to what you wanted to hear■■ :cry: :cry:
I have done it, many more have, sometimes we where lucky, sometimes we should ourselves in the foot, but…we only blamed ourselves!!

See, trying to turn this your way. I know what I heard and I know what YOU said. Are you calling me a liar? :confused: :confused:



Rob K:
Does anyone know if the bookies are taking bets on how long certain uk drivers will last at a certain dutch tanker company? I fancy a little flutter. :stuck_out_tongue:

coming from the man who finds the A702 difficult

Gogz, Frans knows who you are on this forum, I’m pretty sure that other VdB hierachy are aware of it too, whilst you’re not slagging them off per se, you ain’t gonna be doing yourself any favours posting on here, yeah it’s a free world, but seeing as it’s VdB’s hand that is feeding you, it may be a good idea not to bite too hard :bulb:

You know Newmercman, my missus is from Scotland, when we go on Holiday (which she books) to Fuertaventura after a couple of day she gets home sick.
At that point the hotel is ■■■■, the food is rotten, she wonders why she didn’t go to Burnt Island (20 miles op the road from us) she hates the sun, al togehter one big moan, that takes about 24-36 hours.
After that the holiday is alright and she will book the same hotel for next year, because the Holiday was great :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

But her indoors will never admit that she is home sick, it’s everything around her what is wrong, after being in Brittain and with my missus for 13 years I get used to it.

And my saying will always be if you don’t like it, or it is that bad, why don’t you go away■■?

I wouldn’t want to work for a company that is that bad, and where i have so much to moan about, me■■? Not me no way.

But we have UK drivers working already 6 years for us and still moan, but they don’t want to leave…I don’t get it :grimacing:


Steve or did you listen to what you wanted to hear■■ :cry: :cry:
I have done it, many more have, sometimes we where lucky, sometimes we should ourselves in the foot, but…we only blamed ourselves!!

See, trying to turn this your way. I know what I heard and I know what YOU said. Are you calling me a liar? :confused: :confused:

I don’t call you a liar for the reason that I don’t know you well enough, and I don’t have any opnion about people I don’t know well enough :grimacing: :grimacing:

I don’t throw opnions about people around if I don’t have the back up in person for that, I don’t do hear say, or read it somewhere.

If I give a opnion about anything or anybody, I do that from a well informed position, and I will be able to back up my claim

I went to Florida for a Holiday a few years back, absolutely hated the flight, so little room, so cramped and I wished we hadn’t bothered, but once we’d landed and we started doing stuff it was great. Nice people, great food and just what we needed. :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t call you a liar for the reason that I don’t know you well enough, and I don’t have any opnion about people I don’t know well enough :grimacing: :grimacing:

I don’t throw opnions about people around if I don’t have the back up in person for that, I don’t do hear say, or read it somewhere.

If I give a opnion about anything or anybody, I do that from a well informed position, and I will be able to back up my claim

errrrr what :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

Hey people, you dont know how lucky you are to be given these jobs. If someone told me right now, I had to shovel ■■■■ onto a back of a lorry and then drive somewhere and shovel it off again. I’d say “where’s the keys” anything to get on the ladder of experience. :slight_smile:

Hey people, you dont know how lucky you are to be given these jobs. If someone told me right now, I had to shovel [zb] onto a back of a lorry and then drive somewhere and shovel it off again. I’d say “where’s the keys” anything to get on the ladder of experience. :slight_smile:

What happened to the 'Montgomery job? I know it was only Rigids but still :confused: :confused: :confused:


Hey people, you dont know how lucky you are to be given these jobs. If someone told me right now, I had to shovel [zb] onto a back of a lorry and then drive somewhere and shovel it off again. I’d say “where’s the keys” anything to get on the ladder of experience. :slight_smile:

What happened to the 'Montgomery job? I know it was only Rigids but still :confused: :confused: :confused:

Lasted 2 weeks mate. I got out 3 times on my own, and then they told me “I had great attitude but was too slow at the deliveries.” :blush: So after leaving my previous job of 7 years for that, I’m on the unemployed scrapheap with probably less chance of getting a start.

Lasted 2 weeks mate. I got out 3 times on my own, and then they told me “I had great attitude but was too slow at the deliveries.” :blush: So after leaving my previous job of 7 years for that, I’m on the unemployed scrapheap with probably less chance of getting a start.

Crap, sorry to hear that. :angry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
‘Speed’ comes with time and experience, surely they must realize this. :confused: :confused: :confused:

Harry Monk:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Rob K:
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

WOW, Phil another useful contribution. Is there no end to your talent :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: