Van den bosch transport

Crap, sorry to hear that. :angry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
‘Speed’ comes with time and experience, surely they must realize this. :confused: :confused: :confused:
Well that’s what I wouldv’e thought, but I’m trying to remain positive and see at as their loss. They could’ve had a hard working employee that doesn’t complain (too much). :smiley:



Steve or did you listen to what you wanted to hear■■ :cry: :cry:
I have done it, many more have, sometimes we where lucky, sometimes we should ourselves in the foot, but…we only blamed ourselves!!

See, trying to turn this your way. I know what I heard and I know what YOU said. Are you calling me a liar? :confused: :confused:

I don’t call you a liar for the reason that I don’t know you well enough, and I don’t have any opnion about people I don’t know well enough :grimacing: :grimacing:

I don’t throw opnions about people around if I don’t have the back up in person for that, I don’t do hear say, or read it somewhere.

If I give a opnion about anything or anybody, I do that from a well informed position, and I will be able to back up my claim

Frans just ignore this kid. He starts crying and lashes out an ANYONE that doesn’t agree with him. Just check his post history. You can expect him to call you a “troll” and a “bully” next :unamused: .

Rob K:
Frans just ignore this kid. He starts crying and lashes out an ANYONE that doesn’t agree with him. Just check his post history. You can expect him to call you a “troll” and a “bully” next :unamused: .

There are approx 280 German drivers working with the same contract, the same pay and the same working conditions (admitted not the FM’s) but further equal, most of them are already a couple of years there.

And they are all called Andreas :stuck_out_tongue:

We expect that the job get done, but many people are their worst enemy their selves, leave to early to load, arrive somewhere to early, load not ready and complain than that they have to wait and the company wouldn’t pay al your waiting.
They would have paid when you where on time, but if you run on your own back, take the consequences and don’t moan about it.
I have done it, many more have, sometimes we where lucky, sometimes we shoot ourselves in the foot, but…we only blamed ourselves!!

Aint that the bloody truth? :blush:

Wheel Nut:

There are approx 280 German drivers working with the same contract, the same pay and the same working conditions (admitted not the FM’s) but further equal, most of them are already a couple of years there.

And they are all called Andreas :stuck_out_tongue:

We expect that the job get done, but many people are their worst enemy their selves, leave to early to load, arrive somewhere to early, load not ready and complain than that they have to wait and the company wouldn’t pay al your waiting.
They would have paid when you where on time, but if you run on your own back, take the consequences and don’t moan about it.
I have done it, many more have, sometimes we where lucky, sometimes we shoot ourselves in the foot, but…we only blamed ourselves!!

Aint that the bloody truth? :blush:

Nein das ist falsh, da sind 130 fahrer mit die name Andreas und 150 mit die name Marcus :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Harry Monk:

Nah, not me. Reading this thread I had a VERY lucky escape :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

oh ye defo :unamused: :smiley:

Nein das ist falsh, da sind 130 fahrer mit die name Andreas und 150 mit die name Marcus :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:stuck_out_tongue: :laughing:

Wheel Nut:

Nein das ist falsh, da sind 130 fahrer mit die name Andreas und 150 mit die name Marcus :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:stuck_out_tongue: :laughing:

Just took a new one his name is Herman

…Herman the German :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

coming from the man who finds the A702 difficult

:open_mouth: :open_mouth:
Yer man Rob cannot have read that. If I,d said it,–and I was going to at the first opportunity ):stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: ,-- he,d have fired all sorts of sarcasm at me. :laughing: :laughing: I,ve quoted it so that you get the hair dryer treatment instead :wink: :wink:

I do not know if you have read this quote below Gogzy, but if I was you, I,d be taking note of it. I,ve been wondering from the start of this, “Put the boot into VDB” thread , when these words of sound advice were going to be posted.Just in case you missed them, here they are again. :wink: :wink:

Gogz, Frans knows who you are on this forum, I’m pretty sure that other VdB hierachy are aware of it too, whilst you’re not slagging them off per se, you ain’t gonna be doing yourself any favours posting on here, yeah it’s a free world, but seeing as it’s VdB’s hand that is feeding you, it may be a good idea not to bite too hard :bulb:


coming from the man who finds the A702 difficult

:open_mouth: :open_mouth:
Yer man Rob cannot have read that. If I,d said it,–and I was going to at the first opportunity ):stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: ,-- he,d have fired all sorts of sarcasm at me. :laughing: :laughing: I,ve quoted it so that you get the hair dryer treatment instead :wink: :wink:

I do not know if you have read this quote below Gogzy, but if I was you, I,d be taking note of it. I,ve been wondering from the start of this, “Put the boot into VDB” thread , when these words of sound advice were going to be posted.Just in case you missed them, here they are again. :wink: :wink:

Gogz, Frans knows who you are on this forum, I’m pretty sure that other VdB hierachy are aware of it too, whilst you’re not slagging them off per se, you ain’t gonna be doing yourself any favours posting on here, yeah it’s a free world, but seeing as it’s VdB’s hand that is feeding you, it may be a good idea not to bite too hard :bulb:

Good advice, like Twitter, Linkedin and Facebook, you never know who is following you :wink:

I just don’t understand where this is all going, it’s interesting to read but somehow no end is in sight.
Might I suggest that VdB take a good look at themselves and sort themselves out, I mean they are recruiting in the UK because they know that the Brit drivers are the best in Europe and need to be treated that way.
They’ve got drivers who have worked on the Rock n Roll tours with Transam and drivers who were willing to drive to Erp in their own cars at their own expense so surely they must be able to see that the Brit drivers are the best in Europe and need to be treated as such.
they shouldn’t have to drive FM’s they should have Globetrotters at the very minimum if not FH16’s or Scania V8 toplines to which their status deserves and should be paid more than our other fellow europeans while they’re at it.
Don’t forget if it wasn’t for us Brits the whole of Europe would just grind to a halt and should be paid and treated accordingly.

now where is that sarcastic smiley i’ve been asking for

I just don’t understand where this is all going, it’s interesting to read but somehow no end is in sight.
Might I suggest that VdB take a good look at themselves and sort themselves out, I mean they are recruiting in the UK because they know that the Brit drivers are the best in Europe and need to be treated that way.
They’ve got drivers who have worked on the Rock n Roll tours with Transam and drivers who were willing to drive to Erp in their own cars at their own expense so surely they must be able to see that the Brit drivers are the best in Europe and need to be treated as such.
they shouldn’t have to drive FM’s they should have Globetrotters at the very minimum if not FH16’s or Scania V8 toplines to which their status deserves and should be paid more than our other fellow europeans while they’re at it.
Don’t forget if it wasn’t for us Brits the whole of Europe would just grind to a halt and should be paid and treated accordingly.

now where is that sarcastic smiley i’ve been asking for

Well WBinSpain, I’ve never been able to find that smiley your looking for either :laughing: :laughing: :wink: and the crux of the problem is that there are loads of Brit driver’s around who actually believe that [zb] about themselves :exclamation: :exclamation: :unamused: :laughing: :laughing:

Dave Penn;

After trawling through these posts and watching the too-ing and frow-ing of the various arguments the really clear thing seems to be that some people will never make the grade as a “continental” truck driver all the time they have a hole in their collective backsides, no matter who you are working for. You may want to be able to say that that is what you do for a job but when it comes down to it you just cant hack it!
You work for a dutch company so you do things the dutch way, its not rocket science!!!

Anyway,what exactly did you expect to be doing for your 3 weeks away??..a little site seeing around the tourist trails?..maybe a few days parked up on the beach somewhere in southern Europe??..a long weekend in the cabbage patch, the pub, Macon services or some other ghastly equivalent■■?

You are there to work!!..for three weeks…nothing else, just drive, load, drive, tip, drive , load and sleep. If you have done the maximum hours then park up, get some food then kip!! Don’t harp on about the planners etc, just grow a pair of balls, state your case and your intentions and then DO IT!!! As has already been said, they will soon learn how far to push you, so either be a man and stand up or stop moaning about your lot and put a dress on!! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

What you are doing seems easier than the way things were through the 80`s, then it was one hits the length and breadth of Europe then turn around and go and do it all again, coffee money for plod, ducking and diving on and off the nationals, knocking peages etc. Its plainly clear that some people here wouldn’t have lasted 5 minutes doing things that way and therefore would never have even got a sniff at a European driving job.

You have got things well easy, its shame that you just don’t know it and that’s why there are a few characters who will NEVER make the grade.

In a nutshell, those that can,do, those that cant should either shut up with their whinging or (zb) off!!!..simples :wink:

And gogzy, a little bit of advise…dont bite the hand that feeds you. I feel you may soon be about to find out what that means exactly!!

I just don’t understand where this is all going, it’s interesting to read but somehow no end is in sight.
Might I suggest that VdB take a good look at themselves and sort themselves out, I mean they are recruiting in the UK because they know that the Brit drivers are the best in Europe and need to be treated that way.
They’ve got drivers who have worked on the Rock n Roll tours with Transam and drivers who were willing to drive to Erp in their own cars at their own expense so surely they must be able to see that the Brit drivers are the best in Europe and need to be treated as such.
they shouldn’t have to drive FM’s they should have Globetrotters at the very minimum if not FH16’s or Scania V8 toplines to which their status deserves and should be paid more than our other fellow europeans while they’re at it.
Don’t forget if it wasn’t for us Brits the whole of Europe would just grind to a halt and should be paid and treated accordingly.

now where is that sarcastic smiley i’ve been asking for

hehehehe, Now that’s extracting the urine :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: PMSL

Well WBinSpain, I’ve never been able to find that smiley your looking for :laughing: :laughing: :wink: and the problem is that there are loads of Brit driver’s around who actually believe that about themselves :exclamation: :exclamation: :unamused: :laughing: :laughing:

Dave Penn;

you’re not wrong there dave :laughing:

I just don’t understand where this is all going, it’s interesting to read but somehow no end is in sight.
Might I suggest that VdB take a good look at themselves and sort themselves out, I mean they are recruiting in the UK because they know that the Brit drivers are the best in Europe and need to be treated that way.
They’ve got drivers who have worked on the Rock n Roll tours with Transam and drivers who were willing to drive to Erp in their own cars at their own expense so surely they must be able to see that the Brit drivers are the best in Europe and need to be treated as such.
they shouldn’t have to drive FM’s they should have Globetrotters at the very minimum if not FH16’s or Scania V8 toplines to which their status deserves and should be paid more than our other fellow europeans while they’re at it.
Don’t forget if it wasn’t for us Brits the whole of Europe would just grind to a halt and should be paid and treated accordingly.

Good point raised a smile …unfortunatly its because were cheaper with strenght of euro. but v8 sounds good :laughing:

now where is that sarcastic smiley i’ve been asking for

Is there really 29 pages of cr4p about driving an FM for a dutch company who only pays you for 3 out of 4 weeks■■? :unamused:


I just don’t understand where this is all going, it’s interesting to read but somehow no end is in sight.
Might I suggest that VdB take a good look at themselves and sort themselves out, I mean they are recruiting in the UK because they know that the Brit drivers are the best in Europe and need to be treated that way.
They’ve got drivers who have worked on the Rock n Roll tours with Transam and drivers who were willing to drive to Erp in their own cars at their own expense so surely they must be able to see that the Brit drivers are the best in Europe and need to be treated as such.
they shouldn’t have to drive FM’s they should have Globetrotters at the very minimum if not FH16’s or Scania V8 toplines to which their status deserves and should be paid more than our other fellow europeans while they’re at it.
Don’t forget if it wasn’t for us Brits the whole of Europe would just grind to a halt and should be paid and treated accordingly.

now where is that sarcastic smiley i’ve been asking for

hehehehe, Now that’s extracting the urine :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: PMSL

thats the attitude to have steve, look back on it and have a laugh and get on with your life

Why should I have to worry about what I’m saying? I’m not flagging vdb as a company, I’m having a go at the fact they allow their drivers to work obscene amount of hours and then turn round and not pay them for it, the fact we get lumped with the rhd fms for 3 weeks (2 weeks ain’t bad in them) all because the Germans who only do 2 weeks at a time refuse to drive them and it’s not because they can’t it’s cause they dont want to,

Last night we had to drag a truck out the holes at the trailer park exit, we phoned the 24 hour emergency number and as per usual no answer. I phoned my planner he couldn’t have given 2 [zb] about helping because the truck wasn’t from his department.

As I said before my problem is the office

And for the people who havnt worked with vdb it’s best you stay out of this discussion

Hi Steve, what I’d really like to know is :question: :question: Did you ever take GM up on his generous offer back in August of a trial/start with his company running out of Bury St; Edmonds.
If not why not :question: :question:

Are you working in transport now :question: Driver, warehouse or office :question: or have you ditched the transport game forever :question: :question:

I appreciate the fact that you are under no obligation to answer any of my questions but I’m only interested to see if you’ve really put your VdB experience behind you and moved on :question:

Dave Penn;