Van den bosch transport

Its a completely different culture over there compared to the uk. Things are done a bit differently.

You need to embrace the dutch way of life.

This may help


n17 trucker:


It’s simple really, pay the drivers for the hours they work.

yeah like the employers do in britain and only take 45 minutes off :slight_smile:

I get paid for every minute i work no deductions for breaks oh just me then hey ho :laughing:



got an interview on the 12 th of november in edinburgh…anybody else down for that date ?
also any advice from new drivers who have started in the last few months ?

got an interview on the 12 th of november in edinburgh…anybody else down for that date ?
also any advice from new drivers who have started in the last few months ?

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Good luck on the 12th :stuck_out_tongue:

got an interview on the 12 th of november in edinburgh…anybody else down for that date ?
also any advice from new drivers who have started in the last few months ?

Pants down sir, bend over!!! :smiley: :smiley: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :smiley: :smiley: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


got an interview on the 12 th of november in edinburgh…anybody else down for that date ?
also any advice from new drivers who have started in the last few months ?

Pants down sir, bend over!!! :smiley: :smiley: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :smiley: :smiley: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

lol defo, funny as :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing:

why is everyone complaining about driving the volvos. Iv done 5months away in a daf xf flat roof with no problems and trust me… the storage in them isnt great its just knowning wat u do and dont need…


yes some drivers were asked to work 7 days, a certain telephone conversation between a driver and planner went something like this, and i know this because i was sat at the same table outside cafe de paul in erp,planner “there is another trailer to be picked up and brought back to erp”, driver “i can’t do it i started at 5 this morning i worked till 8 i have done 6 or 7 trailers and i have done 15 hours today.” planner " but this trailer needs picking up" driver i can not do this i am out of hours,i have now worked 6 days, its now half 8 and had a beer, get somebody else to do it." planner “there is nobody else you will have to do it,” driver " i can not do this its illegal" planner " you can use a different truck" driver " if i use a different truck i will do it in the morning"…and so the story goes on, this driver did get up in the morning and did do this job, this was happening every single week, 2 newbies started and went out with a silo driver on a sunday to learn the job…the 2 newbies ended up doing 19 hours that particular day, with the same driver that was teaching them…19 hour day, oh and by the way, no they were not double manning…this isn’t about disgruntled ex employees of vdb, or ex drivers sulking because they weren’t earning the money or getting decent runs, and i really didn’t want to get into this ■■■■■ fight, to explain the ins and outs of the working practice at vdb, but those types of conversations between planners and certain drivers are happening every weekend, (zb)ing it up for the drivers that want to stay legal…now is the time to close this thread and move on, enough has been said

As we were going out on our own for the first time the day after, we were both using this as a good training session, we were not asked to work these hours. I personally did no driving at all that day. I was paid for the full day at double time (yes with 2 hours deducted). I learned a lot, got a good wage, and was a lot more relaxed about going out on my own.

yes you will of been deducted 2 hours, but did you actually have a 2 hour break, (away from the back and sides of the silo) and did you sit down away from the truck and have a meal, i suspect not

Hi Guys
I had an interview today @ Leeds with Frans and Thijs, was very good to meet them, and they told me all about the job and it sounds like a really good job, and they were both very nice guys they said il find out by Wednesday next week, really hope I get it as it sounds like a great opportunity NOT to be missed and be properly excited if i was offerd and go for it :smiley: so ive got me fingers crossed and for any one else who has got an interview coming up :slight_smile:



yes some drivers were asked to work 7 days, a certain telephone conversation between a driver and planner went something like this, and i know this because i was sat at the same table outside cafe de paul in erp,planner “there is another trailer to be picked up and brought back to erp”, driver “i can’t do it i started at 5 this morning i worked till 8 i have done 6 or 7 trailers and i have done 15 hours today.” planner " but this trailer needs picking up" driver i can not do this i am out of hours,i have now worked 6 days, its now half 8 and had a beer, get somebody else to do it." planner “there is nobody else you will have to do it,” driver " i can not do this its illegal" planner " you can use a different truck" driver " if i use a different truck i will do it in the morning"…and so the story goes on, this driver did get up in the morning and did do this job, this was happening every single week, 2 newbies started and went out with a silo driver on a sunday to learn the job…the 2 newbies ended up doing 19 hours that particular day, with the same driver that was teaching them…19 hour day, oh and by the way, no they were not double manning…this isn’t about disgruntled ex employees of vdb, or ex drivers sulking because they weren’t earning the money or getting decent runs, and i really didn’t want to get into this ■■■■■ fight, to explain the ins and outs of the working practice at vdb, but those types of conversations between planners and certain drivers are happening every weekend, (zb)ing it up for the drivers that want to stay legal…now is the time to close this thread and move on, enough has been said

As we were going out on our own for the first time the day after, we were both using this as a good training session, we were not asked to work these hours. I personally did no driving at all that day. I was paid for the full day at double time (yes with 2 hours deducted). I learned a lot, got a good wage, and was a lot more relaxed about going out on my own.

yes you will of been deducted 2 hours, but did you actually have a 2 hour break, (away from the back and sides of the silo) and did you sit down away from the truck and have a meal, i suspect not


having a meal? at a sensible time while working for vdb?

you must be joking




yes some drivers were asked to work 7 days, a certain telephone conversation between a driver and planner went something like this, and i know this because i was sat at the same table outside cafe de paul in erp,planner “there is another trailer to be picked up and brought back to erp”, driver “i can’t do it i started at 5 this morning i worked till 8 i have done 6 or 7 trailers and i have done 15 hours today.” planner " but this trailer needs picking up" driver i can not do this i am out of hours,i have now worked 6 days, its now half 8 and had a beer, get somebody else to do it." planner “there is nobody else you will have to do it,” driver " i can not do this its illegal" planner " you can use a different truck" driver " if i use a different truck i will do it in the morning"…and so the story goes on, this driver did get up in the morning and did do this job, this was happening every single week, 2 newbies started and went out with a silo driver on a sunday to learn the job…the 2 newbies ended up doing 19 hours that particular day, with the same driver that was teaching them…19 hour day, oh and by the way, no they were not double manning…this isn’t about disgruntled ex employees of vdb, or ex drivers sulking because they weren’t earning the money or getting decent runs, and i really didn’t want to get into this ■■■■■ fight, to explain the ins and outs of the working practice at vdb, but those types of conversations between planners and certain drivers are happening every weekend, (zb)ing it up for the drivers that want to stay legal…now is the time to close this thread and move on, enough has been said

As we were going out on our own for the first time the day after, we were both using this as a good training session, we were not asked to work these hours. I personally did no driving at all that day. I was paid for the full day at double time (yes with 2 hours deducted). I learned a lot, got a good wage, and was a lot more relaxed about going out on my own.

yes you will of been deducted 2 hours, but did you actually have a 2 hour break, (away from the back and sides of the silo) and did you sit down away from the truck and have a meal, i suspect not


having a meal? at a sensible time while working for vdb?

you must be joking

sorry gogzy, what was i thinking :smiley:

why is everyone complaining about driving the volvos. Iv done 5months away in a daf xf flat roof with no problems and trust me… the storage in them isnt great its just knowning wat u do and dont need…

joey you dont spend every waking minute of the day in your truck theres a slight difference.
plus my bed consists of a plank of wood on some metal supports (if you can call it that) with a broken matress.

the only good thing about the fms is they can do 90kmh





yes some drivers were asked to work 7 days, a certain telephone conversation between a driver and planner went something like this, and i know this because i was sat at the same table outside cafe de paul in erp,planner “there is another trailer to be picked up and brought back to erp”, driver “i can’t do it i started at 5 this morning i worked till 8 i have done 6 or 7 trailers and i have done 15 hours today.” planner " but this trailer needs picking up" driver i can not do this i am out of hours,i have now worked 6 days, its now half 8 and had a beer, get somebody else to do it." planner “there is nobody else you will have to do it,” driver " i can not do this its illegal" planner " you can use a different truck" driver " if i use a different truck i will do it in the morning"…and so the story goes on, this driver did get up in the morning and did do this job, this was happening every single week, 2 newbies started and went out with a silo driver on a sunday to learn the job…the 2 newbies ended up doing 19 hours that particular day, with the same driver that was teaching them…19 hour day, oh and by the way, no they were not double manning…this isn’t about disgruntled ex employees of vdb, or ex drivers sulking because they weren’t earning the money or getting decent runs, and i really didn’t want to get into this ■■■■■ fight, to explain the ins and outs of the working practice at vdb, but those types of conversations between planners and certain drivers are happening every weekend, (zb)ing it up for the drivers that want to stay legal…now is the time to close this thread and move on, enough has been said

As we were going out on our own for the first time the day after, we were both using this as a good training session, we were not asked to work these hours. I personally did no driving at all that day. I was paid for the full day at double time (yes with 2 hours deducted). I learned a lot, got a good wage, and was a lot more relaxed about going out on my own.

yes you will of been deducted 2 hours, but did you actually have a 2 hour break, (away from the back and sides of the silo) and did you sit down away from the truck and have a meal, i suspect not


having a meal? at a sensible time while working for vdb?

you must be joking

sorry gogzy, what was i thinking :smiley:

lol ive just had my dinner, and its almost midnight here. so yea anyone thinking about coming just take note of a few things. the job itself isnt bad and is a doddle but dont expect early finishes or eating at sensible times

gogzy , driving a tanker, silo or live stock for that matter, for
any one is a job with its bad points and also with many good points,
YOU have to work unsocial hours unless you are lucky to work for a
firm which has dedicated routes and drops with laid down times
YOU have to adjust the day and eat when time allows,
that means making Decisions,when to stop and eat,etc etc
In the firm you are working for and many others for that matter
that deal with tanker work every day is going to be full of bad
and good problems, IF I was to write what I did many would say
he is lying but my mates who drove with me would tell you other wise
Tanker work is special and is not every ones cup of tea

Hi Guys
I had an interview today @ Leeds with Frans and Thijs, was very good to meet them, and they told me all about the job and it sounds like a really good job, and they were both very nice guys they said il find out by Wednesday next week, really hope I get it as it sounds like a great opportunity NOT to be missed and be properly excited if i was offerd and go for it :smiley: so ive got me fingers crossed and for any one else who has got an interview coming up :slight_smile:

:bulb: :arrow_right: I’ll say it again for those (above) that were not reading the rest of the posts…PANTS DOWN SIR,NOW BEND OVER… :smiley: :smiley: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :unamused: :unamused:

Gogzy …did you forget to mention some thing■■?

About the time that you started this morning■■?

And that nobody asked you to load last night, that you made that desission on your own back■■?

That there was totaly no need to wait for that load last night■■?

And did I not tell you at the interview that “Van den Bosch” is not your mother, and that we are not telling you when to eat, sleep, go to the toilet, put your jim-jammies and your Teddybear ready■■?

Your a big boy now, and they can make their own decission when to eat, or be organised enough to be able to eat.

What do expect that the catering service turns up at 12:00, build up a tent , set the table, and serve you a four course meal? small monte ■■■■■ and and espresso after??

Ding Ding !! Round… 12 ? :open_mouth:

Rob K:
Ding Ding !! Round… 12 ? :open_mouth:

Rob, don’t use the bell that loud, you wake the whole street up with your Ding Dong :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Yes it’s the only way we stay in touch with the office. We only have an out of hours number which generally doesn’t get answered and fat chance of an answer at the weekend

That is the bit that threw me with an earlier post. The fact that a planner had called a drivers personal phone who happened to have it turned onto hands free operation in the pub :wink:

I did use my own mobile at times but generally most jokes and questions could be passed quite well on the bord computer.

Demeulemeester trucks had mobiles but I don’t recall VDB having them, unless the shunters did in Unilever, Mars and Campina

Gogzy …did you forget to mention some thing■■?

About the time that you started this morning■■?

And that nobody asked you to load last night, that you made that desission on your own back■■?

That there was totaly no need to wait for that load last night■■?

And did I not tell you at the interview that “Van den Bosch” is not your mother, and that we are not telling you when to eat, sleep, go to the toilet, put your jim-jammies and your Teddybear ready■■?

Your a big boy now, and they can make their own decission when to eat, or be organised enough to be able to eat.

What do expect that the catering service turns up at 12:00, build up a tent , set the table, and serve you a four course meal? small monte ■■■■■ and and espresso after??

i started at 0850 yesterday mornign because i finished at 2350 the night before,

i also couldnt exactly turn round after so long of them making up this load because they dont start mixing it till you arrive and when i arrived i still had time to use on my card, what would happen if i turned around after so many hours of them mixing a product and i told them i didnt want it at such and such a time? also if i had waited till the morning then i probably would have been their all sodding day.

i also dont like tea or coffee,
ps also had to help pull a driver out of those stupid bloody holes in the ground at the trailer park and as per usual no answer on the emergency number. lucky they have the security van going around who managed to get us a chain to pull him out.