Van den bosch transport

Ring ring" hi planner dude I ain’t going to make that job today my time is up in an hour so I’ll be parked up" planner reply " that’s not an option it is critical it’s loaded tonight you have to get the job done"
Hour later planner rings “you at that job” reply " were you not listening earlier, parked up about to have dinner, card pulled send me my job for tomorrow through to my box, goodbye"

That’s how I roll if I don’t get any benefit out of working off card. Try it, and keep to it and your life will get a whole lot easier.

some of you forget how many days in different trucks wi different tachos it took to get good money, diluted b/s only half the story.

The BC is your time sheet, you’ve got to learn how to use it to your advantage. I think I’ve got it, I keep as near to within the law as I can and don’t tip load off the card. granted with circumstances in the day things get delayed and to help the company and help yourself you do have to occaisionally.

I do make money, for 3 weeks work I don’t think is too bad, in fact I think it’s quite good.

VdB expect you to be flexible, it’s in the job advert and if you learn to comunicate with your planner both in person and on the bc, they start to be flexible with you.

You go nover there thinking your going to the land of milk and honey, it’s not quite like that, they expect you to work, if you get your head down and do the work and learn quickly the work gets easier and the money is more than adequate.

If you moan and groan, make it out your being shafted, you tend to let it get on top of you and evrything starts to be a chore and you get more and more ■■■■■■ off with it.

Okey,I can agree with everything you say here,it applies to any job.I come and go with employees and I expect them to do so with me.But,I still pay them the hours they work.
So,this BC,it that the onboard system linking the driver with the office?

Yes it’s the only way we stay in touch with the office. We only have an out of hours number which generally doesn’t get answered and fat chance of an answer at the weekend

Are VDB recruiting at the moment im interested in working for them

I mate always massive turnover, if you got gimp suit all the better dont make note of how many hours youve done cause 2 month later when you get a look at your wageslip and compare with your diary you realise you dont get pay for a lot of the hours you worked. so if you can switch of to that and take what hours they decide to pay you, you get 7 days work and more mars bars than asda. :wink: what tacho lol

Slightly off topic but still relevent…

I was talking to a Canadian friend this morning. We were putting the world to rights as usual and this topic sort of came up along with the topic of people getting disheartened. Even he says that you have to be flexible enough to adapt to the country you move to, or in your cases, the country you work in. See, other countries are not the UK. If they were then they would be full of dissatisfied people too. The dutch are not the same as the brits. The brit firms are as happy to use the rules to screw you as you are to use them on the other hand.

The difference is that places like the Netherlands view the laws with some indifference while many of you cannot or will not. VDB are no more or less crooked than many GB hauliers, yet you lambast them on public forums.

So you didnt want to do as you were asked.. fine, move on and accept that it didnt work out. If you feel you were mistreated then wait until you get chance to talk to them. The boss men have openly invited you, also on public forum, to do so.

I bet the dutch are wondering how the UK ever openly went to war when people will only lash out from the sidelines like this.

It’s simple really, pay the drivers for the hours they work.

It’s simple really, pay the drivers for the hours they work.

yeah like the employers do in britain and only take 45 minutes off :slight_smile:

Many years ago i worked for a ditch company the name i will withhold as i wouldent wish to diss them in any way but i did find there whole atitude to working hours was some what lax to say the least which didnt sit well with me so i left and i think its as simple as that you do what you do if you dont like it move on we all have our comfort level with what we find acceptable …

Many years ago i worked for a ditch company the name i will withhold as i wouldent wish to diss them in any way but i did find there whole atitude to working hours was some what lax to say the least which didnt sit well with me so i left and i think its as simple as that you do what you do if you dont like it move on we all have our comfort level with what we find acceptable …

good reply :slight_smile:


that is you, maybe not the guys out there spending 3 weeks and more away from home who want to make as much as they can to make it worth their while

Please explain how the DRIVER is making money when they don`t get paid for tipping off the card.
Please,no more of your crap about how well you have done,just how do you earn money working unpaid.


try reading all of what was posted and then digest :laughing: it may spring to mind the certain advantages that there maybe depending on the situation and alternatives at the time

yes some drivers were asked to work 7 days, a certain telephone conversation between a driver and planner went something like this, and i know this because i was sat at the same table outside cafe de paul in erp,planner “there is another trailer to be picked up and brought back to erp”, driver “i can’t do it i started at 5 this morning i worked till 8 i have done 6 or 7 trailers and i have done 15 hours today.” planner " but this trailer needs picking up" driver i can not do this i am out of hours,i have now worked 6 days, its now half 8 and had a beer, get somebody else to do it." planner “there is nobody else you will have to do it,” driver " i can not do this its illegal" planner " you can use a different truck" driver " if i use a different truck i will do it in the morning"…and so the story goes on, this driver did get up in the morning and did do this job, this was happening every single week, 2 newbies started and went out with a silo driver on a sunday to learn the job…the 2 newbies ended up doing 19 hours that particular day, with the same driver that was teaching them…19 hour day, oh and by the way, no they were not double manning…this isn’t about disgruntled ex employees of vdb, or ex drivers sulking because they weren’t earning the money or getting decent runs, and i really didn’t want to get into this ■■■■■ fight, to explain the ins and outs of the working practice at vdb, but those types of conversations between planners and certain drivers are happening every weekend, (zb)ing it up for the drivers that want to stay legal…now is the time to close this thread and move on, enough has been said

As we were going out on our own for the first time the day after, we were both using this as a good training session, we were not asked to work these hours. I personally did no driving at all that day. I was paid for the full day at double time (yes with 2 hours deducted). I learned a lot, got a good wage, and was a lot more relaxed about going out on my own.

It’s simple really, pay the drivers for the hours they work.

cheers theres loads of crap been written about this now, and your one of the only folk thats grasped the only real issue PAY FOR WORK YOU DO, thats all i asked repeatedly and was one of many drivers with shortage. money is main working principle in all countries …

triumph if you had read the posts more than one person has stated
about payment and non payment, if they firm has not payed you
and you used there computer box correctly it should be available
in a print out , get one and do what I posted early on ,
GO straight to the BOSS and ask WHY you are short
it is that simply, if they are in the wrong you have no problems,

This is just a thought for VDB , in case they are not doing it all ready
where I worked last , we pre-loaded for other drivers so that they
could use their time to the full , The Guys pre-loading only did
there 12 hr shift normally. and we changed drivers if he was going to go over
a´15Hr shift, this is the way many firms work nowadays, and still make
a profit , In Tanker work this seems to be the done thing by many here in Germany


It’s simple really, pay the drivers for the hours they work.

yeah like the employers do in britain and only take 45 minutes off :slight_smile:

I get paid for every minute i work no deductions for breaks oh just me then hey ho :laughing:

brit pete:
triumph if you had read the posts more than one person has stated
about payment and non payment, if they firm has not payed you
and you used there computer box correctly it should be available
in a print out , get one and do what I posted early on ,
GO straight to the BOSS and ask WHY you are short
it is that simply, if they are in the wrong you have no problems,

i mate tried all that thats why im back in uk there print out for long time was blank paper very convienent, honest mate they do nowt about it. they can ram it , shame realy …its an example of greed and exploitation i put it down to experience

n17 trucker:


It’s simple really, pay the drivers for the hours they work.

yeah like the employers do in britain and only take 45 minutes off :slight_smile:

I get paid for every minute i work no deductions for breaks oh just me then hey ho :laughing:


I get paid by the mile, with waiting time thrown in if I’m hanging around more than two hours, but I don’t argue over paid miles versus miles driven or the odd half hour here and there, I work as hard as I can whilst I’m away, maxxing out my hours every day, so I can get back home again asap, then I look at my wages and as long as I’m happy with what’s going in the bank that’s all that concerns me, some weeks I’ll have earned every penny, if there’s an obstacle to be overcome, I’ll have found it, some weeks it’s like being paid to be on holiday, that’s trucking as far as I’m concerned :wink:

As we were going out on our own for the first time the day after, we were both using this as a good training session, we were not asked to work these hours. I personally did no driving at all that day. I was paid for the full day at double time (yes with 2 hours deducted). I learned a lot, got a good wage, and was a lot more relaxed about going out on my own.

swings and roundabouts then sometimes you win, sometimes you lose generally over a period of time it levels itself out

yes swings and roundabouts that maybe right but on 1 hand you cant pay pounds to save paying dutch rate which is much higher, and once your over there implement the dutch rules of taking lots back that may work with an enhanced dutch rate but not when you are paid average rate in pounds it severly reduces your average hourly rate of an already average pay rate to start of with .