Van den bosch transport

Ohhhhhh I am terribly sorry god I never knew 28 years!!!. And you have millions of contacts all over Europe who send you individual messages about what is going on with each driver and their issues with the companies they work for…and you have all their individual thoughts, hopes, aspirations, fears etc.
You know nothing of the seperate issues of any of the drivers who have left VdB

and I do not really give a monkeys,basically over the years I have seen several who have gone to Holland and are not capable of adapting and strangely enough all seem to fond the same reasons as yourself (virtually to the letter)placing the blame on the company although there are enough drivers there also British who have no problems at all and who seem to be quite happy

all you have is hearsay from Idiots like The Bear

The Bear has reversed more kilometres/miles than most and deserves just a tad bit more respect

allegedly about drivers crying and you chose to believe that, more fool you as someone with 28 years knowledge would be able to see that this comment is TRUCK STOP GOSSIP.

not exactly truckstop gossip as I have seen it myself and could add some names but no point in embarrassing people as I said before working for a foreign company is not everyones cup of teas

If you are going to post anything make sure you can back up what you are saying,

If I can´t I tend not to post

Keep your trap shut!!!

You seem to like jumping around the forums and seem to pick up on things you like to comment and put your point across,

participate on a grand total of 3 forums, tend not to post too much on this one for various reasons which if you go through the posts over the years will be plain to anyone who has gotpast the John and Janet stage :laughing: :laughing:

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: EVEN BAD PUBLICITY IS GOOD PUBLICITY :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
We had more people applying in the last 24 hours, than ever before :grimacing: :grimacing: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: EVEN BAD PUBLICITY IS GOOD PUBLICITY :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
We had more people appying in the last 24 hours, than ever before :grimacing: :grimacing: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Nice bit of free advertising for you :laughing:

Frans ff een vraag als het mag ? gebruiken jullie ook ooit de boot tussen Zeebrugge en Bilbao ? allen uit interes natuurlijk

Frans ff een vraag als het mag ? gebruiken jullie ook ooit de boot tussen Zeebrugge en Bilbao ? allen uit interes natuurlijk

What he said :smiley:

Sugar Ray:

Frans ff een vraag als het mag ? gebruiken jullie ook ooit de boot tussen Zeebrugge en Bilbao ? allen uit interes natuurlijk

What he said :smiley:

I’d love to catch the boat from Zeebrugge to balbao :grimacing:

Sugar Ray:

Frans ff een vraag als het mag ? gebruiken jullie ook ooit de boot tussen Zeebrugge en Bilbao ? allen uit interes natuurlijk

What he said :smiley:

How does the price of that compare with the train? it seems a long way round the coast. :stuck_out_tongue:

Van den Bosch — one of Europe’s largest operators of dry & liquid
bulk containers — has recently made some changes to their intermodal
strategy to prepare for the increased options in Zeebrugge. Mr Paul van
de Vorle, Commercial Manager, is commenting: “We started the
cooperation with Transfennica back in January and because of the
reliability of their sailing schedules we have been able to
significantly improve the service we give to our customers. The
increase to 5 sailings gives us the opportunity to put more volume on
the vessels as we can now also ship time sensitive and temperature
controlled cargo. A further reduction in long distance haulage as well
as in CO2. Another important benefit of increased volumes in Zeebrugge
is the efficiency in our operation and the connections to UK and

Keeping my finger on the pulse :smiley:

Wheel Nut:

Sugar Ray:

Frans ff een vraag als het mag ? gebruiken jullie ook ooit de boot tussen Zeebrugge en Bilbao ? allen uit interes natuurlijk

What he said :smiley:

How does the price of that compare with the train? it seems a long way round the coast. :stuck_out_tongue:

Van den Bosch — one of Europe’s largest operators of dry & liquid
bulk containers — has recently made some changes to their intermodal
strategy to prepare for the increased options in Zeebrugge. Mr Paul van
de Vorle, Commercial Manager, is commenting: “We started the
cooperation with Transfennica back in January and because of the
reliability of their sailing schedules we have been able to
significantly improve the service we give to our customers. The
increase to 5 sailings gives us the opportunity to put more volume on
the vessels as we can now also ship time sensitive and temperature
controlled cargo. A further reduction in long distance haulage as well
as in CO2. Another important benefit of increased volumes in Zeebrugge
is the efficiency in our operation and the connections to UK and

Keeping my finger on the pulse :smiley:

was just wondering how many of these Dutch experts would be able to read it :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

the train on that side of France can be a right pain in the ■■■■■■ it can take a day longer than the boat assuming of course it arrives at alland the Belgians haven´t sent your container to the wrong place or forgotten to put it on the train :unamused: :unamused:


Wheel Nut:

Sugar Ray:

Frans ff een vraag als het mag ? gebruiken jullie ook ooit de boot tussen Zeebrugge en Bilbao ? allen uit interes natuurlijk

What he said :smiley:

How does the price of that compare with the train? it seems a long way round the coast. :stuck_out_tongue:

Van den Bosch — one of Europe’s largest operators of dry & liquid
bulk containers — has recently made some changes to their intermodal
strategy to prepare for the increased options in Zeebrugge. Mr Paul van
de Vorle, Commercial Manager, is commenting: “We started the
cooperation with Transfennica back in January and because of the
reliability of their sailing schedules we have been able to
significantly improve the service we give to our customers. The
increase to 5 sailings gives us the opportunity to put more volume on
the vessels as we can now also ship time sensitive and temperature
controlled cargo. A further reduction in long distance haulage as well
as in CO2. Another important benefit of increased volumes in Zeebrugge
is the efficiency in our operation and the connections to UK and

Keeping my finger on the pulse :smiley:

was just wondering how many of these Dutch experts would be able to read it :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

the train on that side of France can be a right pain in the ■■■■■■ it can take a day longer than the boat assuming of course it arrives at alland the Belgians haven´t sent your container to the wrong place or forgotten to put it on the train :unamused: :unamused:

I replied before wheel nut but am premoderated :stuck_out_tongue:

Frans ff een vraag als het mag ? gebruiken jullie ook ooit de boot tussen Zeebrugge en Bilbao ? allen uit interes natuurlijk

Vascoingles, Ja wij gebruiken die boot inderdaad, Franse rail transport hoewel zeer efficient is niet altijd betrouwbaar. De huidige stakingen bewijzen dat weer eens. Short Sea heeft wel degelijk een toekomst in de juiste combinatie met het weg transport. We gebruikte in het verleden vaak ook de verbinding naar Cartagena. Maar helaas hebben wij dat werk niet op dit moment.

There’s a few people actually saying something worthwhile on here, Lucy’s contribution stands out as one of the better ones as do Glenman’s and Voscoingeles’s, of course WheelNut is in there too and I better mention BTD or he’ll be on the phone, there are others too, but I lost the will to live at page 14 so can’t remember all of you, but you know who you are :laughing:

Dinostevus is once again throwing the T word around, he does that if you dare to disagree with him :unamused: Big Sid, obviously you have some issues with VdB, but you lost all credibility with personal attacks because someone disagreed with you (as per Dinostevus) you also need to look up the definition of hearsay ‘MMTM, he was in the pub when the conversation took place etc’ that is HEARSAY :unamused:

There’s a saying that goes ‘you can please all of the people some of the time, some of the people all of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time’ VdB should have that as their company motto :laughing:

Now please stop mentioning trains, or we’ll have Carryfast on here adding to the confusion :open_mouth: :wink:


Frans ff een vraag als het mag ? gebruiken jullie ook ooit de boot tussen Zeebrugge en Bilbao ? allen uit interes natuurlijk

Vascoingles, Ja wij gebruiken die boot inderdaad, Franse rail transport hoewel zeer efficient is niet altijd betrouwbaar. De huidige stakingen bewijzen dat weer eens. Short Sea heeft wel degelijk een toekomst in de juiste combinatie met het weg transport. We gebruikte in het verleden vaak ook de verbinding naar Cartagena. Maar helaas hebben wij dat werk niet op dit moment.

Yes indeed we use the boat, although very efficient French rail transport is not always reliable. The current strikes prove that again. Short Sea does have a future in the right combination with road transport. We used in the past the connection to Cartagena. But unfortunately we do not work this time.

Well something along those lines, a bit rusty…lol :laughing:

Handy tools them online translators :smiley:

VAS that goes for the German Italians and all the other
services as Freight traffic does not get the priority like
passenger trains , we have had guys waiting a few days
in Bustio (I) waiting for the container that was sent out
early enough to get there, and we have had some go amiss
sent to the wrong container station as well, mate

There’s a few people actually saying something worthwhile on here, Lucy’s contribution stands out as one of the better ones as do Glenman’s and Voscoingeles’s, of course WheelNut is in there too and I better mention BTD or he’ll be on the phone, there are others too, but I lost the will to live at page 14 so can’t remember all of you, but you know who you are :laughing:

Dinostevus is once again throwing the T word around, he does that if you dare to disagree with him :unamused: Big Sid, obviously you have some issues with VdB, but you lost all credibility with personal attacks because someone disagreed with you (as per Dinostevus) you also need to look up the definition of hearsay ‘MMTM, he was in the pub when the conversation took place etc’ that is HEARSAY :roll:

There’s a saying that goes ‘you can please all of the people some of the time, some of the people all of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time’ VdB should have that as their company motto :laughing:

Now please stop mentioning trains, or we’ll have Carryfast on here adding to the confusion :open_mouth: :wink:

take it you missed the bit where he was in the pub with him.

En dat ik gebruik om te wonen in Amsterdam… :smiley: :smiley:

En dat ik gebruik om te wonen in Amsterdam… :smiley: :smiley:

Only jokeing, and its a great city :sunglasses:


There’s a few people actually saying something worthwhile on here, Lucy’s contribution stands out as one of the better ones as do Glenman’s and Voscoingeles’s, of course WheelNut is in there too and I better mention BTD or he’ll be on the phone, there are others too, but I lost the will to live at page 14 so can’t remember all of you, but you know who you are :laughing:

Dinostevus is once again throwing the T word around, he does that if you dare to disagree with him :unamused: Big Sid, obviously you have some issues with VdB, but you lost all credibility with personal attacks because someone disagreed with you (as per Dinostevus) you also need to look up the definition of hearsay ‘MMTM, he was in the pub when the conversation took place etc’ that is HEARSAY :roll:

There’s a saying that goes ‘you can please all of the people some of the time, some of the people all of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time’ VdB should have that as their company motto :laughing:

Now please stop mentioning trains, or we’ll have Carryfast on here adding to the confusion :open_mouth: :wink:

take it you missed the bit where he was in the pub with him.

No, you need a dictionary too G, he may have been in the pub when the conversation took place, unless you’ve been told directly it is hearsay :wink:

En dat ik gebruik om te wonen in Amsterdam… :smiley: :smiley:

En Ik gebruik dat om in Amsterdam te wonen :wink: :wink:

1 persoonlijk voornaamwoord
2 onderwerp
3 tijd
4 werkwoord :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:


En dat ik gebruik om te wonen in Amsterdam… :smiley: :smiley:

En Ik gebruik dat om in Amsterdam te wonen :wink: :wink:

1 persoonlijk voornaamwoord
2 onderwerp
3 tijd
4 werkwoord :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Scary its giveing me flashbacks of school :open_mouth: :open_mouth: