Van den bosch transport

ding ding, round ■■?. :slight_smile:

You’re both totally wrong!! We have a Dutch yard and we get very irate over our Dutch brothers because they do half the work we do.
The reason VdB employ Brits is because, in the past, Brit drivers would work. Dutch drivers are near impossible to sack such is their system over there. They get a contract that is watertight … they get time and a half for Saturdays and double for Sundays. I am sure Vas will correct me if am wrong, but over 50 yrs old, they don’t have to work weekends and over 55 they don’t have to do nights out!! 6 months half pay if off sick or something ridiculous like that.

not far off with that Austin

This was without any prompting. He said the biggest shower of s**t was coming over and working for VdB and would we please take them all back to the UK. He was sick of hearing them whinging and said he had actually seen several crying because they couldn’t hack it.

not the first time I have heard that one either

at times one could wonder if there were not some who decided to wander off to Holland because they could not even hack it in their own country, obviously the grass was not greener on t´other side and it seems that several of the herd now have severe indigestion


You’re both totally wrong!! We have a Dutch yard and we get very irate over our Dutch brothers because they do half the work we do.
The reason VdB employ Brits is because, in the past, Brit drivers would work. Dutch drivers are near impossible to sack such is their system over there. They get a contract that is watertight … they get time and a half for Saturdays and double for Sundays. I am sure Vas will correct me if am wrong, but over 50 yrs old, they don’t have to work weekends and over 55 they don’t have to do nights out!! 6 months half pay if off sick or something ridiculous like that.

not far off with that Austin

This was without any prompting. He said the biggest shower of s**t was coming over and working for VdB and would we please take them all back to the UK. He was sick of hearing them whinging and said he had actually seen several crying because they couldn’t hack it.

not the first time I have heard that one

at times one could wonder if there were not some who decided to wander off to Holland because they could not even hack it in their own country, obviously the grass was not greener on t´other side and it seems that several of the herd now have severe indigestion

Excatly how i see it “Where wise men fear to tread fools rush in”


You’re both totally wrong!! We have a Dutch yard and we get very irate over our Dutch brothers because they do half the work we do.
The reason VdB employ Brits is because, in the past, Brit drivers would work. Dutch drivers are near impossible to sack such is their system over there. They get a contract that is watertight … they get time and a half for Saturdays and double for Sundays. I am sure Vas will correct me if am wrong, but over 50 yrs old, they don’t have to work weekends and over 55 they don’t have to do nights out!! 6 months half pay if off sick or something ridiculous like that.

not far off with that Austin

This was without any prompting. He said the biggest shower of s**t was coming over and working for VdB and would we please take them all back to the UK. He was sick of hearing them whinging and said he had actually seen several crying because they couldn’t hack it.

not the first time I have heard that one either

at times one could wonder if there were not some who decided to wander off to Holland because they could not even hack it in their own country, obviously the grass was not greener on t´other side and it seems that several of the herd now have severe indigestion

Here we go again Vas you say you know it all or comment like you do, so what if you have done planning etc I dont care!! I have planned too, You know nothing of the circumstances of the guys who have come home or their reasons but you jump on and make comments about “cant hack it” well I have hacked it with other companies over the years and have to say When i worked I was paid unlike VDB so unless you know about personal reasons of the guys who have left you should really keep your trap shut!!!

The bear: I was there for 6 months and I personally never seen anyone crying, I think your just trying to dramatize things to make yourself look better than you actually are.
I spoke to many guys who were over there and yes we all whinge it is human nature and UK drivers do exactly the same when you meet up in truckstops all over the UK its the same story, so if you are gonna post here at least dont spout a load of bull which is exactly what it is

FFS I have never read so much pash from so called experts, so what if you have worked your way round and got to the top AM I BOVVERED!!!
I stated the experiences I and some other drivers have been through at VDB I tried it for 6 months or just over, I have done European work over the years and this seemed like a good oportunity and a chance to make decent money. There are drivers posting on here about £2200 a month/3weeks but what they aint telling is that they are working 7 days a week, 5 days tramping round Europe then back to Erp for the weekend to run 2 15hr shifts with an analouge tacho between Erp and Veghel and the planners still want more, 1 driver who did 6 trailers in 1 day then proceeded to join the others down at Cafe de Paul only to be called by his planner at 8pm at night to be told “you still have a trailer to do” what he hasnt mentioned is that he started at 5am, you know who you are so stop spunking the work up and tell it like it is not some [zb] fairytail job. I wanted to max my hours and bring in a decent wage im not some cab happy work shy pub dwelling on my time off [zb] I wanted the work but it seems as this was kept for the ones who never spoke out and were willing to do just what they were asked Including breaking the law by doing 2 days at 15 hrs without a card, these are the [zb] who are still there seemingly earning good money■■?. If you ■■■■ a planner off the work you get is crap loads of waiting time with short runs, ask the guys who were running the PQ silicas work. Moelingen to Dusseldorf then spend the rest of the day waiting to get tipped cos the silo was full and VDB are running anything between 2 -6 trailers in to that job every day.
My posts were to give an alternative view and I was one of the first to go over and its not all it seems so the ones on here who are posting the crap you know who you are TELLL IT LIKE IT IS

It doesn’t need telling how it is, you just have

FFS I have never read so much pash from so called experts, so what if you have worked your way round and got to the top AM I BOVVERED!!!
I stated the experiences I and some other drivers have been through at VDB I tried it for 6 months or just over, I have done European work over the years and this seemed like a good oportunity and a chance to make decent money. There are drivers posting on here about £2200 a month/3weeks but what they aint telling is that they are working 7 days a week, 5 days tramping round Europe then back to Erp for the weekend to run 2 15hr shifts with an analouge tacho between Erp and Veghel and the planners still want more, 1 driver who did 6 trailers in 1 day then proceeded to join the others down at Cafe de Paul only to be called by his planner at 8pm at night to be told “you still have a trailer to do” what he hasnt mentioned is that he started at 5am, you know who you are so stop spunking the work up and tell it like it is not some [zb] fairytail job. I wanted to max my hours and bring in a decent wage im not some cab happy work shy pub dwelling on my time off [zb] I wanted the work but it seems as this was kept for the ones who never spoke out and were willing to do just what they were asked Including breaking the law by doing 2 days at 15 hrs without a card, these are the [zb] who are still there seemingly earning good money■■?. If you ■■■■ a planner off the work you get is crap loads of waiting time with short runs, ask the guys who were running the PQ silicas work. Moelingen to Dusseldorf then spend the rest of the day waiting to get tipped cos the silo was full and VDB are running anything between 2 -6 trailers in to that job every day.
My posts were to give an alternative view and I was one of the first to go over and its not all it seems so the ones on here who are posting the crap you know who you are TELLL IT LIKE IT IS

yes some drivers were asked to work 7 days, a certain telephone conversation between a driver and planner went something like this, and i know this because i was sat at the same table outside cafe de paul in erp,planner “there is another trailer to be picked up and brought back to erp”, driver “i can’t do it i started at 5 this morning i worked till 8 i have done 6 or 7 trailers and i have done 15 hours today.” planner " but this trailer needs picking up" driver i can not do this i am out of hours,i have now worked 6 days, its now half 8 and had a beer, get somebody else to do it." planner “there is nobody else you will have to do it,” driver " i can not do this its illegal" planner " you can use a different truck" driver " if i use a different truck i will do it in the morning"…and so the story goes on, this driver did get up in the morning and did do this job, this was happening every single week, 2 newbies started and went out with a silo driver on a sunday to learn the job…the 2 newbies ended up doing 19 hours that particular day, with the same driver that was teaching them…19 hour day, oh and by the way, no they were not double manning…this isn’t about disgruntled ex employees of vdb, or ex drivers sulking because they weren’t earning the money or getting decent runs, and i really didn’t want to get into this ■■■■■ fight, to explain the ins and outs of the working practice at vdb, but those types of conversations between planners and certain drivers are happening every weekend, (zb)ing it up for the drivers that want to stay legal…now is the time to close this thread and move on, enough has been said

HELLO it was posted before that the planners will push you to see what they can get
this was the same procedure in Germany so what is the answer,simple either NO or
you get a concrete reply as to what the will pay for doing the work
This practise is used by many TM;–DISPONENTS --PLANNERS where ever one works
even in bloody timbuctoo,sorry if you allow people to walk over you in that way then
you are just plain stupid, Tanker work is nothing like your normal trailer work
I have delivered to customers over the Christmas or new years day as well as 24/7
it is at times hard work but can also be relaxing each day is different
going back to the week end practise sorry you are all of age and have
a means of telling the person exactly what he can do or not■■?

AND AS FOR THE SHORT RUNS WELL take em drive and work they will
come crawling back when you show you just do not give a monkeys
and will not be used as a punch-bag as regards work.,
Thats how I reacted when I was not happy with my Disponent,
and we disagreements

Good god this post has been good value for money, I’ve laughed, I’ve cried…! I’m sure there’s the potential for a tv drama in there. Just a tip, the organisers of the Xmas do that you have need to lure all the protagonists to it with the offer of free drinks, then film the result, it’d be hilarious.

I have a couple of things to add to this thread.

Dinostevus needs to learn the definition of a Troll. He was offered good advice, he took a risk and failed the assessment. Hardly an accolade, or an authority on the company.

Vascoingles has done this job for many many years and is still in regular contact with a certain NH who was in the VDB organisation with FVH.

Sid has certainly got issues and has lots of hearsay stories, but some lads keep their heads down, do the job, keep away from the yard or other drivers and earn good brass. Some may argue the brass is crap, but the ones who went out to Erp, Amsterdam, Salzgitter, Tielt and Bergen Op Zoom were struggling to get more than a couple of shifts a week in the central belt.

And if Ad and Peter have worked hard to build this company up, then the reward of driving in the Sahara for fun is no different to the drivers having a beach party or a barbecue. It wasnt for me, although a nice evening in Tielt occasionally didn’t hurt .

Why are they hearsay Wheelnut■■? Graham was in the pub when said driver was asked and I know because the driver involved told me what had happened so not hearsay

Here we go again Vas you say you know it all or comment like you do, so what if you have done planning etc I dont care!! I have planned too, You know nothing of the circumstances of the guys who have come home or their reasons but you jump on and make comments about “cant hack it” well I have hacked it with other companies over the years and have to say When i worked I was paid unlike VDB so unless you know about personal reasons of the guys who have left you should really keep your trap shut!!!

maybe just maybe I do know a bit more aboutit than most as hey I am still there after 28 years and even managed to get a little bit further up the food chain which seeing as how I have done it a foreign country is not to be sneezed at. Thus have earned the right to open my trap


Here we go again Vas you say you know it all or comment like you do, so what if you have done planning etc I dont care!! I have planned too, You know nothing of the circumstances of the guys who have come home or their reasons but you jump on and make comments about “cant hack it” well I have hacked it with other companies over the years and have to say When i worked I was paid unlike VDB so unless you know about personal reasons of the guys who have left you should really keep your trap shut!!!

maybe just maybe I do know a bit more aboutit than most as hey I am still there after 28 years and even managed to get a little bit further up the food chain which seeing as how I have done it a foreign country is not to be sneezed at. Thus have earned the right to open my trap

see you havnt changed then :unamused:

Why are they hearsay Wheelnut■■? Graham was in the pub when said driver was asked and I know because the driver involved told me what had happened so not hearsay

But the said driver has no issues with VdB, he has made it work for him and doesn’t need backstabbers bringing him in to this debarcle.

If we want to start telling stories!!!


When you are tired, hungry and ‘all alone’ life is hard when you have a problem, even a small issue gets inflamed.(quote)

(quote= “Coddy”)—Oooohhhhhhhh the drama of this thread is just soooo nailbiting…not
:cry: :cry: :cry: Aw come on Coddy. :cry: :cry: :cry: Show a bit of sympathy FFS :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

As for Vasco,s input on these forums. As he so rightly says, 28 years of Euro experience, from driver to TM. certainly does give him the right to air his views. Hopefully not in those 4 European languages that he speaks fluently. If he did, no ZB on here would know what he was on about. :wink: :wink:

Having just read the EX RAF Chef,s wound up post below :unamused: :unamused: I would not like to have been in your canteen when one of your souffles failed to rise. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: You need to calm down m8ee, your stress levels must be going through the roof. If you put me next up on your bile menu, fire away pal. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Wheel Nut:
I have a couple of things to add to this thread.

Dinostevus needs to learn the definition of a Troll. He was offered good advice, he took a risk and failed the assessment. Hardly an accolade, or an authority on the company.

yes wheel nut, whatever you say wheel nut, three bags full wheel nut, you all knowing has been. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
‘Offered good advice’, yea right, was that before I went or after :question: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:
You just don’t give up, if this had been another Company you wouldn’t have been such an arse licker to the owners/tm, would you? :unamused:



Here we go again Vas you say you know it all or comment like you do, so what if you have done planning etc I dont care!! I have planned too, You know nothing of the circumstances of the guys who have come home or their reasons but you jump on and make comments about “cant hack it” well I have hacked it with other companies over the years and have to say When i worked I was paid unlike VDB so unless you know about personal reasons of the guys who have left you should really keep your trap shut!!!

maybe just maybe I do know a bit more aboutit than most as hey I am still there after 28 years and even managed to get a little bit further up the food chain which seeing as how I have done it a foreign country is not to be sneezed at. Thus have earned the right to open my trap

see you havnt changed then :unamused:

Ohhhhhh I am terribly sorry god I never knew 28 years!!!. And you have millions of contacts all over Europe who send you individual messages about what is going on with each driver and their issues with the companies they work for…and you have all their individual thoughts, hopes, aspirations, fears etc.
You know nothing of the seperate issues of any of the drivers who have left VdB all you have is hearsay from Idiots like The Bear allegedly about drivers crying and you chose to believe that, more fool you as someone with 28 years knowledge would be able to see that this comment is TRUCK STOP GOSSIP. If you are going to post anything make sure you can back up what you are saying, I am not some wet behind the ears newbie who thought VdB was the answer to all my prayers, I went to see if they were any better than working either UK or Eire based companies, to say I couldnt hack it, not true I left due to money issues not that I have to justify this to you all the guys left for varying reasons of which you know nothing about so i will reiterate Keep your trap shut!!!
You seem to like jumping around the forums and seem to pick up on things you like to comment and put your point across, thats fine by me but at least get your comments rite and have the back up behind your comments



The Dutch drivers will not work for this outfit for the reasons throughout this thread and thats why they are using east europeans and Brit newbies IMHO

Thats the conclusion I was coming to.

You’re both totally wrong!! We have a Dutch yard and we get very irate over our Dutch brothers because they do half the work we do.
The reason VdB employ Brits is because, in the past, Brit drivers would work. Dutch drivers are near impossible to sack such is their system over there. They get a contract that is watertight … they get time and a half for Saturdays and double for Sundays. I am sure Vas will correct me if am wrong, but over 50 yrs old, they don’t have to work weekends and over 55 they don’t have to do nights out!! 6 months half pay if off sick or something ridiculous like that.
It is not that Dutch drivers won’t work for VdB, it is VDB don’t want Dutch drivers and all the grief they cause.

Personally, I love the Dutch… they are good fun and always willing to lend a hand.

Bear!!! I never said i hated the Dutch,they are well known for bending the EU regs though are they not?




Here we go again Vas you say you know it all or comment like you do, so what if you have done planning etc I dont care!! I have planned too, You know nothing of the circumstances of the guys who have come home or their reasons but you jump on and make comments about “cant hack it” well I have hacked it with other companies over the years and have to say When i worked I was paid unlike VDB so unless you know about personal reasons of the guys who have left you should really keep your trap shut!!!

maybe just maybe I do know a bit more aboutit than most as hey I am still there after 28 years and even managed to get a little bit further up the food chain which seeing as how I have done it a foreign country is not to be sneezed at. Thus have earned the right to open my trap

see you havnt changed then :unamused:

Ohhhhhh I am terribly sorry god I never knew 28 years!!!. And you have millions of contacts all over Europe who send you individual messages about what is going on with each driver and their issues with the companies they work for…and you have all their individual thoughts, hopes, aspirations, fears etc.
You know nothing of the seperate issues of any of the drivers who have left VdB all you have is hearsay from Idiots like The Bear allegedly about drivers crying and you chose to believe that, more fool you as someone with 28 years knowledge would be able to see that this comment is TRUCK STOP GOSSIP. If you are going to post anything make sure you can back up what you are saying, I am not some wet behind the ears newbie who thought VdB was the answer to all my prayers, I went to see if they were any better than working either UK or Eire based companies, to say I couldnt hack it, not true I left due to money issues not that I have to justify this to you all the guys left for varying reasons of which you know nothing about so i will reiterate Keep your trap shut!!!
You seem to like jumping around the forums and seem to pick up on things you like to comment and put your point across, thats fine by me but at least get your comments rite and have the back up behind your comments

Bigsidney don’t bite so hard fella :wink:

Having just read the EX RAF Chef,s wound up post below :unamused: :unamused: I would not like to have been in your canteen when one of your souffles failed to rise. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: You need to calm down m8ee, your stress levels must be going through the roof. If you put me next up on your bile menu, fire away pal. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: I’m as chilled as one of my Baked Alaskas :smiley:

Ok Dino. I.ll give you 10 out of 10 for that humorous response. :sunglasses: :sunglasses: You should try and put more of that into your pots :blush: :blush: posts. :wink: :wink:

With regard your VDB experience. Your initial disappointment is understandable. I am well aware of the pressures on people nowadays, as they try to gain employment in this industry.I have 3 family members in it. I am fortunate. i am no longer in the job market. But I have also been “through the mill”,-- in more ways than one-- during my lifetime.So I understand. I have not checked your profile to see what the score is now work-wise. I hope that you have found well paid employment, if not in this industry then in another. Best Wishes with that.

I made my post as a response to the one that you directed at Wheelnut. I would suggest that you spend a few minutes, checking his profile. You would not need to go too far back to discover that he is just 7 years older than you. Dig a bit further, and you might end up feeling that you might owe him an apology for your post. He is a man for whom I personally have great respect.For more than just his experience as a wagon driver. Your response to my post shows that you have got it in you. :wink: :wink: