Van den bosch transport


En dat ik gebruik om te wonen in Amsterdam… :smiley: :smiley:

En Ik gebruik dat om in Amsterdam te wonen :wink: :wink:

1 persoonlijk voornaamwoord
2 onderwerp
3 tijd
4 werkwoord :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

About 10 years ago as a shop fitter for karren millen and other fashion shops, well i think thats what you asked, like i said been a while and a bit rusty. if you didn’t ask these question then i do look a ■■■… :astonished: :smiley: :laughing:



En dat ik gebruik om te wonen in Amsterdam… :smiley: :smiley:

En Ik gebruik dat om in Amsterdam te wonen :wink: :wink:

1 persoonlijk voornaamwoord
2 onderwerp
3 tijd
4 werkwoord :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

About 10 years ago as a shop fitter for karren millen and other fashion shops, well i think thats what you asked, like i said been a while and a bit rusty. if you didn’t ask these question then i do look a ■■■… :astonished: :smiley: :laughing:

you put the words in wrong order, I know what you mean, but Dutch is back to front.
1 The Person, you , me, them, it etcetra
2 Subject
3 time or date or evening , morning, whatever
4 the action e.g sitting, living , lifting , pushing, stroking whatever

4 can be earlier in a sentence if it’s in a different time, e.g past , future, etc.

But as you try it’s not bad, but if you can pronounce S’ Gravenhage, S’ Hertogenbosch, Scheveningen, Gorinchem etc, realise that al the G’s are a throat sound. Dutch language is very simple, we have 3 year olds who speak it fluently.

The problem is for a lot of foreign drivers is how the Dutch say there numbers example you say 48 as Fourty and eight, we say 48 as eight and fourty (acht en veertig)
If you be at the big distribution centres, many a time a driver need to be collected from door 84 (vier en tachtig) while they told him to use 48 (acht en veertig) pronounce the ch in acht as a G throat sound and the V in Vier as an F
If you havent broken you tongue by now I am suprised :grimacing: :grimacing:

I recall the pronouce are funny but it was a while back now and never kept it up, shame i enjoyed learning the lingo every night drinking amstels that they shave the head off with a cake slice…lol, was hoping to move there full time some years back but them plan went wrong. Some of the best people i’ve ever met out there. To laid back though thats why i was out there so the job got done to the times they wanted(and the other lads with me)…Good times, miss it.

Always handy been able to read a bit of Dutch, especially if you are reading someone else’s bord computer or timesheets :stuck_out_tongue:

So you seen the Red light district? few good pubs there (old sailor) Woman from all over the world selling goods, they are making more money with one crack than a plasterer with a whole housing block :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
Use to knock on the windows, knock knock, how much? Woman would answer something between 25 and 50 guilders, and if you answered than that’s not much for double glazing, they would be really ■■■■■■ off :grimacing:

And the famous “Coffee shop” they would sell everything except coffee, if you where lucky you could even buy your own car stereo back what some junky just ripped out your car. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
Seen more that ones people making a mistake with the cake in there :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

You’ve got to admire Frans,though.He’s even giving the prospective candidates Dutch lessons now :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Use to drink in i think it was called the grasshopper on the edge of the red light dist, and a good one right in the middle near a bridge,cannot think of the name of it but was a good pub, in the 2 years on and off i spent there i can honestly say i never did go with one of the girls, came close but never did, i like the side streets off it with the blacks chinese and the rest, found one that looked like sammy davis jr once…i had a rented room in kerkstrat.

Use to drink in i think it was called the grasshopper


:wink: me too , just up from Centraal Station on the left … good boozer :wink:

Some good bars within 5 minutes walk of Unilever in Rotterdam too, either straight up the main road or over the bridge. Handy if you arrive a day early, :blush:

Well here goes i dont usually do these forum things but have just joined cause i see sid taking bit of a pounding from people that do not know to much what goes on in erp and vdb. Personnaly i worked there may till end of september on powder silo so i have couple of points to make.
I kept an eye on this forum before i even applied vdb and the job was hyped up to be like a “carlsberg” job on trucknet and most these drivers have returned uk now …its that good. lol. So with a few years powder experience and euro knowledge thought i had chance to get commercial experience in europe and had been made redundant from my old job cause employer sold up so was easy choice agency crap ups and downs irregular work or take a chance and enjoy summer challenge while earning I applied. but i convinced myself to remain open minded and not to get carried away on the novelty factor like some. i knew how expensive everything was in euro land now with currency exchange rates almost level and do travel 3-4 times a year over 15 year period touring so do have lot of knowledge pre euro and since euro on price of everyday stuff changing prices to us brits.
So you go interview and they say you can make money …bit of tacho tipping of the chart and the like , the computer seemingly the way to determine how your paid max hours get good money week at home sounds to good to be true…IT IS.
By the third wage i was starting to realise i was doig max hours but quite a lot of them were not appearing on my wage slip so i emailed them and waited 3 weeks no reply so was fortunate to be back erp and made point of seeing person to be told takes time after week got message on my onboard computer due nowt basically , i think they think youl just forget about it.
Now i didnt do shady to earn £2200 like 7 days 2 trucks disposable tachos which is accomadated by vdb for some … if thats what you want to do to get you 2000+ on you go it will make up for the money they do take of you anyway, i gave all within the law although was flexible with breaks also i.e took em on job you had to because you wouldnt make deadlines planners set and remember they were happy with that makes more productive and money vdb and knew because you hadnt pressed break button on comp so know you aint had break.
Now since day 1 i kept diary “Scotsman” you got to keep eye on these things lol, hours worked waiting and breaks and i know if i work 15-16 hours without an offiial break or waiting i should be paid more than 12-13 hours its not rocket sience. And thats just a vague example but similar to what happens with wages every day , week , month.
Now i dont want to be all doom and gloom about it i enjoyed the experience and have many good memories of places ive been seen met new foreign freinds for vdb but we only work for money not a hobbie and “MY” time is valuable to me no one should have to work for multi- million pound company for free. not paid we aint gonna work for you is simple is like exploitation of people from a poorer economy. I reckon im due a 4 figure sum for free work and my times are accurate. And there are many many examples of this money shortfall for brit drivers theyve handed in spreadsheets with wage questions only to be told same as me thats what you get so beware if your thinking about taking jump. Is well dodgy.
There are many other issues to consider to like 15 kilos luggage limit for tramping 3 weeks, Volvo FMs for 3 weeks not ideal as well.



There’s a few people actually saying something worthwhile on here, Lucy’s contribution stands out as one of the better ones as do Glenman’s and Voscoingeles’s, of course WheelNut is in there too and I better mention BTD or he’ll be on the phone, there are others too, but I lost the will to live at page 14 so can’t remember all of you, but you know who you are :laughing:

Dinostevus is once again throwing the T word around, he does that if you dare to disagree with him :unamused: Big Sid, obviously you have some issues with VdB, but you lost all credibility with personal attacks because someone disagreed with you (as per Dinostevus) you also need to look up the definition of hearsay ‘MMTM, he was in the pub when the conversation took place etc’ that is HEARSAY :roll:

There’s a saying that goes ‘you can please all of the people some of the time, some of the people all of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time’ VdB should have that as their company motto :laughing:

Now please stop mentioning trains, or we’ll have Carryfast on here adding to the confusion :open_mouth: :wink:

take it you missed the bit where he was in the pub with him.

No, you need a dictionary too G, he may have been in the pub when the conversation took place, unless you’ve been told directly it is hearsay :wink:

mayby vas and his pals should do the same thing then shouldnt they.

anyway i started at 0530 this morning…should be all done and dusted by 2030…except my planner saying i must load tonight, he planned for me to be at the factory to load at 1700…i was still on my way to rotterdam to drop off another trailer at 1630 and he knew this. so i had half an hour to pick up a trailer, go get it cleaned, dry it and get to loading…he forgot to mention the fact that its a 3 hour wait minimum for the product to be ready and i arrived at the plant at 1930…so ill be on till midnight at least…(Y)

anyway i started at 0530 this morning…should be all done and dusted by 2030…except my planner saying i must load tonight, he planned for me to be at the factory to load at 1700…i was still on my way to rotterdam to drop off another trailer at 1630 and he knew this. so i had half an hour to pick up a trailer, go get it cleaned, dry it and get to loading…he forgot to mention the fact that its a 3 hour wait minimum for the product to be ready and i arrived at the plant at 1930…so ill be on till midnight at least…(Y)

And here you are ■■■■■■■ around on the internet, I do hope you won’t be moaning about going without food for three days :laughing:

Gogz, you should stay off of this thread before you start believing the hype, for sure, working for VdB is no holiday, but then the clue is in the word WORKING, do what you’ve got to do, don’t let them push you too hard and learn to say NO when enough is enough, many a time a willing horse has been flogged to death, once they get your way of doing things into their head you’ll find that your life will become a lot easier :bulb:

do what you’ve got to do, don’t let them push you too hard and learn to say NO when enough is enough, many a time a willing horse has been flogged to death,

very sound advice well worth following

It has been posted more than once about a firm seeing how far they can go
and as for not getting paid well simple go and ask for a computer print out
and then walk into the bosses office without asking and tell him why you are
■■■■■■ off, by the way if it is not written into your contract then you are
on the road to no where, and of course no firm carry,s out such practise
as its ILLEGAL as we all know,

Very interesting reading the drama over the last 4 pages of this thread. I don’t have owt to add really, I think Lucy, Glen, Mark and Paul have succinctly summed up my own thoughts/opinions between them. One thing I will add is that I will be surprised if Gogzy is still there come 2011… That’s not a dig at you Gogzy but your posts ring loud and clear that you aren’t cut out for the work and are seriously unhappy there. Stop fighting it, you won’t win. Either adapt and learn how to say “no” or GTFO. :bulb:

I dunno why some people dont have the balls to say NO.
You guys where working 15+ hours and youse were deducted 2 hours pay for breaks…then why on earth havent you parked up in services for 2 hours then having your breaks that you are LEGALLY REQUIRED TO HAVE■■?

Dont give me the bollox about not then being able to meet your planned targets…thats the planners tough luck its HIS/HER PROBLEM!
Also Grogzy you stated that you started at 5.30 am well by my simple maths that ment that you had to be parked up by 8.30pm. So when you arrive at plant at 7.30pm with 1 hour left on the card, knowing it may take 3 hours to unload then why the hell did you go in to load■■? You know you will NOT be paid those 2 hours “off card” so friggen well park up and tell planner you will be in there to load when you have completed your daily rest.

Remember YOU have the LAW behind you for YOUR benifit! :unamused:

I dunno why some people dont have the balls to say NO.
You guys where working 15+ hours and youse were deducted 2 hours pay for breaks…then why on earth havent you parked up in services for 2 hours then having your breaks that you are LEGALLY REQUIRED TO HAVE■■?

Dont give me the bollox about not then being able to meet your planned targets…thats the planners tough luck its HIS/HER PROBLEM!
Also Grogzy you stated that you started at 5.30 am well by my simple maths that ment that you had to be parked up by 8.30pm. So when you arrive at plant at 7.30pm with 1 hour left on the card, knowing it may take 3 hours to unload then why the hell did you go in to load■■? You know you will NOT be paid those 2 hours “off card” so friggen well park up and tell planner you will be in there to load when you have completed your daily rest.

Remember YOU have the LAW behind you for YOUR benifit! :unamused:


I’m no angel when it comes to obeying laws, but the crunch point for me is no work for no money. If the money was right I’d run round the clock, but regardless of whether tipping/loading off the card is the norm over there, if they’re not paying for it then it’s curtains and speak to you in the morning, good night!

I dunno why some people dont have the balls to say NO.
You guys where working 15+ hours and youse were deducted 2 hours pay for breaks…then why on earth havent you parked up in services for 2 hours then having your breaks that you are LEGALLY REQUIRED TO HAVE■■?

Dont give me the bollox about not then being able to meet your planned targets…thats the planners tough luck its HIS/HER PROBLEM!
Also Grogzy you stated that you started at 5.30 am well by my simple maths that ment that you had to be parked up by 8.30pm. So when you arrive at plant at 7.30pm with 1 hour left on the card, knowing it may take 3 hours to unload then why the hell did you go in to load■■? You know you will NOT be paid those 2 hours “off card” so friggen well park up and tell planner you will be in there to load when you have completed your daily rest.

Remember YOU have the LAW behind you for YOUR benifit! :unamused:

Most Dutch companies have a slightly more liberal view on this and it is their risk under Dutch law not the drivers.
Basically the company has to pay the fine the driver does not neither does he gets points on his licence for doing the companies bidding.
Depending on the way you are paid it can sometimes be to your advantage to load as it may mean that you can get a few thousand more kilometers in before your 90 hours in 2 weeks are up or maybe the trip is interesting enough and offers a weekend in Venice or Cadiz or somewhere else interesting.
It maybe that by not loading that someone else goes in and loads it and you end up having to load 3 or 4 trailers the next day rather than doing some decent driving.
Remeber when working abroad you have to adapt to what THEY normally do, not what would do back home where the regime is a lot stricter.

I dunno why some people dont have the balls to say NO.
You guys where working 15+ hours and youse were deducted 2 hours pay for breaks…then why on earth havent you parked up in services for 2 hours then having your breaks that you are LEGALLY REQUIRED TO HAVE■■?

Dont give me the bollox about not then being able to meet your planned targets…thats the planners tough luck its HIS/HER PROBLEM!
Also Grogzy you stated that you started at 5.30 am well by my simple maths that ment that you had to be parked up by 8.30pm. So when you arrive at plant at 7.30pm with 1 hour left on the card, knowing it may take 3 hours to unload then why the hell did you go in to load■■? You know you will NOT be paid those 2 hours “off card” so friggen well park up and tell planner you will be in there to load when you have completed your daily rest.

Remember YOU have the LAW behind you for YOUR benifit! :unamused:

SPOT ON ABOVE, many a time i’ve had some desk ■■■■■■ yapping his head off at me saying “it must get done” well the law is the law, i to have in the past done my fair share of of chart work and what thanks did i ever get, none…If your time is up and you have gave them plenty of warning about when your time is up then its park up time. They can say all they like but no company can get rid of you for sticking to the law, if they do then its court time and a pay out for UD.

Good planner should never put you in that squeeze. Your only as good as the planners that plan you.


I dunno why some people dont have the balls to say NO.
You guys where working 15+ hours and youse were deducted 2 hours pay for breaks…then why on earth havent you parked up in services for 2 hours then having your breaks that you are LEGALLY REQUIRED TO HAVE■■?

Dont give me the bollox about not then being able to meet your planned targets…thats the planners tough luck its HIS/HER PROBLEM!
Also Grogzy you stated that you started at 5.30 am well by my simple maths that ment that you had to be parked up by 8.30pm. So when you arrive at plant at 7.30pm with 1 hour left on the card, knowing it may take 3 hours to unload then why the hell did you go in to load■■? You know you will NOT be paid those 2 hours “off card” so friggen well park up and tell planner you will be in there to load when you have completed your daily rest.

Remember YOU have the LAW behind you for YOUR benifit! :unamused:

Most Dutch companies have a slightly more liberal view on this and it is their risk under Dutch law not the drivers.
Basically the company has to pay the fine the driver does not neither does he gets points on his licence for doing the companies bidding.
Depending on the way you are paid it can sometimes be to your advantage to load as it may mean that you can get a few thousand more kilometers in before your 90 hours in 2 weeks are up or maybe the trip is interesting enough and offers a weekend in Venice or Cadiz or somewhere else interesting.
It maybe that by not loading that someone else goes in and loads it and you end up having to load 3 or 4 trailers the next day rather than doing some decent driving.
Remeber when working abroad you have to adapt to what THEY normally do, not what would do back home where the regime is a lot stricter.

Maybe so but if ya aint getting paid then you are mug for working.
I wouldnt care the next day if it was 3/4 trailers instead of driving…still getting a wage. Just the freebie for the company is a no no.