Van den bosch transport

You have fun today Stewart lol



haha yea that strue, but you love it at vdb. i owe you a beer when we get back btw

well, yeah, sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t, as all of us I reckon…

Lol you flying back sunday?

Yeah, back on business on Sunday so reckon I’ll see you then




haha yea that strue, but you love it at vdb. i owe you a beer when we get back btw

well, yeah, sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t, as all of us I reckon…

Lol you flying back sunday?

Yeah, back on business on Sunday so reckon I’ll see you then

i guess we`ll see our lil finnish gnome on sunday lol

sent an e mail to vdb monday, just checking it out, spoke to paul on phone this morning to ask a couple of questions only to be told they will only fly u in and out of edinburgh or exeter, both are a fair way from dewsbury, i didnt realize u couldnt fly into manchester or leeds bradford.

I thought Birmingham was one of the airports that they also used?

ganges boy:
sent an e mail to vdb monday, just checking it out, spoke to paul on phone this morning to ask a couple of questions only to be told they will only fly u in and out of edinburgh or exeter, both are a fair way from dewsbury, i didnt realize u couldnt fly into manchester or leeds bradford.

they were flying out of leeds from what i remember.


ganges boy:
sent an e mail to vdb monday, just checking it out, spoke to paul on phone this morning to ask a couple of questions only to be told they will only fly u in and out of edinburgh or exeter, both are a fair way from dewsbury, i didnt realize u couldnt fly into manchester or leeds bradford.

they were flying out of leeds from what i remember.

they did fly out of leeds/bradford, me and andy flew from there into dusseldorf, but since we left, vdb must of stopped

We still fly from Leeds/Bradford. I don’t know how Paul explained it to you, but the thing is we only do this time interviews in Exeter and Edinburgh.
This is due to more reactions from that area.
We are actively flying from Edinburgh, Birmingham, Leeds/Bradford and Exeter.
The reason why we don’t do interviews in Leeds area this time is that there are not enough applicants this time, and it’s pointless for us to fly people in from Holland, book hotels and meeting room for 1 or 2 applicants who may or may not successful.
But please feel free to send your CV in and if there is enough request for it we will defiantly consider it.

We still fly from Leeds/Bradford. I don’t know how Paul explained it to you, but the thing is we only do this time interviews in Exeter and Edinburgh.
This is due to more reactions from that area.
We are actively flying from Edinburgh, Birmingham, Leeds/Bradford and Exeter.
The reason why we don’t do interviews in Leeds area this time is that there are not enough applicants this time, and it’s pointless for us to fly people in from Holland, book hotels and meeting room for 1 or 2 applicants who may or may not successful.
But please feel free to send your CV in and if there is enough request for it we will defiantly consider it.

What are you running? a holiday travel agency or a transport company? :laughing:

Wheel Nut:

We still fly from Leeds/Bradford. I don’t know how Paul explained it to you, but the thing is we only do this time interviews in Exeter and Edinburgh.
This is due to more reactions from that area.
We are actively flying from Edinburgh, Birmingham, Leeds/Bradford and Exeter.
The reason why we don’t do interviews in Leeds area this time is that there are not enough applicants this time, and it’s pointless for us to fly people in from Holland, book hotels and meeting room for 1 or 2 applicants who may or may not successful.
But please feel free to send your CV in and if there is enough request for it we will defiantly consider it.

What are you running? a holiday travel agency or a transport company? :laughing:

It feels like being VdB Worldwide travel, still get guys phoning why are you not flying from: Belfast, Dublin, Reykjavik, Warsaw, Johannesburg, Barcelona, Nice, Malpensa, Budapest, Prague, Bucharest, Tangier, Istanbul, Tirana, Riga, etc.

We have to answer “Kloten” on that, which is not only an airport near Zurich in Switzerland, but also the Dutch word for ■■■■■■■■ :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:


Wheel Nut:

We still fly from Leeds/Bradford. I don’t know how Paul explained it to you, but the thing is we only do this time interviews in Exeter and Edinburgh.
This is due to more reactions from that area.
We are actively flying from Edinburgh, Birmingham, Leeds/Bradford and Exeter.
The reason why we don’t do interviews in Leeds area this time is that there are not enough applicants this time, and it’s pointless for us to fly people in from Holland, book hotels and meeting room for 1 or 2 applicants who may or may not successful.
But please feel free to send your CV in and if there is enough request for it we will defiantly consider it.

What are you running? a holiday travel agency or a transport company? :laughing:

It feels like being VdB Worldwide travel, still get guys phoning why are you not flying from: Belfast, Dublin, Reykjavik, Warsaw, Johannesburg, Barcelona, Nice, Malpensa, Budapest, Prague, Bucharest, Tangier, Istanbul, Tirana, Riga, etc.

We have to answer “Kloten” on that, which is not only an airport near Zurich in Switzerland, but also the Dutch word for ■■■■■■■■ :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Ill remeber that :stuck_out_tongue:

Next time one of those moderators doctors one of me posts, that,s what they,ll be getting. Kloten yer ZB,s. :laughing: :laughing:

Thanks very much for that CaleyDream. I can feel a song coming on— All together now–"Klotens they make the best meat pies… Dara Darrarra da da daaa-- Klotens darrarra Klotens… :wink: :wink:

i have an interview with this company soon and i was wondering if anybody knows anything about them, good or bad, they are based in the netherlands, they fly you out there to be trained in there academy, its 2-3 weeks away from home and a week off at home, is it too good to be true, or genuine

as your no longer working there it must have been too bad to be true :smiley:


i have an interview with this company soon and i was wondering if anybody knows anything about them, good or bad, they are based in the netherlands, they fly you out there to be trained in there academy, its 2-3 weeks away from home and a week off at home, is it too good to be true, or genuine

as your no longer working there it must have been too bad to be true :smiley:

I think PM’s will follow… :open_mouth:



i have an interview with this company soon and i was wondering if anybody knows anything about them, good or bad, they are based in the netherlands, they fly you out there to be trained in there academy, its 2-3 weeks away from home and a week off at home, is it too good to be true, or genuine

as your no longer working there it must have been too bad to be true :smiley:

I think PM’s will follow… :open_mouth:

defo lol




i have an interview with this company soon and i was wondering if anybody knows anything about them, good or bad, they are based in the netherlands, they fly you out there to be trained in there academy, its 2-3 weeks away from home and a week off at home, is it too good to be true, or genuine

as your no longer working there it must have been too bad to be true :smiley:

I think PM’s will follow… :open_mouth:

defo lol

and replied to :smiley:





i have an interview with this company soon and i was wondering if anybody knows anything about them, good or bad, they are based in the netherlands, they fly you out there to be trained in there academy, its 2-3 weeks away from home and a week off at home, is it too good to be true, or genuine

as your no longer working there it must have been too bad to be true :smiley:

I think PM’s will follow… :open_mouth:

defo lol

and replied to :smiley:

Just call me septic peg… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Update to what has not been posted:
When you go to the interview with Frans you are told that you can make excellent money by doing various things, Like 2hrs + tipping off card (illegal) but we have all done it at sometime in the past to help ourselves or the company, The truth of the matter and what you are not told by Frans is that if you work for 15hrs VDB will only pay you for 13hrs. This is of course if you can justify this action on the board computer then they will pay you. I worked 21.5 hrs in 1 day between tipping cleaning and reloading the cleaning had a rather large Q so I was 5hrs of waiting to clean and then the load was 5hrs all of which was waiting time on my BC I then drove to where I was unloading and parked up to rest my total day came to 21.5hrs as cleaning and loading were done off card as discussed with Frans and Thijs at interview and in my view this was a way of boosting wages. On receiving my wage slip it was marked that for that day I was paid a grand total of 13hrs. On approaching the office namely Thijs (personel) he then said it was unhealthy and highly illegal to work for this long without a break, this was not the only wage discreapancy but one that shows how underhand and sly this company is. I spoke to Thijs and Roland about this and both are now of the opinion that what was said at the interview is not what happens when you are actually over there and working. I worked hard did a bloody good job for them and 99% of what they asked of me only to be screwed when it came to wages, they can and will take money from your earnings at every opportunity for whatever reasons they see fit, sometimes valid but at other times underhand.
Also when you go across be prepared to spend 3 weeks in a Volvo Globetrotter FM this is mainly because they can not sell them and they claim they can not give them to your euro colleagues as they can not drive a truck with the steering wheel on the wrong side of the truck!!!
When the 1st wave of UK drivers ventured across we were treated well, hotel, meals for 1 week, apt training, I say apt because the training consists of sitting in a classroom for 3.5 days learning about tacho law etc and you then spend 2/3 hrs discharging from one tank to the other (to me the most important part of the job) but then they send you with another driver for your 1st 1 or 2 unloads, the rest you have to pick up as you go along, they even teach you the DUTCH way of coupling a trailer!!! Iam of the opinion that the reason this was done was so that they get the decent feedback on truck net and a lot of drivers who read the previous posts from here from myself and the others then applied for positions themselves and maybe got the view that this was a decent job

When you fly over to begin your 3 weeks you are allocated a unit and load usually on the Monday morning for unloading. then you will spend most of the 3 weeks tramping around euroland. After you are done it is not unusual for them to ship you back to Erp on the Saturday before you fly home and you will have to rush around packing and putting stuff into your locker if you can find one so you can make your taxi and it can be hectic as there are usually a lot of drivers going home on the saturday morning
Well Mr Van Hoof I await your response to this as I expect you will disagree with me but I was there for 6 months and have experienced what it is like working for VDB and this among other reasons is why I no longer work for VDB

[zb], as I know for a fact that you have all my contact details, and never over the last 7 month raised any issue with me by either E-mail, text, or telephone, also your previous post have been very positive, so I won’t react on your text above whatsoever.
You could have raised this with me at any time, but I will refuse to discuss your and our business on the internet at any time.
At that point in time it didn’t seem that important to you that you wanted to contact me and raise a complain, so I don’t get your point, why you want me to react on your rant. Good luck in the future [zb].
Thanks Frans Van Hoof

Update to what has not been posted:
When you go to the interview with Frans you are told that you can make excellent money by doing various things, Like 2hrs + tipping off card (illegal) but we have all done it at sometime in the past to help ourselves or the company, The truth of the matter and what you are not told by Frans is that if you work for 15hrs VDB will only pay you for 13hrs. This is of course if you can justify this action on the board computer then they will pay you. I worked 21.5 hrs in 1 day between tipping cleaning and reloading the cleaning had a rather large Q so I was 5hrs of waiting to clean and then the load was 5hrs all of which was waiting time on my BC I then drove to where I was unloading and parked up to rest my total day came to 21.5hrs as cleaning and loading were done off card as discussed with Frans and Thijs at interview and in my view this was a way of boosting wages. On receiving my wage slip it was marked that for that day I was paid a grand total of 13hrs. On approaching the office namely Thijs (personel) he then said it was unhealthy and highly illegal to work for this long without a break, this was not the only wage discreapancy but one that shows how underhand and sly this company is. I spoke to Thijs and Roland about this and both are now of the opinion that what was said at the interview is not what happens when you are actually over there and working. I worked hard did a bloody good job for them and 99% of what they asked of me only to be screwed when it came to wages, they can and will take money from your earnings at every opportunity for whatever reasons they see fit, sometimes valid but at other times underhand.
Also when you go across be prepared to spend 3 weeks in a Volvo Globetrotter FM this is mainly because they can not sell them and they claim they can not give them to your euro colleagues as they can not drive a truck with the steering wheel on the wrong side of the truck!!!
When the 1st wave of UK drivers ventured across we were treated well, hotel, meals for 1 week, apt training, I say apt because the training consists of sitting in a classroom for 3.5 days learning about tacho law etc and you then spend 2/3 hrs discharging from one tank to the other (to me the most important part of the job) but then they send you with another driver for your 1st 1 or 2 unloads, the rest you have to pick up as you go along, they even teach you the DUTCH way of coupling a trailer!!! Iam of the opinion that the reason this was done was so that they get the decent feedback on truck net and a lot of drivers who read the previous posts from here from myself and the others then applied for positions themselves and maybe got the view that this was a decent job

When you fly over to begin your 3 weeks you are allocated a unit and load usually on the Monday morning for unloading. then you will spend most of the 3 weeks tramping around euroland. After you are done it is not unusual for them to ship you back to Erp on the Saturday before you fly home and you will have to rush around packing and putting stuff into your locker if you can find one so you can make your taxi and it can be hectic as there are usually a lot of drivers going home on the saturday morning
Well Mr Van Hoof I await your response to this as I expect you will disagree with me but I was there for 6 months and have experienced what it is like working for VDB and this among other reasons is why I no longer work for VDB

Ain’t that the case :unamused:
I’ve missed our ‘chats’ :frowning:

Watch out for the vdb fan club, he will turn this around and blame you :unamused: :angry: :angry:

Good luck in th future, I’m sure with your new found experience you’ll find a decent job soon. :smiley: