Van den bosch transport

Mr S Rodden, as I know for a fact that you have all my contact details, and never over the last 7 month raised any issue with me by either E-mail, text, or telephone, also your previous post have been very positive, so I won’t react on your text above whatsoever.
You could have raised this with me at any time, but I will refuse to discuss your and our business on the internet at any time.
At that point in time it didn’t seem that important to you that you wanted to contact me and raise a complain, so I don’t get your point, why you want me to react on your rant. Good luck in the future Mr S Rodden.
Thanks Frans Van Hoof

Like I tried to do? :angry: :angry:

Looks like I had a ‘lucky’ escape :unamused: 'spose this explains the CONSTANT need for new drivers. :laughing: :laughing:


Mr S Rodden, as I know for a fact that you have all my contact details, and never over the last 7 month raised any issue with me by either E-mail, text, or telephone, also your previous post have been very positive, so I won’t react on your text above whatsoever.
You could have raised this with me at any time, but I will refuse to discuss your and our business on the internet at any time.
At that point in time it didn’t seem that important to you that you wanted to contact me and raise a complain, so I don’t get your point, why you want me to react on your rant. Good luck in the future Mr S Rodden.
Thanks Frans Van Hoof

Like I tried to do? :angry: :angry:

Looks like I had a ‘lucky’ escape :roll: 'spose this explains the CONSTANT need for new drivers. :laughing: :laughing:

You having a Giraffe■■? :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: Who had a Lucky Escape?? :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: You nearly killed the instructor, the guy still recieves treatment of a psychologist for his nightmares :imp: :imp:

Ahhh Frans i really don’t see the point in calling anyone , I tried on numerous occasions whilst over in Europe to arrange a meeting with Thijs, Roland or any of the other Managers based there only when this was requested either on my leaving Erp to return home or on my return to Erp after my week off it was always in my opinion that after requesting to see someone that my times would be returning to Erp either on a Saturday late or when I got back my orders were to leave in the early hours and then be kept out thus there was never any discussion about problems so it seems that they do not like confrontation and prefer to keep you out of the way until you have either calmed down or otherwise forgotten about it.
I notice you have not gone into the wage issue, as you said at My interview “a chance to make good money here” and I believed you!!!
The reality is 3 weeks for under £1500 after VDB has taken their share, it was stated when i handed in my resignation that this was theft of the blatant and most underhand way possible, the guys…All of them work bloody hard and what for■■? Barbacues, beach volleyball competitions and of course all with free bars, but wait !!! how many drivers actually were informed or got to attend? Hmmmmm 3 or 4 out of the drivers from the UK, but wait all the bloody office staff were there!!!
and of course The monster trucks being built to take part in the Paris-Dakar rally, who pays for all this? DRIVERS thats who!!!
You may think that I am a disgruntled ex employee, not the case i am afraid, I am one of those people who can see the bigger picture and when I work 21.5 hrs I want paying for 21.5hrs not because someone who has never sat their arse in a truck or done the job to tell me I must take a rest and then decides to pay me 13hrs this is wrong Frans and you know it.
Nothing I have said here is untrue if it was then why have so many drivers left?
Graham, Dunit, Gary , Stevie D etc etc need I go on

Ahhh Frans i really don’t see the point in calling anyone , I tried on numerous occasions whilst over in Europe to arrange a meeting with Thijs, Roland or any of the other Managers based there only when this was requested either on my leaving Erp to return home or on my return to Erp after my week off it was always in my opinion that after requesting to see someone that my times would be returning to Erp either on a Saturday late or when I got back my orders were to leave in the early hours and then be kept out thus there was never any discussion about problems so it seems that they do not like confrontation and prefer to keep you out of the way until you have either calmed down or otherwise forgotten about it.
I notice you have not gone into the wage issue, as you said at My interview “a chance to make good money here” and I believed you!!!
The reality is 3 weeks for under £1500 after VDB has taken their share, it was stated when i handed in my resignation that this was theft of the blatant and most underhand way possible, the guys…All of them work bloody hard and what for■■? Barbacues, beach volleyball competitions and of course all with free bars, but wait !!! how many drivers actually were informed or got to attend? Hmmmmm 3 or 4 out of the drivers from the UK, but wait all the bloody office staff were there!!!
and of course The monster trucks being built to take part in the Paris-Dakar rally, who pays for all this? DRIVERS thats who!!!
You may think that I am a disgruntled ex employee, not the case i am afraid, I am one of those people who can see the bigger picture and when I work 21.5 hrs I want paying for 21.5hrs not because someone who has never sat their arse in a truck or done the job to tell me I must take a rest and then decides to pay me 13hrs this is wrong Frans and you know it.
Nothing I have said here is untrue if it was then why have so many drivers left?
Graham, Dunit, Gary , Stevie D etc etc need I go on

Am I free to post the real figure here what you made month by month■■?


Mr S Rodden, as I know for a fact that you have all my contact details, and never over the last 7 month raised any issue with me by either E-mail, text, or telephone, also your previous post have been very positive, so I won’t react on your text above whatsoever.
You could have raised this with me at any time, but I will refuse to discuss your and our business on the internet at any time.
At that point in time it didn’t seem that important to you that you wanted to contact me and raise a complain, so I don’t get your point, why you want me to react on your rant. Good luck in the future Mr S Rodden.
Thanks Frans Van Hoof

Like I tried to do? :angry: :angry:

Looks like I had a ‘lucky’ escape :unamused: 'spose this explains the CONSTANT need for new drivers. :laughing: :laughing:

anybody who works for 21 hours dont deserve a job or a license did vdb ask you to break the law they didnt pay you as you broke the law■■? wish man say only work if you know you will paid hope you find a legal job soon best of look

Be my Guest Frans, but remember to take off night out money!!! Not that that was any big deal anyway the going rate for the Dutch and Germans was higher for nights out. I am now working back in the UK doing N/O with a rate of wait for it, Wait for it £30:00 and all expenses, parking meals etc, oh and they also pay my phone bill for my mobile, so VDB aint so special really with all your false promises about getting paid for tipping off the card what a complete load of tosh to be honest with you.

bill hyde:
anybody who works for 21 hours dont deserve a job or a license did vdb ask you to break the law they didnt pay you as you broke the law■■? wish man say only work if you know you will paid hope you find a legal job soon best of look

Did you read all of the post Bill or just some of it, you will see that I spent 10hrs between cleaning and loading, and yes it was stated at the interview that if we could work it tippin, loading and cleaning off the card would be a way of boosting earnings, but alas I have been taken for a mug and I understand that, I am not a foolish man hence I no longer work for VDB. I am a loyal and hardworking employee with 20+ years experience, hence why at the time Frans hired me, but I stupidly worked for nothing other than my name as part sponsor of Peter Van Den Bosch Paris Dakar rally truck…
I had a job lined up upon returning to the UK and my employer now, runs 100% legal and pays me every hour I work and all expenses including my private mobile phone and all meals when I am away from home!!

21.5 hours in one shift bigsidney!!! 6.5 hours off the card!!!

It never fails to amaze me the drivers with 20 years+ experience who still do this sort of carry on and then expect to get Paid :unamused:

The Dutch firms are well known for these practices and always try it on if Brits are stupid enough to do it :laughing:

Even fast Eddie won’t do that sort of thing :wink:

anybody who works for 21 hours dont deserve a job or a license did vdb ask you to break the law they didnt pay you as you broke the law■■? wish man say only work if you know you will paid hope you find a legal job soon best of look

Did you read all of the post Bill or just some of it, you will see that I spent 10hrs between cleaning and loading, and yes it was stated at the interview that if we could work it tippin, loading and cleaning off the card would be a way of boosting earnings, but alas I have been taken for a mug and I understand that, I am not a foolish man hence I no longer work for VDB. I am a loyal and hardworking employee with 20+ years experience, hence why at the time Frans hired me, but I stupidly worked for nothing other than my name as part sponsor of Peter Van Den Bosch Paris Dakar rally truck…
I had a job lined up upon returning to the UK and my employer now, runs 100% legal and pays me every hour I work and all expenses including my private mobile phone and all meals when I am away from home!!
Yes i did read it all we all need to learn from our mistakes as with all firms we do the work so they can have the pleasure thats life glad you have found a good job thats what we all need my firm is 100% legal thank god

Funny this because I have PM’s from drivers at VDB that say the same thing, and also you only get paid 3/4 of your hourly rate for your waiting time. Like you and the other said if you do a 15 hour day they always take 2 hours for break off you.
I really fancied a go at VDB but the amount of things I’ve been told in pm’s and on here it’s starting to add up. We all said it must be to good to be true and as things that seem that way always are.
My lips are sealed who the Pm’s and other emails are from.
Did wonder why they were looking for Brit driver, now I know why because we are soft as ■■■■, and we work hard.
Stuff VDB, waste of space.
VDB… Very Dodgy Ba***rds!!!

All the best with the new job!!

Would it not have been best to keep these messages private?

There are lads who work there who do like the job, and gaining valuable experience they could not get at home in the UK.

I too have PM and emails, saying that the job suits them, they are making new friends, learning new languages and getting to see new places.

We were told we were getting RHD FM Volvos, it didn’t put us off, there was more room in that then many other trucks I have tramped through Europe in and for much longer than 3 weeks.

I don’t know anything about the beach volleyball and free bars as I never ever spent a weekend in Erp. I was off down the road earning a wage. If i was in the depot over night I used to talk to the Dutch drivers and my planners in the company bar.

Wheel nut the fms are crap, I cant get a good nights sleep cause the mattress (a proper one) is rubbish and not being a skinny rung I just fit on it and no more, I did tell them in erp I didn’t want a rhd truck but seems they didn’t listen again,

I’ve had my problems at vdb and still having some but nothing too big like before, though the money thing is a bit of a joke tbh, I’ve done my fair share of long stints here. 18 hours being my longest, and most of that’s waiting time so I made sod all that day,

I do like the job when your planner just leaves you to get on with it, or listens to you when you tell them you can’t do 7 days on the go. The job itself (liquid anyway) is a doddle, I know the powder guys had it tight being told exactly what road you have to go, I’ve got a bit of freedom.

The biggest bug bear is the poxy ■■■■■■■■■■ sized fuel tanks in these fms, 7 times I’ve filled up since Monday yet I was lucky if j filled up once in the fh, also there is space for another tank on the fms

Wheel Nut:
Would it not have been best to keep these messages private?

There are lads who work there who do like the job, and gaining valuable experience they could not get at home in the UK.

I too have PM and emails, saying that the job suits them, they are making new friends, learning new languages and getting to see new places.

We were told we were getting RHD FM Volvos, it didn’t put us off, there was more room in that then many other trucks I have tramped through Europe in and for much longer than 3 weeks.

I don’t know anything about the beach volleyball and free bars as I never ever spent a weekend in Erp. I was off down the road earning a wage. If i was in the depot over night I used to talk to the Dutch drivers and my planners in the company bar.

Why you no longer there may I ask?

you will see that I spent 10hrs between cleaning and loading, and yes it was stated at the interview that if we could work it tippin, loading and cleaning off the card would be a way of boosting earnings,
question…? do you get time for sleeping,eating etc while doing all this,
ive worked for a few dutch companies and they seem to work all same, i did enjoy my time and prob would do it again but they do work different to us and the prob is we in uk have rules shoved down our throat all time to do things correct so when we go working for our neighbours things are different not in the illegal way just the approach off it.they ask but we dont have to say yes but they make it a bit difficult. but we should not be expected to do it anyhow, when we on rest it should be rest not other.


Wheel Nut:
Would it not have been best to keep these messages private?

There are lads who work there who do like the job, and gaining valuable experience they could not get at home in the UK.

I too have PM and emails, saying that the job suits them, they are making new friends, learning new languages and getting to see new places.

We were told we were getting RHD FM Volvos, it didn’t put us off, there was more room in that then many other trucks I have tramped through Europe in and for much longer than 3 weeks.

I don’t know anything about the beach volleyball and free bars as I never ever spent a weekend in Erp. I was off down the road earning a wage. If i was in the depot over night I used to talk to the Dutch drivers and my planners in the company bar.

Why you no longer there may I ask?

Personal Reasons :exclamation:

Even the lads that are still out there have told me these things are true but they are enjoying getting some exp behind them, will look good on a CV in the future I think the thinking behind that is. Each to there own but I’m glad someone had the balls to speak out about there hidden side on here. After all isn’t that what this site is about “Both Sides of the story”■■

Even the lads that are still out there have told me these things are true but they are enjoying getting some exp behind them, will look good on a CV in the future I think the thinking behind that is. Each to there own but I’m glad someone had the balls to speak out about there hidden side on here. After all isn’t that what this site is about “Both Sides of the story”■■

I did but my post was seen as ‘sour grapes’ because I didn’t get the ‘job’. I mentioned the ‘dodgy Tacho dealings’ and that post was removed, because I had no proof. Yea whatever.
Also, VdB has a big posting, long standing member on their side, people believe what they say because of ■■?
It all comes out in the end. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


Even the lads that are still out there have told me these things are true but they are enjoying getting some exp behind them, will look good on a CV in the future I think the thinking behind that is. Each to there own but I’m glad someone had the balls to speak out about there hidden side on here. After all isn’t that what this site is about “Both Sides of the story”■■

I did but my post was seen as ‘sour grapes’ because I didn’t get the ‘job’. I mentioned the ‘dodgy Tacho dealings’ and that post was removed, because I had no proof. Yea whatever.
Also, VdB has a big posting, long standing member on their side, people believe what they say because of ■■?
It all comes out in the end. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

it depends how youlook on it, the powder side is alot harder than the bulk side, also the fact that none of the powder planners are ex drivers whereas liquid have a few, but still there must be 30 odd planners,

i have the apprentice (who is always right apparently)

tbh im only really doing it for the experience, ive also still to recieve my first wage slip so i dont know exactly what the money is like, or whether im being swindled tbh.

ill be perfectly honest this last week ive ran 100% legal (well give or take one or 2 minor faults) mainly because of somethings that we have had chats about and what im not willing to do anymore. i dont know much about what went on with stevie other than the money side tbh but hes not the only one whos having problems with it

A few disgruntled employees it seems, are the wages good?