Van den bosch transport

I know someone who had an interview recently, he’s a very experienced driver and Frans must have liked the cut of his jib because he offered him a job. LOL Anyway they’re going out in September. He had considered other driving jobs abroad but for a variety of reasons had to do a “U-turn”.

Anyway, good luck to everyone going out and who’s already out there. Its sounds like a great opportunity, I mean it! I considered it myself but too many commitments over here.



I know someone who had an interview recently, he’s a very experienced driver and Frans must have liked the cut of his jib because he offered him a job. LOL Anyway they’re going out in September. He had considered other driving jobs abroad but for a variety of reasons had to do a “U-turn”.

Anyway, good luck to everyone going out and who’s already out there. Its sounds like a great opportunity, I mean it! I considered it myself but too many commitments over here.



me too mate otherwise i would have bash :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Got a start on the 6th of next month. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
Does anyone have any pointers regarding the assesments out in Erp?

Got a start on the 6th of next month. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
Does anyone have any pointers regarding the assesments out in Erp?

Stay away from the Dutch Beer that week :grimacing: :grimacing:
Is funny stuff, ■■■■■ you up big style :blush: :blush: :blush:

Dutch Heineken or Baveria is a bit different from the stuff they sell here under that name.


Got a start on the 6th of next month. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
Does anyone have any pointers regarding the assesments out in Erp?

Stay away from the Dutch Beer that week :grimacing: :grimacing:
Is funny stuff, [zb] you up big style :blush: :blush: :blush:

Dutch Heineken or Baveria is a bit different from the stuff they sell here under that name.

That Orangeboom is devious stuff aswell, tends to dead leg you when your not expecting it :blush: :blush: :blush:

Got a start on the 6th of next month. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
Does anyone have any pointers regarding the assesments out in Erp?

Ask for small portions at the ‘restaurant’, cos the portions are huge, far too big for one person. Great food though :stuck_out_tongue:


Got a start on the 6th of next month. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
Does anyone have any pointers regarding the assesments out in Erp?

Ask for small portions at the ‘restaurant’, cos the portions are huge, far too big for one person. Great food though :stuck_out_tongue:

be alright for lug then

After a long absence from this thread I thought I could finally give my contribution for it. I’m finishing my 3rd week off so I’ve been on the road for VDB for awhile. Since I was among the first groups heading into ‘unknown’ I was a bit afraid then as well but decided to give it a go and await for few months before start writing anything good or bad about company or the work itself. I reckon you should always give your new job/employer awhile before start judging it/him/her.

So far I’ve seen lots of new places, have got 9 new countries to my list as a HGV driver, althou still waitin to get to ‘old grounds’ Denmark and Sweden or even Norway or Finland but guess that’s still to come if ever… Before this employment I had done only general haulage so the whole tanker thing was a completely new field for me but I reckon I’ve adjusted to it fairly well. Thinkin as well since my training wasn’t done on my first language…

There’s always good and bad things in every job but at least in my mind in VDB the good things has overweighed the bad things, at least so far… You get lots of hours to your belt which shows in your pay-check and the work itself is pretty easy as long as you know what to do… I guess that’s one thing as well that attracts me in bulk powders cause you never know how your product behaves when unloadin it so every day is a new day. In general I think company is listening to you if you have any problems and try to resolve them, at least I haven’t had any enormous problems that couldn’t been fixed someway or another. But like I said, there’s always some things you might not like about your current job but at least in my case the good things are way greater so I’ve got no reason not being happy at my current position drivin for VDB.

I’ve had lots of good moments in my current work, maybe the most memorable moments have been weekend spent at the foot of Italian Alps and cheap restaurant meals at Czech Republic. Lots of photos and even more memories to take with you into the future.

To any newcomers or applicants I wish the best of luck to you getting a vacancy if you really want it but still to give you a bit of warning - this work ain’t for everybody, it can get sometimes a bit lonely being weeks on the road by yourself but as long you don’t mind it I think it’s a really, really good way of gettin European experience.


Lots of photos and even more memories to take with you into the future.

Let’s hear 'em and see 'em then. Please.

hello from Erp

sneakyscotsman is in his truck about 10ft from me. met other folk from this out here…dunno if it was okily dokily.

hello from Erp

sneakyscotsman is in his truck about 10ft from me. met other folk from this out here…dunno if it was okily dokily.

Not me, I’m at home this week, be back sunday pm


hello from Erp

sneakyscotsman is in his truck about 10ft from me. met other folk from this out here…dunno if it was okily dokily.

Not me, I’m at home this week, be back sunday pm

ahh, its another guy then, hes on here. stevies his name i think. ill prob still be in the yard sunday so you may see me kicking about lol

And…disapointed :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:



hello from Erp

sneakyscotsman is in his truck about 10ft from me. met other folk from this out here…dunno if it was okily dokily.

Not me, I’m at home this week, be back sunday pm

ahh, its another guy then, hes on here. stevies his name i think. ill prob still be in the yard sunday so you may see me kicking about lol

Ahhh, I think that’s Stephen R, I’m sure he’s just had his email account hijacked. :frowning: If it is he’s got his 5 month revue coming up. Very nice guy.
Anyway, have a good time, if you’d said you’d got the job I’d have sent you the hand book they give you, :stuck_out_tongue:

And…disapointed :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Disapointed about what may I ask. I’m lost. Lol

Spotted a VDB Volvo heading south on M40, sunday evening between j11 n 10 iirc pulling a Cadbury tank…anyone on here?

Spotted a VDB Volvo heading south on M40, sunday evening between j11 n 10 iirc pulling a Cadbury tank…anyone on here?

One of mine guys, 25 ton liquid chocolate for Keynsham. :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

liquid chocolate for Keynsham.

Isn’t that factory due to close soon ? :cry: :cry:

Spotted one on the M25 this morning my self. :smiley: starting to see them about more often now. How many are based here Frans?


liquid chocolate for Keynsham.

Isn’t that factory due to close soon ? :cry: :cry:

Correct…but that is not my fault :laughing: :laughing:

Most of the production moved to Poland and other factories, Somerdale (Keynham is actualy the old Frys plant)