Van den bosch transport

Where in the country are your interviews lads?

Edinburgh (Scotland)

Cool, well the very best of luck to you lads. Keep us updated.

Here Here :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
I’m back at home nursing a broken rib :open_mouth: :open_mouth: . Dont worry haters i have some good pain killers :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

one rib WIMP painkillers WIMP

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

should have been youre neck. :laughing:

all the best for those that go for interview 2-3 weeks training il give it a miss…

had interview if i wanted it .

past training school not for me.

an if wheelnut is assesor fore gone conclusion :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

no love lost between either of us . :smiley:
never seen a job advert prostituted as its been done here.

VDB are a good company.

all the best for those that go for interview 2-3 weeks training il give it a miss…

had interview if i wanted it .

past training school not for me.

an if wheelnut is assesor fore gone conclusion :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

no love lost between either of us . :smiley:
never seen a job advert prostituted as its been done here.

VDB are a good company.

Wheel Nut is English, the Trainers and Assessors are Dutch

Wheel Nut does not work for Van Den Bosch

Not sure about 2 - 3 weeks training.

Van Den Bosch are a good company.

all the best for those that go for interview 2-3 weeks training il give it a miss…

had interview if i wanted it .

past training school not for me.

an if wheelnut is assesor fore gone conclusion :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

no love lost between either of us . :smiley:
never seen a job advert prostituted as its been done here.

VDB are a good company.

Whats up? worried you wont make it past the first few days :smiley:

an if wheelnut is assesor fore gone conclusion :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

If Wheelnut was the VDB assessor; (And let,s face it, he has driven for that company, so he knows what they expect of their drivers). And I was an aspiring VDB driver. I would expect,-- as could scania 245 and Dino–to be given a fair assessment If I was up to the required standard; He would pass me. If I was not up to the required standard he would fail me.What more could an aspiring VDB wannabe driver wish for??

Dino, and I say this with all due respect, seemed unable to accept, in his earlier posts, that he was not up to the standard that they required. He then proceeded to close the door to any future prospects that he had, of gaining employment with that company in his own face, with a succession of negative posts. I should add, that all is not lost. There are other prospective employers. There will be other opportunities .
Keep on trying.

Pity there ain’t some lgv training company that specialise in LHD vehicles,Here in the uk as at least there would be the opportunity for those who have never driven one to get used to lhd trucks i have only driven a LHD artic once, for 15mins only there isn’t that much to get used to, apart from your blind spots and getting used to sitting on the opposite side of the cab,and position on the road, the rest is the same as in a rhd, apart from reversing

tommy t:
Pity there ain’t some lgv training company that specialise in LHD vehicles,Here in the uk as at least there would be the opportunity for those who have never driven one to get used to lhd trucks i have only driven a LHD artic once, for 15mins only there isn’t that much to get used to, apart from your blind spots and getting used to sitting on the opposite side of the cab,and position on the road, the rest is the same as in a rhd, apart from reversing

tbh its something you either grasp quickly or you dont, driving one over here is relativly easy if you on the motorway, only challenge is overtaking.

tbh its something you either grasp quickly or you dont, driving one over here is relatively easy if you on the motorway, only challenge is overtaking

You can say similar to driving a rhd over in Europe then? i done 5 years of that without incident, but i think it would take me a couple of days poss even a week to feel confident in a lhd over here or over the water, so if there was a company doing such it would be a good safe way to get that confidence,as 30mins to 1hr on assessment i don’t think represents a full picture of ,if a driver will be able to drive such vehicle safely or not,
As at the end of the day you only really learn when you are on your own, one other thing they could consider is sending those who they are unsure of out double manned for a few days or so, just a thought

tommy t:

tbh its something you either grasp quickly or you dont, driving one over here is relatively easy if you on the motorway, only challenge is overtaking

You can say similar to driving a rhd over in Europe then? i done 5 years of that without incident, but i think it would take me a couple of days poss even a week to feel confident in a lhd over here or over the water, so if there was a company doing such it would be a good safe way to get that confidence,as 30mins to 1hr on assessment i don’t think represents a full picture of ,if a driver will be able to drive such vehicle safely or not,
As at the end of the day you only really learn when you are on your own, one other thing they could consider is sending those who they are unsure of out double manned for a few days or so, just a thought

i found driving a rhd over in europe harder than a lhd unit over here, weird i know.

yea i get what you mean it may be a good thing, i mean the first time i drove a lhd drive artic was between glasgow and barcelona, got chucked the keys and off we went, slowly to begin with lol

About to sound very arrogant,but don’t mean to be.What is so difficult about driving a LHD truck? Biggest problem for me was getting used to flicking cigarette ends with my left hand!
Seriously now,the guys that came to Canada not only had to drive on the other side of the road,they had to get used to a bloody great nose stuck out in front of them,a 18 speed crash box,and a 53 foot trailer.This was in the space of a couple of days whilst preparing for their test,the vast majority passed first time.
Please don’t use driving on the “other side” as an excuse,it doesn’t cut the mustard.

Hardly the same thing, FTTM. We sat our tests in a country where the test is ridiculously simple, and where the traffic is nowhere near as suicidal as they are over there.
But to say there isn’t much to get used to after driving one for 15 minutes is crazy. You wouldn’t even have a clue where all the blindspots are after that short a time. The left door/windscreen pillar was hardest to get used to because you are so used to it being several feet away instead of right in your face.
And if you think that reversing is the main challenge, wait till you get up to the line on a UK roundabout in a LHD. Milton Keynes used to just about kill me in LHD because you try to keep back from the line and straight enough to see what is coming and idiots filled every available space. Or try the North Circular at rush hour, especially when you det into roadworks. The white van man becomes your mortal enemy then. RHD in Europe was no problem except, as has been said, overtaking, although passing cars was OK, but tractors and trucks were sometimes interesting. Roundabouts tended to be narrow enough that you could fill the road, and if you were entirely committed to an action then most of the other motorists would eventually back down. I only ever had one clout while driving the RHD, and he had overturned his car onto the slip road of the Rennes ringroad which I took on the limiter. Mind you, that was a hell of a whack… for the car driver.

Once you have overcome the initial stress, it soon becomes second nature. But it is still something you have to think about for a while.

flat to the mat:
About to sound very arrogant,but don’t mean to be.What is so difficult about driving a LHD truck? Biggest problem for me was getting used to flicking cigarette ends with my left hand!
Seriously now,the guys that came to Canada not only had to drive on the other side of the road,they had to get used to a bloody great nose stuck out in front of them,a 18 speed crash box,and a 53 foot trailer.This was in the space of a couple of days whilst preparing for their test,the vast majority passed first time.
Please don’t use driving on the “other side” as an excuse,it doesn’t cut the mustard.

I’m arrogant too then, yes I did pass my admittedly ridiculously simple Canadian class one first time, I think LHD is a piece of ■■■■, I had my first left ■■■■■■ right at the beginning of my driving career, I lived & worked in London, plenty of traffic & suicidal idiots there, more than the odd roundabout too, after the first 15mins I never found it a problem, maybe I had to think ahead a little bit more, much the same as driving a RHD on the Peripherique, any one of the Tangenziale’s or around Athens in rush hour, keep your eyes open & you’ll be fine, there’s a big stigma attached to it & you end up worrying about nothing, it’s a lorry, nothing more, nothing less :wink:

I always say that smoking with my left hand is the hardest thing about driving a left ■■■■■■ too, gutted that you beat me to it :laughing:

I reckon the most difficult part of an assessment at VdB would be the stuff sloshing around in the tank catching you out, saying that I’ve done a bit on tanks & far too much with hanging meat, which reacts in the same way as a load of liquid, we all used to absolutely fly down the nationals in France with that in the fridge, never ended up in a big heap anywhere, so it can’t be that hard :wink:

nah i wouldnt work for them, cabs are too small… :smiley:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

They’re getting shot of them next year anyway, they’re going on a supermarket contract, you can’t have a POA unless you’re 8ft away from the steering wheel & can stand on the shoulders of the VOSA man, it’s true, a bloke told me in a cafe the other day :wink:

To be also flippant, if anyone is struggling with LHD, why not put your class C training to use, apply at the local council and see if they have any road sweeping jobs. That way you get a choice which side you sit at :laughing:

hey LHD is hard every time i drove one and changed gear the window would come down instead lol

LHD, i still find my self sat in the right hand side trying to drive…lol

so whos going away then?