Van den bosch transport

Rob K:
Fact is there are drivers and then there are these :

The latter seems to be the issue.

I’m the cross head. :wink: :blush: :blush:

Rob K:
What a full-on dummy spitting session. Seriously, how old is this kid dinosteve? Sounds about 2.

Fact is there are drivers and then there are these :

The latter seems to be the issue.

These are handy cos I do have a scew loose. Hehehe I’m 45 by the way.

I’ve just re-posted my Diiary with pics, from a Mobile phone but OK:-

spoke to frans and said thanks for the chance i fell short but i now no what your looking for ill go away and gain experience and hopefully re apply in the future am sure frans would of thought your the type of driver i need and respected your attempt,

Snipped this bit out,

Dino is at liberty to post what he wishes within the rules of the site, I think all reading his posts can see that he wanted the job and there is an element of disappontment in the way things turned out as well as his view thast he was not given the chance he thought he was going to get. My concern is that if he had approached this in a different manner he may not have burnt his bridges with the company and after a while gaining more experience had another go to get a start there … I do doubt if he will get that opportunity now.

That said I would like to thank Dino for the adult way he approached the removal of his original diary, the pertinent questions he asked of the team and the gracious way he accepted our point of view.

I hope that things improve for him and he does at some point get that job he wants

i think its obvious dino had set his heart on this job, so much so admitting that he fell short of the standards they were looking for plus the extra expence on his part probably clouded his thoughts, together with the tiredness and dissapointment he felt he was mislead and treated unfairly, but on reflection he has probably realised that his failed attempt had a negative impact on his outward actions thus resulting in a barrarge of blame, on a positive note from what i can see this man was willing to travel along way for the assessment and at least showed he was kean and ready to commit to his employer, although what happened after the assessment seemed embarrassing to him it was a crushing blow and i bet he is sorry, now if dino would of showed a little restraint and actually spoke to frans and said thanks for the chance i fell short but i now no what your looking for ill go away and gain experience and hopefully re apply in the future am sure frans would of thought your the type of driver i need and respected your attempt, so goodluck dino i hope my take on things is accurate if not then ive just wasted 10mins of my break :imp: :imp: :laughing: :laughing:

It’s really hard to explain how I feel, disapointed, let down, heart broken and useless, are just a few of the them.
I’ll pick myself up next week and do something positive.

Dino is at liberty to post what he wishes within the rules of the site, I think all reading his posts can see that he wanted the job and there is an element of disappontment in the way things turned out as well as his view thast he was not given the chance he thought he was going to get. My concern is that if he had approached this in a different manner he may not have burnt his bridges with the company and after a while gaining more experience had another go to get a start there … I do doubt if he will get that opportunity now.

That said I would like to thank Dino for the adult way he approached the removal of his original diary, the pertinent questions he asked of the team and the gracious way he accepted our point of view.

I hope that things improve for him and he does at some point get that job he wants

I understand what you are saying and whilst I would still love to work for this Company I cannot afford to ‘chance it’ again. Even with experience like ‘B’ who was binned at the same time, I don’t feel I have enough years driving left in me. :blush: I want to work for one Company for as long as possible, loyalty means a lot to me.

If only things had been different… :unamused: :unamused:

Hi Steve, sorry to hear about the news mate, have just arrived back in Erp so have only just got the news. We as in Ravanoli and myself have spoken to Peter Van Den Bosch tonight and have expressed that maybe the training could be dealt with differently, this will make no difference to you mate but maybe in the future we have given him the reasons to maybe Frans to do a more thourough driving assesment in the UK in a left ■■■■■■ before wasting your time and to a certain extent the time of VDB,… they do have to pay the trainers while you are here so they do incur costs but as in your case maybe not as much as the guys who have to be flown over at VDB expense. I know this wont make it any easier to you as I know how much you wanted the job but hope is not everything mate… I did try to explain to you that the assesment drives were Very Impotant as they make you or break you and to try as much as possible to hold the white line to your left. I dont know where you went wrong so cant comment on that mate but i dont know about your other trainee who was with you, but to put it politely the word ■■■■■■■■ themselves have been used with the guys who took you out for your drives. The advice and experience although limited that you have gained put it to good use and use it as a stepping stone.
One thing i will add though, Frans is a genuine guy who is dealing with a lot of recruitment and assesments etc at the moment and has to read through what you have sent, they as in Frans and VDB want to give experienced and new drivers as much the same chance unlike you have found with UK hauliers, he has sent guys over with no experience but an aptitude to drive and adapt, im sorry to say mate but obvioulsy you and your counterpart Brad could not adapt to driving on the wrong side of the cab and the wrong side of the road, it has a totally different perspective but to some one with experience of training they will know within 1hr if someone is going to make it or not, but VDB gave you the benefit of taking you out and giving you that little bit extra to see if you had it there, it is not easy mate and this is not a put down, god I GOT 20 + years on and off and still find myself running the rumble strips.
Anyway enough of the sour grapes and good luck to you and Brad in finding suitable employment in the very near future

Anyway enough of the sour grapes and good luck to you and Brad in finding suitable employment in the very near future

Hi Stevie,
I understand what you’re saying, I don’t have any ‘sour grapes’ or ill feelings toward Frans or VdB, it’s life.
Hope the BBQ went well :smiley:
Did you read my ‘Diary’? Link in my sig.

Take care over there :stuck_out_tongue:

well i would just like to say wheel nut does not snipe at people for no reason he is a very experienced driver who you could learn a lot from i have had jobs offered doing europe it never appealed to me my late dad done the me and europe nearly all his driving carreer i went with him didnt like the boats or the hights still went on a number of times my point is get your head out your bum listen to the advice from the older hands and you may get a job you want i grew up round haulage me dad always told me people will try to screw you you get over it and carry on :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

Hi mate, yeah read your diary!!! Not so good but you defiantely aint the 1st and you certainly won’t be the last to go the same way

I don’t know who you spoke to regarding who Frans was, he would have been the guy who interviewed you and organised your start date in Erp all the Dutch guys I have spoken to know him most personally. You have read the posts on this forum and you are the only one to post negative comments thus far. U may feel aggreived at the way you have been treated but VDB is a business and not some nursery to train you to their standards. There are and I can confirm it guys who have no experience who have had the interview got the job offer and gone over and done and passed their weeks training and who are now out on the road earning money, one is a student who also has his pilots licence it is all sorts who are being employed so dont feel it was a vendetta and that they deliberately wasted your time.
Im sorry to say that obviously your driving wasnt up to the required standard, it is all to do with confidence as I have heard Frans say, if you have the confidence it makes a whole lot of difference. I wasnt there on your test mate but I have heard that both drivers on that day lacked confidence and aptitude to convert safely to driving on the opposite side of the road. The thing you need to grasp is that you can tell within minutes if a driver is comfortable and convert to something completely alien to them, this is what the trainers are looking for and in our conversations I did try to explain this to you, maybe your nerves got the better of you on the day mate I cant really say.
The thing to do now or what i would do is look for a UK based company and maybe do 6 months to a year, maybe even two of driving european then look towards the Netherlands for work when you have gained the confidence and overall experience to do the job mate
Anyway once again please take this as constructive criticism and not a put down, i hate to see anyone fail but take the advice given on here pick yourself up dust yourself down and try again mate
And once more Good Luck

Here Here :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
I’m back at home nursing a broken rib :open_mouth: :open_mouth: . Dont worry haters i have some good pain killers :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Yeah Rav,but don’t tell everyone that you were pished on saturday night and trying to breakdance on top of one of the silo’s in Erp :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Hey Stevie , the lad who got sent home with you wasn’t from Rugby by any chance was he ■■ :wink: :wink: :wink:

Hey Stevie , the lad who got sent home with you wasn’t from Rugby by any chance was he ■■ :wink: :wink: :wink:


because I MAY know who it was , nothing sinister don’t worry , could explain some things if it was tho :wink:

PM me if you prefer mate

because I MAY know who it was , nothing sinister don’t worry , could explain some things if it was tho :wink:

PM me if you prefer mate

Sorry, his initials are BT. Yes he was from Rugby.
Sorry for being cautious but I’ve taken some stick on here and this chap ain’t here to defend himself. I have asked him but he’s seen the ■■■■ I’ve had and it’s put him off posting.

PM sent mate


because I MAY know who it was , nothing sinister don’t worry , could explain some things if it was tho :wink:

PM me if you prefer mate

Sorry, his initials are BT. Yes he was from Rugby.
Sorry for being cautious but I’ve taken some stick on here and this chap ain’t here to defend himself. I have asked him but he’s seen the [zb] I’ve had and it’s put him off posting.

dont really think you got much grief from posting i think more of a fast track lesson to a ruthless industry, and this shouldnt stop any 1 from posting , other opinions and views from all types of people is always welcome and on many occasions show alot of drivers the error of there ways :wink:

hi all i applied for the jobs at Van Den Bosch in July and recieved an email off thijs today saying im successful.Ah well would just like to thank Frans and Thijs for taking the time to look at my application and getting back to me.Thats life and you just got to get on with it havent ya. :smiley: :smiley:

got an interview on the 19th :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Where in the country are your interviews lads?