Van den bosch transport

My own experience with the training academy was a good one, infact they allowed me to use some previous experience to show another new starter the ropes, there was one guy who had 23 years experience but had never driven in Europe.

Another driver who worked for Jan de Rooy had had specialist Volvo training on an iShift. between us we chatted about the job and where we were strong every evening in the tramstation over a few beers.

This thread has ■■■■■■ me off slightly as there are some good experienced guys who started at the bottom, can drive safely and have an aptitude for learning what a company requires.

It was mentioned that Van den Bosch are not a training school, but if you are willing to learn and can drive a lorry, then you will learn oodles.

My advice to Dinostevus is to remove his ridiculous signature, stand back and accept that there is no one to blame except himself.

Just wondering what is the average age of the lads who got the jobs Just in case it worth dropping a CV in.

Wheel Nut:
My own experience with the training academy was a good one, infact they allowed me to use some previous experience to show another new starter the ropes, there was one guy who had 23 years experience but had never driven in Europe.

Another driver who worked for Jan de Rooy had had specialist Volvo training on an iShift. between us we chatted about the job and where we were strong every evening in the tramstation over a few beers.

This thread has ■■■■■■ me off slightly as there are some good experienced guys who started at the bottom, can drive safely and have an aptitude for learning what a company requires.

It was mentioned that Van den Bosch are not a training school, but if you are willing to learn and can drive a lorry, then you will learn oodles.

My advice to Dinostevus is to remove his ridiculous signature, stand back and accept that there is no one to blame except himself.

Flippin eck wheel nut you seem to have some difficulty with what I’m saying. I’ll try and explain the circumstances of me going to Erp in more detail, just for you.
My advice, read it, if you don’t understand ask someone else to explain it to you.

As for your advice regards my sig, thanks but I don’t need or want any advice from YOU that isn’t Truck related.

Just wondering what is the average age of the lads who got the jobs Just in case it worth dropping a CV in.

Flippin eck, what ya waiting for, drop Frans a copy of your CV, it’ll have your age and experience on it. Let him decide, trust me it’s a great job if you get it.

Well what can one say why do all these DRIVERS need to work in Holland aint England good enough seems to me some people will waste there days off traveling and not being paid for it if you damage a lorry over here you dont keep a job long as for Frans he is sound a lorry driver done well for himself when i worked with him he stood up for us so if you need a job in Holland he is in the uk so he cant help you AS THEY SAY YOU MADE YOUR BED LIE IN IT :open_mouth: :question: :exclamation:

What happened to the diary you posted? I thought it was an informative read

What happened to the diary you posted? I thought it was an informative read

Glad someone else asked.I thought it was me being dense and couldn’t find it again :blush:

dino, don’t beat yourself up about this, ok you didn’t get the job, at the end of the day you yourself has said you had no experience, ther are many times i have applied for a job that i really wanted only to be kicked in the teeth and sent packing,( look at my original posts), it does set you back a bit, but when a company invest in ya, its a good idea to offer something back, so my advise to you is get signed up with agencies and accept everything they offer you to get the experience that you need, its very hard to get your dream job in transport, its taken me 17 years of driving virtually everything, for me to get euro work, it takes time mate, good luck to you in the future, :smiley:

Sir +:

What happened to the diary you posted? I thought it was an informative read

Glad someone else asked.I thought it was me being dense and couldn’t find it again :blush:

its been removed because of some of the content.

Sorry, my thread was removed by a mod cos I wouldn’t remove my sig. He mentioned rule 8? :blush: :blush: Whatever that is.
I was just uploading pictures to photobucket to add to that thread.

Sorry, but I’m now not going to explain myself properly and this thread is going to make me look like a ■■■■.
I’m outta here.

jessicas dad:

Sir +:

What happened to the diary you posted? I thought it was an informative read

Glad someone else asked.I thought it was me being dense and couldn’t find it again :blush:

its been removed because of some of the content.

So if I remove my sig will you put it back?
I had pictures to add to it as well.

I think the diary explained things alot better, and IMHO stopped you looking like a bitter ■■■■. Maybe you could re-word it get a mod to check it and repost it.

As already said just get some experience and then try again. Best of luck in the future :wink:

I think the diary explained things alot better, and IMHO stopped you looking like a bitter ■■■■. Maybe you could re-word it get a mod to check it and repost it.

As already said just get some experience and then try again. Best of luck in the future :wink:

If I knew what was wrong I’d have altered it. :blush:


I think the diary explained things alot better, and IMHO stopped you looking like a bitter ■■■■. Maybe you could re-word it get a mod to check it and repost it.

As already said just get some experience and then try again. Best of luck in the future :wink:

If I knew what was wrong I’d have altered it. :blush:

Ask the mods.

If I knew what was wrong I’d have altered it. :blush:

You have a PM :wink:


If I knew what was wrong I’d have altered it. :blush:

You have a PM :wink:

So do you. :wink:

So I can’t post PMs that I sent?? :confused: :confused:

Steve, I applaud your courage and commitment in going for this job.I have done a lot of years over the water driving RHD coaches and trucks.I would be very apprehensive about driving LHD.Done it in UK,and wasn’t happy.All credit to you for giving it a go.Spoken to a few UK drivers with left hookers on the continent,and had a mixed bag of replies.Quite a few said that after a few days,it was fine,then again,a few others said that after 5 or 6 weeks,they weren’t completely happy.Horses for courses? I don’t know,but then again,none of the unhappy ones weren’t going to stop,and hadn’t bent it!!

What a full-on dummy spitting session. Seriously, how old is this kid dinosteve? Sounds about 2.

Fact is there are drivers and then there are these :

The latter seems to be the issue.

i think its obvious dino had set his heart on this job, so much so admitting that he fell short of the standards they were looking for plus the extra expence on his part probably clouded his thoughts, together with the tiredness and dissapointment he felt he was mislead and treated unfairly, but on reflection he has probably realised that his failed attempt had a negative impact on his outward actions thus resulting in a barrarge of blame, on a positive note from what i can see this man was willing to travel along way for the assessment and at least showed he was kean and ready to commit to his employer, although what happened after the assessment seemed embarrassing to him it was a crushing blow and i bet he is sorry, now if dino would of showed a little restraint and actually spoke to frans and said thanks for the chance i fell short but i now no what your looking for ill go away and gain experience and hopefully re apply in the future am sure frans would of thought your the type of driver i need and respected your attempt, so goodluck dino i hope my take on things is accurate if not then ive just wasted 10mins of my break :imp: :imp: :laughing: :laughing:

Rob K:
What a full-on dummy spitting session. Seriously, how old is this kid dinosteve? Sounds about 2.

Fact is there are drivers and then there are these :

The latter seems to be the issue.

I do find your sympathetic nature hilarious :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: