Van den bosch transport

Hi all.
Thats my week of rest almost up. I fly back out tomorrow,just in time for a Sunday shift should get about 13 hours at double time :smiley: :smiley:
2 trips to Bergin op. Taking one of the new guys out show him the procedure. The best thing about this shift apart from the Cash is the free Chocolate you get from Mars. :wink:


FREE? :open_mouth:

where do i sign up :smiley:

I’ve not been on here since the first few posts and I must say im jealous. :unamused:
I’ve been with my employer for 23yrs, driving class 1 for 7yrs and things aint to rosy here.
I’m looking at taking redundancy if I can find a new job and this is something i’d jump at.
The downside for me is I dont live near Scotland, but im 15mins from Stanstead.
I’ve only driven box and curtainside trailers with no european experience, although i’ve noticed that VDB are taking inexperienced drivers on.

So where do you find out about these jobs. :open_mouth: :laughing:

No matter what job you go to there will always be drivers that knock it. At our place we have drivers that have done upto 30 yrs and dont stop moaning but strangely enough there still here and tremble when the words EVR are mentioned.
European work is something that i’ve always wanted to do, but cant seem to get at present, again with no experience.

It’s always good to hear the TM’s side of the story aswell.

Good luck to all the drivers that have a date to start and to the drivers already on there.
Keep up the posts and if possible get some pictures on here. Its an interesting read

The downside for me is I dont live near Scotland, but im 15mins from Stanstead.
I’ve only driven box and curtainside trailers with no european experience, although i’ve noticed that VDB are taking inexperienced drivers on.

So where do you find out about these jobs. :open_mouth: :laughing:
European work is something that i’ve always wanted to do, but cant seem to get at present, again with no experience.

It’s always good to hear the TM’s side of the story aswell.

Good luck to all the drivers that have a date to start and to the drivers already on there.
Keep up the posts and if possible get some pictures on here. Its an interesting read

This job was advertised in the Vacancy section on HERE, it’s gone now due to the time, 12 days I think and the ads just vanish into cyberland. :confused:
As for experience, you must have heard about me and my lack of and they are giving me a chance. :smiley: :smiley:
I live nr Ipswich and going by Ferry seemed a more viable option, but I’d left the booking too late for a cheap sailing from Harwich to the Hook (£250 rtn) so I’m going Dover to Calais (£120 rtn). If my ‘trial’ goes OK and I see no reason why it wouldn’t, I’ll be booking well in advance Harwich to the Hook for only £50 rtn. :smiley:

Contact Frans, he’s a nice Chap and pass on your CV, you’ve nowt to lose and no ‘rush’ as such for work. :wink:
Good Luck :sunglasses:

Cheers Steve and good luck.

Van den Bosch is still looking for drivers in Scotland this time, see the Driver vacancy page.

looks like the brits are the new polish inholland,
bearing in mind ive worked for dutch companys,
Not a long term job enjoy it ,
prove me wrong.
just dont get the dutch intrest in brit drivers all of a sudden.
oh yeh there drivers earn twice what a brit does,an has more benefits.
so were cheaper by the dozen.

looks like the brits are the new polish inholland,
bearing in mind ive worked for dutch companys,
Not a long term job enjoy it ,
prove me wrong.
just dont get the dutch intrest in brit drivers all of a sudden.
oh yeh there drivers earn twice what a brit does,an has more benefits.
so were cheaper by the dozen.

christ you moan about people who are on here who “cant get a job” and that its soo “easy” to get a job

then you moan when a perfectly good job offer is being put out there for people who want to do europe.

Take what Frans tells you with a pinch of salt. None of the Instructors at the Academy have ever heard of him and he holds NO weight at Erp. When things go wrong he does NOT want to know.
Me and a 10 year vet have just been binned because our ‘driving was not good enough’. Brad used to Drive Car Transporters and Refers in the UK, ‘not good enough’ yea right, I don’t think so, that was just some BS excuse so we didn’t affect their 3 week break/holiday.
2 Brits gone and 5 Germans still there. Training Academy closed Friday for 3 Weeks, Ummmmmm [zb].
UK Driving assessment, wasn’t a ‘Driving assessment’ really, it was just a ‘time killer’ and helped boost someones ego.

I’ll go into more details about this later, think hard before you apply/take a job with Bosch, I have lost hundreds of pounds because someone is full of crap and is too lazy to pass on info that was agreed before hand.

BTW, met some great guys (Brits) over there and you can make some big money [comment removed].

Mad as hell. :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:

Take what Frans tells you with a pinch of salt. None of the Instructors at the Academy have ever heard of him and he holds NO weight at Erp. When things go wrong he does NOT want to know.
Me and a 10 year vet have just been binned because our ‘driving was not good enough’. Brad used to Drive Car Transporters and Refers in the UK, ‘not good enough’ yea right, I don’t think so, that was just some BS excuse so we didn’t affect their 3 week break/holiday.
2 Brits gone and 5 Germans still there. Training Academy closed Friday for 3 Weeks, Ummmmmm [zb].
UK Driving assessment, wasn’t a ‘Driving assessment’ really, it was just a ‘time killer’ and helped boost someones ego.

I’ll go into more details about this later, think hard before you apply/take a job with Bosch, I have lost hundreds of pounds because someone is full of crap and is too lazy to pass on info that was agreed before hand.

BTW, met some great guys (Brits) over there and you can make some big money but :wink: :wink: on a Analogue Card, digi cards ain’t used because they can’t be ‘fiddled’ as easily as a bit of paper.

Mad as hell. :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:

Just unbelievable that you are stupid enough to think any company is going to send you out in Europe with thousands of pounds of equipment, thousands of pounds worth of food product on board and expect to hit the road with no experience of either tankers or driving on either side of the road.

I have read many of your TruckNet posts and honestly thought you were simply taking the ■■■■ about your lack of experience. I have worked with Frans and you are so far off the mark about him I am posting this in his defence, although he won’t really need me to do that.

Wheel Nut:
Just unbelievable that you are stupid enough to think any company is going to send you out in Europe with thousands of pounds of equipment, thousands of pounds worth of food product on board and expect to hit the road with no experience of either tankers or driving on either side of the road.

I have read many of your TruckNet posts and honestly thought you were simply taking the ■■■■ about your lack of experience. I have worked with Frans and you are so far off the mark about him I am posting this in his defence, although he won’t really need me to do that.

Call me ‘stupid’ if it ‘floats your boat’. What I say is true and calling me names isn’t going to change anything, is it?
Frans and Thijs knew about my complete lack of experience BEFORE the interview and during the interview. I have PMs and emails to confirm this.
I was told at the Interview that I’d receive extra training if required, I have this in an email as well. The Training Academy knew nothing about me and the other guy, other than our Names.

Yes they do take on completely inexperienced Drivers and have done recently, I was talking to one. Doh.
Say what you like, but I can back up what I’m saying, can you?
Are YOU saying the Instructors know of Frans? NO THEY DON’T.
Do you think he has some say over at Erp about what happens to the people he interviewed? NO HE HAS NOT.


Wheel Nut:
Just unbelievable that you are stupid enough to think any company is going to send you out in Europe with thousands of pounds of equipment, thousands of pounds worth of food product on board and expect to hit the road with no experience of either tankers or driving on either side of the road.

I have read many of your TruckNet posts and honestly thought you were simply taking the ■■■■ about your lack of experience. I have worked with Frans and you are so far off the mark about him I am posting this in his defence, although he won’t really need me to do that.

Call me ‘stupid’ if it ‘floats your boat’. What I say is true and calling me names isn’t going to change anything, is it?
Frans and Thijs knew about my complete lack of experience BEFORE the interview and during the interview. I have PMs and emails to confirm this.
I was told at the Interview that I’d receive extra training if required, I have this in an email as well. The Training Academy knew nothing about me and the other guy, other than our Names.

Yes they do take on completely inexperienced Drivers and have done recently, I was talking to one. Doh.
Say what you like, but I can back up what I’m saying, can you?
Are YOU saying the Instructors know of Frans? NO THEY DON’T.
Do you think he has some say over at Erp about what happens to the people he interviewed? NO HE HAS NOT.

am sorry to here your news though its very disapointing for you maybe in the bigger picture with your lack of experience you fell short of what they were looking for , least you were giving the opportunities to have a go, but chin up old chap it wasent to be, move on you can always reapply in the future, inexperience comes in many forms its a catch 22 but goodluck m8 dont feel to down youhave to be positive


Wheel Nut:
Just unbelievable that you are stupid enough to think any company is going to send you out in Europe with thousands of pounds of equipment, thousands of pounds worth of food product on board and expect to hit the road with no experience of either tankers or driving on either side of the road.

I have read many of your TruckNet posts and honestly thought you were simply taking the ■■■■ about your lack of experience. I have worked with Frans and you are so far off the mark about him I am posting this in his defence, although he won’t really need me to do that.

Call me ‘stupid’ if it ‘floats your boat’. What I say is true and calling me names isn’t going to change anything, is it?
Frans and Thijs knew about my complete lack of experience BEFORE the interview and during the interview. I have PMs and emails to confirm this.
I was told at the Interview that I’d receive extra training if required, I have this in an email as well. The Training Academy knew nothing about me and the other guy, other than our Names.

Yes they do take on completely inexperienced Drivers and have done recently, I was talking to one. Doh.
Say what you like, but I can back up what I’m saying, can you?
Are YOU saying the Instructors know of Frans? NO THEY DON’T.
Do you think he has some say over at Erp about what happens to the people he interviewed? NO HE HAS NOT.

It’s a little bid a shame Steve that you have to throw with mud.
When we agreed that we would give you a TRY, we have kept our word and give you the chance to proof yourself.
If you have failed is sorry to hear, but we informed you clearly before that if you fail you would go back home, and you agreed with that.
It’s funny that the guys who train you never heard of me, because we have daily contact, and I send the trainings cost off, but whatever.
It’s funny also that all the other guys who are still working for Van den Bosch never made such a remark.
To be honest you had twice as much driver training as a German, Hungarian end Dutch driver, because we understand that switching sides is not always easy.
But if you fail to proof that you can drive its gone stop somewhere, we are not a driving school, but a transport company.
If you talk abut lost of money, I think our cost are much higher in this case.
I can throw a lot of mud if I like but I have much more dignity than that!

And telling lies is never a great thing, you can say what you want but at least I can held my high that I informed you correctly and know if you fail your driving in Holland there is nothing what I can do.

am sorry to here your news though its very disapointing for you maybe in the bigger picture with your lack of experience you fell short of what they were looking for , least you were giving the opportunities to have a go, but chin up old chap it wasent to be, move on you can always reapply in the future, inexperience comes in many forms its a catch 22 but goodluck m8 dont feel to down youhave to be positive

Cheers, I’m gutted and feel let down, but life goes on. :unamused:

i applied to them a couple of weeks ago but heard nothing of yet. i would like to go by ferry in my car from hull but dont
know if its cheaper by air.
either way i would go.

It’s a little bid a shame Steve that you have to throw with mud.
When we agreed that we would give you a TRY, we have kept our word and give you the chance to proof yourself.
If you have failed is sorry to hear, but we informed you clearly before that if you fail you would go back home, and you agreed with that.
It’s funny that the guys who train you never heard of me, because we daily contact, and I send the trainings cost off, but whatever.
It’s funny also that all the other guys who are still working for Van den Bosch never made such a remark.
To be honest you had twice as much driver training as a German, Hungarian end Dutch driver, because we understand that switching sides is not always easy.
But if you fail to proof that you can drive its gone stop somewhere, we are not a driving school, but a transport company.
If you talk abut lost of money, I think our cost are much higher in this case.
I can throw a lot of mud if I like but I have much more dignity than that!

And telling lies is never a great thing, you can say what you want but at least I can held my high that I informed you correctly and know if you fail your driving in Holland there is nothing what I can do.

Give me a ‘try’, wtf are you on about?
What Driver Training? We didn’t have any Driver Training? We went out on an assessment (although nobody said that’s what it was) on Tuesday with Willy who kept harking on about seeing the white line in the Right Hand Mirror.
Wednesday we went out with Ferry for what we later found out was an assessment. He wasn’t happy because he could SEE the white line on the right.
Twice as much driver training as the Germans etc? When? Do you know what ‘Training’ is?

Don’t forget I was only receiving nights out money, I wasn’t paid like Brad or the Germans. My choice cos I wanted to prove myself. You agreed to give me extra driver training if I needed it, didn’t you? I have the emails and PMs.
I travelled from Felixstowe to Brum for the Interview, I booked and paid for my own Ferry and all you did was/is give me 3 X nights out money. That money would not even cover the cost of changing my return Ferry ticket, that was booked after speaking to you and Thijs. Remember■■? I have the emails and PMs.

I paid for my own transport even though you said I’d get some of it back.

Not even 3 days at Erp, fired before Lunchtime on day 3.

I said to Caas, Willy, Jacc and Ferry about giving me extra driving as agreed with you, Who? they said, so I showed them your card. They said you are UK Manager not Erp.

‘Throw mud’, grow up. This isn’t Kindergarten. :unamused:
What have I lied about■■? :imp: :imp: I’m NOT a liar and I resent that comment. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

I drove from Calais to Erp with no problems. I lived at Weeze for over 3 years and never had a problem driving on the continent.

Don’t forget, I wasn’t on my own over there, Brad who’s had over 10 years driving was also binned.

You know what Frans, forget it. CBA with this.

Don’t forget I also had a Driving assessment as part of my Interview and you ‘took me on’ after consulting with Mike, Yes■■? :unamused:

i applied to them a couple of weeks ago but heard nothing of yet. i would like to go by ferry in my car from hull but dont
know if its cheaper by air.
either way i would go.

I’d definitely go by Car, you can get loads of stuff in it and you get to drive on the wrong side, all good experience. Well it wasn’t for me but…
If you book the Ferry early enough it can be cheap.

dino, if you wernt good enough you wernt good enough,

stop bloody moaning,

dino, if you wernt good enough you wernt good enough,

stop bloody moaning,

i agree, you had your chance and has been said they are a transport company not a training school holding your hand along the way. you had your chance and blew it.

Take what Frans tells you with a pinch of salt. None of the Instructors at the Academy have ever heard of him and he holds NO weight at Erp. When things go wrong he does NOT want to know.

I said to Caas, Willy, Jacc and Ferry about giving me extra driving as agreed with you, Who? they said, so I showed them your card. They said you are UK Manager not Erp.

make your mind do they know him or not :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation:

the way i see it is that vdb pay for your flights so if you took your car thats up to you isnt not anybody else.

here you go have a chew on these.

Rob K:

I’ve been waiting all day with baited breath for this thread to kick off. Can I have some of your popcorn? :laughing: