Van den bosch transport


what time is your interview dino??

1115hrs Thursday :wink:

Who said anything about me having an interview with them :wink:

Why do they ask for drivers in other areas would go for it my self if you could do uk work as well and moneys was better

Do they have an option of not being sent home if you wished and you could possibly have your own lorry all the time instead of swapping/changing every 3/4 or 5 weeks?

Nah unfortunately not. They have 3 trucks between a group of 4 British drivers, so you know who to smack if they leave crap all in the cab. that’s also how they work out the 3 weeks on/1 week off arrangement.

I had my interview today, and a little unexpected driving assesment (only got about 3 miles in an hour due to the accident on the m42). Looks like I’ll be flying out on the 19th if all goes to plan :smiley:

Just a tip for any inexperienced drivers applying, they thoroughly believe in giving people with a young age or experience a chance providing they show willingness, flexibility and interest. It’d be a good idea to practise reversing an artic onto a bay or into a driveway if you’ve not driven one since passing your test, as they do give you a short road test after the main interview before they fly you out to the neverlands. I know this won’t be easy to do if you’re not already in employment, but it probably would help you get the job if you could. Perhaps even asking for a day with a driving school to get you confident with reversing.

I had my interview today, and a little unexpected driving assesment (only got about 3 miles in an hour due to the accident on the m42). Looks like I’ll be flying out on the 19th if all goes to plan :smiley:

Was that in a left ■■■■■■?

Nope, was a right ■■■■■■. All their fleet are I-drive Volvo’s which is good as I won’t have to worry about changin gear with my right hand. I was impressed with the Volvo though, very smooth and quiet and a great gearbox.

I can’t work out whether the assesment was planned or not, seemed as if one of their UK drivers happened to be passing by on his way back to the Cadburys factory and stopped by to let me have a go!

Was you the only one to have a drive. When do you find out if you got the job.

Nope, was a right ■■■■■■. All their fleet are I-drive Volvo’s which is good as I won’t have to worry about changin gear with my right hand. I was impressed with the Volvo though, very smooth and quiet and a great gearbox.

I can’t work out whether the assesment was planned or not, seemed as if one of their UK drivers happened to be passing by on his way back to the Cadburys factory and stopped by to let me have a go!

sorry to upset you mate but not all the trucks are volvo’s, we have a couple of MAN’S, a quarter of the fleet are manual gearboxes, and british drivers will at some point be given a rhd volvo fm.

Seems a bit silly them using a rhd vehicle for a driving assessment, when you will be required to drive a lhd, especially if you have never driven a left ■■■■■■ before, But i suppose if you managed to drive one around for a week or so without hitting anything or falling off the road and into a ditch ect then you would get your head around it, it’s just getting used to being on the opposite side of the cab, it would be easier driving one over there than here in blighty ,i would imagine
I gave this some thought, but 1 thing i won’t do is fly, plus you can’t take your full kit on a plane, why they don’t give you the option of getting the ferry from hull and using your own motor i dunno. it’s only Holland after all

tommy t:
Seems a bit silly them using a rhd vehicle for a driving assessment, when you will be required to drive a lhd, especially if you have never driven a left ■■■■■■ before, But i suppose if you managed to drive one around for a week or so without hitting anything or falling off the road and into a ditch ect then you would get your head around it, it’s just getting used to being on the opposite side of the cab, it would be easier driving one over there than here in blighty ,i would imagine
I gave this some thought, but 1 thing i won’t do is fly, plus you can’t take your full kit on a plane, why they don’t give you the option of getting the ferry from hull and using your own motor i dunno. it’s only Holland after all

there are ways of getting your kit over there, its pretty much pointless taking it in your first week, after all you may not like the job and decide to come back home, there’s also other ways of getting there, we have a driver who lives in ashford kent and gets a lift with a driver back to tielt in belgium, it all depends on where you live and where you will be based.

Hi all, are they still taking drivers on?Anyone got any contact details for van den bosch?cheers. :grimacing:

Hi to all! I’m new on this site, in fact i’ve never been on a forum of any kind!!
Had an interview and driving assessment earlier today which went well! (hooray!!!) Consequently i start on the 12th july in Erp.
Would be grateful for any advice on what to take(tramping gear etc…) how much i would need to get by on and so on, in fact any advice in relation to VDB! (no need for marriage counselling any more lol) Cheers!

This thread has really interested me, I know it has been on here for a while but I stopped reading it when all the slanging matches started about euro and yank motors. Anyway I would love to give it but dont think I ever could as the misses wouldnt stand me being away for three weeks and I dont think I would want to be away from my kids for that long either so fair play to you lads that do it. I wish when I was younger I had the head on my shoulders that I do know and got my licence earlier would of definitely give it a go then as would of had no responsibility at home.

I am glad to read that you lads are enjoying it sounds like a great job but also will give you some great memories aswell, I hope the good times continue.

A very jealous Big Brummie

Was you the only one to have a drive. When do you find out if you got the job.

I didn’t see any other interviewees there so I can’t say for sure if I was the only one to have a drive. I was invited to go out to Holland after I got the thumbs up from the driving assesment.

sorry to upset you mate but not all the trucks are volvo’s, we have a couple of MAN’S, a quarter of the fleet are manual gearboxes, and british drivers will at some point be given a rhd volvo fm.

I didn’t realise that, Frans gave me wrong information. Not that it matters too much.

tommy t:
Seems a bit silly them using a rhd vehicle for a driving assessment, when you will be required to drive a lhd, especially if you have never driven a left ■■■■■■ before, But i suppose if you managed to drive one around for a week or so without hitting anything or falling off the road and into a ditch ect then you would get your head around it, it’s just getting used to being on the opposite side of the cab, it would be easier driving one over there than here in blighty ,i would imagine
I gave this some thought, but 1 thing i won’t do is fly, plus you can’t take your full kit on a plane, why they don’t give you the option of getting the ferry from hull and using your own motor i dunno. it’s only Holland after all

I think the objective was to see whether I could actually drive at all, as they’re taking on lots of young and inexperienced drivers and if they have problems with reversing or driving on the left in a RHD, then there’s not much point in sending them to drive a LHD on the wrong side of the road :slight_smile: I guess the driving sorties in the first week in Holland will sort the wheat from the chaff. I agree with you about flying over, flying’s such a hassle now especially with ryanair and the like, I’d prefer to drive over there every few weeks but I’ll have to see what my options are after I’ve settled in. I’m debating how I’m going to get my stuff over there - I know I won’t need it in the first week but by the sounds of it, if I make it through the first couple of weeks I’ll be working straight away with no trip back home to get the rest of my gear. These are all thing I’m confirm with VDB when the time draws nearer.

Hi to all! I’m new on this site, in fact i’ve never been on a forum of any kind!!
Had an interview and driving assessment earlier today which went well! (hooray!!!) Consequently i start on the 12th july in Erp.
Would be grateful for any advice on what to take(tramping gear etc…) how much i would need to get by on and so on, in fact any advice in relation to VDB! (no need for marriage counselling any more lol) Cheers!

Well done mate, I’m going out there the week after, see you around.

Sounds excellent.

Is it too late to apply?

I’d certainly be interested in this.

over 2.5 yrs of driving class 1’s over here and many miles in cars in bg on ‘wrong side of the road’.

In the pics, I see a lot of containers, do they do that sort of work too?

Here is a little light relief for you all. … t-one.html

Click on the 12 picture navigation. arrows :laughing:

well done to the guys that have been offered the job, you will enjoy it, i think maybe its about time i started a new thread van den bosch part 2, i didn’t think it would get this big after only asking a simple question, basically if you are travelling rynair, just take what you need cos they will only allow 15 kg in ya suitcase i think, whereas jet2 who i fly with allow 22kg, i fly out again on sunday so i will see some of you the week after

Hi all anyone got any contact details for van den bosch?cheers. :grimacing:

Are any of you guys applying from the Edinburgh area as i am still waiting to hear back from them…really want this one but have been out of the business
for about 3 years now…heres hoping

Are any of you guys applying from the Edinburgh area as i am still waiting to hear back from them…really want this one but have been out of the business
for about 3 years now…heres hoping

i have as i stay in ayrshire when I applied I got an e-mail back saying they would be in contact soon and to allow a few weeks to get interviews arranged.