Van den bosch transport

Who do you work for topmixer? :laughing:


kin hell i earn more than that for 5 days un uk and ive only had my class 1 8 months mon too fri 4 nights out i m averaging 620 per week take home and its a bloody doss ,most of it on break

It makes me smile :smiley: all these discussion how much money everybody makes.
It actualy put me back years ago, when I was an Euro pilot for Van den Bosch, we parked many a weekend at Carisio or at David in Peschiera (under the bridge)
And after all the discusions and some glasses of spumante the discussion came onto the money.

There where a lot of decent guys, but you remember always the ones with the big money, discussion would go like this:
Uk driver: He Van den Bosch, do they pay you extra for a weekend here?
VdB driver: No they don’t only night out money
UK driver: My gaffer gives me a GBP 150,- ad day when i have to park up here.
VdB driver: we get only 85 guilder per night to be here (was approx 35 quit)
Uk driver : we also get extra money for off-loading every address, does Van den Bosch do that?
Vdb driver: no they don’t
UK driver : can you make at your company 700 quit a week like we do at our company? (approx 1800,- Guilder at that time)
Vdb driver: No we take max 3600,- guilder for 4 weeks home
UK driver : quiet for 20 minutes…

UK driver: Do you know if there are any jobs going at Van den Bosch and how do I apply :question: :question: :question: :question: :question:

VdB Driver: drops his glass and falls of his chair :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

The money arguement is getting boring now, compared to UK wages and days worked, the money at van den bosch is more than fair.

I can earn more in 3 weeks working for VDB than working 4 weeks for a UK haulier doing the continent, this isn’t truckstop talk this is fact.

Full time wages for a part time job. 3 weeks sometimes maxing hours then 7.5 days at home, it’s like working 9 months of the year for 12 months wages.

VDB treat you fairly, with respect and expect you to do the same to them.

It’s not the best job in the world, but it’s not far from it, the work is fairly easy, after setting up the silo for discharging and it’s blowing out nicely you get paid for sunbathing practically.

I love the job, I’m getting to parts of europe that most UK euro drivers don’t get to, I’m earning good money, I’m being treated with respect and most of all I get to spend a full 7 days every 3 weeks with my familly.

The job isn’t for everyone, but the majority of people who have took the challenge really enjoy it.

VDB invest a lot of time and money in to recruiting and training drivers, they take a chance on new inexperienced drivers, there are 2 drivers who have started in the past few weeks that are under 25 with no driving since passing their tests, what an opportunity for anyone who has passed ther test, artic and european experience in 1 go, not many drivers have such a chance.

So please stop speculating that VDB are as bad as UK hauliers because they are not, they are head and shoulders above all uk hauliers for their forward thinking, their attitude towards their employees, their pay and equipment.

I quite agree. Money isn’t everything, and it’s unlikely for someone with my age and experience to get a job offering the best rates in any case. If I can get a job with an employer who’s fair, organised and treats the drivers respectfully and pays reasonable rates, that’ll be more than what I’ve ever found in the UK. The fact that this job’s in Europe is a big bonus to me. In fact the only thing putting me off are the flights with Ryanair!

BY the way, where do you VDB drivers find yourselves from day to day? Mills, farms or factories? How far do you drive each day? And what are the roads like?

Money isn’t everything and if the person doing the job is happy with the return for the hours done and the effort involved then surely that is the only thing that matters and not that somebody else can earn more for 5 days and 4 nights out in the UK. The wages as described in this thread for 3 weeks work followed by a week at home or a bit more for spending all your time in the UK and UK nights out? I know which I would be choosing and it wouldn’t be the more money in this case. As long as the wages cover my requirements then being happy with the job is more important to me than what I get in the bank, by a long way.

Too many people are applying their circumstances to the requirements for this job and then slagging off the job because it doesn’t fit with their lifestyle. We don’t really now the lifestyle of the guys doing the job so although it sounds like a job from hell for some people, being away from home for three weeks, for others it could be exactly what they want. Is a free choice, if it doesn’t suit you you obviously don’t do it but shouldn’t be knocking the ones who have had the ■■■■■■■■ to try something different.

For instance I have two kinds of days, working and non working and it doesn’t matter to me what day of the week they fall on, I don’t make a big deal about weekends/Sundays/Saturdays. Three weeks away and then a full week at home sounds ideal to me, you know exactly when your week at home will be and can make plans, have a short holiday or whatever. which gives you more options than a couple of days, or less each week. Even during your three weeks you will have most weekends, and more than likely every Sunday due to driving restrictions, to yourself and could be anywhere in Europe which gives you plenty of things to do and see.

Okay, so you run near to maximum hours but that is going to be mostly driving or sitting about while the tank discharges, as okey-diddley says sunbathing time. Everyone of my last 5 two week periods has come to 89+ hours driving but I’m a driver so no problem with that, kind of goes with the job description, and I would rather be doing that than sitting ion some RDC listening to more bullstink from drivers who just want to knock other drivers for doing something different.

job sounds ok too me, ive done euro work before and im ready again, so if anyone has the e-mail addy for contact id be very gratefull, and do you get over to uk now and again so you can collect your cab stuff the 1st time. thanks.

Tankerwork is either loved or hated , I did 21years work at my last firm
my main job was tanker work liquids or gas (chemicals–Food-stuff) ;it was
great and every day was different as each customer have theor good and bad points
and although I did also groupage and the odd silo trip as well, the tankers and liquid containers
what I enjoyed doing the best, best of luck to all those who have joined
one of the best jobs in our profession

Good luck to all you new drivers at VDB…the job doesnt sound too bad, and as coffee says its up to the individuals circumstances…whatever suits…i`m too old to change jobs now, but if i was younger i would consider…one point of interest though…where i work now, and because of an annual salary…i do get paid for my 36 or 45…i wont reduce…and i always have my 11 off…i also get paid for my holidays…and it would worry me that if they dont pay you for your weekly rest…and dont pay for your week off…do they pay for your annual holiday ■■

As someone said earlier…a newbie whos just got his licence…and couple that with euro work…goes to show that a company like VDB is prepared to train and accept new drivers…thats a lot to be said for uk companies…i cant help but compare the wages to uk ones but i can see a vast difference compared to my present job, where i have on average 2 nights out a week, and take home over £2000 a month…but on saying that our international drivers are also on the same money and have 4/5 nights out, but obviously get a bit more for their nights out which is £20, but they do pay for parking in any truckstop/services and dont argue about the cost of a meal being included.

job sounds ok too me, ive done euro work before and im ready again, so if anyone has the e-mail addy for contact id be very gratefull, and do you get over to uk now and again so you can collect your cab stuff the 1st time. thanks.

Got a PM :grimacing:



stop trying to work out the money guys, at the end of the day if the money doesn’t compensate you being away from home for 3 weeks at a time then you and only you can make the decision that it is not for you, we have all in the past been on alot more money, but times are hard, the jobs that you want are getting more and more scarse, and to be honest, apart from being away from home for 3 weeks this is the best job i have ever had, ( and i have had a few), if you want to do it and give it a try, do it and see, no harm in trying, good luck :smiley:

so are you enjoying it then? settled in ok? …old hat now :wink:

ello dusty how you fella, yeah i am enjoying it, its totally not what i expected, i have nowhere near the experience of the international drivers on here but we have to learn somewhere, i personally have been treated very very well, you still doing stobart and downton

well done mate, yer am still floating between the two, only because i have too, always on the look out though for other work :wink: am glad all the boys seem to be enjoying the new jobs the way its going you will all have your own forum :laughing:

This sounds fantastic, I wish I had some experience or even confidence. Zero minutes driving anything bigger than a Car isn’t the best thing to put on a CV and it’s not as if I could ‘blag it’.
I did live in Germany for 3 years and I drove from Portugal to Felixstowe last year when I bought a car, but that’s about as much use as a Chocolate fireguard :unamused: :blush:

Nobody said what ‘stuff’ they took out with them :confused:
How do you keep in contact with your Families back in the UK?

I wouldn’t mind a bit of this!
Been out of the game for a couple of years but ready to get back out there…3 weeks out of this country a month? Bring it on!

Anyone got a contact?


I wouldn’t mind a bit of this!
Been out of the game for a couple of years but ready to get back out there…3 weeks out of this country a month? Bring it on!

Anyone got a contact?



Just when you thought this thread was finally dead…

Can anyone who’s had the interview with VDB give any tips or pointers about it? I’m due for one next wednesday. It’s been a while since I’ve had an interview and I don’t want to fluff it :smiley:


It looks like an interesting and decent enough job. Kudos to the lads who have recently started there.
The factor of not having your own dedicated tractor and having to swap all the time is the only thing that would put me off.

Good luck to all you new drivers at VDB…the job doesnt sound too bad, and as coffee says its up to the individuals circumstances…whatever suits…i`m too old to change jobs now, but if i was younger i would consider…one point of interest though…where i work now, and because of an annual salary…i do get paid for my 36 or 45…i wont reduce…and i always have my 11 off…i also get paid for my holidays…and it would worry me that if they dont pay you for your weekly rest…and dont pay for your week off…do they pay for your annual holiday ■■

As someone said earlier…a newbie whos just got his licence…and couple that with euro work…goes to show that a company like VDB is prepared to train and accept new drivers…thats a lot to be said for uk companies…i cant help but compare the wages to uk ones but i can see a vast difference compared to my present job, where i have on average 2 nights out a week, and take home over £2000 a month…but on saying that our international drivers are also on the same money and have 4/5 nights out, but obviously get a bit more for their nights out which is £20, but they do pay for parking in any truckstop/services and dont argue about the cost of a meal being included.

You’re on for that mob that used to be in Charlton IIRC?

When I worked there back in the early 90s we worked a similar system to VDB, we did 4 weeks on then had 6 days off, we were paid a basic wage 52 weeks a year, but we got 25 quid night out money for every day we worked, sometimes we would get extra nights out as part of the negotiations to get a load home quicker than was legally allowed (every trip basically) We were on similar money to what you’re earning now, but we did work a lot more hours for it, we had the same as VDB with lorries too, sometimes when ou got back after the 6 days off your assigned unit would be on its way to Greece or wherever & you’d end up chasing it all over Europe for the next 4 weeks :laughing: all the drivers were a decent bunch though & kept their motors clean, most would leave fridges/cbs etc in when they went home, so it wasn’t as bad as it seemed, if I wasn’t doing what I’m doing now VDB is something I would consider.

van den bosch want 4 c/e drivers based in hull, they are advertising on looking for drivers from there to run from rotterdam on liquid tanks

Hi all, well im just about to start my 3rd and last week before I go for my week off so I will give U a quick rundown of what I have done!!
Left the yard at Erp on Monday morning, loaded with 25000kg of bulk plastic for Billund in Denmark Lego factory. Ran up on the Monday and tipped first thing Tuesday morning or at least that was what was supposed to happen, I had a hydraulic hose go on me spraying the unloading bay with hydraulic oil causing a major enviromental disaster similar to the one BP have at the moment!!! A local garage attended and made up a replacement hose for me, the fire brigade attended to clean up all the oil…not a good start to the week!!
I ran from Billund down to Weifelsteide to load milk powder which took 5hrs to load…oh joy pmsl, but we have got into the habit of using this as sunbathing time :smiley:. I ran that down to Olen in Belgium and tipped…Guess what? No problems which i was glad of they say it comes in 3s
A short hop down to Merville in France to clean out and then an even shorter hop to Lestrem (Freres Roquette) and wait for it 6hrs to load 24000kg of Dextrose and off back up to Zierikzee in Holland, I love this unload nice and easy and the customer gives u no real problems and the unloading point is straight forward.
From there down to Zeebrugge and into Tack for tank cleaning for those that know Zeebee its over the back of the Total station as you come out the port…WEEKENDED IN ZEEBEE :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:
Monday 7am off up to Oostende and into Huber to load 10000kg yes 10000kgs and it is a full load!! around 3/4 of the way through loading u have to stop batten down all the hatches and build 2bar of pressure in the tank to compress the product so they can get more in, it is a very fine powder used in toothpaste. Tipped in Le Meux France on tuesday morning then off down to Reims to clean out and over to Haussimont to load for Hernani in Spain on the Wednesday morning, arrived Thursday and tipped again with no problems :smiley: then a 130mile run down into Spain and with the temp hitting 35c it was a nice run down to Belarado arriving there at 17:00 expecting to be told Manyana but no straight on the weighbridge and under the loading point and out for 18:20 after a nice refreshing shower!! I made it up to around 40km from Bordeux and had to stop for the night :frowning: from there I made paris or just afterbefore having to park up with 150 miles to do on the saturday morning and in to Tielt Belgium for a nice weekend off. Happy days the Belgian MX championship is in town just across the road and they sell beer!!!

Sounds fantastic, thanks for the update.
Are you able to go and see the ‘sights’ on your time off, or do you have to stay with the unit?

Theres lots of NICE sights in Belgium at night!!