Van den bosch transport

I was also offered a job today, decided to take it, I understand that the monthly wage may not be as good as some euro jobs, but 3 weeks on 1 week off suits me fine. They have asked me to fly out on the 13th, is that the same for you guys?

I had an interview on Tuesday and got offered the job, supposed to be flying out next Tuesday. Considering I have pretty much no experience I think I’m pretty lucky to get the job, going to be a lot for me to learn quickly though. Not too sure what to expect but looking forward to it.

Please be aware they do an assesment drive down very narrow roads. :open_mouth: they will send you home if your not up to scratch. As one guy found out when i first went. :open_mouth:

Good luck to you all. Im so jealous, its something id love to do. but ive been in my job for 23yrs and cant really take the gamble of leaving with nothing, just in case it didnt work out.
Like i say good luck and enjoy it. :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing: :grimacing:

Please be aware they do an assesment drive down very narrow roads. :open_mouth: they will send you home if your not up to scratch. As one guy found out when i first went. :open_mouth:

All roads are narrow in Holland, and the trees stand to close to the road and won’t move out the way.

Wise not to take any beer or any other alcohol that week, not even a “legal” amount, and if you can drive you will pass with flying colors. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

If your interest during the training drops down due to a Dutch “Bruine Pater” to much and your driving is than so so, I am sure you will have a problem.

(Bruine pater means Brown Monk and because the monks use to have the breweries the name is still linked to the beer, Pilsje, biertje etc. :grimacing: )
No wonder that these monks had less interest in the woman, they kept them sweet with kettles full of beer :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

any updates would be useful hopefully with pics, the boys who left for the job a few weeks back must be busy cos none of them have posted since :laughing: :laughing:

any updates would be useful hopefully with pics, the boys who left for the job a few weeks back must be busy cos none of them have posted since :laughing: :laughing:

They are probably still cleaning the tank out.


PS, this tanker is owned by Freund and had 18 inside, the one carrying chocolate only had 15 men inside.

any updates would be useful hopefully with pics, the boys who left for the job a few weeks back must be busy cos none of them have posted since :laughing: :laughing:

I.m back on my week off. Went out for 3 weeks. 4 days training then out on the road,i never stopped. I did take my camera never used it. I head back out Sunday i will see all you new starts near the Academy :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Wheel Nut:

any updates would be useful hopefully with pics, the boys who left for the job a few weeks back must be busy cos none of them have posted since :laughing: :laughing:

They are probably still cleaning the tank out.


PS, this tanker is owned by Freund and had 18 inside, the one carrying chocolate only had 15 men inside.

been there done that :laughing: a few times on cement and also fly ash from powerstations …nightmare but if with the right crew have a laugh


any updates would be useful hopefully with pics, the boys who left for the job a few weeks back must be busy cos none of them have posted since :laughing: :laughing:

I.m back on my week off. Went out for 3 weeks. 4 days training then out on the road,i never stopped. I did take my camera never used it. I head back out Sunday i will see all you new starts near the Academy :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

so what was the score with al your trampng gear do you leave it over there? also is the wage worth the effort? and dont forget the pics next time fella.

Here are some pictures someone else prepared earlier. I just love the DAF Spacecabs as my favourite ever truck.



any updates would be useful hopefully with pics, the boys who left for the job a few weeks back must be busy cos none of them have posted since :laughing: :laughing:

I.m back on my week off. Went out for 3 weeks. 4 days training then out on the road,i never stopped. I did take my camera never used it. I head back out Sunday i will see all you new starts near the Academy :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

so what was the score with al your trampng gear do you leave it over there? also is the wage worth the effort? and dont forget the pics next time fella.

yes leave all your gear in your locker and take home your washing. :open_mouth: I get paid next week so i will see if its worth it. You max your hours so i think it should be ok.




any updates would be useful hopefully with pics, the boys who left for the job a few weeks back must be busy cos none of them have posted since :laughing: :laughing:

I.m back on my week off. Went out for 3 weeks. 4 days training then out on the road,i never stopped. I did take my camera never used it. I head back out Sunday i will see all you new starts near the Academy :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

so what was the score with al your trampng gear do you leave it over there? also is the wage worth the effort? and dont forget the pics next time fella.

yes leave all your gear in your locker and take home your washing. :open_mouth: I get paid next week so i will see if its worth it. You max your hours so i think it should be ok.

The wages are the stumbling block for me, I was told that the first month was a basic forty hours, the overtime from your first month was paid with month two wages, :confused:

to all the guys that have been offered work, well done, you will like the job its good clean work, i haven’t got my hands dirty once, i am on liquid tho, i hear the powder work is dirty, if ya read my posts, i had never done euro work before, didn’t know what to expect, didn’t know how i was gonna cope with foreign rules and regulations (still don’t), i am now weekended in erp the main depot until tuesday cos it is a bank holiday weekend, this is a lovely place people are very friendly, quite expensive, the first day i was here, there was 4 guys, paperwork on the monday morning signing contract and other stuff, monday afternoon you go out in a lhd volvo fh loaded trailer, the roads you go on are very narrow, so keep ya eyes peeled, one guy unfortunately had to go home on the wednesday he hadn’t had his license long and very little experience, tuesday you are in the classroom working on the onboard computer that you have to use (that is your time sheet, very very important) get it wrong ya don’t get paid, wednesday they show you how to empty an refill a couple of tanks, thursday more classroom, friday you go out with a driver, i have to say this is far better work than i have had in a long time back home, i’m now on my second tour, buying a decent sat nav has helped me no end, especially for someone like me who has never been here before, i also have no photos but i will take some this weekend and try to put them on here, good luck to the guys coming out

so anybody know how to put photos on

so anybody know how to put photos on

clicky here

got them on photobucket but i must be thick, still can’t get them on here, think i leave it

got them on photobucket but i must be thick, still can’t get them on here, think i leave it

Each of the photos you wish to put on here will have a link on Photobucket, I don’t use Photobucket but if you view each picture you should be able to just copy the link out of the address bar and paste it into a message on here. If you paste all the links into one message I will fix it so they show as images for you.

on photobucket under the picture there is an IMG code, copy and paste onto here.

The way I do it is to hover o0ver the link option s and then hover over the IMG link, sometimes it will flash copy or if not right click and copy, then paste that into a notepad, space and do the next one until you have done them all. Then come back here and paste the whole lot in a block as the tags are already there.