Van den bosch transport

Main thing to watch for with LHD is the left mirror and door pillar are unfamiliar blindspots because they are right in your face. Road positioning is no real problem after a little practice because you are used to using your mirrors. Don’t expect everything to be just right straight away, and remember that your left side is your good side for reversing… believe it or not, that can take some remembering.
If you are new to euro driving, remember to think twice. The biggest thing I found was turning left across a road. I actually turned across onto the wrong side once. When there is daylight and traffic, it is not bad, but at night on a deserted road it can be interesting.

If you are put on lift tanks, the surge will catch you unawares. If you are new to tankers then get one thing firmly in your head… If you have to stop hard PUT THE HANDBRAKE ON STRAIGHT AWAY!!!. Even with road barrels it can knock you four ways from Sunday- with a lift tank it is much much much worse. Avoid hill starts to begin with… (no problem in Holland) and just get accustomed to the way it handles. In no time at all you will see that there is nothing to worry about, but they can surprise you. Also, once you are committed to a corner, don’t bottle out halfway through. They are generally forgiving enough and you can cruise around curves just as well with liquids as you can with a curtainsider, but you can’t change your mind as easily.

If I am honest, I am almost envious. I am sat here with a heavy load of steel in a van trailer reminiscing about the fun I had on the liquids…

You forgot about zb roundabouts where you always need to look to the left before entering and go round them anti zb clockwise and which have the same effect on bulk liquids wether you’re driving on the left or on the right. :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :laughing:

True enough, I did forget, and remembering how idiotic people were on roundabouts in Europe, I should have remembered. So you guys going over, just remember that most europeans have no clue about roundabouts and will not be in the correct lane or be signalling. Keep your hand by the handbrake.

Mark, are we talking about the same thing here…? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

me and ravanoli are supposed to be flying out today, along with 2 others, bloody volcanoes

So what happend in the end, did you get there and how??

still sat here at home, no planes, ferries all booked up, even for foot passengers, and eurostar have tripled there prices, go figure, start date has now been postponed till monday 26/04/10, but who knows how long this volcano is gonna erupt

still sat here at home, no planes, ferries all booked up, even for foot passengers, and eurostar have tripled there prices, go figure, start date has now been postponed till monday 26/04/10, but who knows how long this volcano is gonna erupt

Bit of a Bummer, but at least you have a Job… :wink:

yeah a job that i can’t get to, just got to play the waiting game, story of my life :smiley:

yeah a job that i can’t get to, just got to play the waiting game, story of my life :smiley:

so you got the job in the end then i thought you never got it, if you posted it in previous posts then apologies i couldnt be bothered reading through them all again, i remember u going for interview :laughing:


yeah a job that i can’t get to, just got to play the waiting game, story of my life :smiley:

so you got the job in the end then i thought you never got it, if you posted it in previous posts then apologies i couldnt be bothered reading through them all again, i remember u going for interview :laughing:

yes mate, got turned down for the job a week after the interview, still don’t know why, but then got a phone offering me the job, i’m all packed up ready to go, and can’t get there :smiley:



yeah a job that i can’t get to, just got to play the waiting game, story of my life :smiley:

so you got the job in the end then i thought you never got it, if you posted it in previous posts then apologies i couldnt be bothered reading through them all again, i remember u going for interview :laughing:

yes mate, got turned down for the job a week after the interview, still don’t know why, but then got a phone offering me the job, i’m all packed up ready to go, and can’t get there :smiley:

sods law, eh!
give you time to double check all your tramping gear, or are you travelling light? ive never tramped away for 3 weeks at a time should imagine a decent cooler and stove is a must , or did they issue you with a tick list?

hi guys.just a small thing.since you have now a delayed start date and you now know other guys that are also starting would it not be possible to join forces and maybe take a car with 3 or 4 of you together via the split the costs.have a bit of time to look around vd bosch,and you can take all your gear with you so when you go home your not ■■■■■■■ loads of kit :question: lots of luck.mike

hi guys.just a small thing.since you have now a delayed start date and you now know other guys that are also starting would it not be possible to join forces and maybe take a car with 3 or 4 of you together via the split the costs.have a bit of time to look around vd bosch,and you can take all your gear with you so when you go home your not ■■■■■■■ loads of kit :question: lots of luck.mike

good idea mate, but already thought of it, the only problem is we are all from different parts of the country, leeds, birmingham, scotland, i can wait mate, waited 17 years for a company to give me a chance like this, waiting a little bit longer ain’t gonna hurt :smiley:

Be prepared for a 5 week stint on your first outing. They dpon’t tell you straight away but they’ll want you 4 who are coming out be a team and work 3 trucks between you. They’ll send 1 home after 2 weeks, then 1 aqfter 3, 1 mpore after 4 then the last after 5 weeks so they can get you in to a rotation. I drew the short straw and I’m here for 5. The work is good, I’m on silos so don’t know about the liquid side, mostly food stuffs, it can get a bit dusty but on the whole it’s clean work. The training is very intensive, they haqve a lopt to teach you in 5 days, most of it about how the company works and the systems they haqve in place. Listen carefully to the boaqrd computer lesson, get that wrong and you lose money after a few days using it, it all falls in to place. The staff and drivers are all very friendly and people are all willing to help. Remember, this is a multi national company with drivers from lots lf different countries, leave your anti eastern european oppinions, if you have any, at home, they’re not welcome. I’m sat in Switzerland with a Hungarian and we’ve had a great time, a few beers last night and we’ve just had breakfast at the side of the truck. Now I know why they do it, the food is delicious. Good luck anyone who is coming out, you will enjoy it and you’ll go to places not many british companies go to. This week I’ve been to Denmark as well as Germany Holland France Belgium and Swiss

Be prepared for a 5 week stint on your first outing. They dpon’t tell you straight away but they’ll want you 4 who are coming out be a team and work 3 trucks between you. They’ll send 1 home after 2 weeks, then 1 aqfter 3, 1 mpore after 4 then the last after 5 weeks so they can get you in to a rotation. I drew the short straw and I’m here for 5. The work is good, I’m on silos so don’t know about the liquid side, mostly food stuffs, it can get a bit dusty but on the whole it’s clean work. The training is very intensive, they haqve a lopt to teach you in 5 days, most of it about how the company works and the systems they haqve in place. Listen carefully to the boaqrd computer lesson, get that wrong and you lose money after a few days using it, it all falls in to place. The staff and drivers are all very friendly and people are all willing to help. Remember, this is a multi national company with drivers from lots lf different countries, leave your anti eastern european oppinions, if you have any, at home, they’re not welcome. I’m sat in Switzerland with a Hungarian and we’ve had a great time, a few beers last night and we’ve just had breakfast at the side of the truck. Now I know why they do it, the food is delicious. Good luck anyone who is coming out, you will enjoy it and you’ll go to places not many british companies go to. This week I’ve been to Denmark as well as Germany Holland France Belgium and Swiss

sounds great fun and alot of miles covered why dont you do a picture diary would make good viewing?

Well I am pretty much the same as Stu I have drawn the not as short straw as him I got the 4 week stint so im a wee bit luckier than him!!!
The work is not too bad, wouldnt say excellent but better than UK crap, Roads are better, facilities are better and most of all the employer treats you well which is more than can be said for some UK operators.
I am doing the same stuff as Stu the only difference is I done Sweden and he has been to Swiss, but it is all good do far apart from the 4 and 5 weeks out but swings and roundabouts so to speak.
I will wait until I get home and post a diary with pics of my escapades over the past 3 weeks as I don’t have the time to do it over here as you will see LOL


For the guys thats been doing it for a number of weeks - What sort of take home pay are use getting roughly inc nights out etc…? WHat actually goes into the bank and for what hours roughly?

Just wondering how many else got offers this week… …I had an interview today and decided to take the place… …never done any tankers but european roads yes, since I’m from Finland… For some reason or another haven’t had any luck with british companies but Van Den Bosch came back to me immediately and offered me job so why not…

Just thinkin about my combination - Finn livin in Scotland and workin for Dutch…

That’s an interesting mix!

I’ve sent them my details, got a quick reply from Frans saying they’ll be getting in touch soon. I wonder how many vacancies they’ve got? They must be getting snapped up pretty quick, I hope I’m not too late :confused:

That’s an interesting mix!

I’ve sent them my details, got a quick reply from Frans saying they’ll be getting in touch soon. I wonder how many vacancies they’ve got? They must be getting snapped up pretty quick, I hope I’m not too late :confused:

Well, guess I was lucky then, sent my details late fri, got a call mon and interview/job on wed… …might be also that my previous experience counts (finally)… …anyway, good luck to you.