Low looking tyres is a subjective term. It does not mean worn out or illegal.
Shuttlespanker you know what to do with your hand and your hypothetical nonsense. Once again, I will say, I have every right to go into a main dealer of any marque and buy a truck and EXPECT to put that truck to work without a forensic examination, especially if it is just out the MOT station. Fact.
you wanted patronising, you got it, and you are still ■■■■■■■■, there is no pleasing some people
If wheels were swapped prior to me receiving vehicle, and those wheels were not legal, then that is a crime. Fact.
the wheels would NOT have been swapped between YOU looking at the vehicle, and taking delivery of it FACT!!!
As the operator, the wheels are my ultimate responsibility, and if they came off I would be liable. Fact.
correct me if i’m wrong, but, didn’t i tell you that earlier? FACT!!!
I have been put in an untenable position by a reputable vehicle dealer. Fact.
obviously not that reputable
If I had not changed wheels, vehicle would of still passed its MOT. Fact.
but, then in the case of ANY accident, it would have been YOU alone liable, because you knew of the issue at that time, and would have chosen to do nothing
Would dealer have put new tyres all round before I agreed to sale. No. Fact.
Is it possible to miss a circumferential split on a tyre during walk around checks? Yes. Fact.
on a walk round, yes, but on a PMI, should be doubtful
Am I going to give credence to the egotistical rubbish you post on this thread and reply again? No. Fact.
Let me repeat the first point again, I am perfectly entitled to sign a maintenance contract and expect that work to be done and signed off as per VOSA requirements. It should not need me to then give it another inspection. The same goes for spending thirty five grand on a vehicle, I should expect that vehicle to be legal and ready for work, not to spend more time inspecting it again, apart from visual road operator inspections.
i totally agree with what you have said in the last part, which goes to prove what i also said earlier, you should be taking it up with the service desk from
arguably the most prestigious truck dealer
to find out why they missed the issues that would NOT have met with VOSA requirements
and if you really meant what you said…
don’t let the door hit you in the ■■■ on your way out
and, if you are still billy bull crap, i have got one more thing to say to you
go take your overpriced pile of ■■■■■■ and shove it up your ■■■!!!