Unplanned night out

If i’m on days…i’ll get back regardless.

If i’m on days…i’ll get back regardless.

Regardless of what ? Going over by 2 hrs ?



bald bloke:


If your base is Warrington and the run takes you as far South as the M25 then a night out should be expected and you should have had overnight kit with you.


It must be amateur hour again.

+2 especially on a Friday.

+3 especially anywhere near the M25


I know I know. :unamused:

Day shift agy driver for a local bakery.
Regular run to port talbot…4h15m each way.
Ditto paddock wood.
Day shift agy driver for local chilled firm.
Faversham…4h plus each way.
Every chance you’ll be well over…should the ■■■■ hit the fan.

hi ,
i’d like to throw in a question regarding an unplanned night out.

i currently drive an artic with a day cab and have come close to needing a night out. where do i stand with being collected or put up in a hotel as the vehicle has no bunk to take a rest break on and if i end up in a layby in the middle of nowhere after some event like this latest m25 incident, can i legally take a daily rest in a day cabbed vehicle.


This has got to be a wind! Who with a single brain cell wouldn’t take their night out gear with them on a run from Warrington to London and back■■? ESPECIALLY in December! Bad weather and excessive traffic, mean the kit comes with me ALWAYS! Last year I did a night out on a Bicker - Lutterworth due to traffic, weather and leaving the yard late.

As for driving over your hours and being picked up after 15 hours as said both illegal.


I admire your ingenuity for choosing that route to avoid traffic.

He parked up at Trowell at 0400… at least 8 hours after all the traffic went home.

Genius indeed. :laughing:

Sorry Contraflow, I read it as a 4.00 was the start time.

You should of booked into the hotel & got the company to pay for it on the company credit card.

If I was his boss I’d have been telling him to Foxtrot Oscar, if he’s daft enough to leave his n/o gear going on that run he can learn the hard way.

bald bloke:


I know I know. :unamused:

But you don’t…you don’t :unamused:

Sign of the times - all this classroom training - plus the CPC BullSh… - Where is the common Sense ■■?

Sign of the times - all this classroom training - plus the CPC BullSh… - Where is the common Sense ■■?

I believe you will find that Common Sense has been outlawed under EU regulations.

Just in time logistics.

I have a big carp fishing bag for my kit and fits all the essentials in, but I am lucky I have my own wagon so I over indulge in kit. But a good bag and careful thinking having the minimum kit is not that hard to achieve or heavy to carry from your car.

I was asked recently to go from Warrington to Basingstoke and then to ellesmere port in a day, I got to Basingstoke just under 4.5 and the same to ellesmere port but it was 21.30 when I got to ellesmere port so by the time I got back to Warrington with another 45 break added then open the yard and lock up then drive home I gave up and kipped in ellesmere port.
Did the same run a week later took me 8.5 hours just to get one way, no two days are the same.

Hi all,
At 0400 this morning because of the problems on the M25 i reached my 15 hour limit so had to park up on Trowell services for 9 hours, even though two hours previous i was told that i would be picked up in the van but later the office sead they could not as i was out of driving time, At this I contemplated running back reguardless of the law of the land, but sorry to say I chickened out, and paid the £21 parking charge. However i did get a full breckey out of it and about a half hours sleep, so I have lost todays pay because i am to tired to work.
Now the point in all this woffel to all the driving taco experts on here is that I think i am far more dangerous on the road after spending 9 sleepless hours in a cab although legal, than i would driving 2 and half hours above the 15 hour limit, and i would like to know if i could of got away with driving back to warrington due to lack of facilities. i.e. no pillow, bedding,and pee vessal.Also do the company for which i work not have a duty of care to there staff reguarding making sure that drivers are picked up and returned to base.
Thanks for any forthcomming advice and comments.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

My God !!! I’d get onto BBC Watchdog or summat and let them know whats going on !! :laughing:

can i legally take a daily rest in a day cabbed vehicle.

I don’t believe you can. The regulations state…

Where a driver chooses to do this, daily rest periods and
reduced weekly rest periods away from base may be taken in a
vehicle, as long as it has suitable sleeping facilities for each
driver and the vehicle is stationary

As has already been said, always be prepared. Earlier this year I did a run from Plymouth to Bristol (120 miles) and back which should have been easily achievable in a day, but delays in loading and unloading plus severe traffic meant I ended up having a night out which was no problem as I always travel prepared. Once you hit your spread time, the only thing you can legally do is park up and take a daily rest period, as being collected would count as other work and therefore be illegal.

God, I’ll regret this post after 10 pints of John Smiths but what the hell has happened to drivers, somebody has to say it, It is not your boss’s job to run after you and wipe your ■■■■■■ arse ffs, if you are going on a long run take a ■■■■■■ sleeping bag in it ain’t complicated!!! is it just me or what?? A classic case of drivers and ■■■■■■ screw drivers