Unplanned night out

To be honest if I were heading to Warrington from the m25 I’d be going up the m6 and no where near trowell

Your company could not legally pick you up because the time spent travelling back to base would have counted as other work and you’d already done 15 hours, therefore the travelling time would have made it impossible for you to have the required daily rest period within the period of 24

Why does being picked up and driven back count as other work ?

If not doing anything other than travelling as a passenger why can’t it be rest? Or is it because going back to base and then going home from there?

yorkshire terrier:
To be honest if I were heading to Warrington from the m25 I’d be going up the m6 and no where near trowell

Good point.

Well then jjmorris1960, anything you read by Tachograph and Robroy is right. Be honest with all of us, are you a new driver?
You did right in not driving 2 1/2 hours illegally.
Why are you expecting to go from Warrington to the M25 and back even with a 15 hours spread? Anything beyond Birmingham could result in a night out especially Friday.
Why did you end up on Trowell services at Nottingham? You are well out of the way, but I admire your ingenuity for choosing that route to avoid traffic.
Is it your regular motor? Yes, throw some bedding in. Should the transport manager jump in and sees a duvet, it says that you are prepared should the inevitable happen. Check when a wagon passes to see how many have a duvet on the bunk and only do one or two nights out a month or never.
I doubt there is not someone on here who has thought “I’ll get back off that” and hasn’t then stopped in a lay by. So as the Scout Movement say BE PREPARED.

You should have used the little known exception to drivers hours rules( search for drivers hours .gov/exceptions)

Page 14,section 2, sub section 2, paragraph 5 states

Drivers WITH NO PEE VESSAL are permitted to ignore all drivers hours regulations in order to run home as long as no

european borders are crossed. I have used it many many times and served only a short time in jail when caught.

Big Roy:


Big Roy:
When you’re on day work and driving different units each day it’s not practical to take night out gear to work with you every day. I’ve been driving for 9 years and never done a night out yet and only come close to it on 2 occasions.
I have to agree with others that Warrington to the M25 area and back is pushing it a tad, personally if I had been given that run to do I would be telling them to shove it on the grounds that if there were to be a slight hold up I would not make it back.
If I did get caught out like you did I would be booking into a hotel for the night at the company’s expense, I’m [zb] ed if I’d be spending the night in a truck with no facilities

Whats not practical in having a holdall with a sleeping bag/spare clothes/wash stuff,its not rocket science.If you venture onto the m25 on a friday there is every chance you’ll be held up.

Because it just isn’t practical, I already take a holdall with me every day so to take another holdall full of night out gear looking like Sherpa Tenzing every working day on the remote chance of a night out would be a major pain.
I agree with you 100% about venturing down to the M25, that’s why I said I would tell them to shove it in case I got stuck out

I have a different unit every day and I play it by ear whether I put my night out stuff in or not, a local run within the South West then no, 2 drops Liverpool, Manchester on a Friday then definitely take the night out gear, been caught on a few unplanned ones but I’ve always had my gear, I have a locker at work so keep it in there.


Your company could not legally pick you up because the time spent travelling back to base would have counted as other work and you’d already done 15 hours, therefore the travelling time would have made it impossible for you to have the required daily rest period within the period of 24

Why does being picked up and driven back count as other work ?

If not doing anything other than travelling as a passenger why can’t it be rest? Or is it because going back to base and then going home from there?

Because if the company pick you up or arrange to pick you up you can’t dispose of your time freely and you’re still under the instruction of the employer, therefore legally you cannot be on rest.

Article 9 .2 - (EC) 561/2006

  1. Any time spent travelling to a location to take charge of a
    vehicle falling within the scope of this Regulation, or to return
    from that location, when the vehicle is neither at the driver’s
    home nor at the employer’s operational centre where the
    driver is normally based, shall not be counted as a rest or
    break unless the driver is on a ferry or train and has access to a
    bunk or couchette.


Your company could not legally pick you up because the time spent travelling back to base would have counted as other work and you’d already done 15 hours, therefore the travelling time would have made it impossible for you to have the required daily rest period within the period of 24

Why does being picked up and driven back count as other work ?

If not doing anything other than travelling as a passenger why can’t it be rest? Or is it because going back to base and then going home from there?

Because it’s the ■■■■■■■ law! FFS! :unamused:

Ah. I see. Thanks

Ohh thank sarge for being so clear FFS

I admire your ingenuity for choosing that route to avoid traffic.

He parked up at Trowell at 0400… at least 8 hours after all the traffic went home.

Genius indeed. :laughing:

You should know this ■■■■. THAT is why I said FFS. Learn the rules, or lose money in fines - your choice…


Your company could not legally pick you up because the time spent travelling back to base would have counted as other work and you’d already done 15 hours, therefore the travelling time would have made it impossible for you to have the required daily rest period within the period of 24

Why does being picked up and driven back count as other work ?

If not doing anything other than travelling as a passenger why can’t it be rest? Or is it because going back to base and then going home from there?

because of the paragraph in the regulations…

Where a vehicle coming within the scope of the EU rules is neither at the driver’s home nor at the employer’s operational centre where the driver is normally based, but is at a separate location, time spent travelling to or from that location to take charge of the vehicle may not be counted as a rest or break, unless the driver is in a ferry or train and has access to a bunk or couchette.

A breakdown, a puncture, a bad smash and an ordinary day can go poop up.

When you have a sleeper cab unit it seems odd not to have a sleeping bag even if it is used only a handful of times a year. I have only had one night out in the last couple of months (Had 2 punctures which wasted a good 7hrs in total) but i was a happy having the sleeping bag. Also your boss would be happier when it goes to ■■■■ sometimes and you just simply phone up and say your having a night out instead of making another headache for him demanding to be picked up.

Gathered that now in context but a condescending and patronising answer was uncalled for

IMO, it was totally called for. You do know that patronising means talking down to, don’t you?

Why are you expecting to go from Warrington to the M25 and back even with a 15 hours spread? Anything beyond Birmingham could result in a night out especially Friday.

Agreed, and even then it’s worth listening to the traffic reports with an option of diverting to the M54/A41

Yes I do but hey ho pedestals wobble

There is just a little thing in the back of my mind…no shooting me down for thinking out aloud.
Instead of the 35hr farce that has just happened perhaps we should actually teach what seems to be the majority of drivers the rules and regulations and good old fashioned common sense !

I know I will get shot at …But are so many actually so uninformed ?
We are meant to be professionals.

Because the CPC 35 is shamefully inadequate so it’s up to individuals to try and interpret as best can and ask more experienced to clarify if unsure.

Sarge - Apologies your right, I should know but didn’t so need to read up more on the regs, that paragraph is basic 101.