Unplanned night out

A lot of people seem to think you need the kitchen sink for a night out. My brother used to carry a lightweight sleeping bag like this one. When rolled up it wasn’t much bigger than a two litre pop bottle. When I was on agency I always took a pillow anyway. And once did get stranded when working for Iceland. Would have been 10/11 years ago and I was in one of those horrible little Volvo FLs they had, anyone remember them and the state they were in, it didn’t even have any curtains! Had to put all the clothes in the wash when I got back as the stench was awful. But hey ho sometimes needs must. Wasn’t one of my best nights sleep ever thats for sure.

Big Roy:
As has been said on numerous times throughout this thread that apart from being laughed out of the transport office it’s not practical to take night out gear with you every day to work with you, especially in retail where I have spent the majority of my driving career, now I know that doesn’t make me a “proper driver” but I wont be losing any sleep (at home in my own bed) over that fact
Before you single me out as being the Devil incarnate look in any supermarket delivery truck and you wont see any signs of being prepared for a night out, as I have said earlier on in this thread, if I was given a run that I thought would involve me getting stuck out, I would refuse it simple as that, I admit it I’m not a hero like some of you guys

I also have done a lot of supermarket work and although they had a bed most had no night heater or curtains so it’s up to the office to get me back when out of time.

but a 12 hour run can easily become a night out so its not always planning issues.

i have had to do it ( sleep in a poxy lay bye about 10 miles from home ), however seeing as i had harldy got any sleep due to no night heater and it was f’ing freezing ( before i started taking a sleeping bag and pillow in my bag ) they let me run in and go home paid once i had done a local run (about 2 hours work in other words).

[zb] happens in driving and as much as it ■■■■■■ people off its part of the job to me.

10 miles away Jesus I could have walked home …

Jeeeesus, this post has gone on a bit eh?

Once again, shows there is a general lack of common sense,
Oh I forgot, Not only is it not covered in the Driver CPC, It has actually been outlawed by the EU !! as reminded earlier by danalex84

Around 20 years ago we used to have a ‘tight run’ from our quarry between Ashbourne and Bakewell to St Clears with tarmac in day cabbed eightlegger’s. Given a good run you could JUST squeeze it in under ten hours driving, pre limiter of course, but sometimes you got caught out and had to park up at (say) Kings Bromley or Sudbury. The firm would send a fitter out in a transit, he drove your truck back on his tacho card and we drove the transit. No harm done and you could still get an early start the following day, nowadays I guess that would be frowned upon.



but a 12 hour run can easily become a night out so its not always planning issues.

i have had to do it ( sleep in a poxy lay bye about 10 miles from home ), however seeing as i had harldy got any sleep due to no night heater and it was f’ing freezing ( before i started taking a sleeping bag and pillow in my bag ) they let me run in and go home paid once i had done a local run (about 2 hours work in other words).

[zb] happens in driving and as much as it ■■■■■■ people off its part of the job to me.

10 miles away Jesus I could have walked home …

was tempted to get a taxi but knowing my luck the truck would have been nicked :unamused:

but it still gave me the nudge to carry a light sleeping bag and inflatable pillow from then on so wasnt too bad a thing.

To recap for any new readers:

There are those who refuse nights out.
There are those who refuse nights out but take a sleeping bag in case of unforseen events.
There are those so scared of spending the night in a truck they want rescuing.
Then there are drivers… :wink:

Cheers for that pal, :wink:

8 pages anyone? Where’s the popcorn?

I always carry a sleeping bag if my runs more the 2 hrs outbound. Just incase!
Always carry it if risk of snow.

I drive a puddle humper day cab. But if I get stuck or was to run out of spread due to an rtc I can crash out for a warm sleep .

When I was on the coach’s my bag was the first thing I put in the motor. Just incase. As you never know what may happen.

If your not doing local multi drop go prepared as you never know how long you might get held up for.
A little planning for your comfort goes a long way. Even if you never need it. It might be a pain ■■■■■■■ it every day between units but so what, it might just keep you warm at night.

So the night heaters not working /not fitted .couldn’t sleep it was so cold .mmmmmmmmm what about the 14ltr lump under the cab ,I wouldn’t be worried about the fuel used ,not one bit! the company would be more pd off at the publicity that a driver froze to death in a motor.
Or I was so so close to home etc, hells bells aint ya got any mates to pick you up and a taxi back in the morn?? wagon gets stolen so what are you a 24hr security guard or a driver. rant over.

WTF :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: 7 friggin pages for a ■■■■ up and unplanned balls up!!!

The post was sorted at page 1!! Don’t forget the multiple quotes though :unamused: :unamused:

8 NOW!!!





And if I clock off and am willing to be brought back without being paid after 15 hours and also not driving then its not illegal. Its only illegal if I still demand payment or am still “on the clock”.

The legislation does not differentiate between being paid and not being paid. Travelling to and from a vehicle must be recorded as other work. If you have run out of spread time then it is illegal.

Travelling from home to work or otherwise does not count as driving time. If im off the clock,its my own time not working time. If I finish work after 9 hours and 45 mins driving,if I have a half hour drive home am I breaking the law by being over my 10 hours? Or if I worked from 6am till 2045 with the same half hour home is this illegal? Its not

it’s not about driving time, it’s about duty time. run out of driving time, but still have enough duty time left, then you can be recovered, run out of duty time, then the firm can’t recover you legally.

Travelling time
Where a vehicle coming within the scope of the EU rules is neither at the driver’s home nor at the employer’s operational centre where the driver is normally based but is at a separate location, time spent travelling to or from that location to take charge of the vehicle may not be counted as a rest or break, unless the driver is in a ferry or train and has access to a bunk or couchette.

As I understand it,and im pretty sure im right but I may be wrong,cars and vans under 3.5T dont come under EU regs.

Your right in saying you maybe wrong, because you are wrong!

So the night heaters not working /not fitted .couldn’t sleep it was so cold .mmmmmmmmm what about the 14ltr lump under the cab ,I wouldn’t be worried about the fuel used ,not one bit! the company would be more pd off at the publicity that a driver froze to death in a motor.
Or I was so so close to home etc, hells bells aint ya got any mates to pick you up and a taxi back in the morn?? wagon gets stolen so what are you a 24hr security guard or a driver. rant over.

A lot of trucks I have driven turn themselves of after a few minutes to save fuel

you have to turn the idle speed up manually and they wont

you have to turn the idle speed up manually and they wont

+1 or block the pedal ,boot jammed on it ,jack bar on the pedal to under steering column/dash.

Once upon a time! :grimacing: I passed my class one test :laughing: jeez didn’t think I’d be sleeping in the tin box nearly a quarter of a century later :grimacing:






And if I clock off and am willing to be brought back without being paid after 15 hours and also not driving then its not illegal. Its only illegal if I still demand payment or am still “on the clock”.

The legislation does not differentiate between being paid and not being paid. Travelling to and from a vehicle must be recorded as other work. If you have run out of spread time then it is illegal.

Travelling from home to work or otherwise does not count as driving time. If im off the clock,its my own time not working time. If I finish work after 9 hours and 45 mins driving,if I have a half hour drive home am I breaking the law by being over my 10 hours? Or if I worked from 6am till 2045 with the same half hour home is this illegal? Its not

it’s not about driving time, it’s about duty time. run out of driving time, but still have enough duty time left, then you can be recovered, run out of duty time, then the firm can’t recover you legally.

Travelling time
Where a vehicle coming within the scope of the EU rules is neither at the driver’s home nor at the employer’s operational centre where the driver is normally based but is at a separate location, time spent travelling to or from that location to take charge of the vehicle may not be counted as a rest or break, unless the driver is in a ferry or train and has access to a bunk or couchette.

As I understand it,and im pretty sure im right but I may be wrong,cars and vans under 3.5T dont come under EU regs.

Your right in saying you maybe wrong, because you are wrong!

nope, he’s right!

Some on here are definitely in the wrong job, it’s transport ffs not working in a florists :unamused: , ■■■■ happens, deal with it.
As for the ones that nonchalantly admit that they would, and have, ran home if their time is up because of bad planning etc and because ‘‘nights out just don’t suit me’’ :unamused: …bless. :unamused: . and what about the star artist who said VOSA were reasonable :open_mouth: …yeh right!
I hope you all come a cropper and lose your licenses!..knob heads of the highest degree :unamused: We all know it ain’t ideal, but we are men ffs

Duuurin the war