So lets *see* if such a scheme can work in the UK then? There may well be issues, be amazing if there weren
t, but I reckon it is better to give this a fair shot.
I doubt the trials will work out well, but if it were to become a reality I could certainly use it very productively
Are you suggesting that the NE is particularly badly off because they as a group are particularly inept at managing money?
Because you have seen examples of it?
The NE deprivation is documented by ONS etc and is not up for debate. The basic northern attitude is very much “live for today” which does not sit well with good fiscal management, and the lower the socio-economic status, the less evident is sound fiscal management.
From your link:
“It found that in the wider North East, 54.6% of homes were classed as deprived in at least one of the four dimensions used to classify deprivation. That was the highest rate in England and Wales. The nationwide average was 51.7%”.
A bit worse off, yes. But, surely you arent suggesting that is because they are more feckless up there? Isn
t it because there is economic activity there?
Is an area worse off because the people are wasteful with money, or because they have less of it?
Feckless? That is not a word I would use. We have the traditional working class in the sense of hard-working down to earth people, but often these folk will be living side-by-side with (i) members of the “underclass”, where benefits are a lifestyle choice, often a multigenerational lifestyle choice, and/or (ii) enclaves of “non-native UK residents”: due to property prices being low in Middlesbrough it is one of the prime spots for the government to relocate people to.
If people cant manage on monthly UBI then why would they manage on monthly salary? As I said the *period of payment* makes no difference to the idea of UBI. Argue that those with addictions need to help with their financial management, and I
ll agree. But that is again irrelevant, to the idea of UBI.
I disagree entirely, you and I and many others may be adept at monthly budgeting, other niches of society simply cannot handle it.
UBI isnt meant to be an upgraded dole payment. It isn
t just for the feckless, druggies, layabouts etc.
There is a minority who do need help with cash, and that is the same whether they get dole, UBI, or a big win on the pools.
It will need to be more common before older attitudes to employment change maybe.
It does not matter what it is called, nor what the intentions behind it are (the road to hell allegedly being paved with good intentions) , it’s money that has not been earned, and what has not been earned will not be properly appreciated for what it represents nor will it be appropriately handled.
I was attempting at humour, not to be patronising, but I don`t think you are seeing the way this could go in the future.
I’ll let "the clue is in the name " go, but just because you have your vision of how it could go, does not mean that alternative visions of the future are not equally possible. I can see a whole range of potential problems, but I don’t think you have the same experiences of human nature that I have in order to visualise these problems.