I’m all for it ,why not , theyl give millions for overseas aid etc , so why not some money to help our own
It has to be “Universal”. Everyone with an NH number gets it, no exceptions, no “upper cut-off” - all you need to get it is to be a registered UK worker, even among those not born here, providing they are processed AS here by that point. (People in deportation centers - don’t count as “Exceptions” - because they are not legally settled here yet and by rights, should NEVER be.
Whitehall - is trying to stop that though.
OK, whitehall, YOU WIN - So now you’ve got no excuse left to cut people off from this socialist’s dreamboat:
(1) Because they go to Church
(2) Because they don’t vote Green or Labour or Sinn Fein or SNP
(3) Because their pronouns are “She It” when they should be (Elon Musk’s) “Prosecute/Fauci”…
(4) Most of all: You shouldn’t have to bend the knee to anyone to get this money.
DO you have a NH number and a bank account?- Yes/No?#
Yes? - Here’s the money, paid monthly into your bank account on 1st of each month.
NO? - Try again when you’ve got legal settled status, and you get issued with an NH number upon taking up your first job here. That job will help you open a bank account if necessary as well. No one (employer) pays “Cash” anymore - do they?
Is the mouse in your top pocket an English expression as I don’t understand it .I’ve never heard it in 60 years of life in the UK, it might be a localised saying for a particular area, but it is certainly not common across the country, and I can find no mention of it in reliable UK-based sources of sayings and idioms etc, such as those from Oxford or Cambridge, or Collins. TBH it just makes me think of The Green Mile movie.
I think I saw a bloke in a war movie who used to keep a mouse in his top pocket and talk to it.
I’m born and bred here too, and I’m buggered if I’ve ever heard this expression either…
Sounds like something on a Terrance Cuneo painting?
I like how jobseekers allowance is £84 a WEEK whole you get £350 DAILY allowance for turning up for 10 minutes to the house of lords.
…Also note that if you claim Universal Credit, then that money has to be paid back should you actually get a job fairly quickly…
That makes it a “Loan” rather than a “Benefit” doesn’t it?
The DWP also have given themselves the right to violate and misuse everyone working’s personal data, as they know exactly how much tax you pay, how much you GET paid, and how much exactly you can afford to be “docked” by an attachment of earnings order, that now no longer needs to be issued via a court… Essentially, they can hack money out of anyone’s wages at any time, for any reason - for any “debt” be it a real one, or made-up one, or more likely a formerly “Statute Barred” debt. Such 20% docking, which when added to 12% NICs and 20% income tax - means that your average indebted working citizen is going to be docked about the same as the “Working” Universal Credit claimaints: About 55% in all, 10% more than a millionaire pays, assuming that the average millionaire declares all their taxable income, which of course they don’t. Bet the DWP doesn’t invade THEIR bank accounts!
We can thank Cameron and Osbourne’s contribution to Deep State’s global takeover for that.
People without work who later get a job - have to pay benefits back.
People without work forever - get their benefits cut.
People WITH work - dare not upset the applecart, lest they be “let go” for no reason at all, but in actuality were let for for “political hatred reasons”…
This kinda forces everyone to become a “Centerist” at least in behaviour, if not in actuality.
The left are not allowed to Moan about “Enforcement”, and the Right are not allowed to moan about “Woke”.
Any company that doesn’t sign up - can expect political and press pressure to continue in the months ahead.
Only the multi-billion companies - will survive this, of course.
Best we all end up working for one - whilst the demand is still low, then.
It is unlikely that anyone already an incumbent - will be obliged to “take the knee”, but we’re fast approaching a point in history where all new recruits - may well be.
I was listening to most of this discussion on LBC today (as insufferable as James O’brien can be), two of the staff involved in bringing forward this pilot scheme were guest speakers/callers.The thing that shocked me was when they said that ANYONE could apply for the scheme…EVEN PEOPLE WITH JOBS.
So you mean to say that I’ve to got to fund the wasters that don’t want to work AND people who already have jobs, with my hard earned tax dollars? Lord knows that if UBI ever became nationwide (it won’t) taxes will be raised for this purpose.
Socialism never has worked, never will work, and luckily the UK will never be a socialist country.
Er…do you even realise you would get the payment too?
Anyway - you were in the police so you are used to other people paying for your massive police pensions. Isnt that the height of socialism? Wanting everyone else to pay your pension for you?
And pretty much everything worthwhile in this country came from a socialist government - or did you think the NHS was a tory idea?
Btw, this country has ALWAYS been socialist for the rich and capitalist for the poor - thats why the police get their pensions paid for them for example. If you hate the idea of free money please hand your pension back.
I have an almost zero pension with the Met. I stopped paying into it very early into my service, so I wouldn’t have anything to give back anyway
I obviously prefer capitalism to socialism, that goes without saying.
If I wanted socialism I’d move to Venezuela, a once oil rich country with a bright future, now a poverty stricken nation where the people have become so poor they are forced to eat their pets due to having no food. THIS is the height of socialism.
The NHS is nothing to be proud of, under Labour or Tories. The service has been run so badly by government for so long it’s not even funny. Government has even destroyed the emergency services according to all the paramedics, firemen and officers I’ve spoken to; which is why so many are leaving including myself. Anything the government touches turns to [zb].
If you love socialism so much why don’t you move to a socialist country then?
Venezuela is the only socialism you know of? What about France? They retire at 60 there - thats what I call socialism. Britain was socialist from 1945-79 - do you think all those soldiers who came back and kicked the tories out wanted right-wing politics in the UK? They were our best generation and they chose socialism. That tells you something.
Trust me if you had ever known life without the NHS and seen loved ones die because they cant afford treatment you would kneel and give thanks to the sociaists who saved you and your families lives. The guy who created the NHS was a socialist who watched his dad die as a kid cos they couldnt afford a doctor.
This country has beem “socialist” since Thatcher - but its socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor. Thats why you pay more tax than the bloke who owns your company. You see how Trump paid £750 income tax when he was earning millions? See how Rishis wife claimed nondom tax status? The rich LOVE free money - they just hate it going to anyone but themselves.
All I know Jeff is that most of the things I currently enjoy and take advantage of is due to capitalism.
Heck I even tried to become a capitalist a few years ago before the covid situation wiped me out, I was progressing pretty rapidly too (I had a board of directors, central london law/accounting firms, commercial/private bank finance lined up etc etc). I may get back into the game if I feel like it at some point.
Just my 2 cents, but my advice to anyone wishing to make a name for themselves to get out of this rat-race is to really give capitalism / entrepreneurship a really good go…you may succeed. Socialism will not save you from this rat-race.
Or at least find a job that you really love doing, something I have never experienced in my 30 years under employment
All I know Jeff is that most of the things I currently enjoy and take advantage of is due to capitalism.Heck I even tried to become a capitalist a few years ago before the covid situation wiped me out, I was progressing pretty rapidly too (I had a board of directors, central london law/accounting firms, commercial/private bank finance lined up etc etc). I may get back into the game if I feel like it at some point.
Just my 2 cents, but my advice to anyone wishing to make a name for themselves to get out of this rat-race is to really give capitalism / entrepreneurship a really good go…you may succeed. Socialism will not save you from this rat-race.
Or at least find a job that you really love doing, something I have never experienced in my 30 years under employment
The vast majority of us are part of the current mixed, but largely capitalist system.
What you are describing as getting out of the rat-race is no such thing: you are describing getting ahead of the field in that race.
Some people are competitive and will want to be the winner, and “above” the masses.
Some are happier helping others, rather than winning the rat-race. Im rather glad we have doctors, nurses, teachers etc, who mostly aren
t trying to win the rat-race.
All I know Jeff is that most of the things I currently enjoy and take advantage of is due to capitalism.Heck I even tried to become a capitalist a few years ago before the covid situation wiped me out, I was progressing pretty rapidly too (I had a board of directors, central london law/accounting firms, commercial/private bank finance lined up etc etc). I may get back into the game if I feel like it at some point.
Just my 2 cents, but my advice to anyone wishing to make a name for themselves to get out of this rat-race is to really give capitalism / entrepreneurship a really good go…you may succeed. Socialism will not save you from this rat-race.
Or at least find a job that you really love doing, something I have never experienced in my 30 years under employment
The vast majority of us are part of the current mixed, but largely capitalist system.
What you are describing as getting out of the rat-race is no such thing: you are describing getting ahead of the field in that race.Some people are competitive and will want to be the winner, and “above” the masses.
Some are happier helping others, rather than winning the rat-race. Im rather glad we have doctors, nurses, teachers etc, who mostly aren
t trying to win the rat-race.
It isn’t real “Capitalist” any more than “Socialist” is “■■■■” or “Liberalism” is “Liberal”.
In a proper Capitalist system, EVERYTHING would be based on supply and demand.
That would mean NO large company gets a bail-out if it goes ■■■■-up.
EVERYONE gets benefits straight away if their employer goes ■■■■-up.
TAXES get used to further the public good, rather than expensive perks for those IN government.
WARS don’t ever happen, “Because they are expensive, unnecesasry, and don’t profit the general public at ALL”.
Following VE day, 1945 rationing was continued for another 8 years, the winters of the late 40’s saw many children die of things like Rheumatic Fever, Dipthereia, and Polio… The AUSTERITY went on and on for the vast majority of the British Public. The “Baby Boomber” kids - came from lean and fit parents by comparison to the average Centerparcs fodder this country seems to be full of these days…
…but most of all - ALL jobs outside of Full Time Directly Employed would be “Zero Hours Agency” rather than “Ltd” or “Contractors”.
This would mean sharp rises in the market for any and ALL jobs where “enough staff cannot be found”.
Coincidentally, “Key Workers” during the Lockdown were “NHS workers and Supply chain workers” that latter group being US, yes?
Is there anyone on here who’s pay is not now substantially higher than it was two years ago, regardless of what type of work contract they have?
All I know Jeff is that most of the things I currently enjoy and take advantage of is due to capitalism.Heck I even tried to become a capitalist a few years ago before the covid situation wiped me out, I was progressing pretty rapidly too (I had a board of directors, central london law/accounting firms, commercial/private bank finance lined up etc etc). I may get back into the game if I feel like it at some point.
Just my 2 cents, but my advice to anyone wishing to make a name for themselves to get out of this rat-race is to really give capitalism / entrepreneurship a really good go…you may succeed. Socialism will not save you from this rat-race.
Or at least find a job that you really love doing, something I have never experienced in my 30 years under employment
The vast majority of us are part of the current mixed, but largely capitalist system.
What you are describing as getting out of the rat-race is no such thing: you are describing getting ahead of the field in that race.Some people are competitive and will want to be the winner, and “above” the masses.
Some are happier helping others, rather than winning the rat-race. Im rather glad we have doctors, nurses, teachers etc, who mostly aren
t trying to win the rat-race.
I tend to agree with you. I suppose entrepreneurship is a ‘different’ kind of rat race.
And yes we definitely need those doctors and nurses etc.
All I know Jeff is that most of the things I currently enjoy and take advantage of is due to capitalism.Heck I even tried to become a capitalist a few years ago before the covid situation wiped me out, I was progressing pretty rapidly too (I had a board of directors, central london law/accounting firms, commercial/private bank finance lined up etc etc). I may get back into the game if I feel like it at some point.
Just my 2 cents, but my advice to anyone wishing to make a name for themselves to get out of this rat-race is to really give capitalism / entrepreneurship a really good go…you may succeed. Socialism will not save you from this rat-race.
Or at least find a job that you really love doing, something I have never experienced in my 30 years under employment
The vast majority of us are part of the current mixed, but largely capitalist system.
What you are describing as getting out of the rat-race is no such thing: you are describing getting ahead of the field in that race.Some people are competitive and will want to be the winner, and “above” the masses.
Some are happier helping others, rather than winning the rat-race. Im rather glad we have doctors, nurses, teachers etc, who mostly aren
t trying to win the rat-race.I tend to agree with you. I suppose entrepreneurship is a ‘different’ kind of rat race.
And yes we definitely need those doctors and nurses etc.
It seems that far too much time in the “Rat Race” is wasted “Fending off the litigations of richer people than yeu trying to stop you from doing things that are actually of benefit to the public…”
Lawyers should not be paid by the state - unless they represent a member of the public who is already a victim of some injustice at that point.
Too many laywers don’t bother with their “State Income”, of course - and take the “corrupt money” of the superrich to bring their plaintiff cases against the public good.
Where are these same lawyers right now in protecting the rights of people:-
(1) Losing benefits from no fault of their own
(2) Losing their job, and not getting their due redundancy package
(3) Not being paid contractual amounts, and coming to grief with creditors as a result
(4) Having the wrong amount of tax deducted, and getting into trouble with HMRC instead of the bent accountant getting into ANY hot water…
(5) Died from “Covid” - When does the actual person who died - has their family bailed out, instead of thrown onto the street for “not paying their mortgage”.
In america, dead people can vote Democrat, but in both the UK AND America - dead people can’t pay their mortgages… Go figure.
The public should be served by lawyers - not anyone else, until and unless they are engaged as a legal defence.