tommy t:
I doubt ukip would make much of a difference if elected in may, they seems to be too much like what we have in power now,a tory government in all but name, coalition my arse
The fact that at least UKIP obviously intends to shut the door to further import of east Euro labour is a massive difference over any of the LabLibdemCon alliance.Which suggests that it is at least prepared to understand and make a start on the issues of such immigration affecting working class income levels.As for wether they are genuine about that issue bearing in mind the effects of non EU immigration and pre existing immigration has in that regard is open to question.There is also more chance that UKIP’s environmental policies would allow for a much more road transport friendly policy resulting in more demand.Therefore as it stands there really is nothing to lose by voting UKIP.
There is much to lose, we can’t have working class people using their brains and thinking…ooh i don’t now, what would be best for us people who actually work for a living and want a decent future for our children…working class people should do as their collective mummy tells them, and that starts when they’re at school to make sure they get the right message early on, we can’t have them going round seeking out alternative news sources, sources not approved by the State educators and news producers.
Next thing they’d be wondering why a leading politician solemnly makes cast iron promises to garner the odd vote and then breaks them without even a blush, or why another one tells the world that we won’t charge tuition fees on my watch and 5 minutes later those doey eyed kids that voted for him are signing themselves up to a lifetime of debt as they leave the school gates.
The working class will damned well do as they’re told, they’ll vote for who we tell them to, and when some upstart like that Farage dissident tells them that 5 million immigrants in just over ten years have come here and millions more will follow, we’ll reassure them that even if it was true (we’ve temporarily misplaced the figures, but probably more like 15000) it hasn’t made a scrap of difference to the health service (fault of the elderly you know they should just die, and we’ll leave 'em on a trolley in a corridor all night if they don’t hurry up), nor schools, housing and especially the jobs market.
Those marvellous mobile workers, they’re wonderful, they do all the jobs we don’t want to do (where are the people who did those jobs before?), they cheerfully work for minimum wage and simultaneously are net contributors to the economy, they should get issued with shiny underpants to wear on the outside for they can do the impossible.
Any worker that questions the right on message of the day, we’ll call them racists, gadflies, swivel eyed loons, little englanders, europhobes and any other insults we happen to think of, if they prove troublesome we’ll send the UAF stormtroopers to silence them, UAF believe the best route to freedom is to not let anyone who they don’t agree with be heard, that’s utopian democracy for you.
Carry on as you were working people, it doesn’t matter which of the labour liberal or conservative parties you vote for so long as you vote for one of them, they’re all signed up to the EU superstate now, so get out there and vote, you know it makes sense.