Olog Hai:

i doubt very much if you could drive an artic that has gears let alone get around the country without a sat nav , so i really dont think you could come up with policies that would help anyone other than yourself.

i am alright jack would be your policy.

I don’t need to come up with any ‘policies’, Pete, because I’m not a politician. Thought that would be obvious even to the crazy brigade?

In any case, given your one-man stand against the DCPC I think it’s fair to say that you too are unable to drive a lorry around the country either, regardless of whether it has gears or not (they normally do, by the way). How is the job hunting going, on that topic? Good? Or are you sat happily on the dole claiming a portion of the taxes I pay through actually working for a living as benefits?

yes its very true that i can not drive a truck around anymore, 26 years experience good clean record of driving, doing all sorts of jobs from tramping to trunking to shop deliveries in town centres without sat navs and in the old day all the shops were dam hard and tight to get into even done shunting in old yard that was as tight as hell

so this old boy has been around and done it all almost, and because i dont have a dcpc card its now illegal for me to drive, what dumb nuts came up with that idea ?

so now the industry will be full of drivers who dont have my experience don’t know the country like the back of there hand, never driven anything like an Eaton twin splitter but they will have a nice card the dcpc so there well qualified for the job

as for me being on the dole ? i can not get dole money as i am english born and bread i need to come from another country to get hand outs, ( in other words i have to much income to have dole ) and would you believe i pay my taxes and have paid my taxes for all my working life
wish i had control of were those taxes were spent and ukip will give me the perfect answer to where the taxes will be spent and who gets them.

your moaning your head off about people who are prepard to make a stand just because you are to much up your own arse to do anything other than try to shout down people who are willing to stand up

but hey dont worry about me you just enjoy your wage rises that you clearly never earned as you got the card hoping guys like me would leave to create a shortfall, but so long as your alright jack thats all that matters

My Name is desypete-asuarus. And I’m going to eat you CPC lovers !!!

your moaning your head off about people who are prepard to make a stand just because you are to much up your own arse to do anything other than try to shout down people who are willing to stand up

but hey dont worry about me you just enjoy your wage rises that you clearly never earned as you got the card hoping guys like me would leave to create a shortfall, but so long as your alright jack thats all that matters

26 years’ experience and you’ve thrown it all away for the sake of spending £300 on DCPC training. Joking aside, I really cannot get my head around why anyone would do that and put themselves in the situation where they now have no income.

As for your other point, you know what assumption is the mother of, don’t you? I haven’t driven a truck for over 18 months and therefore I have not benefitted from drivers’ wages going up in the wake of DCPC. But for those that have, fair play. If I was still in the haulage industry I would be making hay while the sun shines, just as many of those lads are. Because the days of almost naming their own hourly rates won’t last forever.

Olog Hai:

your moaning your head off about people who are prepard to make a stand just because you are to much up your own arse to do anything other than try to shout down people who are willing to stand up

but hey dont worry about me you just enjoy your wage rises that you clearly never earned as you got the card hoping guys like me would leave to create a shortfall, but so long as your alright jack thats all that matters

26 years’ experience and you’ve thrown it all away for the sake of spending £300 on DCPC training. Joking aside, I really cannot get my head around why anyone would do that and put themselves in the situation where they now have no income.

As for your other point, you know what assumption is the mother of, don’t you? I haven’t driven a truck for over 18 months and therefore I have not benefitted from drivers’ wages going up in the wake of DCPC. But for those that have, fair play. If I was still in the haulage industry I would be making hay while the sun shines, just as many of those lads are. Because the days of almost naming their own hourly rates won’t last forever.

its not all about the dcpc its how the job has gone these days, at one time being a driver was a good laugh and good gang of lads all around, the changes that have come into the game over the last 10 years have changed the job right around to me, no smoking in cabs was a huge kick up my arse, not that i never took any notice it of it i still smoked away, the little hittlers in tranport trying to give the drivers hell at different depots and me trying not to land a punch on there noses was something i didnt like feeling in the job : ) but like always we just get used to it and keep our gobs shut, yes sir no sir 3 bags full etc

then we got the digi card and collecting speed infringments left right and centre. if somethings happens out on a job they will check the digi and if there are lots of speed infringments that will be used against a driver, then we get the fuel bosses and charts for which driver is doing the best bollox automatics start to become the norm and there dangerous on round a bouts if you dont get it right you have to stop with no way to increase acceleration and if you get it wrong and come out at 2 miles an hour you get horns going from everyone etc

then lads start to leave good lads as they find other jobs even in factorys that are paying them more an hour than driving can give them, and in come more and more drivers from over seas, it got so bad at one place i used to deliever to that the drivers room was just full of non English conversation.

then incomes the dcpc to tell me that if i want to stay in the job that has changed to how it is today full of health and safety ■■■■, i will need to spend a week in a class room to learn all about the job and rules and regs, it doesnt matter a blind bit of difference that i have been doing the job for the last 26 years it counts for nothing, you would of thought they would have given us the rights to it based on experience but no they want everyone to do it and pay for it themselves otherwise they will not be allowed to drive them anymore
its the biggest slap in the face to me so with along with all the other changes in the game over all the years its just the final straw

there is some madness in my method as if the money does rocket up like i hope it does i will not be to proud to go and sit in the class room and get one, but if its staying the same as it is then there is no need for me to get one

but over all i protest about europe bringing in all these crazy things that impact on my life and everyone elses life, i never voted for this, i never voted for these changes in my life that europe brings in
i certainly hate what is becoming a polish and over seas type of area not because i am rasist but because its changing our towns and places we work and like the dinosaur i am i dont want these changes rammed down my neck

we have our own kids who will need jobs in the future or there kids we have to look at things long term and not the short term fix, by opening the flood gates it might solve a wage problem and keep people working for less money but it creates a lot more problems. people have less and less money to spend so end up getting into debts etc

anyway its getting like a party political broadcast this speach of mine
but for my ukip have all the answers that i want to hear, i want to stop the madness that i can see that is going around before it gets far worse than it is

i will never again vote for labor having been a labor man all my life, i have never voted torys and never will, the sdp were a party of upper class political correct loonys so they never got a look in either
the bnp never got a look in either as i am not a racist even though i share many of there concerns there kick em all out rubbish was just not the answer, now along come ukip and there emigration policy based on the Australian one
that to me is a winer, just on that one issue alone, but there are many many more things to ukip as there growning and learning and best of all listening to people out on the streets

My Name is desypete-asuarus. And I’m going to eat you CPC lovers !!!

i love this one : )

Olog Hai:

Happy Keith:
‘…Oi, Holag …’

‘…What have you done about it that involves proper, tangible action…?’

Er, and give you detracting material to abuse me about. Don’t think I’m falling for that one :unamused:

As it happens, (- albeit it’s neither any of your business nor is it Truck related) what I have ‘…done about it…’ has, and continues to involve plenty of tangibly physical and financially endorsed engagement & debate - both too extensive for polite protocol inclusion here to realistically ever stimulate opposing and myopic pro-EU rants into becoming either objective, evidence based or polite, sir :frowning:

You’ve demonstrated those unattractive debating ‘skills’ through judgementally flawed and rude, scatter-gun generalisations :unamused:

Olog Hai:
‘…In fact, what have you actually got off your arse and done about any of the EU-related things you ceaselessly whine about like an obsessive loon…’

See above - again: Plus, what I’ve submitted isn’t personally abusive nor does it detract from the DCPC demonstrating to our industry how flawed the European Federation (which I’ve never been democrtatically consulted about) actually and factually is :neutral_face:

That’s what ‘…in fact…’ not doubting that you will show us how ceaseless you are by coming back with something both abusive and irrelevant to the thread topic… :unamused:

So what you really mean is you’ve done nothing at all and instead are trying the normal meandering, directionless bull and bluster… :smiley:

Olog Hai:
‘…So what you really mean is …’

No, it isn’t

Olog Hai:
‘…you’ve done nothing at all and instead are trying the normal meandering, directionless bull and bluster…’

Yawn - and see again how that predictable tat was anticipated

Happy Keith:
'…you will show us how ceaseless you are by coming back with something both abusive and irrelevant to the thread topic…[/i] :unamused: …’
Also, add to that your contribution being against the ropes - and that it will perhaps need pictures to help.
Meanwhile, perhaps advise how your argument plans to object to the EU’s demand for another £2 million per day from it’s UK zone for the un-audited Brussels pot because “it is doing well in its recovery” - albeit with scant thanks to the DCPC :wink:

I’ve voted Tory in the past, but never Labour.

I’ve not voted for UKIP before either.

Let no one suggest that prospective UKIP voters next year are in some way “deranged” or “fascists” or “just plain ignorant”…

I still await reasons why I should vote TORY next year by the incumbent prime minister. Being in power right now, he can, if he wishes, perform a number of tasks that are completed, and fully implemented by next May - to get, if you like, my vote “back” from UKIP.

ONE of those measures is “Get the EU referendum done by then”.
Another one might be “Get Marriage recognised in the tax system” instead of banging on about gay marriage all the time, which I’m not hostile to, but indifferent to. Yet I’ll be called “homophobic bigot” for taking that stance.
Yet another one is for Cameron to actually REBEL outright against the daft Euro directive laws we’re supposed to implement, and all that cash we hand over to them - for what exactly?
A few red tapes cut on import/export? - As if trade will fall to 0% IF we “left” the EU?

Trade with Europe didn’t drop to zero even when Europe was occupied by the Nazis FFS! :angry:

just open your eyes and look around you if you need proof at how well things are going, there are jobs going now on car transporters and on tankers the best paying jobs in the industry, something 26 years ago i was aiming to get into but always ended up with some other firm doing all sorts else, but anyway the point is you couldnt get a job in those companys, you had to keep on reading the obituary notices to see if any tanker drivers had droped dead to get a chance as no one would ever leave those jobs

now there are jobs going in all those best paying jobs, does anyone know why ?
what has happend to the lads who have been doing the job before it ? why have they quit ?

that is just one example of what is going wrong in one sector of work transport
people are walking away from jobs they have done because there pay and conditions are not worth it, our nhs staff dont hang around here they move away for a better life else were leaving the country and of course we need to replace them with the people who can not speak very good english at the best of times and thats not there fault by the way, but if your dealing with my piles or genital warts i want to at least understand whats going on

i my self have gone on to other things thanks to the dcpc and also the conditons we work in as drivers, i dont want people watching me 24 / 7 i can not even go for a dump without the need for a camera of some sort needed to prove i have had a dump, let alone someone checking up on how much bog roll i have used

some guys love this type of thing, i have met all the mr experts on drivers hours, there crap drivers but they know every word it says in leaflets or books so they at least sound like they know what there doing but anyway you can put up with that sort of rubbish but the way the job has gone now and the rates, i was earning 700 a week 15 years ago and bills were less i had a lot of money left in my pocket and the job was a good un : )

the longer we are in europe the more rules and regs are going to be met out which in the end will cost money to implement and uphold etc some one some where has to pay for it all and before the idiots say oh its ok my firm will pay for it, that means the firms have to make the money back prices go up and we all get hit in the pocket

have you seen how much food bills are these days ?

do you need to see a gp ? enjoy the wait as there are so many more people moved into the area that there is now a long waiting list,

make your own mind up on how much europe is really helping us in this country to really have a better way of life
for those who are doing alright and making a few quid dont worry about it as it will not last or if your lucky you will end up going to retirement and doing ok but your kids wont they will end up being the ones struggling to make ends meet
somewhere along the line of events someone will have to pay for things and its normaly the worse off end up even worse than ever,

i guess we are ok over here though as we have food banks to replace benefits for our own people and we can remove there homes from them to make way for new people who will gladly work for peanuts and a can of coke

Happy Keith:

Olog Hai:
‘…So what you really mean is …’

No, it isn’t

Olog Hai:
‘…you’ve done nothing at all and instead are trying the normal meandering, directionless bull and bluster…’

Yawn - and see again how that predictable tat was anticipated

Happy Keith:
'…you will show us how ceaseless you are by coming back with something both abusive and irrelevant to the thread topic…[/i] :unamused: …’
Also, add to that your contribution being against the ropes - and that it will perhaps need pictures to help.
Meanwhile, perhaps advise how your argument plans to object to the EU’s demand for another £2 million per day from it’s UK zone for the un-audited Brussels pot because “it is doing well in its recovery” - albeit with scant thanks to the DCPC :wink:
Like I said, more bull and bluster. Put up or shut up, Keith. Tell us what action you’ve taken to protest again DCPC.

Notice for all of Cameron’s Lectern thumping today… He didn’t say what he should have said “I’ll not pay pound one - ever” - he merely said "I’ll not be paying that amount by that date.
I wish I could believe that he’s going to rebel outright here, and call an instant EU referendum - if the EU doesn’t “drop it right away”…

Frankly, if Cameron now caves in, and hands over a billion at Christmas time, and bangs on about “saving nearly a months interest” and “knocking 0.7bn off the original ask” then we really need to find a suitable place like Smithfield to put him to the torch… :imp: :smiling_imp:

No, I didn’t mean “stab him with a flashlight”.

As a country we have no choice but to pay the figure demanded, thems the rules in the Lisbon agreement…that’s the one Cameron promised us a referendum on last time before he changed his mind…and as a law abiding nation we’ll do the lawful thing, which in this case is pay up, Cameron can bluster all he likes to appear tough, a ludicrous comedy effect on its own, but watch as we pay up…something that will kept as quiet as possible.

Maybe if Cameron and Osborne hadn’t been overegging the electioneering pudding quite so much about how well the economy is going, this extra funding wouldn’t be the case, if you gob off expect the debt collector to be there with his hand out.

The elephant in the room is debt, increasing daily and we have no prospect of paying it off, none of the three main parties makes a mention of it because none of them have a clue what to do about it, all three have nothing to be proud of about their economic records.

By the election next year the national debt will have increased by 40% over the term of this government alone, that takes some doing, some economic recovery eh…how long would your household last if you increased its debt by 40% over a 5 year period with no prospects of paying it back.

Olog Hai:
‘…Like I said, more bull and bluster. Put up or shut up, Keith. Tell us what action you’ve taken to protest again DCPC…’

1st I respectfully suggest your contribution was not ‘…said…’ because you wrote it - which evidences your attention to detail being scattergun :cry:

2nd I’m not rising to the troll-like diversion and inappropriate invitation to a quiz of my external activities & interests but shall be sticking to the thread subject - which is “UKIP and DCPC”

3rd Your manners by writing ‘…shut up…’ betray your argument being frustrated - mindful that you appear unable to defend the sponsor of the DCPC, eg., the European Union from raising the UK’s tax burden to it’s unaudited fatness by £1.7 billion per year wef next month: That’s in addition to the £53 million per day that the UK already pays :open_mouth:

Meanwhile, perhaps explain how come it was (remains?) acceptably beneficial to the UK transport industry for an identical* Powerpoint presentation that can compulsorily be ‘sat through’ over five days for the DCPC ‘qualification’ [sic] in order to drive a lorry :wink:

  • I’m giving you an opportunity to defend the indefensible DCPC here :exclamation:

How’s that for putting up :wink:

Just tell us what action you’ve taken against the DCPC.

Olog Hai:
‘…Just tell us what action you’ve taken against the DCPC…’

I work with charity cases on line :wink:

There’s only one entity interested in what I do beyond TNUK, matey - and guess what, one person isn’t worth hijacking/ranting within a thread for

However, perhaps be pacified that I’m UKIP and I challenge pro-EU puppets because the insideous intrusion of the European Federation (in waiting) has become unreasonable to every facet of my nation, my industry and since getting beggared about by the EU’s DCPC, me too :wink:

Oh …and where’s any answer to the very reasonably posed questions (see various above) :question:

The thread title concerns DCPC. Tell us what action you have taken to protest against it.

I intend kicking into touch this and other governments that are pro-Europe by letting it be implemented in it’s current “pro european” form.

Europe have turned up their aces on the table, and you’re being asked to call their all-in…

You DON’T have to bloody well call - just because you’re sitting down at the table at the moment!

Stand up, walk away, accept we were never going to win this one. SAVE that bet by quitting now!

DON’T donk everyone else’s money away you profess to represent - merely because you feel you “have” to because “it’s the rules”.
Donk calling is NOT the rules. You are ALLOWED to do it, and the opponent is hoping you will - so they can get all of your money!

Stand up and walk away Cameron - whilst there’s still time.

People like Hitler came to power because their government threw away the money of the lower and middle classes FIRST. If you ■■■■ off 99% of society merely to keep the 1% of millionaires and business owners happy - you deserve whatever’s coming to you via the outraged majority. If Voting UKIP is the start of that, the very least that will happen is Electoral Oblivion for the Conservatives - and for a lot more than “13 years” this time too! :imp:
UKIP don’t even need to win or keep a single seat to keep the Conservatives out off “Majority Government” for good.
Milliband? - He’s now where Kinnock was 22 years ago… Odds on to win the next election, but set to lose it because he too, cannot possibly get a majority without the middle Englander vote.
Blair lied very successfully to get it. Cameron talks tough… but so far? No real action. Milliband doesn’t talk at all - about what really bugs the electorate.

Stopping ‘Zero hours’ contracts? I’d be out of work without them!
Fixing energy prices? - What at the “top of the market” now the wholesale market is in freefall?
Increasing the minimum wage no more than where fiscal drag would be taking it ANYWAY by 2020?
Offering the Scots another chance to say “Yes”? Nope, the lie worked for all the three main parties last month… Result stands and it’s weighed in! Well done Gordon Brown in particular for pulling THAT big lie off!

As for Cleggy… He just wants us all to be speaking foreign like him, and to live and die by Europe’s command forvever and ever Amen.
If anyone, He’s the closest thing to someone like Oswald Mosely - for throwing the entire country on the whim and will of the very people we either beat or bailed out in WW II.
We need out of Europe before they now rope us into a war with Russia as well. I don’t give a toss if Russia annexes a country that a good majority of actually wants them there. I DO give a toss if I’m expected to get called up for national service, and then sent out there to “die for my country in a pointless war” like the Americans did in Vietnam. :imp:

Olog Hai:
‘…Just tell us what action you’ve taken against the DCPC…’

It’s a thread, mate - not an Action Line, so why not cease the Control Freakery :unamused:

Happy Keith:

Olog Hai:
‘…Just tell us what action you’ve taken against the DCPC…’

It’s a thread, mate - not an Action Line, so why not cease the Control Freakery :unamused:

So none, then. Thanks for the confirmation… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: