Happy Keith:
“Ooooh, so too was Hitler a Europe-wide nuisance”.
Well I have heard him described as “misunderstood” and as “having a sound idea poorly put into practice”
Bankers, business leaders & politicans screwed over the general public in the Pre-Hitler days of 1920’s Germany.
People died, Millions found themselves without a job, Savings were wiped out from the middle classes. Sound familiar?
It might well be the case that Bankers, Business leaders, and lack of health & justice in this country might lead to a new “dawn of the right”.
Farage isn’t Hitler though. Not even close. If he were, he’d be pushing an anti-semitic agenda, seeing as so many of them run those areas of establishment that we love to hate now as back in 1920’s Germany. Hitler didn’t persecute immigrants - he persecuted those already up and running in the country, that due to their own efficiency - didn’t go down the toilet when the great bust came, thus fuelling further public resentment which Hitler duly cashed in on. Cameron & Osbourne show us time and time again that “old Etonians don’t know crap” about the general public. What did they do of any note before they became politicians? How about Milliband? At least Cleggy can tout his language skills, being the europhile that he is. Farage? Worked in the city rather than gets his ■■■■ licked by it…
The big issues the public want dealing with go way closer than Europe and immigration.
Hands up who doesn’t want their old folks to die an undignified death, deprived of expensive treatments merely to “save money” or “charged £600+ a week” for carers that’ll kick your head in as soon as give you a bed bath… The NHS has turned into a monster - and it now needs a Giant Killer to get in there and sort it out. NO politician outside UKIP has spoken of “putting a scythe through the NHS top down” to get rid of all those white collar non-medical staff who try and put a cost on something that is only that expensive in the first place because of THEIR worthless & overpaid jobs and the daft notion that a private sector pharmacutical industry rocks - it needs to be nationalised! Why can’t government be in charge of R&D again?
Sure, we’d become more like the Western United States if we follow this model - but do you really think the average San Franciscan is worse off than the average City dweller in this country?
Today’s NHS staff are in there more often for the cushy T&Cs than they are there “Because they care”.
Today’s craver of a full time job in the transport industry too - increasingly care for the “sick pay” and “how much holiday do I get” instead of thinking “Well, what can I do for this company to make it more of a place to be proud to work for?”
If I were a transport interviewer - I’d show the door to any candidate asking me about sick pay instead of overtime rates!
What kind of attitude has someone got looking to go sick the moment they get enlisted into a new job FFS?
If companies had a proper sick policy - you’d not get people sacked for ending up in hospital, and allowed to “throw sickies” 3 times a year without ill effect (no pun intended)
Then there’s ATOS… Don’t get me started on these plonkers, once again alarmingly overpopulated by docs that can best be described as “the rubbers of shiny heads”…
Do we all know of some collegue who was ‘returned’ to work “before mainstream medically advised to” - only to die on the job shortly after… ATOS :1: Employee :0: might be as common as broken toilet seats and no bog rolls…
Milliband wants to “put a stop to zero hours contracts”… Well, that’s me out of work then! - There won’t be a full time job created just for lil’ ol’ me just to compensate me for losing the contract type that is now my livelihood!
Then there’s Cleggy - who wants my high-IQ firstborn to pay to get a degree, all pretence at Meritocracy abandoned by successive governments across my own lifetime.
Indeed, one might argue that same exclusion from mainstream academica has put me with the ranks instead of already in the house of commons, kicking some arse… My life that could have been - but wasn’t.
I’d have even voted Labour over the years - if it’s politicians had been, on the whole, smart kids brought up in humble surroundings, rather than merely having a “union” or “communist leaning” background.