Well, that’s fantastic, I forsee a landslide and see no reason why sir nige won’t be in Downing street this time next year. Frankly I’m amazed, after reading all that, that they have taken so long to get an MP of their own, you’d think that MPs of all colours would be swarming across the floor to join them. Unless people just don’t believe them that is. We will just have to wait & see.

Some of the resistance to UKIP gaining seats is the general public believing the bull that is put about by the main parties.
The Establishment-Supporting Media are quick to point out the crackpots among the UKIP membership. There’s crackpots among the main parties as well. We used to call them the “loony left” that call for a general amnesty - to save money on putting criminals in jail. Then there’s the “Nasty Right-Wing Nazis” among the Tory rank and file themselves.

There’s no need to look at UKIP for “swivel-eyed loons”. The main parties are full of such people that rely on the public not finding out just how tanked up with Mercury salts they are.

The fact that Inner Cities and Scotland are not supporters of UKIP comes down to the demographics. UKIP might be “Turkeys voting for Christmas” - but it’s a big ask indeed to expect much support from the very people you want to get rid of - malcontents and immigrants. The only voters switching to UKIP from Labour are, alas, the same “labour” voters that “used to vote Tory”, but switched to Blair’s “new labour old Tory” tosh more than a decade ago. UKIP can expect to pick up some votes from switching Libdem supporters like myself, but I fear the estimated scrummage of people switching from Labour has been grossly OVERestimated - and that will lead to UKIP getting less seats than we all hope next year. They need 50-70. 6-9 seats will just get them laughed out of the commons by the main parties alas.

no way are voters who vote for ukip ex tory ones who voted for new labour
i was and always had been a labour voter who voted for nancy blair and lived to regret it, so much so that i will never give labour another chance as its clear how political correct the party has become its nothing more than another tory party in my eyes, there is nothing with labour that makes me think they would make sure food banks are a thing of the past, etc

the main partys have had more than 30 years between them to sort out the mess the country has got into and all they can do is offer more of the same and blame each other for any sort of mess, there the most dishonest bunch who know how to lie professionally, how to turn facts and figures into how they want it to look like rather than how it really is

ukip offer up no more nonsense and tell it how it is, there is going to be no magic wand to turn things around over night, but its all about making a start for change and the first change has to be europe and emigration, that is good enough for most people who have to live in areas that are over run

dont anyone tell me that people are racist who vote ukip either, as the way the last 2 by elections has just shown, that would mean at least half of the country are racists, and thats just not so,

many in the country are just fed up more with the big 2 and all there ways. there getting to the point were they would vote for a blow up doll to run the country than a labour or tory

as for the lib dems and any sort of merge with them again by the top 2 partys well all the predictions are that the lib dems will lose most if not all there mps in the next election as ukip will take over that role

good news is ukip will win a lot more seats than most people whould of though impossable even now as they have there first seat no one thought that was possiable a couple of years ago, as the racist card was used over and over again
today the racist card has been played out and people ignore it now as more and more areas have been affected by it all

^^^^^^^ +1

Well, that’s fantastic, I forsee a landslide and see no reason why sir nige won’t be in Downing street this time next year. Frankly I’m amazed, after reading all that, that they have taken so long to get an MP of their own, you’d think that MPs of all colours would be swarming across the floor to join them. Unless people just don’t believe them that is. We will just have to wait & see. … arage-Ukip

Surely, the people who decide the outcome of elections - are the very people who don’t always vote for the same party as some kind of “family tradition”?

Who is the voter who voted for Major in 1992, Blair in 1997,2001 Tory in 2005 (after the Iraqgate) Libdem in 2010, and intend voting UKIP in 2015?

The last three match my own actions - but I have never voted labour in my life, despite being called “hardened socialist” by many I know.
Well, I did like Tony Benn - Didn’t like any of the others in the Labour party over the years.

I’m thinking that those who vote for UKIP next year are less likely to be those who voted Labour in 2010 - MORE likely to be disenchanted Libdem voters and those who switched from Blair to Tory in 2010 as well. :exclamation:

Wot is the question you want answered then…
Be as concise as possible - less than 100 words will do.

I don’t work for UKIP, I don’t campaign for them, I am not standing for election.
I merely intend to vote UKIP with the current information available to me as just one voter among many of the general public.

My objection to the DCPC was that it is too easy for “johnny foreigner come lately” to get.
Now the DCPC is implemented, it’s staying. Instead of trying to “get rid of it” therefore, it makes more sense to “vary” it instead into something that is both achieveable by a coalition partner in government AND serves the interest of Britons first and foremost.
Doing such would ■■■■ off Europe no end of course, and they’d merely “disallow” any such moves.

I think you’ll find that we could have had an exam based DCPC, I believe France do, and it was an option, but it was the British government, not the EU that decided on the system we have.
I very much doubt that ukip will make it harder as they are saying they’ll reduce the burden on business, but then I’m sure they’ll also open the doors to foreign drivers once business goes to them and says it can’t get drivers for the wages they’re willing to pay.

So you don’t think UKIP are the party of “wages inflation” which is surely what’s wanted by the whole working class country right now?

You don’t solve the “Cost of Living Crisis” by making the cost of living cheaper - since no politician has the power to do thus.

You CAN solve it by letting wages rise, by making the supression of wages a lot harder in future.

THIS is what I anticipate UKIP doing with regards to the DCPC - Turning it into a written exam, and if the yard remains unwilling to provide free training, and/or pay decent wages - then there’s better business operatives ready to take over that will fill the void that is now our understaffed transport industry. :bulb:


Well, that’s fantastic, I forsee a landslide and see no reason why sir nige won’t be in Downing street this time next year. Frankly I’m amazed, after reading all that, that they have taken so long to get an MP of their own, you’d think that MPs of all colours would be swarming across the floor to join them. Unless people just don’t believe them that is. We will just have to wait & see. … arage-Ukip

Well that seals the deal, if it’s in the express it must be correct. Is that the same paper that runs stories about ukip being lunatics? I suppose we will just have to wait & see.

So you don’t think UKIP are the party of “wages inflation” which is surely what’s wanted by the whole working class country right now?

You don’t solve the “Cost of Living Crisis” by making the cost of living cheaper - since no politician has the power to do thus.

You CAN solve it by letting wages rise, by making the supression of wages a lot harder in future.

THIS is what I anticipate UKIP doing with regards to the DCPC - Turning it into a written exam, and if the yard remains unwilling to provide free training, and/or pay decent wages - then there’s better business operatives ready to take over that will fill the void that is now our understaffed transport industry. :bulb:

I don’t see any evidence of that ukip will be a,party for wage inflation or the,worker. They have Said they want to cut rules and regs for business, making the dcpc a written exam paid for by the haulage companies, does not fit into that.
They’ve tapped into a fear of many normal working people. And that,is migrant worker and immigration, they also offer am alternative to an alienated electorate, who do think the current Westminster clique don’t represent or care about them.

They haven’t said they’ll stop migration altogether, but allow workers in with skills that are needed, or at least did a little while ago. So if the haulage industry says a lack of drivers is affecting their business and the economy, will truck driving be seen as a skill that is needed?

Ukips policies seem a bit,sketchy and seem to offer a solution to so many problems, that if they did form a government many people will be very disappointed with what they deliver.

The thing about ukip is that they can promise anything they want, they can tell the public whatever they think they want to hear, they know they won’t be in a position to deliver so they won’t have to keep promises.
Now they have an MP, and might even end up with more before the general election, it’s common for voters to have a go at the government at by elections, this country has a history of it. But come the election people tend to vote the same way they usually do. Yes they will pick up seats but nowhere near the numbers being talked about in some quarters, 120 seats! Not a chance. I think they will get between 15 to 20, which in reality, while a fantastic effort, wouldn’t be anywhere near enough needed to force any of the major parties into a coalition. Any less & they would be ignored.

I agree that anything short of 50 seats is not good enough to make a difference.

I’d even expect a gloating two-party mass of MPs to take UKIP’s lack of seat-gaining as being “a mandate to treat the public dreadfully afterwoulds” as some punishment for ‘giving them such a fright’, in a similar manner to which the Scots did weeks ago.

It is the crying shame that “Britishness” has sunk to such a low that too many among the public still feel along the lines of “A turd you let take charge” is better than a “possible problem/troublemaker”. All those fears about “Farage being another Hitler”…

Yeh sure baz. If and when he took to the streets, did some time in jail in a failed putsch, and got himself a criminal record - before standing as high as he’s already got - I think we’d know where the extremists are to be had in ANY party.

All I detect is a impending sense of doom that British workers will have to work a lot harder for a lower standard of living - thanks to the main parties all pandering to so-called business interests, that’s supposed to make them “wealth creators”. Well, they’ll create for themselves - but the rest of us will be saddled with a minimum wage that erodes lower still in real terms - thanks to fiscal drag.

The Tories are already doing this via benefits to the low paid. The Libdems are already making it harder for ordinary folk to go to University. Labour bang on about “Zero Hours Contracts” and other bits of the economy which are not actually broken - instead of blocking further distortion of the market place.

ANY politician could do any combination of the following to ward-off UKIP’s advance:

(1) Tax high incomes made from paying citizens of this country.

(2) Charge a very high duty on the purchase of property - if you are a “non dom”.

(3) Change the “bedroom tax” to instead be an “unoccupied property” tax - charged by the property, regardless of size. All those shysters turning a big house into cupboard-sized flats will get hammered - and rightly so…

(4) Stop cutting public services in any shape or form.

(5) Increase the police force, introduce a “British FBI”, and quadruple the size of the fraud squad - with levvies being taken from recovered funds.

(6) Charge a levy equivalent to half the excess interest rate charged by banks on a sliding scale: x2 base rate for mortgages, x5 base rate for personal loans, x10 base rate for unsecured debt.
This would put Wonga etc. out of business overnight, and also cause the mainstream lenders to lend more carefully - since they cannot anymore charge a “sub-prime premium”. Too much of bank’s new business is based upon “high interest rate sub-prime borrowers” and represents another house of cards waiting to be brought down again in “Credit Crunch II”.

(7) Introduce compulsary voting - and allow people to vote across the web from their Fixed IP address abodes. Who’s going to break into someone’s house to cast a false vote? Voting from home is about as secure as voting could be… Worried that Dad might block vote for the rest of the family not necassarily behind his vote? - So what! - Power to the Owner Occupier!

(8) Heavily fine, and then regulate those companies that launder crooked proceeds. Whilst some would argue this would be mainly banks - I suggest it would also involve Phone companies collecting revenue for mickey-mouse premium numbers based abroad, and cash-handling firms like Paypal that send paid monies to people knowingly selling bogus goods (or no goods at all!) across the internet.

(9) Anyone who was not born here, and has lived here less than 10 years paying taxes - Is not entitled to any benefits whatsoever. Any work they do is taxed at “Emergency Rate” until they’ve paid 10 years worth of such taxes… In return for this, the concession is granted that the NHS still be “free at the point of sale” for life-saving treatments only. Turn up at casulty having got drunk & glassed - then you’ll be billed for it.

(10) Open a hundred new places of detention - to house all those who think tax evasion, public swindling, and menacing society - is all a big joke.




Well, that’s fantastic, I forsee a landslide and see no reason why sir nige won’t be in Downing street this time next year. Frankly I’m amazed, after reading all that, that they have taken so long to get an MP of their own, you’d think that MPs of all colours would be swarming across the floor to join them. Unless people just don’t believe them that is. We will just have to wait & see. … arage-Ukip

Well that seals the deal, if it’s in the express it must be correct. Is that the same paper that runs stories about ukip being lunatics? I suppose we will just have to wait & see.

I think this is a scare story for the Expresses Tory biased readership to stay faithful and not to vote ukip.

Support for Nigel Farage’s party has soared to an all-time high of 25 per cent in a nationwide poll released today.

The dramatic findings suggest Ukip could take as many as 128 seats at the General Election next May and raise the possibility of Labour’s Ed Miliband snatching the keys to Number 10.

The dramatic findings suggest Ukip could take as many as 128 seats at the General Election next May and raise the possibility of Labour’s Ed Miliband snatching the keys to Number 10.

Milliband is a certainty for PM next time, unless the tories do a deal with UKIP. (which now looks more likely than it did)


The dramatic findings suggest Ukip could take as many as 128 seats at the General Election next May and raise the possibility of Labour’s Ed Miliband snatching the keys to Number 10.

Milliband is a certainty for PM next time, unless the tories do a deal with UKIP. (which now looks more likely than it did)
The whole point is it doesn’t make a scrap of difference whether the tory cheek or the labour cheek get in, both are committed to staying in the EU, labour will spend borrowed money like its going out of fashion (and make enterpreneurs and employment creators pay for it all via the politics of envy eg mansion tax) , tories will just pile billions more onto the national debt whilst keeping interest rates artificially low to prop up their housing based economic upturn.

Maybe we need another ten years of them for people to get the message, one lot of labour followed by another bunch of left wing tories, deeper inside the EU than ever, legally binding massive foreign aid bills (they can’t wait to enshrine it in law) another 3 million plus labour voting immigrants.

I hope there is no deal between tories and UKIP prior to the election, those stubbornly sticking to the dead from the neck up tories are splitting the UKIP vote.

‘… Not one of the ukip supporters on here can come up with any answer to any question posed…’

Billy, apart from wholesomely generalising to miss the point, the Lib/Lab/Green/Con are manifested to have us all undemocratically dictated to from Brussels (see the DCPC) - you’re not asking any specific questions :frowning:

‘…Given their one stated aim is to free us from Europe…’

‘…One…’ = very wrong: See their www site :exclamation:

‘… How long will it be before they are in a position to do that, realistically…’

The EU has taken decades to inflict it’s ghastly effects upon the UK - and you pick holes in a fix not likely to be immediate. That’s a bit rich, mate - but it will be via a democratic re-enfranchising process involving Britons to manage Britain’s long-term, quality of life benefit - not least achievable from saving £53 million currently being wasted to Brussels each day

‘’… What other policies do they have…?’

Why not use a search engine - to hopefully avoid the EU’s tired (and getting more exposed) propaganda that you’re fond of inaccuratley paraphrasing back to us :open_mouth:

‘…I don’t know if you realise this but, should ukip get enough seats whereby they are in a position to form a coalition, and they are asked to do so, it would be with a party that likes Europe, whatever colour rosette they wear. You will find that the Tories & labour would rather join up with the lib dems again if required…’

The UK democratic groundswell is that UK electorate are thoroughly fed up with the EU and all who suckle from its teat - hence the thriving democratic existence of UKIP :unamused:

‘…The thing about ukip is that they can promise anything they want…’

An awkward generalisation, Billy: See above, where you reckon they’ve only ‘…one stated aim …’ :wink:

One could argue that “those who’d never vote UKIP” are those without hope, living in dismay from day to day. Quick to moan, but slow to do anything about things themselves.

…We must not forget all the “huge” minority of people that UKIP would hammer - should they actually get to implement the bulk of their policies…
Closing the door to Pedro, Sasha, & Thomaz’ families won’t be buying their votes - that’s for sure.

What say our young folk? - Gis a job? Sorry bud, they’ve all been taken by someone from across the sea?

Election 2015 will be about the new generation of young voters, spurred on by the “so near, so far” of the Scotland vote into “getting out there and voting” themselves.

They’ll vote for the party who, if nothing else, will get rid of some of the competition for those jobs that Students just HAVE to have nowdays - to pay their way through higher education. :bulb:

That ain’t Tory. It ain’t Labour either. As for Cleggy? - He’ll get shot on sight if he turned up in a student bar!

Did someone mention UKIP policies? … ed-so-far/

Did someone mention UKIP policies? … ed-so-far/

at long last a party that really is putting the people first in this country. excellent policys in that line up i would urge anyone to have a quick read, one thing i didnt know they were standing up for was the speed camera issue lol
they will make sure that speed cameras are being used only for enforcement and not to raise money for local councils i hope they expand on that to include parking tickets : )

its clear there are excellent well thought out measures being put forward and the door of opportunity is still open to anyone who wants to come and live here and work here, its just they have to have there own health insurance, a job to come to and a home already arranged before coming to the country, now what could be more fairer than that ?
they will not be able to claim any benefits until they have paid in via tax or ni for at least 5 years

now this is what the people want to hear as there fed up to the back teeth of how the other parties have buggered about. unless of course they live in well off areas then they dont face the day to day living of most, ( the great north south divide again )

its in simple English, and it gets a huge thumbs up from me on the issue of making sure people come to this country and work in the nhs can speak good English as that is a must.

so all in all i think its a fair policy that clearly is putting british peoples interests first so i look forward to voting for them and i only hope many many more people do as well as this is the only way people will have a real chance of stopping all the madness that is going on today

from speed cameras to immigration its all simple to understand and it gets my vote

Just think… A few short months ago UKIP were considered to be a “one trick pony”…

Some pollsters have UKIP as high as 27%. Some as low as 7%.

The only likelyhood we can accept from those disparate figures is that they are probably BOTH inaccurate!

To the downside, I recall in the 80’s, no one in our neighbourhood would admit to voting for Thatcher - because she was such a divisive and disliked figure to the “Man on the street” at the time.
Yet, She won good-sized majorities, and never lost an election - a feat equaled, but not exceeded by Blair.
I suggest a combination of “closet Tory voters” combined with “working class voters staying at home” (at least down here in the south) had a lot to do with the incumbents remaining the incumbents!

If Turnout is high next May, then UKIP will do well. If we slip back into standard voter apathy, then there’s a small chance Cameron might get his hallowed majority, and he’ll have to work out how to drop the 2017 promise, now that he can’t blame a coalition partner any more…

If we’ve taken on too many new arrivals by next may - Milliband could still get in. It has nothing with the “Vote UKIP - get milliband” ■■■■■■■■. It’s all about the immigrant vote - and they are going to be voting Labour. The main threat to Labour’s number of seats next year is if the Scottish Labour seats fall to SNP…

If UKIP keep up the momentum, manage to field a candidate in EVERY seat, rather than just those where they’re likely to keep their deposit, then from 650 seats fielded, it really then becomes possible for UKIP to get the triple-digit number of seats the most optimistic polls are talking of. Fielding only 100-120 seats, and hoping to get 50-60 is defeatist, and I hope Farage isn’t so dumb as to not see “why that is”…