Happy Keith:

‘…Well, as I said, he’s become Prime Minister, no mean feat …’

Granted, albeit he’s loathed throughout wedges of the land and his oily style only just pips his cynically exploitative substance (any Indie Scot’s out there?) :unamused:

‘…Why would I suggest which way the Prime Minister would lead the country in a referendum? … it’s common knowledge that he supports Europe, not all of it but the concept of it. Surely you know that…’

You’re submitting the argument that the diverse UK electorate ought commonly guess at a major policy to (perhaps on condition) pursue :open_mouth:

The UK deserves substance (ie, a properly analysed need to have been done for the DCPC) rather than being mugged-off with tribally endorsed guesswork, nuance and slipperyness as an incredible substitute for decent UK leadership :wink:

Of course the Prime Minister is loathed in parts of the country, I don’t know of one that has been universally loved or even liked.
I’m not submitting any argument, it is a fact that the Prime Minister is a supporter of Europe. I would expect him to explain why he thinks we should stay in when the referendum is in the pipeline.
Tell me, what are ukips Euro MPs currently doing to rid us of the DCPC, what with them all diligently working away in the very bosom of your hated European capital.

Now DCPC is implemented, it’s here to stay.

The difference between our politicians now - is how they let this run out over the whole nation:

Labour would let more immigrants in to fill the shortage thus created for the great “thinning out” of the driving pool

Tories will continue with Labour’s plans, because business leaders say that “more immigration, and closer links to Europe puts more money in their pockets” - Yeh. At the expense of the rest of us!

Libdems are running the same policy as the other two, but are honest at least in admitting it up front. This makes them unelectable of course.

UKIP - The only other alternative now that you cannot get a ■■■ paper between the other three…

The big Wildcard next year will be 17 year olds that were impressed by the glamour of the 16-17 year olds voting in the Scottish referendum: Well, by next may many of those will be 18 - and witheld from the polls no longer! Opinion polls really need to be talking to young folk a whole lot more - for a more accurate assessment of how things really will go next year.

Support for Labour peters out rapidly when you start popping the question in a “full employment” part of town.
Support for Tory peters out as soon as you find someone who’s poorer these past 4 years.
Support for Libdem petered out as soon as Cleggy betrayed our young folk on University fees.

UKIP support gets regular flak, and perhaps some dipping in it’s support - thanks to the media constantly over-reporting any gaffes their rank and file people might sometimes make, be it “pub joke terms” like “Bongo Bongo land”, or revealing that some candidate in the back of beyond once had ■■■ with themselves or whatever…

Election 2015 will be not so much about Poor vs Rich or Posh vs Common - it will be “Tactically Smart” vs “Sleepwalking Sheep”. :smiling_imp:

So to sum up, you think we should all vote ukip because of their policies, unless you don’t like the candidate for reasons real or imagined, when we should vote against the sitting MP because you don’t like them either! Leaving us to vote for a nice, preferably white, candidate regardless of what their party represents. Yes, that the way forward.

Can we expect to see more of this in the future?

‘…UKIP - The only other alternative now that you cannot get a ■■■ paper between the other three…’

NB: Green deluded tree huggers are massively pro-EU too :open_mouth:

‘…Election 2015 will be not so much about Poor vs Rich or Posh vs Common - it will be “Tactically Smart” vs “Sleepwalking Sheep”…’

I’d swerve that mix into: Long Term Britons, voting with heart vs. The Tactically Scared uncleverly adhering to covert, pro-EU, BBC innuendo vs. Favourite Colour Sleepwalkers following their Granparents legacy vs. Detached Communist EUsters

‘…Can we expect to see more of this in the future? …’

Groan: More offensive innuendo created at huge cost to UK taxpayers by Big Brother Brussels, perchance? :wink:

‘…Tell me, what are ukips Euro MPs currently doing to rid us of the DCPC…’

To paraphrase what Winsy has submitted, there’s scant point in defusing ordure now that it’s been laid :unamused:

‘…your hated European capital…’

I don’t hate the place, only what it undemocratically represents :frowning:

I rather like Brussels’ ideas of beer, their respect for cyclists as well as the Belgian slant and European mainland propensity for breeding blokes with odd moustaches in general, etc :smiley:

However, when was the UK electorate consulted in any published manifesto that it’s British zone would effectively be wholly subordinate to faceless diktats (see DCPC) :question:

Happy Keith:

‘…Can we expect to see more of this in the future? …’

Groan: More offensive innuendo created at huge cost to UK taxpayers by Big Brother Brussels, perchance? :wink:

More like about three minutes work on a computer using cut & paste but hey.

Happy Keith:

‘…Tell me, what are ukips Euro MPs currently doing to rid us of the DCPC…’

To paraphrase what Winsy has submitted, there’s scant point in defusing ordure now that it’s been laid :unamused:
but it won’t stop you banging on about it will it.

‘…your hated European capital…’

I don’t hate the place, only what it undemocratically represents :frowning:

I rather like Brussels’ ideas of beer, their respect for cyclists as well as the Belgian slant and European mainland propensity for breeding blokes with odd moustaches in general, etc :smiley:

However, when was the UK electorate consulted in any published manifesto that it’s British zone would effectively be wholly subordinate to faceless diktats (see DCPC) :question:

When they go to the ballot box to choose who they want to represent them. If you still expect politicians to do everything for everyone you are living in a place in your own mind, a common mans nirvana if you will. It doesn’t exist.
They tell you what they think you want to hear, you vote them in, they do as they wish for 5 years. That won’t change regardless of what colour your vote goes to. If you think ukip will be any different you’re deluded.


Happy Keith:

'[BillyBillyHunt"]/quote [“huntbillyhunt”]/quote\unquote

BillyHunt said:
“Tell me, what are ukips Euro MPs currently doing to rid us of the DCPC, what with them all diligently working away in the very bosom of your hated European capital.”?[/misquote]

It’s not the DCPC that needs getting rid of - its the ability of people that cannot speak English enough to pass what should be a compulsary English examination to get a DCPC blue card at the drop of a hat. It’s been made “easy to get” purely to let foreigners in to do our jobs at minimum wage.

The best thing the EuroUKIPS can do to prevent it therefore - is get 50+ seats in the election, and thus force a coalition to close the door firmly. DCPC cards then already in existance will then become like gold dust, and actually worth something to the driver - instead of the Euro Commission who are currently using them to funnel as many of the mainland’s unwanted through the pipe to us as possible. UKIP in the EuroParliament buildings are only there to sabotage, make waves, and otherwise obstruct as much as possible bullcrap policies heading our way… :exclamation:


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I dunno if you can get shares in DCPC training businesses but, if you can, I would sell


Clacton’s no surprise but christ Heywood is an incredible result they’ve got the momentum of a Romanian truck, on an illegal cabotage job, going down Telegraph Hill with all its brake lines tie-wrapped off, now.

It’s not the DCPC that needs getting rid of - its the ability of people that cannot speak English enough to pass what should be a compulsary English examination to get a DCPC blue card at the drop of a hat. It’s been made “easy to get” purely to let foreigners in to do our jobs at minimum wage.

The best thing the EuroUKIPS can do to prevent it therefore - is get 50+ seats in the election, and thus force a coalition to close the door firmly. DCPC cards then already in existance will then become like gold dust, and actually worth something to the driver - instead of the Euro Commission who are currently using them to funnel as many of the mainland’s unwanted through the pipe to us as possible. UKIP in the EuroParliament buildings are only there to sabotage, make waves, and otherwise obstruct as much as possible bullcrap policies heading our way… :exclamation:

The irony of this is not lost on me.
I cannot believe that, normally, sane people still think that getting ukip into parliament in any number will result in the demise of the DCPC. It won’t, they couldn’t give a fig about it because there is nothing they can do about it, this assumes that they know what it is in the first place.
Even the countries in Europe that aren’t members of the EU, Norway & the Swiss have it. Simply because you will need to have it if you work in Europe.
As for the election, well done ukip, you’ve struck a resounding blow against the Westminster elite by re electing the same person with a different badge.

I don’t think you get it - It’s not the DCPC that is the “wrong ideal altogether”. It’s the way it’s been rolled out to be ‘EuroImmigrant Friendly’.

IF they’d made it a written exam, then every home-grown brit, or even “Johnny came some time ago” immigrant - is going to have no trouble passing it. The written paper was still only going to ask in print questions about tachos, what you’d do in this situation, and basic safety stuff.

Boris “Niet Govoree Anglieski” Farkovski on the other hand, would struggle to pass toilet training if upon a written exam paper - just as we Brits would generally struggle to handle anything written in Cyrillic.


Oh I see, so, can you explain what the mighty ukip will do to change it in “our” favour. You could start by letting me in on what they are doing about it at Euro HQ, I’m sure they are workng diligently behind the scenes trying their best to get it all changed for us.
I would have to take issue with you’re assumption that all home grown Brits would have no trouble passing a written exam, even if you took out the massive hurdle of having to spell correctly, I think we would be massively short of drivers.

what a night for ukip !!!

just 600 votes short of wining a double !!! yippeeeeeeee

according to some reports the labour party had called the by election early, if they had of waited till after the clacton by election they say that with ukip winning that one it would of brought even more support out in heywood and labour would of lost it hence they tied it in with clacton

but the good news is the next by election voters will be able to see just how well ukip are doing and i hope they follow the trend

ukip are expected for the first time to be able to field candidates in every area in the general election in may they have had huge sponsors donating funds to make this happen, so its going to be the best general election i can remember for me i used to love elections when i was a labour man in the days of Neil kinock, when he went i stuck with labour and was so happy when blair won until i seen just how wrong the labour was in how it changed

now i wouldnt ever vote labour again nor would i vote for a tory, the lib dems are worse than either of them, so it only leaves ukip for me to vote for as they have the right idea and are not scared of saying what most people in the country really think

for to long this political correctness has been left to grow into the monster it is now.

as for what are ukip doing for us in europe ?

the answer is bugger all as there are not enough of them to do much other than vote against anything that means more rules and regs for us in the uk they will do whatever they can with limited powers
but shove them into a postion of power like at the election and then see just what they will do, and how quickly they will start to change things around

you can bet if the cons got in there so called referendum would be delayed and delayed with excuses of its not in the best interests of the country right now to hold one etc

we know all the excuses both labour and the torys use as we have heard them all over the last 20 years hence no one trusts them anymore, and along come a party like ukip and with there leader who really does say it how it is with no bull ■■■■
well its got a lot of people thinking again and in my case with some hope of a real change where it will not be a sin to be seen as british or english or not a sin to want jobs for our own people first like the dam political correct nutters have got away with year in year out

after the result i am now going to formally join the ukip party and see how i can help.

well done ukip !!!

just wish a few hundred more would of turned out at heywood but still it was a huge win for ukip

Oh I see, so, can you explain what the mighty ukip will do to change it in “our” favour. You could start by letting me in on what they are doing about it at Euro HQ, I’m sure they are workng diligently behind the scenes trying their best to get it all changed for us.
I would have to take issue with you’re assumption that all home grown Brits would have no trouble passing a written exam, even if you took out the massive hurdle of having to spell correctly, I think we would be massively short of drivers.

An incumbent party are the ones who has to explain “what they are doing about anything”.
Someone seeking to unseat the incumbent does not - only what they’d stop the incumbent from doing.

Reckless is walking around within eyeshot of my house with both Farage and Carswell today.
The BBC it seems, like yourself, are overly biased against UKIP from the start. I’m sick of hearing their bully on TV - as if they’ve become a special branch arm of the government!
Where’s the Conservative Candidate? Why are the BBC not badgering THAT candidate with questions that are actually not relevent at all?
The public want to be informed as to why they should vote for a particular candidate. “What would YOU do if in office” kind of thing.
Negative campaigning however - turns the electorate off, and we risk sleepwalking into either not voting at all, or voting for the incumbent - a very common “apathy” thing down here in Kent.

Reckless is 3/10 on to win this seat for UKIP. That is a much longer price than the 1/200 on that Carswell was to retain Clacton for UKIP a few days ago.
It’s not a forgone conclusion that Reckless is going to make it today. The negative campaigning has woken up like the “Better Together” campaign did at the 11th hour in Scotland.

'…The irony of this is not lost on me.

Sorry, Billy: I think much is lost on you. Eg.,

‘…I cannot believe that, normally, sane people still think that getting ukip into parliament in any number will result in the demise of the DCPC…’

Inferring UKIP voters as insane does you (and the arrogance behind the existing, pro-EU elite) scant credit as does the poor grasp that the DCPC has come and gone.

‘…the same person with a different badge…’

Albeit with an increased majority now that he has acknowledged the mind-set and value base held amongst many of the Nation’s electorate

‘…Oh I see, so, can you explain what the mighty ukip will do to change it in “our” favour…’

You appear to patronisingly suggest that Briton’s are incapable of governing Britain without the faceless Brussels puppet-master’s pulling our every string

‘…You could start by letting me in on what they are doing about it at Euro HQ…’

Who do you mean ‘…they…’? You, like the rest of us don’t know who the unaccountable ‘they’ are do you :exclamation:

Happy Keith:

'…The irony of this is not lost on me.

Sorry, Billy: I think much is lost on you. Eg.,

The irony being, in this case, that he’s calling for the DCPC, which is ongoing and not finished btw, should be for English speakers while filling the post with spelling errors.

‘…I cannot believe that, normally, sane people still think that getting ukip into parliament in any number will result in the demise of the DCPC…’

Inferring UKIP voters as insane does you (and the arrogance behind the existing, pro-EU elite) scant credit as does the poor grasp that the DCPC has come and gone.

whys that? It’s what the majority of ukip supporters on here bang on about all the time.

‘…the same person with a different badge…’

Albeit with an increased majority now that he has acknowledged the mind-set and value base held amongst many of the Nation’s electorate

Or put another way, he could see the chance to get national publicity & keep the job he’s had since 2005, how brave.

‘…Oh I see, so, can you explain what the mighty ukip will do to change it in “our” favour…’

You appear to patronisingly suggest that Briton’s are incapable of governing Britain without the faceless Brussels puppet-master’s pulling our every string

Not at all, it’s a simple question that nobody seems capable of answering.

‘…You could start by letting me in on what they are doing about it at Euro HQ…’

Who do you mean ‘…they…’? You, like the rest of us don’t know who the unaccountable ‘they’ are do you :exclamation:

“They” being ukip as you well know. Taking snippets out of posts to make them look
patronising does you no Justice.

Here’s something you can have a go at in your spare time. Try answering some of the questions posed instead of taking parts of posts and trying to get clever. Not one of the ukip supporters on here can come up with any answer to any question posed, preferring to have a go at the Prime Minister or the other parties in general. It’s all “we are saved, Lord nigel has a seat in parliament, everything will get sorted now” Cast your mind back & remember when Teflon tony was elected, that worked out well for us all didn’t it, and while your on reminiscing, think of all the drivers that come on saying how much they were making in the 70s, 80s & early 90s and tell me, who was it government then?

Wot is the question you want answered then…
Be as concise as possible - less than 100 words will do.

I don’t work for UKIP, I don’t campaign for them, I am not standing for election.
I merely intend to vote UKIP with the current information available to me as just one voter among many of the general public.

My objection to the DCPC was that it is too easy for “johnny foreigner come lately” to get.
Now the DCPC is implemented, it’s staying. Instead of trying to “get rid of it” therefore, it makes more sense to “vary” it instead into something that is both achieveable by a coalition partner in government AND serves the interest of Britons first and foremost.
Doing such would ■■■■ off Europe no end of course, and they’d merely “disallow” any such moves. THIS constant “blocking” by the EU is why we need to LEAVE the EU and UKIP are still the only reason we’ll ever get a referendum in/out.

I don’t believe for a minute we’ll get a honest referendum in 2017 under the Tories - regardless of the weather.

Given their one stated aim is to free us from Europe:
Q1. How long will it be before they are in a position to do that, realistically.
Q2. What other policies do they have?
I’m aware of how you intend to vote, ukip, unless you don’t like the candidate, then it’s someone else.
I don’t know if you realise this but, should ukip get enough seats whereby they are in a position to form a coalition, and they are asked to do so, it would be with a party that likes Europe, whatever colour rosette they wear. You will find that the Tories & labour would rather join up with the lib dems again if required.

Given their one stated aim is to free us from Europe:
Q1. How long will it be before they are in a position to do that, realistically.
Q2. What other policies do they have?
I’m aware of how you intend to vote, ukip, unless you don’t like the candidate, then it’s someone else.
I don’t know if you realise this but, should ukip get enough seats whereby they are in a position to form a coalition, and they are asked to do so, it would be with a party that likes Europe, whatever colour rosette they wear. You will find that the Tories & labour would rather join up with the lib dems again if required.

Q1 Several years, maybe never, but they are influencing policy now. The more votes they get, the more they will be changing the other parties manifestos. Politicians are not stupid, they can see what a vote winner looks like and will try to mirror that image, (for election purposes) even if they don’t really mean to deliver, as we have seen over the last few years (or decades).

Q2 … 1398869254 … 1397750311

The Libdems will be a distant memory next year