Following on from the post above, going by the same standard, I can’t see Lib Dem’s being on a ballot paper next time round… They only had just over 1M votes in the EU elections, they got less votes than the GREENS! and are all but 1 MEP out of the European parliament, not bad for a Pro-Europe party
They (Lib Dem’s) want to stay in something they only have 1 voice in.
I’ve no real interest in the lib dems, they have shown how ineffective they are since being thrust, unexpectedly, into the spotlight. People that would , under normal circumstances, never get the chance to be in government have been like rabbits in the headlights. Pretty much what would happen to ukip should they ever get into that position, highly unlikely this time around but in 6 years you never know.
Following on from the post above, going by the same standard, I can’t see Lib Dem’s being on a ballot paper next time round… They only had just over 1M votes in the EU elections, they got less votes than the GREENS! and are all but 1 MEP out of the European parliament, not bad for a Pro-Europe party
They (Lib Dem’s) want to stay in something they only have 1 voice in.
I’ve no real interest in the lib dems, they have shown how ineffective they are since being thrust, unexpectedly, into the spotlight. People that would , under normal circumstances, never get the chance to be in government have been like rabbits in the headlights. Pretty much what would happen to ukip should they ever get into that position, highly unlikely this time around but in 6 years you never know.
the lib dems are a party of pro europe, just look at the mess there in, the same fate will happen to labour, as none of the working class people in the country today trust them anymore than they would trust a tory
i think the monster raving loony party will beat the lib dems in the election lol
still they cling on to that dream about us all being good little europeans
ukip seems to be the only party that is offering any real sort of change that will put its own people first, so for me i can only hope ukip do well and if they win the up and coming by election that will give frieh hope for voters all over the country to see that ukip is not a wasted vote
i can not wait to see the reactions of the pro europe lot when ukip win the next by election i wonder what excuses they will dream up to explain there defeat ?
1/200 ON?
Bet a week’s wages to try and win enough to buy a pint with… They might as well have closed the book - What idiot is going to back at THOSE odds?
I’d imagine a lot of people grabbing the 365’s 20-1 on a Tory win - 'cos who knows? - Maybe Boris might have a punt himself, drop standing for Uxbridge, and move over to Thorpe-le-soken so he can stand in the Clacton seat instead? - No?
The main parties won’t take UKIP seriously - until they’ve got enough seats to make them clear third party, and thus shutting out the possibility of a libdem coalition in 2015.
Now… as McCririck would say… What are the odds on THAT?
Too many bookmakers are only pricing up a UKIP outright victory (unlikely) or UKIP getting the most seats in a hung parliament (also unlikely)
No one is quoting “UKIP to get more seats than the Libdems” - which is what the game is all about now.
I don’t care if we get a Labour or Tory PM next year - as long as Farage is there to give him a chinese burn every time they try and do something the “coalition partners” don’t like.
The only problem with that scene Winseer, is that the coalition will be labour and conservative then, not as you can tell the difference between the two EU lickspittles, they as Lib Dem want to stay in the EU which means never ending mass immigration, wonderful.
Be ironic to find that a handful of UKIP MP’s are Her Maj’s opposition, whilst we forge forward at full speed on the good ship Titanic.
Interesting debate on Look East last night between the Clacton candidates answering questions (as you would expect with the state broadcaster avoiding the elephant in the room of unlimited immigration) from a typical BBC local audience, Carswell wiped the floor with the rest of the prospectives, the Green Labour and Lib Dem possibles must have been on hire from the local circus, clowns dept, the Tory spoke well…if Carswell doesn’t get a landslide then this country is finished.
‘…Looks like the ukippers are getting a bit windy about the result next week…’
What makes it ‘…look…’ that way?
Maybe it was it just a dull opportunity to get the word ‘…UKIPpers…’ in there!?
‘… Mr banks is going to run for office as an MP for ukip … Those that have worked for the party & have experience need not apply, unless you also have £1mill lying around…’
Who says others ‘…need not apply…’?
Meanwhile, accruing wealth is rarely by accident whilst often (National Lottery winners apart) indicates an ability to get stuff done
Meanwhile, perhaps deign to remind those patriots amongst us (from you pro-Brussels perch) how Cameron earned his wealth
Finally, what does Cameron know about the DCPC?
I’ve no idea how the PM made his money, but the fact that he has, as you say, indicates an ability to get things done. What does he know about the DCPC? Probably about as much as the rest of us, inasmuch as he doesn’t have to know everything about everything, that’s why they have staff, advisors & ministers.
I’m not pro Brussels, never have been, never will be. I suppose you could say I’m a bit like carswell, but without the ability to lie as convincingly. You know the one, the one that a month ago, while still a Tory, advised people not to vote ukip.
The only problem with that scene Winseer, is that the coalition will be labour and conservative then, not as you can tell the difference between the two EU lickspittles, they as Lib Dem want to stay in the EU which means never ending mass immigration, wonderful.
Be ironic to find that a handful of UKIP MP’s are Her Maj’s opposition, whilst we forge forward at full speed on the good ship Titanic.
Interesting debate on Look East last night between the Clacton candidates answering questions (as you would expect with the state broadcaster avoiding the elephant in the room of unlimited immigration) from a typical BBC local audience, Carswell wiped the floor with the rest of the prospectives, the Green Labour and Lib Dem possibles must have been on hire from the local circus, clowns dept, the Tory spoke well…if Carswell doesn’t get a landslide then this country is finished.
Yes… I did mention the “unthinkable” being done by Cameron in an attempt to cling to power… I also said that I think Milliband is an experienced enough politician to condemn such a Tory move to failure - by refusing the offer of a coalition!
Even if a ConLab coalition was in place come next summer - Farage could still approach the 1922 committee, and have the entire cabinet booted from the Party as a condition of forming a new coalition involving Tory backbenchers and UKIP… If the Cabinet’s seats came up for grabs - I would expect similar results to what we’re about to see in Clacton and Strood.
Reckless is getting a lot of respect around these parts - because he’s done the punt! People respect risk-takers it seems…
‘…I’ve no idea how the PM made his money, but the fact that he has, as you say, indicates an ability to get things done…’
Oh dear: How about considering that ‘his’ money is not his
Maybe learn about his myriad of ‘silver-spoons’ - not least that ‘…In the 1830s Cameron’s first cousin six times removed was compensated with £4,101 for 202 slaves when they were liberated by Parliament … Cameron’s paternal forebears also have a long history in finance…’
He’s hardly a humble artisan, mate
Meanwhile, Cameron excelled at ‘learning’ politics becoming the Guru for blue tribal types without having any first hand experience as a worker other than ‘…having an ability…’ (as you suggest) to politically bull-shine the scared
‘…I’m not pro Brussels, never have been, never will be…’
Q1. So why slurp so readily from the blue cheek of the multi-■■■■ rear end of pro-Euro Federation appeasement?
Q2. Where do the Tory’s stand on their supposed referendum promise?
Q3. How come such blind ‘leadership’ goes unquestioned in the blue/red/green/yellow tribes? Turkeys hoping that 25/12 is a myth and wont really happen to them without realising they all adhere to the same legislation and financial demands dictated upon the UK from Brussels?
Q4. Where does the word ‘negotiation’ appear in the EU’s dictionary? That too is a time-stalling myth to ever expect them to do such a thing
‘…People respect risk-takers it seems…’
Delaying ‘doing something about the EU’ by four/five year, parliamentary chunks has got the UK nowhere
Delay and handbagging has has strangled us to the our state of disenfranchised numbness upon which the EU thrives - with the DCPC nonsense being a prime example of its uselessness
Taking more of ‘the same’ Lib/Lab/Green/Con scaredy, bull-carp will simply pro-long more of the same
The EU and its undemocratic & un-negotiable nonsense is due the boot now …and good for Mr Reckless to move toward abolishing it: A Top Man
By contrast, my MP is the weasel-like Cabinet EU minister
I do hope our own local (Gillingham Ward) Tory MP doesn’t attempt to follow Reckless across the floor…
I’m currently intending to vote UKIP - And having Chishti as my local UKIP candidate - is about the only thing I can think of that would put me off voting UKIP!
Happy Keith:
‘…I’ve no idea how the PM made his money, but the fact that he has, as you say, indicates an ability to get things done…’
Oh dear: How about considering that ‘his’ money is not his
Maybe learn about his myriad of ‘silver-spoons’ - not least that ‘…In the 1830s Cameron’s first cousin six times removed was compensated with £4,101 for 202 slaves when they were liberated by Parliament … Cameron’s paternal forebears also have a long history in finance…’
He’s hardly a humble artisan, mate
Meanwhile, Cameron excelled at ‘learning’ politics becoming the Guru for blue tribal types without having any first hand experience as a worker other than ‘…having an ability…’ (as you suggest) to politically bull-shine the scared
‘…I’m not pro Brussels, never have been, never will be…’
Q1. So why slurp so readily from the blue cheek of the multi-■■■■ rear end of pro-Euro Federation appeasement?
Q2. Where do the Tory’s stand on their supposed referendum promise?
Q3. How come such blind ‘leadership’ goes unquestioned in the blue/red/green/yellow tribes? Turkeys hoping that 25/12 is a myth and wont really happen to them without realising they all adhere to the same legislation and financial demands dictated upon the UK from Brussels?
Q4. Where does the word ‘negotiation’ appear in the EU’s dictionary? That too is a time-stalling myth to ever expect them to do such a thing
But it is his money, where it came from is irrelevant, at least he’s done something with it and not wasted his life. I’m sure you could look at just about anyone’s history six times removed and find a few skeletons, yes even yours.
If becoming a politician isn’t regarded as work then that’s fine, it would appear your messiah has been unemployed for about 20 years, he’s obviously not very good at it.
As far as I’m aware the Tories have promised a euro referendum by 2017 if re elected. Now you can believe that or not, I’m guessing you won’t, the only party to do so with any chance of actually doing it. Promises from parties with no MPs, and won’t have anywhere near enough to do anything about it even after the next general election,is a bit like a ■■■■ in the wind.
So, how come none of these, now, upstanding, honest, brave chaps, both of whom until recently advised against voting for ukip, would stand aside & let sir nigel have a go at winning the seat? Surely a gilt edged chance to become an MP, at the eighth attempt. When, as expected, they win the seat tomorrow, how long will their first mp take orders from someone that’s never been one? Best nigel gets in soon otherwise he may be looking over his shoulder at someone he knows to be untrustworthy eyeing up his leadership role.
Brave my arse!
Negotiation with the EU is an impossibility. They’ve already said that “It is never going to happen”, and I believe it.
Whilst we’re still in the EU, we’re just plain not allowed to re-negotiate the time we go to the toilet - let alone anything else!
Only LEAVING the EU outright (not talking about it) will make any difference at this point.
Remember the Scotland poll wasn’t even campaigned for seriously - until it went 50/50. THEN all the stops were pulled out by the “Better Together” campaign to get the vote eventually going 55/45 in their favour.
Now, with the public opinion polls rather scant on in/out the EU at present - I’m thinking there will be no serious committment to even holding a referendum in the first place - until that poll “falls” from the 70-90% “no” where it might be now (if we got asked a bit more regular loike!) to the 50/50 zone, at which point the EU will then decide it might be worth asking us after all…
Essentially, the EU gets to decide “if and when we have a referendum or not” because it’s got it’s hand up the skirt of British Politicians - as it has done for years.
You think Cleggy is the only Euro-Lickcock out there? - Dream on.
Let’s put the news on instead… We could all do with a few laughs.
I do hope our own local (Gillingham Ward) Tory MP doesn’t attempt to follow Reckless across the floor…
I’m currently intending to vote UKIP - And having Chishti as my local UKIP candidate - is about the only thing I can think of that would put me off voting UKIP!
Vote for the policy not the person, unless of course you don’t really fancy either.
Sure, there might be some people in this country who’d vote for the candidate with a lying, cheating, criminal, paedo etc etc. past - merely because they doff the right coloured rosette…
I’m not one of them. I’ll vote for the policy AND the candidate. I have to like both to vote for them.
If there isn’t a candidate that qualifies, then I’ll look among the candidates I’m indifferent to, and pick whoever has the best chance of unseating the incumbent.
Needless to say, the latter option is what I normally do…
Sure, there might be some people in this country who’d vote for the candidate with a lying, cheating, criminal, paedo etc etc. past - merely because they doff the right coloured rosette…
Are you saying that you’re current MP is one of those on your list? I’m afraid the lying bit comes with the job, in any colour rosette you wish.
‘…I’ve no idea how the PM made his money, but the fact that he has … indicates an ability to get things done … where it came from is irrelevant, at least he’s done something with it …’
What has David Cameron ‘…done…’ then? Mindful that neither employing a few flunkies from the taxpayer’s ■■■■■ or managing a Family Estate and going mute over the DCPC don’t really count
‘…If becoming a politician isn’t regarded as work then that’s fine, it would appear your messiah has been unemployed for about 20 years…’
Mr Farage has the quality benefit of living amongst and within ‘the real world of work’ as his political foundation
Unlike Sir Cameron of Safe-Seat, Mr Farage didn’t learn about work from studying it at school, being tended at the Bullingdon Club or witnessing a few valets tending his folk’s Roller
Mr Farage entered politics from experiencing the UK suffer from poor political navigation by the undemocratic EU - a priveledge that has escaped the EU wannabe, Lord Cameron of Bruxelles
‘…the Tories have promised a euro referendum by 2017 if re elected. Now you can believe that or not, I’m guessing you won’t…’
The Blue promise is based on the caveat they achieve a majority government - which is unlikely given that their Labour Euro-cousins ensured maximised diversification within the UK during their tenure: It is thus that pro-EU coalition governance is determining keep the UK staying an EU zone
Mr Farage’s party leads the only opposition to expensively dull & drab, EU-greyness whilst seeing as the Tory’s brinkmanship fears that a majority Tory ‘…promise…’ is effectively void through being unachievable.
Cameron, Clegg, Milliband, The Green Woman? They’re all the same
Besides you’ve still not suggested which way David Cameron would lead the UK in any referendum - although those of us seeing the Naked EU for what it is, know from its ugly past that it’d be the way they’re told by Brussels
Well, as I said, he’s become Prime Minister, no mean feat obviously given how hard nige has struggled to even get a seat, him being a working stiff and making millions in the city.
An onerous task he probably learned at his public school, or maybe a little from his millionaire father, also a city boy.
Why would I suggest which way the Prime Minister would lead the country in a referendum? As far as I’m aware it’s common knowledge the he supports Europe, not all of it but the concept of it. Surely you know that.
As for the DCPC I may be wrong here but it’s just possible that the Prime Minister has other, more pressing problems, than dealing with something that’s already in place. I take it you completed yours, paid for by your german masters, and are putting it to good use daily.
‘…Well, as I said, he’s become Prime Minister, no mean feat …’
Granted, albeit he’s loathed throughout wedges of the land and his oily style only just pips his cynically exploitative substance (any Indie Scot’s out there?)
‘…Why would I suggest which way the Prime Minister would lead the country in a referendum? … it’s common knowledge that he supports Europe, not all of it but the concept of it. Surely you know that…’
You’re submitting the argument that the diverse UK electorate ought commonly guess at a major policy to (perhaps on condition) pursue
The UK deserves substance (ie, a properly analysed need to have been done for the DCPC) rather than being mugged-off with tribally endorsed guesswork, nuance and slipperyness as an incredible substitute for decent UK leadership
Sure, there might be some people in this country who’d vote for the candidate with a lying, cheating, criminal, paedo etc etc. past - merely because they doff the right coloured rosette…
Are you saying that you’re current MP is one of those on your list? I’m afraid the lying bit comes with the job, in any colour rosette you wish.
At the last election, Labour were defending the seat with a very small majority. I didn’t like Chishti with his smarmy promises of preventing more phone masts being built near schools, and being such a big shot on the planning committee etc. I voted Libdem to try and unseat Labour. Labour were duly ousted, but by Chishti for the Tories instead of the way I’d planned.
More mobile masts got fast-tracked planning permission, as did a number of local asian-run building firms. Meanwhile, planning permission has become very hard indeed to achieve for the rest of us. “Jobs for the boys in olive” I suppose. This might all be pure coincidence of course, and the Tories will claim they “inherited” a building industry now briming with Asians and their newly-acquired planning permission rights to build their own houses all about… I don’t believe in Coincidences that favour anyone with money however - so my judgement on Chishti stands, and I’ve weighed in. The only thing that ever seems to happen to monied people around here under the Conservatives that’s undesirable - is “death” - that great equaliser…
Laws are supposed to protect the masses from the minorities - not the rich from the poor!
Now DCPC is implemented, it’s here to stay.
The difference between our politicians now - is how they let this run out over the whole nation:
Labour would let more immigrants in to fill the shortage thus created for the great “thinning out” of the driving pool
Tories will continue with Labour’s plans, because business leaders say that “more immigration, and closer links to Europe puts more money in their pockets” - Yeh. At the expense of the rest of us!
Libdems are running the same policy as the other two, but are honest at least in admitting it up front. This makes them unelectable of course.
UKIP - The only other alternative now that you cannot get a ■■■ paper between the other three…
The big Wildcard next year will be 17 year olds that were impressed by the glamour of the 16-17 year olds voting in the Scottish referendum: Well, by next may many of those will be 18 - and witheld from the polls no longer! Opinion polls really need to be talking to young folk a whole lot more - for a more accurate assessment of how things really will go next year.
Support for Labour peters out rapidly when you start popping the question in a “full employment” part of town.
Support for Tory peters out as soon as you find someone who’s poorer these past 4 years.
Support for Libdem petered out as soon as Cleggy betrayed our young folk on University fees.
UKIP support gets regular flak, and perhaps some dipping in it’s support - thanks to the media constantly over-reporting any gaffes their rank and file people might sometimes make, be it “pub joke terms” like “Bongo Bongo land”, or revealing that some candidate in the back of beyond once had ■■■ with themselves or whatever…
Election 2015 will be not so much about Poor vs Rich or Posh vs Common - it will be “Tactically Smart” vs “Sleepwalking Sheep”.