i wonder how well ukip will do in this coming by election ? there is lots of noise comeing out of the ukip camp about how there going to walk the result as people are going to show just how fed up they really are and vote ukip in

can anyone belive the huge strides a party so young is making in politics ? i hope ukip do the business as its a real reflection of how many people are feelings towards the problems being faced by normal everyday folk

so come on ukip kick em in the nuts : )

‘…can anyone believe the huge strides a party so young is making in politics…?’

But it’s not as if the values of the main tribes have remained static - although their millions of “I’ve-no-imagination-beyond-the-next-election” sheep seem terminally blinkered that way :exclamation:


The red lot was dead-against the cosy sounding Common Market in the 70’s - until it dawned on them that today’s undemocratic ultra-liberalism is the new communism of faceless, unelected committees enforcing such abominations as the DCPC upon us. Now they love it :unamused:

The blues are procrastinating with their ‘promise’ of a referendum (lol) without any leadership to tell us which way they wish to herd us :open_mouth:

Meanwhile, the yellows simply can’t wait to basket-weave over the English Channel so that immigrants don’t have to bother with using the tunnel train or getting on a ferry to immerse themselves in ‘their rights’ to be in a formerly proud nation with no houses to box them into :neutral_face:

:bulb: Straight up; who has heard of any UK MP standing up to fully endorse the DCPC :question: :question:

Mainstream politicians have become like today’s insurers…

They’ll promise the earth, and promise to cost less (at the outset at least) than other firms.
THEN when you go to put a claim in, it’s back-peddling all the way, denials, along with anything and everything else possible - merely to avoid paying out an amount that has already been fully covered by the overhead charged - if it were not fo the fact that that money was wasted on the pen pushers…

We get told *“You can’t vote for anyone but the two main parties - because you’ll be wasting your vote”.*What they’re really saying is WE’LL be wasting your vote.

When other parties gain significantly in the polls, we get told “This party has zero chance of getting a majority, and we’re not obliged to form any coalitions with them”.
Neither Tory or Labour spoke about forming a coalition in the event of a hung parliament in 2010. The chances of it happening were played down until the hung parliament result occured.
A bit daft really - bearing in mind the bookies had “no overall majority for any party” as odds on favourite in the election betting! :unamused:

UKIP boasted of making huge gains in the Europolls… Labour & Tory played it down. UKIP duly won the most seats, and all Tory & Labour could say was "Hah - They didn’t win them all/an overall majority/fred’s mums ward/find the holy grail or whatever excuse they felt like inventing.

Now, in the run-up to 2015, we get told “We’ll fight them tooth and nail”… Hmm. I thought they had ‘no chance’? I thought the forces of UKIP were not an issue?
Notice how the constant badgering of bum stories involving UKIP people being drip-fed to the two-party supporting press has dwindled since the Euro result… :smiling_imp:

All in all, Cameron needs 350+ seats or he’s finished. A too-slime majority will see him ousted by a coup within his own party.
Milliband needs 350+ as well, because too slim a majority would leave him with the prospect of Labour MPs crossing the floor to UKIP - once they start occupying some benches - essentially not taken seriously until they turn up to take those seats!

Farage, on the other hand, only needs to win around 60 seats to “change the face of British politics” - which was his big promise… That’s got to be a much easier target than the other two have got with their handicaps and all… Who says it’s gonna be a wasted vote?

Warning - Rap Style - Contains Swearing, and mentions of Supermarket workers, Slavery, and doing nothing for people that work long hours… :astonished:

‘…Mainstream politicians have become like today’s insurers … Farage, on the other hand, only needs to win around 60 seats to “change the face of British politics” …’


The Big Three are banking on us Muppets having no imagination further than the next election :frowning:

Via the liberal BBC & liberal media, they successfully manipulate the masses into delaying disenfranchised concern about the future - until the future :open_mouth:

Meanwhile, pro-EU puppetry by the Lib/Lab/Green/Cons maintains our trance whilst the EU trojan duck successfully paddles up the River Thames into parliament without the electorate realising it’s true hypnotic and evil appetite to consume everything we once held dear (see DCPC)

The sad thing is, that there’s currently a real danger the nation will hand over power to the closet europhile that is today’s Labour Party.
The immigrant population votes Labour. Being foreign, they don’t detect Milliband’s tossy voice as a reason “not to vote for him” either.
He eats Bacon sandwiches, to show that “being born Jewish is not a bar to being non-denominational”, and managed to bounce away his neo-thatcherite brother with the help of the Unions, who don’t know any better what the disasterous long-term consequences of this loony-left move is.

Labour started the immigration flood, and the Tories instead of rolling it back, have decided to make the working classes pay for it - when it’s employers via cheap wages that actually benefited by Labour aping Tory support for “big business” whilst the Tories now ape Labour supporters - by not rolling back benefit culture!

It’s not so much you can’t get a ■■■ paper between the two main parties - it’s more like they’ve actually switched ends. :unamused:

Those that will continue to vote for the two main parties regardless of any changes - are railroading the rest of us into oblivion.
Tory grass roots are told “You’re worse off, because we don’t have a majority!”
Labour supporters are told “You’re worse off, because Labour without Blair is Labour no longer in Power!”

Whilst the number who’ve stepped outside the ring, and said “Hang on a minute, we don’t need to do this” is growing, - people will be mistrustful of the way Blair appealed for his “third way” - only to get it used to make him some new-age presidente that could press buttons and kill thousands of people far away, thus assuring him of his place in history.
We remember people like Stalin, Hitler, and Mugabe - we don’t remember the lightweights that preceeded or replaced them. That’s history doing it’s worst as always.
Now look at us… Having our citizens murdered, whilst government dithers - overly worried about “going to war” when there’s clear and present need to seriously kick some arse right now.

A hard-line policy of boots on the ground in the middle east - if he looks like a jihadist, and carries a gun - shoot on sight - keep the territory instead of “liberating it” back to the Jihadists 10 years down the line, and actually stand up for what makes the UK more suitable to run a country than the natives. We have empire mentality. Hand-wringing over “human rights” has not made the world a better place, so perhaps it’s time to re-visit the policies of a imperialist foreign policy. If we don’t, we’ll be outbred by the immigrants from the very same countries that already hate us so much, and one day there will be a democratic election that brings in things like Sharia Law into this country - with a clear majority!

Fast-forward 20 years?..

“You will be punished for being a white, British, infidel. We jihadists outnumber you now, so your fate has been democratically decided - and we’ve decided to exterminate your irk”
Perfectly legal, because Sharia law now holds sway instead of Christian-Judaism.

Farage is right - we ARE a Christian/Jewish culture here - but it’s slipping away before our very eyes, thanks to the stupidity of letting the enemies of our entire way of life over here, to outbreed us out of existance.

Meanwhile, the main parties smudge over this possibility by grouping “immigrants” all together, so we find ourselves looking the wrong way at our eastern european newcomers - instead of those from “further south” let’s say…

It doesn’t offend me to be served by a Catholic Pole in Aldi, or get my truck loaded by an Orthodox Bulgarian at the RDC. It DOES offend me though that my taxes pay for benefits to some rag head who uses his ample spare time to condemn the society that’s paying him his entire income, draining public services, and doesn’t even sign up to our established religions as they are in this country.

Islam needed to be kept “between consenting adults in private”. They persecute Christians, Jews, Gays, & Women in their own countries after all - why don’t we just close the door on the entire incompatible lifestyle of theirs - and be done with it?

“It’s the religion - stupid!”

Looks like the ukippers are getting a bit windy about the result next week.

Slightly off-topic, but i just loved this recent development. A graphic illustration of how accustomed the Tories have become to arrogantly mocking or deriding anyone who doesn`t blindly tow the party view. Bit them in the arse this time. BIG time. Well done, William… :grimacing:

…"Nigel Farage’s latest Tory defector, the former party donor Arron Banks, has pledged to give Ukip a massive £1 million donation, in a huge boost for the party coffers ahead of next year’s election.Banks, who has previously given tens of thousands of pounds to the Tories, said the donation was ten times bigger than originally planned as he had been enraged by the “rude” response from senior Conservatives, as Commons leader William Hague mocked him as “nobody”.
Speaking at a press conference in Bristol, he told reporters that he “woke up this morning intending to donate £100,000 to Ukip”.

“I understand Mr Hague called me a… nobody, so in light of that and in view of the fact that I’m a strong advocate of leaving the European Union, I’ve decided today to donate £1 million to the party and not the £100,000 we originally agreed."

“Mr Hague will know who I am.”

(lifted from the Huffington Post).

Turns out Mr banks is going to run for office as an MP for ukip in his home town, at least we now know how much it’s costs to get pre selected for the job. Those that have worked for the party & have experience need not apply, unless you also have £1mill lying around.

Turns out Mr banks is going to run for office as an MP for ukip in his home town, at least we now know how much it’s costs to get pre selected for the job. Those that have worked for the party & have experience need not apply, unless you also have £1mill lying around.

I don’t know which planet you live on, money talks. If you can find a poor politician let me know their name. :stuck_out_tongue: Are the other parties not doing similar things? Wakey wakey, blinkers off time.

Turns out Mr banks is going to run for office as an MP for ukip in his home town, at least we now know how much it’s costs to get pre selected for the job. Those that have worked for the party & have experience need not apply, unless you also have £1mill lying around.

I would imagine that you can stand as a UKIP candidate in any seat where there is not an official candidate already - for the officially low price of the “deposit” one risks when not getting enough of the poll… 1% and £1500 isn’t it?

I don’t see “£1million” being the going rate for fluffing up the ranks of actual candidates standing, which UKIP are currently a bit short of.
At present, a number of UKIP councillors are moving over to stand as MPs. Seems to me they need a lot more people from the outside with the time, energy & deposit - rather than just some well-heeled donor alone. :bulb:


Turns out Mr banks is going to run for office as an MP for ukip in his home town, at least we now know how much it’s costs to get pre selected for the job. Those that have worked for the party & have experience need not apply, unless you also have £1mill lying around.

I don’t know which planet you live on, money talks. If you can find a poor politician let me know their name. :stuck_out_tongue: Are the other parties not doing similar things? Wakey wakey, blinkers off time.

I live on planet earth, the one where you can’t just cough up £1million & buy a go at being a politician, what other parties are doing something similar? What qualifies him to become an MP other than being loaded? Making loads of cash & having a go at becoming an mp hasn’t worked for his new boss and he’s been trying for nearly 20 years.

I would imagine that you can stand as a UKIP candidate in any seat where there is not an official candidate already - for the officially low price of the “deposit” one risks when not getting enough of the poll… 1% and £1500 isn’t it?

Do you mean something like the Tory defector standing this week coming? The one that pushed aside the original candidate so he could have a go at keeping his seat. Makes you wonder where their priorities really are. Is there anyone on here that lives in the constituency having the election this week? I’d like to know their take on voting for someone that will jump ship at the first sign of trouble.

Having been so blatantly and cynically lied to for so long now, I would sooner put my raddled faith in a successful group of businessmen who have made good, and also voice the opinions of far too many people who have otherwise had their political opinions neutered/ignored, as opposed to a bunch of upper crust inbred twits who were earmarked for a “career” in politics even before their parents had uncoupled.

Place Alexander, Cameron, Johnson and Osborne side by side - what a truly overprivileged bunch of porcelain-skinned, “old” money doll`s heads they really are. Vomit-inducing insincerity oozes out of every pore whenever they open their chinless gobs.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained as the saying goes. I will be wholeheartedly venturing!



Turns out Mr banks is going to run for office as an MP for ukip in his home town, at least we now know how much it’s costs to get pre selected for the job. Those that have worked for the party & have experience need not apply, unless you also have £1mill lying around.

I don’t know which planet you live on, money talks. If you can find a poor politician let me know their name. :stuck_out_tongue: Are the other parties not doing similar things? Wakey wakey, blinkers off time.

I live on planet earth, the one where you can’t just cough up £1million & buy a go at being a politician, what other parties are doing something similar? What qualifies him to become an MP other than being loaded? Making loads of cash & having a go at becoming an mp hasn’t worked for his new boss and he’s been trying for nearly 20 years.

I would imagine that you can stand as a UKIP candidate in any seat where there is not an official candidate already - for the officially low price of the “deposit” one risks when not getting enough of the poll… 1% and £1500 isn’t it?

Do you mean something like the Tory defector standing this week coming? The one that pushed aside the original candidate so he could have a go at keeping his seat. Makes you wonder where their priorities really are. Is there anyone on here that lives in the constituency having the election this week? I’d like to know their take on voting for someone that will jump ship at the first sign of trouble.

First sign of trouble !!! Jesus wept, even by your standards thats stretching ■■■■ taking to the nth degree.

i can imagine all the political correct nutters are going to hate it if ukip do well as it shows just how the country is feeling towards it all, its clearly a party that is going to get the most protest votes any other party will have had in its history
this shows just how fed up people are in towns all over the uk who have to sit back and make ends meet. year in year out its been going on with the top 2 partys telling us all that things will change if they get into office,

can not wait for the results of next weeks by election to see how well ukip have done : )

the message will be loud and clear, ukip can win seats and the vote for ukip will not be a wasted vote as they can make sure that none of the top 2 partys gain over all control and ukip can hold the balance of power

again i point out what an amazing raise ukip have done in such a short space of time

but i am more proud of the people who have voted for them as there real human beings trying to do what is right for all in the country and stop the madness that is now seen as the way to live, its just not working,

Having been so blatantly and cynically lied to for so long now, I would sooner put my raddled faith in a successful group of businessmen who have made good, and also voice the opinions of far too many people who have otherwise had their political opinions neutered/ignored, as opposed to a bunch of upper crust inbred twits who were earmarked for a “career” in politics even before their parents had uncoupled.

Place Alexander, Cameron, Johnson and Osborne side by side - what a truly overprivileged bunch of porcelain-skinned, “old” money doll`s heads they really are. Vomit-inducing insincerity oozes out of every pore whenever they open their chinless gobs.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained as the saying goes. I will be wholeheartedly venturing!

And yet nigel has been in the game longer than all of them, admittedly with less success, a lot less actually since he’s never been able to convince enough of us drones to back him.

i can imagine all the political correct nutters are going to hate it if ukip do well as it shows just how the country is feeling towards it all, its clearly a party that is going to get the most protest votes any other party will have had in its history
this shows just how fed up people are in towns all over the uk who have to sit back and make ends meet. year in year out its been going on with the top 2 partys telling us all that things will change if they get into office,

can not wait for the results of next weeks by election to see how well ukip have done : )

the message will be loud and clear, ukip can win seats and the vote for ukip will not be a wasted vote as they can make sure that none of the top 2 partys gain over all control and ukip can hold the balance of power

again i point out what an amazing raise ukip have done in such a short space of time

but i am more proud of the people who have voted for them as there real human beings trying to do what is right for all in the country and stop the madness that is now seen as the way to live, its just not working,

The trouble is you never know what the British public will do in an election. I know plenty on here, at least those that are willing to say so, want a ukip win, but none of them have a vote on Thursday. I’ve seen & read plenty showing that there are many locals not happy with the new ukip candidate crossing the floor, a misnomer really as he had nobody to cross the floor to, and will vote Tory as usual. Protest voters saying they will vote labour as they don’t trust ukip to do anything & don’t like the way nigel does things. It might not be the landslide some on here want. I know one thing, if ukip don’t win they might not be on the ballot papers come next years general election.

Following on from the post above, going by the same standard, I can’t see Lib Dem’s being on a ballot paper next time round… They only had just over 1M votes in the EU elections, they got less votes than the GREENS! and are all but 1 MEP out of the European parliament, not bad for a Pro-Europe party :smiley:

They (Lib Dem’s) want to stay in something they only have 1 voice in.

And yet nigel has been in the game longer than all of them, admittedly with less success, a lot less actually since he’s never been able to convince enough of us drones to back him. … ning-party … ning-party

“The times they are a changing” :open_mouth:


And yet nigel has been in the game longer than all of them, admittedly with less success, a lot less actually since he’s never been able to convince enough of us drones to back him. … ning-party … ning-party

“The times they are a changing” :open_mouth:

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:


:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Wow, that’s “Worth a 'Punt”

Liebour - 100/1 :smiley:

Having been so blatantly and cynically lied to for so long now, I would sooner put my raddled faith in a successful group of businessmen who have made good, and also voice the opinions of far too many people who have otherwise had their political opinions neutered/ignored, as opposed to a bunch of upper crust inbred twits who were earmarked for a “career” in politics even before their parents had uncoupled.

Place Alexander, Cameron, Johnson and Osborne side by side - what a truly overprivileged bunch of porcelain-skinned, “old” money doll`s heads they really are. Vomit-inducing insincerity oozes out of every pore whenever they open their chinless gobs.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained as the saying goes. I will be wholeheartedly venturing!

…I thought we were talking about UKIP here - not the dragon’s den posse… :smiley: :unamused: