The sad thing is, that there’s currently a real danger the nation will hand over power to the closet europhile that is today’s Labour Party.
The immigrant population votes Labour. Being foreign, they don’t detect Milliband’s tossy voice as a reason “not to vote for him” either.
He eats Bacon sandwiches, to show that “being born Jewish is not a bar to being non-denominational”, and managed to bounce away his neo-thatcherite brother with the help of the Unions, who don’t know any better what the disasterous long-term consequences of this loony-left move is.
Labour started the immigration flood, and the Tories instead of rolling it back, have decided to make the working classes pay for it - when it’s employers via cheap wages that actually benefited by Labour aping Tory support for “big business” whilst the Tories now ape Labour supporters - by not rolling back benefit culture!
It’s not so much you can’t get a ■■■ paper between the two main parties - it’s more like they’ve actually switched ends.
Those that will continue to vote for the two main parties regardless of any changes - are railroading the rest of us into oblivion.
Tory grass roots are told “You’re worse off, because we don’t have a majority!”
Labour supporters are told “You’re worse off, because Labour without Blair is Labour no longer in Power!”
Whilst the number who’ve stepped outside the ring, and said “Hang on a minute, we don’t need to do this” is growing, - people will be mistrustful of the way Blair appealed for his “third way” - only to get it used to make him some new-age presidente that could press buttons and kill thousands of people far away, thus assuring him of his place in history.
We remember people like Stalin, Hitler, and Mugabe - we don’t remember the lightweights that preceeded or replaced them. That’s history doing it’s worst as always.
Now look at us… Having our citizens murdered, whilst government dithers - overly worried about “going to war” when there’s clear and present need to seriously kick some arse right now.
A hard-line policy of boots on the ground in the middle east - if he looks like a jihadist, and carries a gun - shoot on sight - keep the territory instead of “liberating it” back to the Jihadists 10 years down the line, and actually stand up for what makes the UK more suitable to run a country than the natives. We have empire mentality. Hand-wringing over “human rights” has not made the world a better place, so perhaps it’s time to re-visit the policies of a imperialist foreign policy. If we don’t, we’ll be outbred by the immigrants from the very same countries that already hate us so much, and one day there will be a democratic election that brings in things like Sharia Law into this country - with a clear majority!
Fast-forward 20 years?..
“You will be punished for being a white, British, infidel. We jihadists outnumber you now, so your fate has been democratically decided - and we’ve decided to exterminate your irk”
Perfectly legal, because Sharia law now holds sway instead of Christian-Judaism.
Farage is right - we ARE a Christian/Jewish culture here - but it’s slipping away before our very eyes, thanks to the stupidity of letting the enemies of our entire way of life over here, to outbreed us out of existance.
Meanwhile, the main parties smudge over this possibility by grouping “immigrants” all together, so we find ourselves looking the wrong way at our eastern european newcomers - instead of those from “further south” let’s say…
It doesn’t offend me to be served by a Catholic Pole in Aldi, or get my truck loaded by an Orthodox Bulgarian at the RDC. It DOES offend me though that my taxes pay for benefits to some rag head who uses his ample spare time to condemn the society that’s paying him his entire income, draining public services, and doesn’t even sign up to our established religions as they are in this country.
Islam needed to be kept “between consenting adults in private”. They persecute Christians, Jews, Gays, & Women in their own countries after all - why don’t we just close the door on the entire incompatible lifestyle of theirs - and be done with it?
“It’s the religion - stupid!”