As someone else mentioned being anti UKIP doesn’t automatically make you pro all the other parties. I think Farage is clever but I think he’s leading a party full of morons. I also think most of the Labour shadow cabinet are morons, and that much of Camerons party is dangerous despite me thinking he’s been a decent PM. Stop trying to paint anyone anti UKIP as black or white, its not that simple.
What’s the question about £53mllion?the question is to the ukip haters, why wont any of you people mention how wrong it is to pay over £20,000,000,000 a year to the corrupt eu,and except that labour and the cons have have got it wrong,and then tell us why you keep voting for them
that money could build roads, hospitals,etc etc and give us all a better way of life, I just don’t understand how you can keep on voting away all this money are you mad or what
I can’t be bothered to read this full thread, but even if you don’t like full blown membership of the EU and would prefer the traditional common market approach, do seriously trust UKIP to do anything other than get us out of the EU? What happens next, do they call a general election having fulfilled their only manifesto promise?
I wouldn’t mind going back to domestic regs within the UK but not at the cost of having Mr Farage and his assortment of drop outs in power.
‘…I can’t be bothered to read this full thread, but … do seriously trust UKIP to do anything other than get us out of the EU? What happens next, do they call a general election having fulfilled their only manifesto promise…?’
A stereotypical misunderstanding of the UKIP?
Perhaps consider that restoring Britain’s pride with a nationally appropriate UK-centric governing mechanism raises myriad issues to address whilst being opposed to both the EU’s demand for HS2 & the financial inadequacies of wind-farming: There’s a decade’s worth of work for starters
Also and not least, getting a ‘Training Needs Analysis’ done to best & efficiently progress to train UK LGV drivers with full consultation amongst our industry to replace the half-baked abomination that is the EU’s, DCPC
It’s not quite as simple as ‘out of the Common-■■■■-up and job-done’ as bluntly assumed
Happy Keith:
‘…I can’t be bothered to read this full thread, but … do seriously trust UKIP to do anything other than get us out of the EU? What happens next, do they call a general election having fulfilled their only manifesto promise…?’A stereotypical misunderstanding of the UKIP?
Maybe - and maybe I am too much of a detailer - but when their leader only talks publicly in Sun-reader IQ level sensationalist headlines, how are you meant to determine whether they are credible or not?
I will concede that if you look on their website (I just did) they do have a manifesto of sorts. It’s rather a shame their marketing and PR isn’t a little more sophisticated as I have sympathy for a lot of their aims, but don’t believe they have a credible team to make them happen. Unless i went digging, I wouldn’t have even known they had put pen to paper and written a manifesto.
Oh, and for the record I have no argument with you at all about DCPC!
It would be a very good thing for UKIP if they could coax a few high profile, quality malcontents from within the mainstream parties to join them. These kind of “defections” do occasionally happen, and would seriously elevate their political credibility. Perhaps a headhunting offensive would be an advisable strategy for them to adopt? Just a casual notion.
‘… when their leader only talks publicly in Sun-reader IQ level sensationalist headlines, how are you meant to determine whether they are credible or not…?’
I’d first ask “who is doing the reporting?” and second, “who are it’s mainstream target audience?”
The first is that mainstream ‘news’ has popularly evolved into passing us huge issues in single syllable soundbites/headlines (with advertising revenue to consider) to the second who demand it to amuse in fast and sassy, single syllable punchlines.
Added to that is the BBC having a pro-EU agenda.
Thus, the emergent societal ‘understanding’ is often clouded in disinformation and seemingly conspires to popularly maintain the - pee’d-off with the EU, UK society and its beloved status quo, which accepts all that the EU does carte blanch albeit with an embarrassed grumble, perhaps?
‘… It’s rather a shame their marketing and PR isn’t a little more sophisticated…’
I argue that the UK has Top marketing people of all hard-nosed persuasions working on us - to include federalists - who play to dedicated (us?) mainstream consumers of junk.
Finally, isn’t achieving ‘sophistication’ within today’s contrived diversity of population and to a uniformly agreed standard a bit of a Big Ask to both financially & socially counter against the EU that is paid for to the tune of £53 million per day by us
The strange thing about “who people vote for” and “their reasons for voting thus” is that so many ordinary people would not actually be able to justify WHY exactly the vote the way they do - unless they vote UKIP of course, since life is one long string of “explaining yourself” when one votes for them at least.
“I vote Conservative, because my favourite colour is Blue”.
“I vote Labour, because my family always has”
“I vote Libdem, because I don’t trust the main two parties”
“I vote Conservative, because I believe them when the say the others are not worth voting for.”
“I vote Labour because I believe them when they say the Tories are a bunch of freeloading crooks.”
“I vote Conservative, because I don’t believe in Unions, and any power to strike causing disruption”
“I vote Conservative, because I don’t know yet that Unions have had no power for years, and Labour actually represent something quite benign, if only I didn’t believe the Tory rhetoric against them”.
Then compare that to:
“I voted UKIP because I’m sick of all the above.”
“At the next election, I’ll be voting UKIP again, because I’ll still be sick of all the above by that point”.
and finally…
“I voted UKIP last time, because I wanted to cast a protest vote.”
“I’ll be voting for one of the two main parties next year, because I anticipate a new lie to believe in by the main parties at that point”.
Which of these do you think applies to the vast majority of working folk right now, and for the future then?
What’s the question about £53mllion?the question is to the ukip haters, why wont any of you people mention how wrong it is to pay over £20,000,000,000 a year to the corrupt eu,and except that labour and the cons have have got it wrong,and then tell us why you keep voting for them
that money could build roads, hospitals,etc etc and give us all a better way of life, I just don’t understand how you can keep on voting away all this money are you mad or what
Hello all, only me. For a start I don’t hate ukip, I just don’t trust them to run a bath, let alone the country. Sometimes I think it would be good for them to win at the next general election just to show you lot what an unmitigated disaster it would be, but the country couldn’t afford it so.
The amount we pay is a lot for people on here to take in but is peanuts in the grand scheme of things, we don’t even pay the most, there are 3 others that pay more, Germany, who pay more than the poorest 19 countries pay al together, France & Italy. The ides being that those that can pay do pay, with the ultimate end game to be that we bring on the rest of the members until we are all on the same level. I know this won’t appeal to those of you that think we are superior but hey ho.
As for why I vote Tory, as I’ve said before on this thread, I think they are the only credible party we have to get the country back on track after the debacle that the last labour crew left us with. Even you lot must know that ukip won’t be in a position to change anything for years to come, if ever, no matter how many times you wish for it. They are not a viable alternative.
Who’s to say the country would vote to get us out of Europe anyway? After all, not everyone has to do the DCPC now do they.
Then compare that to:“I voted UKIP because I’m sick of all the above.”
“At the next election, I’ll be voting UKIP again, because I’ll still be sick of all the above by that point”.and finally…
“I voted UKIP last time, because I wanted to cast a protest vote.”
“I’ll be voting for one of the two main parties next year, because I anticipate a new lie to believe in by the main parties at that point”.Which of these do you think applies to the vast majority of working folk right now, and for the future then?
Sums it up nicely, it’s going to be an interesting election next year.
Hi Billy - I think I reflect most UKIP voters beliefs when I say that very few who cast their vote thus have ANY realistic expectation, or perhaps even desire, for them to be in absolute control of the reins of power to our quaint little multicultural haven - indeed, most would probably agree with you (yes, really!) that they are too embryonic and not (yet) developed and mature enough politically even to expect it of themselves. The whole objective behind people
s leaning this way is to temper the runaway excesses, demands and avalanche of endless legislation of the EU machine (with, of course, the full compliance and active co-operation of our own stuffed shirts), and inject an influence of reason and pro-British interests back into the whole murky process. I fully expect these words to fall on deaf ears (or blind eyes) again amongst the intractable anti-UKIP brigade, because this mantra has been chanted many times over the last TWENTY FOUR pages, to absolutely no avail. It`s really not that complicated a concept, so why is it having to be re-iterated countless times?
It’s ok, I do get it, I even understand why some have/will vote for ukip. What I don’t understand is why you all seem to expect massive wholesale changes, it just won’t happen, as I’ve said many times over the 24 pages, they’re politicians, and apart from one, pretty ropey ones at that.
There won’t be wholesale changes unless UKIP continue growing in power.
Cameron is already talking to the Ulster Unionists, presumably to broker a possible coalition with them - not because they “don’t want to go with the Libdems again” as some have suggested, but “because the Libdems are not expected to have many seats left” rather. If the Tories get a smaller number of seats than last time’s 307, then let’s say 2015 gives them 300, and the Libdems only 20… They’d need another 6 to make it work as a “coalition of losers”, so it makes perfect sense for the Ulster Unionists to be courted at this stage.
Labour, on the other hand, might only get 280 seats (still a gain of 22 from last time) - and decide that YES, they DO want to get back into government, so will duly approach not the Ulster Unionists or Libdems - but UKIP - presuming they have the required 46 seats to work with.
If UKIP get “no seats” or “not enough seats”, then Cameron can easily say “I’ll carry on with everything exactly as it is, and drop all plans for reform, and drop the 2017 referendum (as I originally intended) because UKIP won NO mandate to say “I was wrong”. I’m not wrong, so everything I do from now on is absolutely right by the will of the electorate in giving the Conservatives the most seats.”
‘… I just don’t trust them to run a bath, let alone the country…’
Meaning in reality that an unelected and unaccountable bunch of Eurocrats are empowered to dictate the depth (and largely unwanted stench) of a pro-federalist yellow, red, green & blue, UK zone, puppet bath: Great
The amount we pay is a lot for people on here to take in but is peanuts in the grand scheme of things…’
That’s a lot of savoury snackfood to be nonchalently swept under the carpet - done to fund those ‘…peanuts…’ whilst, eg a house building programme is largely ignored - due to ‘lack of funding’, despite being needed to house eco-migrants to live here
Billy, you’re dismissing £53,000,000 per day x 365 per year - with unaudited accounts going back for decades FFS
‘…we don’t even pay the most, there are 3 others that pay more…’
Of course, having my fingers slammed in the cab door by a spendthrift Euro-servant is far more enjoyable knowing that others have theirs smashed beneath dropping trailer legs
Just to get back on topic…did you know that Norway…not an EU member…has implemented the DCPC, and that may other non-EU countries to the east are planing to do so?
Have I been banned from site here or something?
I can’t even visit the webpage from my normal browser… I thought the site was down, but it seems accessible OK via the backdoor still, so it must be me?!
Moderator input here appreciated.
Have my previous post (above) seems to be missing as well.
I think I’ve found out where Happy Keith’s post are created … rator.html
I think I’ve found out where Happy Keith’s post are created … rator.html
Happy Keith would make a first-class MP for UKIP, just think of all the fillibustering he could do in parliament, and Keith this is meant as a compliment as I’m a UKIP supporter also.
Eh?Have I been banned from site here or something?
I can’t even visit the webpage from my normal browser… I thought the site was down, but it seems accessible OK via the backdoor still, so it must be me?!
Moderator input here appreciated.
Have my previous post (above) seems to be missing as well.
Same thing has happened to me, no access to site through broadband at home. Everything else is ok, site works fine everywhere else. I’ve been told to change my IP address! Whatever that is.
Keith, just do the dcpc, you’ll feel a lot better after it, you know youre going to do it soon.
not a chance am i doing the dcpc billy
after 25 years of driving i am not being forced by europe to have a card to tell me i can now drive a truck i have been driving for so long. iwouldnt mind if it was going to actualy teach me somthing like how to secure loads that are rare in the indstry but its just more of the same drivers hours and regs bolox
the poles can have my place in the industry i dont care anymore enough is really enough for me.
i might become an agency recruiter and import poles to fill up the driver shortage and make a killing.
as for the 3 main partys cons lab libdems etc
they have had power ever since i have been born and had more than enough chances to put the country right and ever since thatcher years the country has just gone down hill jobs going all over the place more poverty now we have food banks, more people coming into the country than leaving it. schools are now teaching kids in areas were music is a sin and Christmas is banned. all for the sake of multicultural political correctness
this country is just a joke and unless some new party who puts the people first is brought into power to even start to reverse things then its just going to get worse
the other main partys are just more of the same and blame the other party for all the faults
meanwhile people like me born and bred here and who has worked for most of his life in a job that i loved has now to fall in line to keep his career going
if i can not change the goverment then i have no other choice but to cut my nose off to spite my face and put 2 fingers up to the industry
as a sife note i notice there thinking about brining in water cannons in london ■■? do they think in time people are going to start to riot in the streets so there trying to get ready for it ? i dont know but its worrying times just where we are going as a country
but the mood is if your going to force people to use food banks and evict people from houses as they dont have enough money to pay the bed room tax there surely must come a time when the many hundreads of thousands of people that this will effect might rise up to kick some ■■■■ as thats what people do
i am lucky as i have a few quid so i can live but i do care about others in this country and my kids as its there future as well.
end of rant : )