i am happy ukip shown the mood of the country and as much as all the political correct types try to stick there heads in the sand and look for hope that it never happend, it did
the people of the country who voted said loud and clear stop the immigration and put our own people first.
that would be the outcome of any referendum taken today as well, and all the political correct types know this and hate it, they would rather swamp the country full of forien people so they can feel happy that we are not a country that is racist, not that putting your own people first is racist but it is in England. spread by some polictical correct types who learned how to play the system against its own people
there is trouble kicking off in Birmingham where Muslim schools tried to be Muslim only and get rid of Christianity, further proof that this country of ours is losing its own identity if we dont do something about it and put a stop to it all
so now who on earth will i vote for in the general election ? i will vote for any party that will keep labour or the lib dems out and most others feel the same, i wouldnt want to vote tory either the only thing that has my attention is that they are offering a referendum but the fact is i dont trust them to deliver it
i will vote ukip if there standing but i dont want labour to get in ever again, i was once a labour man but will never waste my vote on them and even now they refuse to even consider a referendum and this one issue is going to cost many there seats in the election, depends on where people live
the torys will do well around london as it always does there a country all to themselves down there, issues that have huge impacts on the rest of the country never trouble the inner m25 lot
anyway out of the 3 mains ones i would only vote for tory as there putting in a referendum but thats all
if my area has a ukip memeber and it looks like they could well cost a labour man his seat i will vote them or tory lib dems never have a chance in my area so its a 2 horse race with the outsider ukip
and its going to be so interesting what the outcome will be with the next election will ukip hold the balance of power ? even if they did i would expect the torys lab and libs to all vote together over anything and ukip to be starved of support
yet ukip is the mood of the people and the politicians will just carry on ignoring us
the vote was loud and clear when ukip beat them all
there is no argument people are fed up with all the political correctness. if they had there way the england football team wouldnt be allowed to play as we might offend some non english people
there is a link to the schools problem have a look