What, no mention of the Newark election? Looks like the good guys came second, again. Oh well I suppose that’s the end of the earthquake.

Newark was always supposed to be a safe Tory seat.

Too many of these safe seats around the country is what makes getting “the most seats” an impossible task for UKIP at any general election.
On the other hand, if they just win a few of the marginals - around 50 of them - that will be enough to get UKIP involved in the Coalition seat, or bring the new minority government down first chance they get, should the party with the most seats refuse to do the deal.

“No deal done” in forming a coalition in May 2015 basically means more than one general election next year.

I wonder why the ukip haters never answer the question about the £53 million pounds a day given to the eu, :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: , maybe they were brainwashed as a child :wink: :wink: yes that must be it. someone will come on and twist the facts onto another topic just like the politicians , :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

still nothing from the ukip haters :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


I wonder why the ukip haters never answer the question about the £53 million pounds a day given to the eu, :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: , maybe they were brainwashed as a child :wink: :wink: yes that must be it. someone will come on and twist the facts onto another topic just like the politicians , :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

still nothing from the ukip haters :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

What are you actually expecting the ‘ukip haters’ (sic) to say? Just because there are some on here who dislike UKIP immensely doesn’t automatically mean they agree with every single aspect of how the country is currently run with regards to the EU.

On the other hand, if they just win a few of the marginals - around 50 of them - that will be enough to get UKIP involved in the Coalition seat…

If you genuinely believe that the Dulwich College-educated man of the people (ha!) has the slightest chance of winning 50 seats next year you are crazy. Fortunately it seems that most people realise that UKIP have no discernable policies in terms of running the country. When I was in the barbers yesterday the guy who owns it said he voted UKIP in the Euros solely as a protest vote against immigration. Which in its way, is fair enough. But from what he told me, he’ll be back to the Tories next year as he’s not completely myopic, and I imagine it will only be the real idiots who don’t do the same.

Where’s Cilly Hunt? Sorry! Hilly Bunt;)

Olog Hai:
But from what he told me, he’ll be back to the Tories next year as he’s not completely myopic, and I imagine it will only be the real idiots who don’t do the same.

Depends how you define real. Real change, or real more of the same? The Tories threw all they had at Newark and were worried, as 2015 gets closer they will be getting more worried. :stuck_out_tongue:

Where’s Cilly Hunt? Sorry! Hilly Bunt;)

I don’t like guessing, but as you ask, quite a long way to the left. :unamused:

Olog Hai:


I wonder why the ukip haters never answer the question about the £53 million pounds a day given to the eu, :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: , maybe they were brainwashed as a child :wink: :wink: yes that must be it. someone will come on and twist the facts onto another topic just like the politicians , :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

still nothing from the ukip haters :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

What are you actually expecting the ‘ukip haters’ (sic) to say? Just because there are some on here who dislike UKIP immensely doesn’t automatically mean they agree with every single aspect of how the country is currently run with regards to the EU.

On the other hand, if they just win a few of the marginals - around 50 of them - that will be enough to get UKIP involved in the Coalition seat…

If you genuinely believe that the Dulwich College-educated man of the people (ha!) has the slightest chance of winning 50 seats next year you are crazy. Fortunately it seems that most people realise that UKIP have no discernable policies in terms of running the country. When I was in the barbers yesterday the guy who owns it said he voted UKIP in the Euros solely as a protest vote against immigration. Which in its way, is fair enough. But from what he told me, he’ll be back to the Tories next year as he’s not completely myopic, and I imagine it will only be the real idiots who don’t do the same.

Isn’t this exactly why “can’t beat the system” becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy?
If enough people are convinced “We must vote for the tossers Tory or Labour, lest it be a wasted vote” - then of course no other party will ever get anywhere. Labour stood in the same position 100 years ago as UKIP do now. Governments were all about combos of Liberal and Tory. It took the major boom and bust of the 1920’s, followed by the general strike - before Labour started becoming a serious enough party so that they could actually expect to get elected.
It took two world wars, a depression, and a general strike before Labour overtook the liberals. No wonder people think Farage is “Hitler” - seeing as "the only way he’d get elected is post- world war III FFS! :imp:
Perhaps the population is really in the mood for things to get a lot worse under the cyclical boom/bust/blame culture of our current two main parties.

Personally, I think it would be nice to have deep political change without having to impoverish and/or kill millions of our own people to do it.
This entire nation has “feet of clay”. :frowning:

A protest vote that never ever turns into actual seats in parliament is just another “also ran party that never got anywhere, therefore all policies on their agenda can be safely ignored.”

Yes. Let’s vote for more austerity, more money to be sent abroad, more rights for criminals, less wages for workers, and no rights whatsoever for the squeezed middle. If you’re one of the above who intends STILL voting for a main party next year, then quite frankly you’re bonkers. Vote Labour - Get Milliband. Vote Tory - Get the Eton lie-fuls. :imp:


Olog Hai:


I wonder why the ukip haters never answer the question about the £53 million pounds a day given to the eu, :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: , maybe they were brainwashed as a child :wink: :wink: yes that must be it. someone will come on and twist the facts onto another topic just like the politicians , :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

still nothing from the ukip haters :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

What are you actually expecting the ‘ukip haters’ (sic) to say? Just because there are some on here who dislike UKIP immensely doesn’t automatically mean they agree with every single aspect of how the country is currently run with regards to the EU.

On the other hand, if they just win a few of the marginals - around 50 of them - that will be enough to get UKIP involved in the Coalition seat…

If you genuinely believe that the Dulwich College-educated man of the people (ha!) has the slightest chance of winning 50 seats next year you are crazy. Fortunately it seems that most people realise that UKIP have no discernable policies in terms of running the country. When I was in the barbers yesterday the guy who owns it said he voted UKIP in the Euros solely as a protest vote against immigration. Which in its way, is fair enough. But from what he told me, he’ll be back to the Tories next year as he’s not completely myopic, and I imagine it will only be the real idiots who don’t do the same.

Isn’t this exactly why “can’t beat the system” becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy?
If enough people are convinced “We must vote for the tossers Tory or Labour, lest it be a wasted vote” - then of course no other party will ever get anywhere. Labour stood in the same position 100 years ago as UKIP do now. Governments were all about combos of Liberal and Tory. It took the major boom and bust of the 1920’s, followed by the general strike - before Labour started becoming a serious enough party so that they could actually expect to get elected.
It took two world wars, a depression, and a general strike before Labour overtook the liberals. No wonder people think Farage is “Hitler” - seeing as "the only way he’d get elected is post- world war III FFS! :imp:
Perhaps the population is really in the mood for things to get a lot worse under the cyclical boom/bust/blame culture of our current two main parties.

Personally, I think it would be nice to have deep political change without having to impoverish and/or kill millions of our own people to do it.
This entire nation has “feet of clay”. :frowning:

A protest vote that never ever turns into actual seats in parliament is just another “also ran party that never got anywhere, therefore all policies on their agenda can be safely ignored.”

Yes. Let’s vote for more austerity, more money to be sent abroad, more rights for criminals, less wages for workers, and no rights whatsoever for the squeezed middle. If you’re one of the above who intends STILL voting for a main party next year, then quite frankly you’re bonkers. Vote Labour - Get Milliband. Vote Tory - Get the Eton lie-fuls. :imp:

Well said - it could take a while but try we must to make the point that to keep doing the same will result in the same. To do nothing is just so wrong on every level.

Like it or not - change IS needed or WW3 is surely on the agenda for the future.


I wonder why the ukip haters never answer the question about the £53 million pounds a day given to the eu, :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: , maybe they were brainwashed as a child :wink: :wink: yes that must be it. someone will come on and twist the facts onto another topic just like the politicians , :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

still nothing from the ukip haters :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

And still no answer to “what’s the question”. And I’m not a ukip hater, I’m in those that think they are a single issue protest party, at best.

I`m guessing that the question is something along the lines of “do you view this daily £53million pounds drain on us as fair/justifiable/proportional/value for money/advantageous for Great Britain?”…etc…

Happy Keith:

‘…Despite their gains the “out of euro” MEPs are still heavily outnumbered by the pro euro…’

So let’s all forget democracy & bathe in the EU autocratic abuses, Billy?
not saying that, just stating a fact.

‘… I wouldn’t mind more ukip MEPs if I thought they could do anything but they either cannot or will not…’

Strongly suggesting that you’ve a blockage to absorb any stance other than the cement-like matter you’re intent of not deviating from: You posted earlier about Eurosceptic absence from pro-federalist self-adoration meetings and had the cause & effect spelled out in response …and here you post they’re ‘doing nothing’: Are you trolling, Billy? :unamused:
another fact you don’t like, so I’m obviously trolling.

‘…Makes it all the more odd that they would invest time & money getting loads of MEPs, when the only place they can be effective in their quest to get us out is our own parliament…’

You’ve clearly never skinned a cat and remain ignorant that ‘…our own parliament…’ NB., it’s not ‘ours’ but a cohesive, quadro-partite subordination to Brussels/Strasbourg, is predominated by pro-federalists :unamused:
youre correct, I’ve never skinned a cat, don’t understand the rest of you usual garbage.

‘…Now the zealots on here think they will be in a coalition with the Tories, this despite the messiah himself … way too few to have any effect even if they won them all…’

A somewhat patronising dismissal oblivious to dynamic democracy currently and undoubted manifest within the continent beyond Billy’s orbit?

Maybe ‘…think…’ from places beyond the cement repository and perhaps read-up on ‘tortoise & hare’; ‘Daniel in the Lion’s Den’ & ‘good triumphing-over-evil’ type analogies?

more waffle won’t disguise the fact that your heroes came second, again,

I’ve been off for a while, for some reason this forum won’t load in my house anymore.
I was surprised to see very little talk after the Newark election though, what’s up kippers? Big dose of reality set in there did it. Felt like mystic meg when I saw you’re messiah blathering on a out how close that came, second, and how well they did. I thought they would have been a lot closer, seems the steam is running out.

I’ve been off for a while, for some reason this forum won’t load in my house anymore.
I was surprised to see very little talk after the Newark election though, what’s up kippers? Big dose of reality set in there did it. Felt like mystic meg when I saw you’re messiah blathering on a out how close that came, second, and how well they did. I thought they would have been a lot closer, seems the steam is running out.

Well, if a 15.5% Con to UKIP swing and the LibDems vote down from 10,246 to 1,004 means that the steam is running out, I’d be curious to see how things pan out if they get steam up again. :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

My prediction is that the mainstream political parties will be just a tad more concerned about the threat from UKIP than you are, it seems to be seriously rattling them that they are facing a party which actually intends to do something to improve life for the proles.

‘more waffle won’t disguise the fact that your heroes came second, again,’
You get to win a lot more for an each way bet on a 66-1 shot coming second than you do with ten times as much money on the winner to win.

If Bookmakers make UKIP 66-1 to “win” the election, and the LibDems 250-1 for the same thing, I’d have to say things look pretty dire for Cleggy, but I am surprised how relatively “short” the UKIP price is…

Putting it another way - If every horse I backed in my life finished “second”, I’d be a very happy fellow indeed.
I don’t back horses at less than double digit prices y’see, as everyone who knows me is well aware. :wink:

‘…more waffle won’t disguise the fact that your heroes came second, again …’

Of course, rejoicing for the undemocratic, expensive, ineffective & ill-focussed DCPC is a liberal entitlement - if staying on-thread is possible :wink:

‘… this forum won’t load in my house anymore…’

A democratic antidote for the terminally hypnotised? :smiley:

‘…I was surprised to see very little talk after the Newark election though…’

We’ve moved-on: Whilst the whole UK remains a cash-cow verucca on Brussels’ feet, many watch at ‘winner’ Cameron’s discomfort at being told to suckle Juncker’s toes by Merkel.

For EU-fans, that means that the ex-leader of Powerhouse Luxembourg, a man determined not to give the UK the steam off his pee - is being wedged into a postion of EU authority by pro-federalists and promises to blank Cameron to thus force more DCPC type clap-trap to the UK.

That is only one disadvantage within the supposedly “single issue of the EU” is really about - and which the tribal (‘winners’ - huh) actively sustain

I’d sooner that winning didn’t cost the loss of independent, national governance


Harry Monk:
a party which actually intends to do something to improve life for the proles.

I admire your optimism. Who was it that said anyone who actually wants to be a politician should be barred from being a politician?

It is the nature of power that attracts the wrong kind of person to it.


Harry Monk:
a party which actually intends to do something to improve life for the proles.

I admire your optimism. Who was it that said anyone who actually wants to be a politician should be barred from being a politician?

Pretty sure that was one of Billy Connolly`s :slight_smile:

i am happy ukip shown the mood of the country and as much as all the political correct types try to stick there heads in the sand and look for hope that it never happend, it did

the people of the country who voted said loud and clear stop the immigration and put our own people first.

that would be the outcome of any referendum taken today as well, and all the political correct types know this and hate it, they would rather swamp the country full of forien people so they can feel happy that we are not a country that is racist, not that putting your own people first is racist but it is in England. spread by some polictical correct types who learned how to play the system against its own people

there is trouble kicking off in Birmingham where Muslim schools tried to be Muslim only and get rid of Christianity, further proof that this country of ours is losing its own identity if we dont do something about it and put a stop to it all

so now who on earth will i vote for in the general election ? i will vote for any party that will keep labour or the lib dems out and most others feel the same, i wouldnt want to vote tory either the only thing that has my attention is that they are offering a referendum but the fact is i dont trust them to deliver it

i will vote ukip if there standing but i dont want labour to get in ever again, i was once a labour man but will never waste my vote on them and even now they refuse to even consider a referendum and this one issue is going to cost many there seats in the election, depends on where people live
the torys will do well around london as it always does there a country all to themselves down there, issues that have huge impacts on the rest of the country never trouble the inner m25 lot

anyway out of the 3 mains ones i would only vote for tory as there putting in a referendum but thats all

if my area has a ukip memeber and it looks like they could well cost a labour man his seat i will vote them or tory lib dems never have a chance in my area so its a 2 horse race with the outsider ukip

and its going to be so interesting what the outcome will be with the next election will ukip hold the balance of power ? even if they did i would expect the torys lab and libs to all vote together over anything and ukip to be starved of support
yet ukip is the mood of the people and the politicians will just carry on ignoring us

the vote was loud and clear when ukip beat them all
there is no argument people are fed up with all the political correctness. if they had there way the england football team wouldnt be allowed to play as we might offend some non english people

there is a link to the schools problem have a look

What’s the question about £53mllion?

the question is to the ukip haters, why wont any of you people mention how wrong it is to pay over £20,000,000,000 a year to the corrupt eu,and except that labour and the cons have have got it wrong,and then tell us why you keep voting for them :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: that money could build roads, hospitals,etc etc and give us all a better way of life, I just don’t understand how you can keep on voting away all this money are you mad or what :imp: :imp: