The thing is ukip don’t do much of anything in the European Parliament, they have very poor attendance records at meetings & discussions. A pointless exercise if ever their was one.
Please feel free to vote for whoever you want but please, you need to come up with something better than " let’s give those in power a good kicking" or “we need a change” you’re talking about voting for someone to run the country, I wouldn’t trust ukip to run a church fete.
A church fete? where they read an ancient mythical book that says they shouldn’t gamble but they have a wee raffle (gambling) to raise funds Vote for who you want that’s up to everyone keep voting for the same people of try someone new and see what they have to say .
quite a ramble there.
the 70’s strike had nothing to do with Scottish wage rates that I can remember.
the strike certainly increased my wages and I was on fairly average wages
I was certainly aware that own account operators were not specifically include as the strike was for general haulage rates.
I don’t recall that Onward or Ackworth were on above union rates at the time but will stand correctionBy red mel I assume you mean Red Ken of British Leyland fame.
my version of unions?
the claim that most union members were not communists?
I think that your claim that they were is the claim that needs justifying
to claim that all union members are communists is pretty insulting to lots of decent peopleyour claim that all votes were filled in by members present, well I have always gone to union meetings since I was 19, have been on committees since I was 23 and been branch secretary for over 20 years and I have NEVER seen that, although I have heard claims of it being done
you are correct however in stating that we will have to agree to disagree
well del, you are obviously a staunch union man and I admire you as one of the honest bunch, but your wrong about the 1976 strike I cant remember the exact figures but Scottish drivers were on less for a basic wage than the rest of us, so we were all called out, and we at onward/ackworth were on a great points system in fact not great, bloody fantastic, ive still got wage slips from 1978/9 and I was was touching £300 pw, if you worked hard you got well paid,i know bonus is a swear word to unions, but today there is some firms still on bonus and earing over £700 pw,as for the union and communist thing, get real, labour red flag, strikes red ken, I bet there will be some who agree with me and some like you who don’t, but it would be sad if we were all the same, not enough space on hear to discuss further, have a nice day.
I think that is the best reason to vote for them
If anyone actually attended MEP meetings, there is a danger they’d might actually be given enough slack by the rest of the euro reps there to back off our hardening stance on “getting out” as it is right now.
The truth is, the rest of Europe NEEDS the UK to stay in, because we are their biggest producer net of what we get out compared to what we pay in.
Once we leave, France & Germany would end up paying for it all - and France would soon follow us out themselves. Let Germany pay for the whole damned failed “take over Europe by the back door” project, and perhaps rank-and-file Germans might turn against their own government too.
You can’t claim expenses for ‘not attending’ either - so you could say an MEP who doesn’t turn up is actually relatively “cheap to run”.
UKIP might be “turkeys voting for Christmas” - but that doesn’t require them to stuff themselves as well.
‘…Despite their gains the “out of euro” MEPs are still heavily outnumbered by the pro euro…’
So let’s all forget democracy & bathe in the EU autocratic abuses, Billy?
‘… I wouldn’t mind more ukip MEPs if I thought they could do anything but they either cannot or will not…’
Strongly suggesting that you’ve a blockage to absorb any stance other than the cement-like matter you’re intent of not deviating from: You posted earlier about Eurosceptic absence from pro-federalist self-adoration meetings and had the cause & effect spelled out in response …and here you post they’re ‘doing nothing’: Are you trolling, Billy?
‘…Makes it all the more odd that they would invest time & money getting loads of MEPs, when the only place they can be effective in their quest to get us out is our own parliament…’
You’ve clearly never skinned a cat and remain ignorant that ‘…our own parliament…’ NB., it’s not ‘ours’ but a cohesive, quadro-partite subordination to Brussels/Strasbourg, is predominated by pro-federalists
‘…Now the zealots on here think they will be in a coalition with the Tories, this despite the messiah himself … way too few to have any effect even if they won them all…’
A somewhat patronising dismissal oblivious to dynamic democracy currently and undoubted manifest within the continent beyond Billy’s orbit?
Maybe ‘…think…’ from places beyond the cement repository and perhaps read-up on ‘tortoise & hare’; ‘Daniel in the Lion’s Den’ & ‘good triumphing-over-evil’ type analogies?
Whatever UKIP will or will not do just vote for them !!! if they don’t get some kind of power then we go back to square one with Tory Labour and Lib Dem its up to you folks whatever you believe or not just go and vote for them so the others in power get a size 10 in their ■■■■■■ and realise they aren’t so big and superior but can actually lose !!!
i think in future drivers should be forced to learn to speak polish as part of there cpc training, so we can lead the world in multicultural,
drivers should be made to pay this themselves as its only fair
also by speaking polish it might help the employers out a bit so we can help the driver more to find were he is going etc
there should be people in the transport offices who can speak many different languages so we can be more helpful for any foreign drivers who might wish to work on our country
just look at the nhs if you want to see how transport if going to become, we owe everything to the kind people who have come from other country’s who now do most of the jobs in the nhs
and soon we will be saying the same thing about driving jobs
we will owe our polish friends all the thanks in the world for there hard work in taking over the truck industry
i wonder what industry will be next ?
so if your a little englander like me just give in as we are going to be walked all over. whats happening now is just the start in 10 years from now i wonder how many of you guys will still be in transport ?
so guys you had better lean polish fast so you can keep your jobs
They don’t give a toss about us anymore than any other party does.
I be happy as long as Labour or their sub party Lib Dems don’t get in !! God help us if that happens!
It’s like the recent round of voting never took place! This is what the EU is now:
And lots more to come unless people change their voting habits. Certainly not the trading zone that was originally voted for.
‘…I be happy as long as Labour or their sub party Lib Dems don’t get in …!’
‘…appy…’ because Davey Cam’ can be trusted all the way? NOT
Cameron has not only reneged on granting the UK a 2010 manifesto’d referendum, but has superbly prevaricated at every opportunity since - what with his excuses of:
1 “Now is not the right time”
2 “Things need to settle”
3 “Let the economy recover first”
4 "And the classic “I promise you one (on a sole condition) of me, me, me getting-in and staying leader in 2017”
> fredthered:
> ‘… It’s like the recent round of voting never took place! This is what the EU is now: …’
And not a peep of reported objection from the UK’s EU Minister*
Of course, we all know who he* is. NOT
*Mr David Lidington MP; the UK’s EU smarmster puppet & also (embarrassingly) of my parish; career politician; DCPC advocate and it seems wholly unaccountable to those whom pay his Cabinet Minister’s substantial wedge: Surely not
And UKIP MEPs say one thing and do another
And UKIP MEPs say one thing and do anotherAll the others are, however, squeaky clean and beyond reproach.
WHEN oh WHEN will you blokes get it - the consistent issue here is UNCONTROLLED immigration FFS.
And when will you understand that the people who run UKIP are really no better than the rest…Farage is just another city boy pretending to be the ‘common man’ with his ■■■ and pint.
In reality, it’s cigars and fine wine for Nigel.
I understand the protest vote, but UKIP won’t make much of a difference.
‘… In reality, it’s cigars and fine wine for Nigel…’’
OK, so you’re having a bad life on roll-ups, Carling & Pringles but ‘…In reality … [it’s principles for UK democracy free from foreign inspired shackles] … cigars … fine wine … [and let’s also chuck in good food] … for Nigel …’
Poor him, but with which I have neither problem nor issue
As he might agree, any talented fool can be skint, wet, hungry, abused and miserable - or subordinately & ignorantly steer the DCPC on Brussels’ behalf for their undemocratic Federal ambition.
Check your political hierarchy for such puppets meekly presiding over any or all of those unfortunate criteria whilst endorsing £53 million of your taxation per day to the EU
That makes Nigel ‘…better than the rest…’
Happy Keith:
That makes Nigel ‘…better than the rest…’
As Pete Townshend composed in ‘Won’t Get Fooled Again’ circa. 1971:
" Meet the new boss
Same as the old boss"
What, no mention of the Newark election? Looks like the good guys came second, again. Oh well I suppose that’s the end of the earthquake.
at a guess the electorate don’t think that UKIP has the policies to govern but certainly used them to give a clear message to the other parties… we don’t like the EU as it is and something must be done.
As such, they are quite a way to giving the population what is wanted and should be congratulated on progress so far…
What, no mention of the Newark election? Looks like the good guys came second, again. Oh well I suppose that’s the end of the earthquake.
Newark was a safe Tory seat and it was inevitable that it would be held, but with a greatly reduced majority. As it is, the Tories threw everything at Newark, David Cameron visited the constituency four times during the campaign as well as the rest of the big guns.
Unless support for UKIP wanes between now and the General Elections- and if anything it’s likely to grow as political waverers realise that it’s not taboo to vote for UKIP now- some marginal seats are likely to fall their way.
“Word on the street” is that Nigel Farage will stand in the South Thanet constituency, the sitting Conservative MP, Laura Sandys, has already announced that she will not even be standing for re-election, so dismal and futile does she know her chances of re-election to be if he does.
I wonder why the ukip haters never answer the question about the £53 million pounds a day given to the eu, , maybe they were brainwashed as a child yes that must be it. someone will come on and twist the facts onto another topic just like the politicians ,
What’s the question about £53mllion?