It’s the Wolf!
Awesome piece of journalism, that. Says it all really.
It’s the Wolf!
Awesome piece of journalism, that. Says it all really.
It’s the Wolf!Awesome piece of journalism, that. Says it all really.
Yes, a lesson in how to drag ones children up to be vile outspoken spoiled brats, hope Granny disinherits the lot of them.
It’s the Wolf!Awesome piece of journalism, that. Says it all really.
Agree,an excellently written piece and one which BillyHunt stands to be hugely educated by, if he was prepared to take five minutes of his life to read it.
Somehow I suspect he won’t. Somehow I suspect he will just stick his fingers in his ears and say “lah,lah, lah, I can’t hear you!”
For BillyHunt, political allegiance is like supporting a football team, you stand by them no matter how badly they are doing. Not so the vast majority of folk, who really are getting a bit fed up with uncontrolled immigration now and, like rats backed into a corner, are ready to lash out. Hence UKIP.
Desypete, I don’t know where you live but up here we don’t have any of the problems you’ve listed. Nobody has asked to come & live with me, or take my job or cash. No problems with dentists, doctors or anything else for that matter. You’re obviously a “glass half empty” type of chap.
As for the racism thing, it’s hilarious reading posters practically falling over themselves to prove they aren’t racist, even going as far as stating the Nigerian in his street is a hard worker & all round good guy, as if he finds that odd from someone coming from that country.
Not being a newspaper reader I haven’t seen much of ukip being accused of being a racist party, just that some of their members, councillors & other elected officials, Nigel included, have been caught using racist or homophobic language. You can expect more of this sort of thing as their candidates come under increased scrutiny leading up to the election.
oh billy billy billy
you twist and turn every comment made in your refusal to admit there is a huge problem and instead try like the politicians do and try to turn it back on english men or women who are bloody fed up with political correctness or racists as you like to paint them
here have a look at this and a read
telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/ … t-now.html
talk your way out of that and a dam good read it makes and listen to the voice of brown moaning his head off about the woman who accosted him. it shows how 2 faced brown is and more importantly how 2 faced all the 3 party’s are when it comes to dealing with ordinary men and women on the street who share these same concerns
you want people to live here then fine billy you make room for them in your own home let them live in your house let them share your job or better still billy quit working and go on the dole and let them take your job thats fair and you will not feel hard done by like the rest of us who have had it happened to or we know many its happened to
its getting worse billy and its as simple as that hence the huge battering the top partys got scream racist as loud as you can billy boy no one is listening to it anymore
…And now to work. How to chip away over the next year all the unlistening large majority wards of this country. It’s already been said over the last few days that Cleggy “might lose his seat” next year, but wouldn’t it be great if the Tories win the most seats - but Witney falls to UKIP… WHAT a thought!
There are a LOT of Oxfordshire folk that are real ■■■■■■ off right now about HS2 which strangely has not been covered much by the media of late, almost to the point of a blackout during the recent euro election run-up…
If Cameron were to lose his seat, I could see a UKIP-backed Teresa May becoming the next prime minister, welcomed by Tories, and making for a far stronger coalition than the one we’re currently in. There’s no reason why Farage’s key “demands” won’t be quickly met in government by a newly crowned Teresa May. Referendum in-out done by November 2015 I reckons.
Harry Monk:
the maoster:
Speaking as a black lesbian amputeeWell, you’ve changed since I saw you on Monday!
Lol. It was the bloody coffee that did it to me Harry!
How come your posts are not appearing until long after you post them? Thought I was going mad.
Set to Euro time?
Read the piece from top to bottom as soon as it was put up Harry, another conclusion wrongly jumped to. Do I agree with it, parts yes, parts no. Let’s blame politicians for making us racist? Bit like blaming McDonalds for making us fat.
Desypeye, you wanted a reply, you got one, not one you agree with obviously but nothing’s been turned there, that’s how it is where I live, get over it.
Another story from a winseer trip to la la land, making up your hoped for version of history, especially as you know it won’t turn out like that. When ukip get beat next week let’s all listen the the messiah get his politician hat on and say" look at how well we’ve done coming third", maybe then you’ll get the message that not everyone is in favour of one issue parties other than a few disaffected lorry drivers on here.
‘… Its everyone
s problem though, mate - not ours exclusively. After all, there`s supposed to be 27 states united in resolving “common” problems…’
The UK’s “problem” is that it’s our language that the World speaks as its second tongue: Refugees, economic migrants and other poor souls desperate to flee their places on Earth seek to come to the UK because they’ve seen, eg, Mr Bean and millions of other TV & film examples of how “we” are - added to the BBC’s World Service which is perhaps also a beacon of hope: I’m proud of that
But the UK is being punished with unfairness & disenfranchised (DCPC?) sensation, we cry
The problem darkens when one realises that the UK - having had ultra-liberal solutions undemocratically forced upon it (- anyone remember Blair’s Cool Brittannia, and, er, the DCPC?) that those of us who are told by the EU to absorb newcomers were not democratically consulted or told through political manifesto about embracing it in the first place.
We are not strong or rich enough to become the United States of UK within the rotten state of the EU
That is what has become of us, and hence why Farage is simply asking for ‘control’ of our country whilst it gets a chance to lick its wounds and to progress in consulted, fair and democratic strength, vis-a-vis the DCPC (again)
However, we’re told by the Lib/Lab/Green/Consters and their EU puppet-master that we are a 'Nation of Migrants", albeit now waking to find all around us that alienation is biting our butts on our own doorstep.
Only now is the UK general public seeming to say ‘hang-on’ in sufficient (unshackled?) numbers without those of us doing the chopsing (in the Worlds most popular language) being branded racist bigots
Read the piece from top to bottom as soon as it was put up Harry, another conclusion wrongly jumped to. Do I agree with it, parts yes, parts no. Let’s blame politicians for making us racist? Bit like blaming McDonalds for making us fat.
When ukip get beat next week let’s all listen the the messiah get his politician hat on and say" look at how well we’ve done coming third", maybe then you’ll get the message that not everyone is in favour of one issue parties other than a few disaffected lorry drivers on here.
To use your analogy, if we are force fed burgers and fries, with no alternative menu available and no other food source, then I would blame McDonalds. Can’t really see how you can blame anyone else.
What bits do you disagree with?
I would wait and see before jumping to electoral predictions, who knows, you might be wrong.
Isn’t the bottom line here that it’s all done to Euro regs that we find ourselves having to do a qualification that has effectively evened-out the differences between home grown drivers and new arrivals from overseas?
If the DCPC had actually been intended like a “City & Guilds” or even “NVQ” type qualification - it would have had written tests and a good command of ENGLISH LANGUAGE as a base requirement - which let’s face it, not all of us have even got an English language O level ourselves!
Thus, the DCPC is an “obtainable qualification for the mobile (migrant) workforce” and therefore doesn’t make anyone a better driver, etc. but just injects some of driver money back into an economy enabling employers to be less picky about who they take on.
The OPPOSITE to enforcing DCPC would be forcing all drivers everywhere to become self-employed, and carry their own insurance. Whilst this is still obtainable from foreign drivers with good business sense, I wonder how we’d all sit if we were all actually FORCED to become proper self-employed, that is Ltd Company. Now I would see THAT as creating a serious shortage, as a lot of drivers not being able to afford to jump fences that high - would just go get a shelf-stacking job and hang their keys up on a driving job that no longer pays the bills.
A poorly managed Ltd Company will easily have folk working for less than minimum wage net you see…
I don’t understand why the opposite of not enforcing the DCPC would be self employment.
Surely the opposite would be "enforcing " it.
As for immigration being a relatively new problem, I was born in 1949 in Bradford West Yorks and virtually all my life I have been aware of increasing immigration taking indigenous jobs.
In the early 50’s it was West Indians taking over the buses and Indians working in the mills etc. This progressed to large number of Pakisatanis coming there during the 60’s.
The difference largely is that those early immigrants were happy to be here and tried (some harder than others) to integrate, mainly adopting the British way of life where possible…
Recent immigrants, wether from inside or outside the EU wish to keep their own cultures along with customs, religions and sometimes laws.
Without doubt, in some cultures present in the UK today there are those whose basic lifestyle is at complete odds with the ’ British’ way of life, conflicting with lots of things we hold important.
I’m all for multiculturalism as long as it simply means that I can eat Chinese, Indian, Jamaican food, or listen to different types of music etc. But I don’t want to be forced to eat only ‘foreign’ foods or listen to foreign type music as was fast becoming the norm in Bradford.
If nothing else, Farage has achieved he has made the leaders of this nation take notice of what lots have been saying for over 40 years whilst all the time being branded as racist.
Race aside, this country is getting smaller day by day and the population is increasing day by day. One day there will come a time when we WILL have no choice but to put up the “FULL” signs at airports etc.
I’m referring to the opposite effect of “not enforcing DCPC” and “enforcing it” and what that actually means in the wider economy.
If we enforced our borders for example, we’d be called a “racist state”, despite the fact that other countries around the world enforce it no more than we talk of, and because it’s already in place, it’s considered “ok” to be that way.
The opposite to “enforcing” our borders might be “not enforcing” them in a literal sense, but what that actually means on the ground is that we’ve become a nation of wet PC lefties who are happy to give away our neighbour’s possessions and livelihoods to benefit someone who, quite frankly, is NOT the model citizen that we really need to recruit from abroad at any time. I’d love to be able to emigrate myself to somewhere like New Zealand for example, but my lack of means prevents that from happening, and by the time I HAVE the means, I’ll probably not be wishing to leave the country that’s made me wealthier. A paradox indeed. In other words, we Brits just don’t do “economic migration” in the same way others come here to do. It isn’t actually allowed for us to go somewhere else with only the clothes we stand up in - and expect to be looked after when we get there! Do we think other Commonwealth nations are “racist” for not letting us in thus? The UK has become the lowest point on the water table, and now ends up being a drain for any flow that comes even remotely in our direction. We really need to make this country back into the “higher ground” as befits an Island state again.
The thing I like about the article is that, because it’s pro ukip, then everyone thinks it is a great read. Anyone putting up a counter article calling out ukip is shouted down as being biased rubbish. Nigel makes dodgy comments and it’s because he was tired, poor thing, whereas any stories noting the success of the current government in bringing down the deficit is classed as " massaging the figures".
There’s nothing quite as one eyed as the newly converted zealot is there. Ukip have you all believing that they will lead you to some sort of immigrant free utopia within the next couple of years. Wake up & smell the bratwurst, it’s not going to happen.
As for the article it’s her opinion, not fact. If the country was as ready to get rid of immigrants as she is trying to make out, if were all desperate for change, then how come ukip couldn’t manage to get the turn out up a touch? Unless those figures were also “massaged” by Osborne.
The thing I like about the article is that, because it’s pro ukip, then everyone thinks it is a great read.
Waves politely from the stalls…yoo hoo…
It might have been an entertaining read, assuming you like to hear second hand the rubbish spouted by spoiled brats who it would appear would have been better seen and not heard, why such drivel should have been the basis of an article, in a once serious rag still devoted to the Conservative cause, i can’t really fathom.
Was it posted on Mumsnet, asking for guidance from other devoted to free expression (and regretting it fast) modern parents who’ve managed to saddle themselves with equally horrid children , who probably call their parents by their first names, then i could understand.
The thing I like about the article is that, because it’s pro ukip, then everyone thinks it is a great read. Anyone putting up a counter article calling out ukip is shouted down as being biased rubbish. Nigel makes dodgy comments and it’s because he was tired, poor thing, whereas any stories noting the success of the current government in bringing down the deficit is classed as " massaging the figures".
johnredwoodsdiary.com/2012/12/31 … deficit-2/
‘…The thing I like about the article is that, because it’s pro ukip, then everyone thinks it is a great read…’
First; perhaps be politely advised that it is good form to include the reference if one is taking a pop at a named opponent.
Second; I suspect you are sniping at:
telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/ … t-now.html
Please be further politely advised that this article is objective, mainstream UK, social observation based on evidenced fact
I grant you that UKIP are clearly the only creditworthy political option that are doing more than simply wringing their professionally groomed hands whilst uselessly gawping at us from their detached, pro-EU, Ivory Tower - such as the the Lib/Lab/Green/Consters are sooo adept at fawning at us from
Third; rather than immediately go on a TNUK offensive and assume it’s the evil work of UKIP, perhaps ask of yourself:
‘…How have I - and my habitually yellow/red/green/blue tribe, stood-by, condoned and helped perpetuate the ghastly and undemocratic ‘system’ that chokes any and all opposition to pro-Brussels approved politics in the UK today…?’
‘…Really, how appropriate, democratic and representative of effiecient training needs is the DCPC for properly progressing human, grass-roots elements within the UK transport system without patronising the chuff out of them from a foreign place…?’
Finally; please note and apply the appropriacy & respect due for the upper-case name of UKIP: Please don’t think that by following the pro-federalist undermining of this party by especially lower-casing the final three words 'Kingdom Independence Party’ bit will ever dilute it’s meaning to a pee’d-off patriot
Take a holiday here
dailymail.co.uk/news/article … riest.html
and get a real taste of multicultural harmony
Happy Keith:
‘…The thing I like about the article is that, because it’s pro ukip, then everyone thinks it is a great read…’First; perhaps be politely advised that it is good form to include the reference if one is taking a pop at a named opponent.
Second; I suspect you are sniping at:
telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/ … t-now.html
Please be further politely advised that this article is objective, mainstream UK, social observation based on evidenced fact
I grant you that UKIP are clearly the only creditworthy political option that are doing more than simply wringing their professionally groomed hands whilst uselessly gawping at us from their detached, pro-EU, Ivory Tower - such as the the Lib/Lab/Green/Consters are sooo adept at fawning at us from
Third; rather than immediately go on a TNUK offensive and assume it’s the evil work of UKIP, perhaps ask of yourself:
‘…How have I - and my habitually yellow/red/green/blue tribe, stood-by, condoned and helped perpetuate the ghastly and undemocratic ‘system’ that chokes any and all opposition to pro-Brussels approved politics in the UK today…?’
‘…Really, how appropriate, democratic and representative of effiecient training needs is the DCPC for properly progressing human, grass-roots elements within the UK transport system without patronising the chuff out of them from a foreign place…?’
Finally; please note and apply the appropriacy & respect due for the upper-case name of UKIP: Please don’t think that by following the pro-federalist undermining of this party by especially lower-casing the final three words 'Kingdom Independence Party’ bit will ever dilute it’s meaning to a pee’d-off patriot
There are no “facts” in the article, just the opinions of a reporter paid to write an piece. Bit like the one I posted earlier that, surprise surprise, get decried as it’s not all for ukip, apparently a sin on the forum at the moment.
So, are you going to attend the DCPC then? My guess is yes you will despite all the guff you churn out about it.