
Happy Keith:

‘…As for Ireland & Denmark, more fool them for allowing themselves to be bullied. … Wonder why they didn’t…?’

‘…Answering that one is easy, etc:…’ :wink:

So you’re saying that either the Irish were denied a second vote and the politicians just said yes, or that after turning it down once the Irish people just caved in at the first hurdle, how very un Irish. So which one was it?

Neither of those perhaps simplistic options, Billy :neutral_face:

History indicates how upon Brussels/Strasbourg displeasure at the brief Irish decision, their domestic and MEP’s were very heavily leant upon.

The bottomless (?) EU Money Machine spent millions & millions of their unaudited and unconvincing Euro money project (into which UK gives in Sterling £53,000,000 per day to be a ‘Member’ of the clapped-out Club) to swamp Ireland with goodies, ie flags, bunting, sound- bites, an undemocratically designed flag, promotional videos, false hope, a Euro anthem, talks from pro-EU leader/bullies from afar, etc, etc.

All very laudable until realising that those maintaining the very well argued ‘Ireland says No’ campaign were skint and unable to match the EU’s advertising product.

However, the EU’s successfully choreographed onslaught lead to tiny change of mind in the EU’s ‘favour’.

The Irish didn’t ‘…cave-in…’ because they were bought the same as happened in the 1975 UK election whereby the pro-Common Market brigade spent millions versus the ‘No’ crowd who were simply priced off the political scene :frowning:

Being bought remains rued by many in the Republic that suffered in the 07/08 crash that now keeps many properties in crippling negative equity - whilst the UK market has been re-bouyed albeit currently threatened by all sorts of migrants wanting a UK house :open_mouth:
NB. Which nation predominated in handing helping loans to Ireland? It was the UK, because we’re good like that as a nation (and not a Euro puppet state) whilst the EU’s coffers are clapped out with Greek & Portuguese deficit recovery :wink:

And where do lots of young irish emigrants go? Not wholly to EU ‘states’ but the rest of the World in droves - of which Brussels denies the UK & Ireland to do direct national trade with

On-thread: Where is any emergent benefit for a young driver to exist (let alone thrive) in the UK coming from - if not a party advocating (not hate for foreigners but) proper independence from the EU’s throttling grip :exclamation:

So, Billy, ask yourself how democratic is it to be bought out - whereby advertising of a rubbish product - as paid for by us, triumphs over an alternative whose (UKIP?) voice is muted & mocked (fruitcake, anyone?) due to financial restrictions :question: :open_mouth:

See … ewpoints=1 for source material and reviews

I don’t know why I’m bothering about Irish politics, the only Irish I’ve come across wanted to blow me up or shoot me. Still, even after all those free flags & bunting the turnout was less than 50%, if they could not be bothered to get off their backsides and do something about it why should I be bothered.

You love being patronising dont you. So in your one polling station you ‘may’ be able to slip out if lucky, make some copies, make them exactly like the actual papers, then try and slip back in and then try and put them in the box…and Im the one that knows nothing. Im so sorry for not knowing the particular intricacies of your particular polling station and every other one in the country, I bow down to your superior knowledge on how to commit electoral fraud. Btw, do you think they don’t count them? Do you not this the number in the box has to tally the number down as voted? Yeah, its clearly me that knows nothing…Im sure someone would be very interested in using your amazing talents.

With all due respect your continued rambling on the topic trying to prove people wrong is just making you look foolish. Voting is NOT anonymous, end of. If you wish to continue arguing that black is white please find someone else to do it with because I am not interested. Thank you.

Left hand down!:

You love being patronising dont you. So in your one polling station you ‘may’ be able to slip out if lucky, make some copies, make them exactly like the actual papers, then try and slip back in and then try and put them in the box…and Im the one that knows nothing. Im so sorry for not knowing the particular intricacies of your particular polling station and every other one in the country, I bow down to your superior knowledge on how to commit electoral fraud. Btw, do you think they don’t count them? Do you not this the number in the box has to tally the number down as voted? Yeah, its clearly me that knows nothing…Im sure someone would be very interested in using your amazing talents.

With all due respect your continued rambling on the topic trying to prove people wrong is just making you look foolish. Voting is NOT anonymous, end of. If you wish to continue arguing that black is white please find someone else to do it with because I am not interested. Thank you.

With all due respect suggest you have a proper look at this post and see that Harry posted a link and I clearly stated I stand corrected about it being anonymous. Try reading things properly first. Also since its clearly not anonymous what makes you think you can copy ballot papers and vote multiple times? You seem to be arguing against yourself. Well done. And I’m the foolish one :smiley:

As a result of UKIP success the fall out and recriminations have started in the three ‘main’ other parties.

Clegg’s head is in the guillotine and the blame games have begun. Lovely! :wink:


Left hand down!:

If they believe in what UKIP stands for then I see no reason why they wouldn’t vote for them. Last time I checked voting was anonymous. People like me may often be described as lefty tree hugging pc loonies but it would never stop me voting for a party I believe in, incidentally of which there are none currently. If anything I’d say much of the media coverage and the Tories and Labours response to UKIP has driven support to them, not away from them.

Shows how little you know then.

Oh lord, is it time to drag out the conspiracy theories and blame it all on the Rothschilds?

You can’t blame them - or the PC brigade will accuse you of being an anti-Semite! :smiling_imp:

Darn sarth here, it looks like an impossible hill to climb for ANY party to oust the Tories. Either there’s a lack of working class bods down here … :laughing: or an awful lot of closet Tories - you know, the ones who say “My vote is private” because they’re too ashamed to admit they work and vote for a toff. :smiling_imp:

This map tool thing is quite handy for a quick constituent status lookup…

Happy Keith:
See … ewpoints=1 for source material and reviews

If they bring the price down I’ll definitely buy it, sounds a good read.


I don’t fundamentaly believe that UKIP are racist, otherwise I wouldnt have voted for them. I do believe that they are speaking for a lot of people in the country right now.

Ordinary people who are concerned about the direction their country has been placed in by a small group of aloof professional political men (mostly) who have nothing really to differentiate themselves.

There are two main issues tha I try to reconcile my vote with:

-Sorting the “recovery”

  • Adressing issues of the wider political and legal ties mandated on us by our membership of the EU, particularly the European Council. Within this are concerns over the influence these institutions have, particularly the European Court of Human Rights, which is making judgments above our own Supreme Court.

The “recovery” is vital, but the ■■■■■■■■■■ effect of us being to intimately tied with the European Council, Court and Parliament has resulted in a feeling amongst a lot of Brits that enough is enough, and we won’t be dictated too by other people whom we didn’t vote to represent us. Some of these issues, like how fruit and veg is weighed, the DCPC etc etc seem trivial, but ■■■■■■■■■■■■ feel like they start to encroach on our freedom to do things “our way”. This also applies to whom we let in the country, to live here and use our public services; currently we have little control over this.

IMHO, being “In the EU” is seen as equal too, and possible more important than “the recovery” in a lot of people’s minds. Our country is going through a lot of change, I suspect people feel aggrieved that a lot of decisions about the shape and makeup of their country has been taken away from them.

This makes for uncomfortable reading for our government, many of whom share in the EU project, particularly Nick Clegg. They have been exposed as completely out of their depth with regard to the opinions of the general public. Finally the reality of the situation has been laid bare for them; years of saying “we know best” and making decisions that might go down well at middle class tea parties in Hampstead or Oxfordshire, but not amongst ordinary British folk.

Indeed, thank you, I stand corrected. I still blame the Rothschild’s though :wink:

Considering what happened with Lord McAlpine, over a handful of tweets, it does seem like they aren’t particularly keen on public scrutiny given what’s written about them all over the internet.

well the rich people keep getting a kicking on here, but if anybody who is not rich wins the euromillions on Friday would all the moaning barstewards give it away, no I don’t think so :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: you labour moaners start voting ukip for a better future and dump the rest :smiley: :smiley: oops most of you already have so well done, but try and convince your ex comrades, I mean communist friends to do the same, and lower the bloody red flag, :smiling_imp:rember you did leave us bankrupt in 2010 or have you forgot :wink: :wink:

Totally agree with Bazzas last post - I too would not vote for an overtly racist party as I am frankly not racist in the slightest. One of the nicest families on my lane came here from Nigeria, and you couldnt hope to meet friendlier, more decent and hardworking people. I think (in fact Im certain) that the UKIP vote is aimed mainly at the pompous suits who convene in the hallowed halls of Brussels, with the sole intent of overruling and undermining our long established social values and status quo........also, of course, aimed at our own duplicitous "representatives" who are happily selling us down the river whilst trying to convince us all that they are acting oh so altruistically for our best interests, whilst curiously, amassing impressive personal fortunes at the same time. As has been said, uncontrolled immigration is a recipe for disaster, and a breeding ground for the true racists to thrive in. Clearly, the EU "experiment" is a failure on many fronts, as the rather radical voting patterns/results in other member countries testify. Were not that different in our perception of this failure it seems. Corruption and vested self-interest has sadly become the cornerstone of modern politics, but like everything else in life, it has to be held in check. It is currently in danger of stampeding out of control, and the election results reflect millions of people`s very real concerns over this.

Here`s another titbit to chew on…from 5yrs ago. … -says.html


Happy Keith:
‘…See … ewpoints=1 …’

‘…If they bring the price down I’ll definitely buy it, sounds a good read…’

PM sent to strongly suggest that the price quoted (forty-odd squid? - yikes) is a typo

My humility suggests a " :blush: " is due here :wink:

My copy of ‘Fighting Bull’ by Nigel Farage - although mislaid post a house-move, was an ‘average’ price for a well above average read of an eye-opening collective of truths.

Meanwhile: As from yesterday’s shift, I’ve had it confirmed that my employer intends to present the remainder of DCPC modules to drivers on compulsory rest-day working sessions :frowning:

i guess i must be a racist as i will vote for any party that puts me and my family first in my own country

for all those who are not racist and who dont mind sharing your home and your income with people coming into the country then its fine with me, just so long as you put them up in your own home and pay for them with your own wages.

dont tell me i have to spend my money on helping these people out and dont tell me that my kids will have to stay at home with me as they can not afford to move out and there is no houses out there that they can afford
there is a population problem, there is a housing problem and there is a jobs problem and a wage problem, there is a dr problem, dentist problem, the list goes on

it seems common sense to me that to let even more people into the country will only add to each of the above problems, and its making me angry and a lot of other people are getting angry at the mess we are in and yet we keep the doors open all because of political correct nutters who think we can be all things to all people just so long as there not English or not born here as that’s a dirty word these days to be born and bred English
i am even told i and not English anymore as at one time or another many thousands of years ago my granma might of opened her legs for a passing sailor from a far off land so i am a immigrant now in my own country that i was born and bred in, or so it would seem to the political correct nut house

lets hope racism if thats what i am does grow in numbers but personally i think i am not a racist but i care about my own well being first and my familys future

so like i said i guess i am a racist

You seem to be repeating yourself dessypete, I think we got the gist the first time you posted that. :wink:

Slightly o/t but I heard news reports yesterday saying that French riot police were taking part in an operation to dismantle the many refugee camps, and were being confronted by people protesting at this.

I did think that a simple solution would be for each protester to take a refugee family into his/her home. Simple really. :wink:

You seem to be repeating yourself dessypete, I think we got the gist the first time you posted that. :wink:

so are you going to put people up in your own home and share you wages with them my friend ?
sorry if its repeated but i dont see anyone has replied to this point on here yet ?

Any resentment I feel for the rich comes from the fact that too much of their money has been gotten indirectly from me in some way.

Those “Rich” who have got there without nicking any of my stuff in the process demand respect. Nicking my vote also counts as nicking my stuff btw.
This, in turn, explains how I can dislike one “joe blogs” who wins the lottery, because he stacked my car last week, no payment being forthcoming, but “respect” a local winner of the lottery for never lifting a finger against me. Of course, there’s always the “third way” too. In this case, it would be someone winning the lottery, and giving yours truly some… At which point I can honestly say LIKE for once! :smiley:

Following on from maosters post about the latest developments concerning the French refugee camps, does anyone else find it breathtakingly inept that the decision was made in the first place to site the bloody thing on the doorstep of a major port to blighty? Talk about fuelling the fire and stoking up the inevitable problems that this [zb]witted decision was bound to create. Of all the rural regions in France, sparsely populated and well away from the border entry points, they chose to set it up adjacent to the Calais crossing, effectively handing the hot potato over to us. How did these morons ever weedle their way into the decision making chairs? Somebody hand me my gun - Im gonna sort this [zb] out!!

Seriously though, my heart really does go out to the poor, wretched souls whove fled from their war-torn homelands, only to be ringfenced and treated so shabbily by the authorities. Theyve been shown no compassion and been given no hope of any imminent resolution to their unenviable plight. Yet another glaring issue which underscores the incompetence of the EU machine.

Righteous humanitarian rant over…for now!

But not humanitarian enough to let them come over here perhaps.

Any resentment I feel for the rich comes from the fact that too much of their money has been gotten indirectly from me in some way.

Those “Rich” who have got there without nicking any of my stuff in the process demand respect. Nicking my vote also counts as nicking my stuff btw.
This, in turn, explains how I can dislike one “joe blogs” who wins the lottery, because he stacked my car last week, no payment being forthcoming, but “respect” a local winner of the lottery for never lifting a finger against me. Of course, there’s always the “third way” too. In this case, it would be someone winning the lottery, and giving yours truly some… At which point I can honestly say LIKE for once! :smiley:

Move away from the sherry!