Happy Keith:
‘…As for Ireland & Denmark, more fool them for allowing themselves to be bullied. … Wonder why they didn’t…?’‘…Answering that one is easy, etc:…’
So you’re saying that either the Irish were denied a second vote and the politicians just said yes, or that after turning it down once the Irish people just caved in at the first hurdle, how very un Irish. So which one was it?
Neither of those perhaps simplistic options, Billy
History indicates how upon Brussels/Strasbourg displeasure at the brief Irish decision, their domestic and MEP’s were very heavily leant upon.
The bottomless (?) EU Money Machine spent millions & millions of their unaudited and unconvincing Euro money project (into which UK gives in Sterling £53,000,000 per day to be a ‘Member’ of the clapped-out Club) to swamp Ireland with goodies, ie flags, bunting, sound- bites, an undemocratically designed flag, promotional videos, false hope, a Euro anthem, talks from pro-EU leader/bullies from afar, etc, etc.
All very laudable until realising that those maintaining the very well argued ‘Ireland says No’ campaign were skint and unable to match the EU’s advertising product.
However, the EU’s successfully choreographed onslaught lead to tiny change of mind in the EU’s ‘favour’.
The Irish didn’t ‘…cave-in…’ because they were bought the same as happened in the 1975 UK election whereby the pro-Common Market brigade spent millions versus the ‘No’ crowd who were simply priced off the political scene
Being bought remains rued by many in the Republic that suffered in the 07/08 crash that now keeps many properties in crippling negative equity - whilst the UK market has been re-bouyed albeit currently threatened by all sorts of migrants wanting a UK house
NB. Which nation predominated in handing helping loans to Ireland? It was the UK, because we’re good like that as a nation (and not a Euro puppet state) whilst the EU’s coffers are clapped out with Greek & Portuguese deficit recovery
And where do lots of young irish emigrants go? Not wholly to EU ‘states’ but the rest of the World in droves - of which Brussels denies the UK & Ireland to do direct national trade with
On-thread: Where is any emergent benefit for a young driver to exist (let alone thrive) in the UK coming from - if not a party advocating (not hate for foreigners but) proper independence from the EU’s throttling grip
So, Billy, ask yourself how democratic is it to be bought out - whereby advertising of a rubbish product - as paid for by us, triumphs over an alternative whose (UKIP?) voice is muted & mocked (fruitcake, anyone?) due to financial restrictions
See … ewpoints=1 for source material and reviews