Well, I might as well be considered an anarchist then - since I’ve been against every government in this country my entire life. I’ve never voted for the government that got in at any time. I used to vote libdem. Now they’ve been in, I won’t be voting for them anymore, so you can also number me among the disenchanted libdem crush-outs of last week.

As I’ve said on previous posts, I consider myself “Criminalist” rather than racist. If I were to give a list of 20 public figures whom I “dislike” let’s say, - not one of them is black. There might be a couple of other races in there, but my dislike of anyone is all about them being a crook in my eyes, and the vast majority of them are white.

People in this country, myself included are FED UP of being told that "Objecting to this guy who’s detrimented your life in some way makes you RACIST because that guy just happens to also be something else that we can attach a “minority” label on.

So I I’m told I ‘can’t object to a mugger’ if he’s one colour, cannot ‘object to a thieving business practice’ if the boss is of a certain religion, cannot ‘object to direct theft of my assets & property using the laws made by the same’ and so on. I’m fed up with it all, and so are millions of others. The heat gets turned up on “UKIP” being labelled a bunch of crackpots and loonies - but they are doing and speaking the same language as the growing number of the public that are signing up… This is more than the “deferential” style of previous government where we trusted those richer and brainer than us to “get it right” and “always do the right thing” by the public, or at least as many of the public in one hit as possible.
Political correctness lies at the root of everything that’s wrong in Britain today. I place the roots of the PC movement back in the 70’s, which started out as a decade of plentiful work, improving lifestyles, kids of all backgrounds mixing and matching at schools (including the one I attended in Brixton) - and no one thought anything of all this bull we get nowdays like “Compensation Culture” or “Aspire to be a celeb, and don’t bother learning a trade” or “get knocked up and live off benefits” or “you cannot rise if you are not from a well-reputed family” which was the biggest one that affected me as a kid. ALL of them stem from Political Correctness, where the public are steered towards a certain irresponsible way of thinking that sets them against each other instead of against the establishment that insidiously rules them from behind the scenes. Even Operation Yewtree I believe is being used as a “management tool” that of course means you’ll never see a member of government actually get convicted by it, even if the Press sometimes “err”, and try and take matters into their own hands, and point the finger in an entire direction it “shouldn’t be pointing in”. The proof of this is the fact that wider society had to wait for Savile to actually die before anything got done about the “others” that also apparently were known about all along. Everyone is turning out their cupboards full of institutionally-hidden skeletons right now it seems. Savile and the others were all protected by a system that covered up any public figure millionaire who might bring the rich and powerful into disrepute - had it all got out sooner.

PC is thus nothing more than an instrument to manage the masses, far worse than the most hard-line political & religious dogmas from other ideologies still in place around the world today. UKIP’s total lack of political correctness is, perhaps, THE biggest appeal they have to folk like me. It’s not racist. It’s not illegal. It’s just common sense sticking it’s head up from beneath the waves. Without more momentum though, the bod in the sea will still go on to flounder and drown anyway. Momentum therefore is everything between now and this time next year. :neutral_face:

I …I vote for the because I believe they are the best party to get the country on track, as they have been doing. All the things ukip won’t be able to do for many years, if ever.
In a democracy you’re more than entitled to believe the lies told to you, but not criticise those others like me that just don’t believe it.
Osbourne’s “paying down the deficit” for instance is nothing more than flapping arms when falling off a cliff… So it might slow down the impact speed with the ground slightly. It’s NOT paying down the debt though, and in fact he’s borrowing ever more money every single month instead of closing outright the issue of new bonds each month, and managing on the QE money already injected into the economy. The biggest lie the CONservatives ever had was trying to make us believe that they are reducing money supply when they’ve ALWAYS increased it, and ALWAYS by more than Labour. They got the public to buy into the lie because Labour spent their freshly increased money supply on the public instead of a few people at the top - which of course is supposed to be “inflationary”, as if that were a great evil to the masses in this country. HYPERinflation is bad. ORDINARY inflation is not only good, but expected - because it makes the paying down of the public’s debts a lot easier as time goes by with money that gets cheaper all the time like electronic goods… I’ll never forgive Labour for palming us all off with a deflation disguised as inflation - which was supposed to keep us all happy. It only keeps the rich happy, because the value of their money and assets increases whilst wages & assets for ordinary folk fall. NEW Labour have thus signed up to the Tory con of “flooding the market with cash, but only to those at the very top”.
What could and would UKIP do? - Stop giving money to Europe, Stop donating to foreign governments as “aid”, Scrap HS2, and have a moratorium on new bond issues - so this country can actually start living out of cash in hand, instead of borrowing ever more money just to pay the high-ups in this land.
There’s no need to raise taxes, just get everyone to pay what they owe under the current percentage rates, although I personally would like to see “tax offsetting” scrapped, so EVERYONE pays the FULL amount of tax they owe, starting with the top down.

The policies towards immigrants are already well-kicked about - but think of just how much we’d save, and have to spend on schools, hospitals, and other public services without borrowing a penny of new money. Not rewarding people just for coming here will remove the lure for others after them. “No benefits of ANY kind until TEN years of taxes have been paid” would easily solve that. Those already here will find themselves impoverished if they don’t get a GOOD job in short order. Let’s keep the Polish Plumbers, the Czech Dentists, the Balkan Doctors by all means. Let’s just get rid of those on benefits like Car wash staff, “New Age Baby Boomers”, and of course the gangsters preying off their own countryfolk over here.

Surprised by the absence of Carryfast in this thread. He is usually there like rat up a drainpipe on any politics threads. :open_mouth:

Left hand down!:

If they believe in what UKIP stands for then I see no reason why they wouldn’t vote for them. Last time I checked voting was anonymous. People like me may often be described as lefty tree hugging pc loonies but it would never stop me voting for a party I believe in, incidentally of which there are none currently. If anything I’d say much of the media coverage and the Tories and Labours response to UKIP has driven support to them, not away from them.

Shows how little you know then.

Oh lord, is it time to drag out the conspiracy theories and blame it all on the Rothschilds?

Votes can be traced by matching the numbered ballot paper to its similarly numbered counterfoil; the numbered counterfoil also bears the voter’s registration number from the electoral register which is hand-written by the Polling Clerk when the ballot paper is issued. As all the ballot papers for each candidate - including fringe candidates such as Sinn Fein, communists, fascists, nationalists, etc. - are bundled together, anyone having access to those documents can speedily trace the name and address of every voter for such candidates if they wish. … 51,00.html

Thanks for the link there Harry, whether the believers in the state will believe it is another thing, even the Grauniad knows its all open for abuse.

Harry Monk:

Votes can be traced by matching the numbered ballot paper to its similarly numbered counterfoil; the numbered counterfoil also bears the voter’s registration number from the electoral register which is hand-written by the Polling Clerk when the ballot paper is issued. As all the ballot papers for each candidate - including fringe candidates such as Sinn Fein, communists, fascists, nationalists, etc. - are bundled together, anyone having access to those documents can speedily trace the name and address of every voter for such candidates if they wish. … 51,00.html

Ok then so in relation to the original comment if you vote for UKIP people from the mainstream parties are gonna come to your house and intimidate you for voting the wrong way? Tower Hamlets maybe, but the whole country?

Everything on earth is open to abuse. Just find it hard to believe that people are put off voting UKIP through intimidation via electoral fraud. If that actually happens then it clearly didn’t work…and besides we were talking intimidation to stop you voting a particular way. Bit late once you’ve voted

Ok then so in relation to the original comment if you vote for UKIP people from the mainstream parties are gonna come to your house and intimidate you for voting the wrong way? Tower Hamlets maybe, but the whole country?

I have no idea, I’m just pointing out to you that voting isn’t anonymous, as you seemed to think it was.

Indeed, thank you, I stand corrected. I still blame the Rothschild’s though :wink:

I support my legs because my legs support me. That is all. Have a good evening.

I have no idea, I’m just pointing out to you that voting isn’t anonymous, as you seemed to think it wa

I understand that you have a number for voting but that number is not on your ballot, so how is it not anonymous ?


I have no idea, I’m just pointing out to you that voting isn’t anonymous, as you seemed to think it wa

I understand that you have a number for voting but that number is not on your ballot, so how is it not anonymous ?

It is on your ballot paper, all ballot papers are numbered, you possibly just haven’t noticed it in the past.


I have no idea, I’m just pointing out to you that voting isn’t anonymous, as you seemed to think it wa

I understand that you have a number for voting but that number is not on your ballot, so how is it not anonymous ?

The number on your ballot paper matches the number on the counterfoil that the returning officer keeps. When the returning officer gives you your ballot paper they pencil your electoral register number on the counterfoil.
By comparing the ballot paper with the matching counterfoil they can see who voted for who, or who spoiled their ballot paper etc.
The lesson is not to leave insults or threats on your spoiled ballot paper as they can tell who dun it!


I have no idea, I’m just pointing out to you that voting isn’t anonymous, as you seemed to think it wa

I understand that you have a number for voting but that number is not on your ballot, so how is it not anonymous ?

:laughing: If it wasn’t numbered and linked to your name, what’s to stop people taking them home and running a few hundred photocopies off then coming back with them all marked for their favourite party and sticking them all in the box? That’s the reason why it can’t be anonymous. But yes, that’s just a load of old nonsense and must be down to the Rothschild’s.

IIRC the ballot paper itself has a serial number punched on it, but it isn’t linked to your name.
I can’t see how my vote could be identified.

Left hand down!:


I have no idea, I’m just pointing out to you that voting isn’t anonymous, as you seemed to think it wa

I understand that you have a number for voting but that number is not on your ballot, so how is it not anonymous ?

:laughing: If it wasn’t numbered and linked to your name, what’s to stop people taking them home and running a few hundred photocopies off then coming back with them all marked for their favourite party and sticking them all in the box? That’s the reason why it can’t be anonymous. But yes, that’s just a load of old nonsense and must be down to the Rothschild’s.

You try walking out the polling station with your ballot paper and let us know how far you get :wink:

I …I vote for the because I believe they are the best party to get the country on track, as they have been doing. All the things ukip won’t be able to do for many years, if ever.

In a democracy you’re more than entitled to believe the lies told to you, but not criticise those others like me that just don’t believe it.
I can’t see how I’m supposed to be criticising you from the quote you’ve used, I’ve always said on here, vote for whoever you like just don’t believe all the bull. They all tell lies, we know that, they will break their promises, we know that. What I find odd is that , despite everything you’ve seen from previous politicians, you think this one is THE ONE. He can’t be lying, he likes a pint, he won’t break promises he’s a people person. Make no mistake, farage is a wily career politician? Unfortunately you don’t find these things out until they are in a position of power. As ukip are only targeting 30 seats next year even they know they won’t be in that position or be able to change anything for years.

IIRC the ballot paper itself has a serial number punched on it, but it isn’t linked to your name.
I can’t see how my vote could be identified.

The serial number for the ballot paper is marked against your name on the big sheet when you first go in and tell them who you are. They have to do it by law to prevent fradulent voting (and yes I am aware of the issues surrounding postal voting).

You try walking out the polling station with your ballot paper and let us know how far you get

Again, commenting on stuff you clearly know nothing about. My local polling station has the voting “booths” the other side of the foyer from where you get handed your ballot paper. It would be not be impossible to slip out and return later on if you caught them at a busy time.

You love being patronising dont you. So in your one polling station you ‘may’ be able to slip out if lucky, make some copies, make them exactly like the actual papers, then try and slip back in and then try and put them in the box…and Im the one that knows nothing. Im so sorry for not knowing the particular intricacies of your particular polling station and every other one in the country, I bow down to your superior knowledge on how to commit electoral fraud. Btw, do you think they don’t count them? Do you not this the number in the box has to tally the number down as voted? Yeah, its clearly me that knows nothing…Im sure someone would be very interested in using your amazing talents.