Just heard Teresa May on the radio scrabbling around for an excuse and a solution.
Proposing to send EU migrants home if they haven’t found work within 6 months. Horse, bolt anyone?
They really don’t understand and of course they will need the agreement of ALL the other member states to do it.
This late and deep into the Euro project, we need drastic action to get us out of Europe.
The leader in power at the time will be told “You’ll be breaking umpteen resolutions, and will stand trial in Den Haague if you press ahead with your withdrawal". Said leader will then either say "You’re the boss Brussels - I’ll lie to the people to keep you happy like all the others” or they will say “Well, if we’re outlaws let’s be honest ones! Our withdrawal is not recongised, so we’re out of ALL Euro resolutions, including the court of Yuman rights. ALL jobless immigrants will be deported. All benefits for working immigrants will cease, along with all benefits for those that have never worked ceasing as well, thus proving at a stroke we are not being racist.” - now bearing in mind that the biggest losers of all out of such a policy will be white foreigners, and white brudders - where’s the renewed ‘racist’ attack going to come from hmm?
It’s going to take a pushy leader who’s not afraid of being branded an outlaw by the international community to get us the referendum, and then the actual result of getting us out. Greece thought they could do it by defaulting. Not being able to leave alas, meant they couldn’t default either. They could only suffer instead, savings wiped out, the rich getting richer, the country filling up with nationalists until detonation point is reached.
At least in this country, the notion of leaving Europe remains a popular one - for now.
Just heard Teresa May on the radio scrabbling around for an excuse and a solution.
Proposing to send EU migrants home if they haven’t found work within 6 months. Horse, bolt anyone?
They really don’t understand and of course they will need the agreement of ALL the other member states to do it.
This late and deep into the Euro project, we need drastic action to get us out of Europe.
The leader in power at the time will be told “You’ll be breaking umpteen resolutions, and will stand trial in Den Haague if you press ahead with your withdrawal". Said leader will then either say "You’re the boss Brussels - I’ll lie to the people to keep you happy like all the others” or they will say “Well, if we’re outlaws let’s be honest ones! Our withdrawal is not recongised, so we’re out of ALL Euro resolutions, including the court of Yuman rights. ALL jobless immigrants will be deported. All benefits for working immigrants will cease, along with all benefits for those that have never worked ceasing as well, thus proving at a stroke we are not being racist.” - now bearing in mind that the biggest losers of all out of such a policy will be white foreigners, and white brudders - where’s the renewed ‘racist’ attack going to come from hmm?
It’s going to take a pushy leader who’s not afraid of being branded an outlaw by the international community to get us the referendum, and then the actual result of getting us out. Greece thought they could do it by defaulting. Not being able to leave alas, meant they couldn’t default either. They could only suffer instead, savings wiped out, the rich getting richer, the country filling up with nationalists until detonation point is reached.
At least in this country, the notion of leaving Europe remains a popular one - for now.
I think you’ll find she was talking about migrants from outside the EU btw but don’t let a fact get in the way of a rant.
Winseer I usually find your posts enjoyable, this though is pure tripe, I’ll put it down to you being tired. If you go back to the definition of racism you’ll see it’s got nothing to do with colour. When the time comes for an in/out vote on Europe there is no guarantee we will be getting out. I know people on here are always complaining about it, they’re drivers, they complain about everything, but quite a few would vote to stay in, it’s not a forgone conclusion, far from it.
Regardless of the result of a vote there is no way this country could send any euro immigrants that came here legally home for no other reason than we are now out of the EU, we would be pariahs.
Early results suggesting that UKIP are on course to win the European election with 31% of the vote against the second-place Conservatives with 24%.
I might be tired, but how many millions are thinking along the same lines as I’ve stated above? All attempts to trash UKIP have failed. The more ordinary people get branded as some kind of outcast - the more they’ll do the opposite, and go against those that dare to dictate to them. There’s people in power right now that are STILL not listening to what people think - right or wrong.
The opportunity for moderate withdrawal from Europe is fading fast - It’s going to end up being an “all or nothing” proposition, which I don’t think for a minute is a good idea. It would be better if those in power right now decided to take on the most popularist of Ukip policies, and take them on for themselves.
Then, there’s the argument that “Cameron Promised re-negotiation of our position in Europe”. Well, I think we all needed to see some progress so far instead of the “non starter” that Cameron seems to be so far on this seemingly sensible, but elusive issue.
As it stands, he’s not going to be PM by this time next year. He can only prevent that oblivion if he uses what remains of his power for that period upto the 2015 election to actually get some popularist policies done - even if they be stolen from Ukip.
As far as “Immigrants form outside the EU” is concerned - they nearly ALL come from or VIA Europe. It’s a lot easier to capture and deport someone who arrived on a plane without papers than someone who sneaked through the tunnel.
It isn’t just those without jobs that provide the drain to the UK coffers - it’s those who work, but are entitled to far too many benefits when they should actually get none at all - as would be the case if I wanted to emmigrate to Australia, Canada, New Zealand, or just about anywhere else nice on Earth.
There are so few actual PAYE £50k+ jobs available to even home-grown Brits right now, that if we actually implemented a policy similar to what I’ve outlined above - it would of course end up with nearly all immigrant applications being refused, because being merely working class now doesn’t make the cut to qualify. “Land of Opportunity” should be about what you brought with you - the talents rather than the family. Get meaty job first, start a family second. Is it so much to ask of ANY of us - not just immigrants? Much of the benefit drain comes from ALL people who’ve had more kids than their work income can support - benefits make up the difference, when they really shouldn’t. The problem of “The ignorant sprogging to make up for no brains and no work ethic” is merely the deeper problem behind the mask of immigration that has merely exaggerated the trend - by in too many cases - coming here to sprog first, get benefits second, and if a job comes later then cool, if it doesn’t then cool as well, because the benefit system will take up the slack". Wrong wrong WRONG!
The “leaders” of the big three in this country are in a serious quandary right now. I’m sure those fools Borosso and Van Rompuy (Give me strength! ) are making frantic phone calls to the likes of David Cameron, begging him not to make any rash moves that might lurch Britain away from the EU machine.
He’s under pressure from us voters now to show he has “learnt and understood” people’s feelings via the results of both the local and European elections, feelings neither he nor anyone else in the front ranks of the Con Dems or Labour share.
A concerted effort to smear UKIP by all three was attempted, aided and abetted by the BBC and even the Daily Mail, who all, IMHO, took on Yes Minister like levels of incompetence.
I don’t know whether this will carry over to next year’s general election. I think that They need to realise people can see through their insincerity, and they drastically need to up their game before anyone trusts them again.
Up the revolution
wow the french have done it again, they have a huge national front party in huge numbers now in europe and its going to create mayhem when other partys try to pass anything in europe
it seems we are not the only country who wants out of europe ukip has done brillent but who knows now the french have smashed things up we might not even need a referendum france might do the job for us
well done ukip its a shame this wasnt a general election result as ukip are the top party with the most votes yet we are stuck with 2 partys who dont represent us i will never understand how that works but come the general election who knows maybe ukip will catch enough seats to hold the balence of power and that will be the best thing that could happen.
so yes there is a real chance now that peoples voices will be heard
personaly i would say to all the pro europe lot
if you want people to come over here that is fine so long as you personaly go to work and share your income and your home with the people who come can look after them yourself and promote a muliculture to your hearts content. if your not willing to do that then dont expect the rest of us to be willing to do it either.
with that i will drop my trousers and moonie at all the political correct nutters and flash my union jack underpants
And yet… There are still the same sheeple (some on this forum) who continue to vote robotically for the same parties, cos their dad did, and their grandad did etc etc.
Round my way are a load of Labour signs (I’m no Tory supported either) - I just want to bang their heads together. Do they even know what the Labour lot stand for nowadays? Mass immigration which has pushed the working mans wages down, massive debt which THEY are having to finance, sleaze, political correctness, Two Jags, Gordon Brown’s disastrous tenure. The thought of Edward Balls having anything to do with my country makes me shudder. The same with that fool Harman.
The same with the Lib Dems. Nick Clegg must dream of a United States of Europe at night.
I don’t.
And what the hell were the Tories doing cutting the army and navy and police?
They haven’t a clue.
Harry Monk:
Harry Monk:
I voted for UKIP.
Fancy that
Well, if you had ever achieved your dream of becoming an owner-driver, then I’m sure you’d vote for the only political party opposed the the lifting of cabotage restrictions too. Sadly, you didn’t, and probably never will but don’t beat yourself up over it too much.
Harry Monk:
If and when they do get scrapped, then an eastern European will be doing my job and I’ll be unemployed.
You mean your beloved Gregorys would dump you at the drop of a hat? Surely not.
I don’t “love” them, I sub-contract to them, and pass on feedback about them, as I do about every other firm I’ve ever worked for. I’m sure that if you had ever achieved your dream of becoming an owner-driver,then you would do the same.
But like I said, don’t beat yourself up too much about it. Count your blessings. You have an employed job which pays enough for you to be able to buy 730 badges for your 480 truck, and a Facebook account. Be satisfied with that.
My dream of becoming an owner driver? Where did that come from? I’m more than happy being employed thanks. Ill leave the owner driving to like likes of yourself, you’ve done so very well Harry, we all admire so much for the amazing company you’ve built up. I long for the day I get to see you and your snot coloured onion box in the flesh, I long for it. The coffee will be on me. If you’re lucky you can even look at my ‘730’ badges, on a 750 Volvo…
Hows the Sothern Star Facebook page doing by the way? Last time I looked it had literally 10s of likes. Bravo.
Good to see you got your daily ‘Im an owner driver don’t you know’ post in
Ps, I wouldn’t vote for any part on one single issue.
What a great result for UKIP!
Onwards and upwards. … hment.html
Are the wheels starting to fall off the eu gravy train?
Again, as expected, ukip have done very well in the European elections, unlike bnp who, as I said earlier, seem to have disappeared. It will be interesting to see what they do for their followers over the next few months & years to justify the support they currently have.
Again, as expected, ukip have done very well in the European elections, unlike bnp who, as I said earlier, seem to have disappeared. It will be interesting to see what they do for their followers over the next few months & years to justify the support they currently have.
I did hear Mr Cameron on Radio 4 this morning and in fairness to him he did acknowledge that the major political parties had possibly not paid enough attention to the concerns of normal working folk. If this was the wake-up call he needed then that can only be a good thing.
‘…If you think by ukip having more MEPs thing will change in the next five years then you are truly deluded my friend…’
Oh, sweet irony
Probably the truest testament to the undemocratic herding that the federalising EU lauds over us whilst perfectly illustrating their contempt* for the UK public’s growing demand to simply be heard
*Anyone recall how when Ireland (and was it Denmark too?) were bullied into having a ballot re-run and the threat of crippling financial sanctions when the EU didn’t get their abusive way
Edited to correct typo
Happy Keith:
‘…If you think by ukip having more MEPs thing will change in the next five years then you are truly deluded my friend…’
Oh, sweet irony
Probably the truest testament to the undemocratic herding that the federalising EU lauds over us whilst perfectly illustrating their contempt* for the UK public’s growing demand to simply be heard
*Anyone recall how when Ireland (and was it Denmark too?) were bullied into having a ballot re-run and the threat of crippling financial sanctions when the EU didn’t get their abusive way
Edited to correct typo
So you think they will change things from within then? I won’t be holding my breath.
As for Ireland & Denmark, more fool them for allowing themselves to be bullied, they should have put two fingers up to them and said bring it on. Wonder why they didn’t?
well done ukip, up yours if you didn’t vote them, you are now in the minority even if you don’t believe it , but having said that ive got to feel sorry for cleggy, I mean he is leader of a party going nowhere, so why do all the libdem idiots want him sacking, it didn’t matter if Houdini was in charge they would lose, they are a bunch of ,well come on , all they want is tax tax tax , tree hugging parties etc etc just like the green party, the people have spoken loud and clear theres no getting away from it or have I been hypnotised by nigel
A couple of very interesting insights into the mind of the average UKIP voter here.
well done ukip, up yours if you didn’t vote them, you are now in the minority even if you don’t believe it
The turnout according to the BBC was 43.1%. Of that, 27.5% voted for UKIP. That means that 11.9% of those eligible to vote did so for the Dulwich College-educated man of the people.
You’ll need to explain how the 88.1% of those who could have, but didn’t, vote UKIP represent ‘the minority’, Roy, because I can’t see it.
well done Nigel, and ukip so far so good
i know many uk truckers will be very happy knowing that there protecting there jobs for the future
sadly drivers are not needed in aus or usa lol i wonder why otherwise i would of been off long ago
So let me see if I have this straight Pete. You appreciate UKIP protecting the jobs of UK drivers, but if you had the chance you would buy a one-way ticket to Australia or America and do exactly the same as the EEs do here? A little hypocritical, but as I’ve already said, both viewpoints give a good insight into the UKIP support.
Clegg is getting a kicking, but out of the three main party’s leaders he’s the only one who stood up, twice, to Farage in open debate on Europe.
The other two gutless wonders hid behind the hedge sniping whilst it went on, if they had an ounce of honour between them they would have insisted on being in these debates to beat Farage fair and square in straight argument, but honourable they ain’t…whatever else Clegg may be he did what he felt was right, respect in spades for that for the man.
I admire too the way he openly stands by the fact he’s an up front Europhile who makes no excuses for being so, again where Cameron in particular is just the same, but lacks the guts or honesty to state his position.
Olog Hai:
So let me see if I have this straight Pete. You appreciate UKIP protecting the jobs of UK drivers, but if you had the chance you would buy a one-way ticket to Australia or America and do exactly the same as the EEs do here? A little hypocritical, but as I’ve already said, both viewpoints give a good insight into the UKIP support.
With all due respect, you’re missing the point. America and Australia do not allow people in to drive trucks because the have no shortage of truck drivers. The do not allow truck drivers in simply to drive down the cost of truck drivers’ labour. That is what we have done, used wage arbitrage to drive down labour costs and drive up accommodation costs for the sole benefit of the landowner/ factory owner/ rentier class at the expense of the working class.
Clegg is getting a kicking and deservedly so, same for Cameron and Milliband. They thought they could scare the UKIP supporters with racist bigot name calling, might have worked in the past, not anymore. The Libdems, the most openly pro europe party, lost all of it’s MEPs bar one, how careless.
It will be interesting to see which of the two main parties can do anything about UKIP’s popularity. I heard Grant Shapps saying if you vote UKIP you’ll get Milliband.
If enough people vote UKIP you’ll get UKIP, maybe not next year, but it will happen.