Olog Hai:
But anyway, the BBC reckons that UKIP’s 23% of the vote in 2013 has dropped to 17% this time around. If the UKIP brigade think that’s good going, I wish you and your party every success for the future… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Do you think that possibly the BBC are trying to put some type of spin on the story? Because I don’t think anybody disagrees that UKIP were the big gainers in Thursday’s election.

Just wait until the European election results are announced about this time tomorrow evening, my prediction is that you will have a major sad-on then.

Harry Monk:

Olog Hai:
But anyway, the BBC reckons that UKIP’s 23% of the vote in 2013 has dropped to 17% this time around. If the UKIP brigade think that’s good going, I wish you and your party every success for the future… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Do you think that possibly the BBC are trying to put some type of spin on the story? Because I don’t think anybody disagrees that UKIP were the big gainers in Thursday’s election.

Just wait until the European election results are announced about this time tomorrow evening, my prediction is that you will have a major sad-on then.

Possibly, Harry. But it’s a bit difficult to ‘put a spin’ on figures is it not? If they were wrong UKIP would have been all over them. They haven’t, and that says a lot.

Well it’s just that if your share of the vote dropped by 25%, you wouldn’t expect to gain over 130 seats. So something isn’t adding up here.

Harry Monk:

Olog Hai:
But anyway, the BBC reckons that UKIP’s 23% of the vote in 2013 has dropped to 17% this time around. If the UKIP brigade think that’s good going, I wish you and your party every success for the future… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Do you think that possibly the BBC are trying to put some type of spin on the story? Because I don’t think anybody disagrees that UKIP were the big gainers in Thursday’s election.

Just wait until the European election results are announced about this time tomorrow evening, my prediction is that you will have a major sad-on then.

Come along now Harry, you don’t really think the BBC would stoop that low do you? Tut, tut.


If you poll 23% and 10,000,000 voted, then that represents 2,300,000 actual votes for the one party.

Now… If you poll 17% and 15,000,000 voted then guess what? - Now 2,550,000 voted for the one party - even though the “percentage of the turnout” has apparently dropped. Thus, an upswing of a quarter million votes (over +10% last time to this time if one looks at THAT potential spin on it!) comes out as a 6% DROP in the popular vote poll - because the turnout was higher, and that fact has been “spun” and taken advantage of!

If we had compulsory voting, we wouldn’t have this problem of course. :wink: Turnout would always be 100% well 99 point something, with a few stragglers being fined/jailed each time for “spoiling their paper”…

Harry Monk:
Well it’s just that if your share of the vote dropped by 25%, you wouldn’t expect to gain over 130 seats. So something isn’t adding up here.

You are correct, after the council elections last year they’re projected vote was 23%, after this latest vote it went down to a projected vote of 17%. No mention of dropping by 25% there.


Harry Monk:
Well it’s just that if your share of the vote dropped by 25%, you wouldn’t expect to gain over 130 seats. So something isn’t adding up here.

You are correct, after the council elections last year they’re projected vote was 23%, after this latest vote it went down to a projected vote of 17%. No mention of dropping by 25% there.

I am going to have some real fun with you this time tomorrow evening when the European election results are announced. :smiley:


Harry Monk:
Well it’s just that if your share of the vote dropped by 25%, you wouldn’t expect to gain over 130 seats. So something isn’t adding up here.

You are correct, after the council elections last year they’re projected vote was 23%, after this latest vote it went down to a projected vote of 17%. No mention of dropping by 25% there.

Honestly Billy, you must feel like you were on the losing team this week. I can’t see tomorrow evening’s results cheering you up too much. :stuck_out_tongue:

‘… this has been a protest vote. The main parties will take note & act accordingly…’

Hang-on; how can the ‘…main parties … take note & act accordingly…’ when they are joined at the hip to the EU - and refuse to acknowledge the turd they sacredly polish despite ‘promising’ their triballists otherwise :unamused:

‘…I hope we never get proportional representation here, it would be a nightmare…’

Such a ‘…nightmare…’ is actually a denial of democracy, given that the UK is a diverse society (cheers, Bliar)

Meanwhile the Lib-Lab-Green-Consters whether together or individually all hope to continue doing Brussels’ bidding; unwanted Federalism and its hopeless management of the EU DCPC and all :open_mouth:

Harry Monk:
I voted for UKIP.

Fancy that :laughing: :laughing:

Harry Monk:
If and when they do get scrapped, then an eastern European will be doing my job and I’ll be unemployed.

You mean your beloved Gregorys would dump you at the drop of a hat? Surely not.

I dont like UKIP (surprise surprise) or Farage, but I’m impressed with what they’ve done. The media is dropping a clanger filling the news with attempted takedowns of them, it just builds more support. UKIP exist and are doing well because the main parties and politicians dont listen, bury their head in the sand and seem radically disconnected from normal people. Farage is so popular because you can imagine him being in the pub with everyone else, or knowing how to eat a bacon sandwich because he actually does. Ive always been a politics junkie, always loved it but you know what? I’m rapidly finding I couldn’t care less. Ive grown to hate party politics and all that entails. I voted Plaid Cymru this time, and have no idea who I’ll vote for at the general election, if I even bother. I always thought it was my duty and that if you didn’t vote you couldn’t complain. I now realise that’s just bull shot that lets second rate politicians off the hook, if more and more people refused to vote to the point where turnout became radically low then that would send a message and prompt a change itself.

On the subject of the EU. I believe in the EU, I believe that for all its faults its a good thing BUT were there a referendum tomorrow I would vote for the UK to leave. I would love to see us at the heart of Europe, being strong and making it better but that is never gonna happen so in by opinion for the good of both the UK and the EU we should leave. There would be a few difficulties for both to deal with at first but I think in time both would be stronger apart, Europe would function better, the UK would do fine. All this scaremongering about it being a disaster of we left is just doing the same as the media constantly attacking UKIP, driving people to vote for us out. Saying all the car manufacturers would leave is just silly, these manufacturers have plants across the world, and often our plants are some of their most efficient. I seem to remember similar scare stories about us not joining the Euro ‘if we dont join the Euro all the big companies will leave’! They didn’t. An independent UK could be a bridge between the EU and the rest of the world.

Anyway that’s my two penneth worth.

Harry Monk:


Harry Monk:
Well it’s just that if your share of the vote dropped by 25%, you wouldn’t expect to gain over 130 seats. So something isn’t adding up here.

You are correct, after the council elections last year they’re projected vote was 23%, after this latest vote it went down to a projected vote of 17%. No mention of dropping by 25% there.

Honestly Billy, you must feel like you were on the losing team this week. I can’t see tomorrow evening’s results cheering you up too much. :stuck_out_tongue:

Of course I was on the losing side in the council elections, I don’t expect any better later today. But you have to say that these elections are like ukip in a nutshell, lots of little battles won but no victories. I’ve said before that they could win every MEP seat & still won’t be able to do bugger all about getting out of Europe or immigration, the mainstays of their success. Both of those can only be changed by our own MPs in Westminster. After the next election they still won’t be in a position to do anything about it.


Winseer, you forgot to mention the fourth party leader, again, he’s also a public schoolboy toff, has been an MEP since before even Cameron was an MP.

He didn’t go to university, despite having the brains to do so (like me)
He was a public schoolboy though, he didn’t attend university through his own choice.
He knows how to trade derivative contracts. (like me)
Well done, I’ve no idea what they are.
He drinks lager rather than bitter (like me)
I don’t drink

…Then take a look at Maidstone. That council - a former VERY blue one - is now fragmented, which I feel is a significant warning to their MP who needs to backpeddle on this “I’m from Maidstone don’t you know” attitude that weald politicians seem to like to perpetuate. :bulb:

I can’t wait to see how fragmented the Maidstone community gets when the ukip backed fracking machine moves into the area.

well done Nigel, and ukip so far so good
i know many uk truckers will be very happy knowing that there protecting there jobs for the future, there are to many foreign drivers coming into the country and in the next 5 years there will be hardly anyone English driving any more, as wages will freeze or go down the more and more foreign drivers keep on coming over, the more drivers will give up the more the country is going to need the foreign driver

already the nhs is now mostly non english staffed as the english workers dont work there anymore and take there skills to usa or Aus its happened right across the board and it will only be a matter of time till its drivers sadly drivers are not needed in aus or usa lol i wonder why otherwise i would of been off long ago, they only seem to want our drs and nurses

so lets hope ukip really kick ■■■■ today in the euros and lets hope all those mps and political correct followers really feel fed up as people show there mood and how fed up they are with it all
i am an hgv driver and work for myself via agenys i go to different companys and i see the state of what going on from company to company the rise in polish drivers is alarming and they still keep coming

do you really belive bosses like the english driver just because he might not smash a wagon up ? or do you think the bosses now think there going to have to accept accidents as these guys learn the job and there learning and helping there mates in there home country to get over here to take yet more and more work from us

now i might sound like a mad racist english man but i am not as i can see what is happening and what will happen if this carry’s on

vote tory lab or lib dems and you will end up with the same rubbish we have had over the last 20 or so years its time to change and protect our jobs and our towns and only new blood will do this like ukip


listening to the politicians this morning on the tele and you would think they had all won something after the elections lol
honestly how can partys get a bloody nose and still try to turn it around as some sort of win
there is the truth and then there is politics

If you think by ukip having more MEPs thing will change in the next five years then you are truly deluded my friend. I would have to congratulate the ukip political machine on pulling the wool firmly over your eyes. They don’t want to stop immigration only control it. How many do you think would come here, quite legally, when they heard the doors were closing?
If you take it to the extreme and put ukip in power after the general election they wouldn’t be able to do anything for years, they couldn’t just shut up shop & stop everyone coming in. By all means support & vote for them but don’t just swallow all the bull.

Just heard Teresa May on the radio scrabbling around for an excuse and a solution.

Proposing to send EU migrants home if they haven’t found work within 6 months. Horse, bolt anyone?

They really don’t understand and of course they will need the agreement of ALL the other member states to do it.


Harry Monk:
I voted for UKIP.

Fancy that :laughing: :laughing:

Well, if you had ever achieved your dream of becoming an owner-driver, then I’m sure you’d vote for the only political party opposed the the lifting of cabotage restrictions too. Sadly, you didn’t, and probably never will but don’t beat yourself up over it too much.

Harry Monk:
If and when they do get scrapped, then an eastern European will be doing my job and I’ll be unemployed.

You mean your beloved Gregorys would dump you at the drop of a hat? Surely not.
I don’t “love” them, I sub-contract to them, and pass on feedback about them, as I do about every other firm I’ve ever worked for. I’m sure that if you had ever achieved your dream of becoming an owner-driver,then you would do the same.

But like I said, don’t beat yourself up too much about it. Count your blessings. You have an employed job which pays enough for you to be able to buy 730 badges for your 480 truck, and a Facebook account. Be satisfied with that. :wink:


It seems they aren’t the only ones that churn out the same old tosh.

Yes, but who do you believe? the three that have already lied or the one who has not. Add a “yet” if you like, I am a believer.




Winseer, you forgot to mention the fourth party leader, again, he’s also a public schoolboy toff, has been an MEP since before even Cameron was an MP.

He didn’t go to university, despite having the brains to do so (like me)
He was a public schoolboy though, he didn’t attend university through his own choice.
He knows how to trade derivative contracts. (like me)
Well done, I’ve no idea what they are.
He drinks lager rather than bitter (like me)
I don’t drink

…Then take a look at Maidstone. That council - a former VERY blue one - is now fragmented, which I feel is a significant warning to their MP who needs to backpeddle on this “I’m from Maidstone don’t you know” attitude that weald politicians seem to like to perpetuate. :bulb:

I can’t wait to see how fragmented the Maidstone community gets when the ukip backed fracking machine moves into the area.

Congratulations! - You’ve fraked it! :sunglasses:



It seems they aren’t the only ones that churn out the same old tosh.

Yes, but who do you believe? the three that have already lied or the one who has not. Add a “yet” if you like, I am a believer.


…Don’t forget the “one that is yet to come”…