As a road haulier, I voted for UKIP, the eu is going to scrap all remaining cabotage restrictions (this was due to happen last year but the French unions managed to get it postponed for a year or two).

If and when they do get scrapped, then an eastern European will be doing my job and I’ll be unemployed- unless I fancy working for the wage a Bulgarian driver employed by a Bulgarian company is paid, about £150 a week.

The eu worked well for many years but the 2004 and 2007 expansions have been disastrous for the British working class, as wage arbitrage has become an ever stronger force. Basically, the land owner/ factory owner/ rentier class discovered that they had the third world on their doorstep and could profit hugely by importing poverty. So if I voted for anybody other than UKIP, I’d be like a turkey voting for Christmas.

My prediction is that the euro election results, when they are announced on Sunday, will show a far greater swing to UKIP than the council elections, and if Messrs Cameron and Milliband do not start listening to us, then next year’s General Election will go even better for UKIP.


I believe they have been keeping Neil and Christine a secret for a while, don’t know why.

Really? I think we all know why that would be kept quiet. Luckily the 396 votes he got meant he missed out on a councillors seat.

But if the local election results are extrapolated to a general election the results would be as follows:

Labour 31%
Conservative 29%
UKIP 17%
LibDem 13% (IIRC)

Hardly earth shattering, think I will wait for the result of the european elections to see if they have made any real impact.

Based on these figures that means ukip have gone down from the 23% they had while Tories are up 2%, just shows you how good these things are. Turnout is expected to be around 36%, pathetic really.

Best Lib/Dem excuse I heard to-day for why they lost Kingston ? to the Tory’s was because their man was in the Nick for being a peado !!! now just imagine the shouting if that had been one of Nigels lads !! At least Niell and Christine aren’t pervs :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Well after the dust settles and the Euro result still to come, it still shows how out of touch the so called main parties are.

Despite poor showings by them all, they stick their heads back up their dark orifices and declare that they actually did well and that they get it!! They understand. They know what the electorate want. They’ll change.


I wait with baited breath for the next round of derogatory comment and the upper crust twits who say that those who voted UKIP are usually old, white and not very well educated so it’s just a protest vote by a stupid population. They will regret those remarks and thoughts next year if they persist with a view like that.

As for Londoninium, there aren’t any English people left there to vote for English parties anyway so perhaps an independence vote might be appropriate there too! We can dream!! :wink:

I wish UKIP every success in the future and look forward to the day I can go to work and read the notice board and understand what is being said to me.

(And I am not a racist for those who may think otherwise. )


But if the local election results are extrapolated to a general election the results would be as follows:

Labour 31%
Conservative 29%
UKIP 17%
LibDem 13% (IIRC)

Hardly earth shattering, think I will wait for the result of the european elections to see if they have made any real impact.

Based on these figures that means ukip have gone down from the 23% they had while Tories are up 2%, just shows you how good these things are. Turnout is expected to be around 36%, pathetic really.

Here are the results from 2009, lets wait and see what next week brings.

Turnout in Great Britain was 15,136,932, representing 34% of the electorate
Summary of the election results for Great Britain[17]

Conservative 4,198,394 (27.9%)
UKIP 2,498,226 (16.6%)
Labour 2,381,760 (15.8%)
Liberal Democrat 2,080,613 (13.8%)
Green 1,223,303 (8.1%)
BNP 943,598 (6.3%)
SNP 321,007 (2.1%)
Plaid Cymru 126,702 (0.8%)

Just having a look through the results and seeing where ukip made big gains. Scored very little around the London area but made gains pretty much all over the country barring up here in the north east. Mind you, you could put a labour badge on a goat & they would vote for it up here. Huge gains around Kent & the south which I found odd, given the ukip policy in favour of fracking coupled with the huge finds of shale gas around the south. Big companies potentially making billions while supported by the peoples current favourite party. Interesting times ahead my friends, interesting times.

‘…ukip members rarely turn up to vote or attend any discussion, but they do manage to turn up for the expenses handout, don’t see many missing that line. Wether you like it or not they are politicians, just the same as any others…’

Billy, if seeing pro-federalist noses in the trough at their self licking, Brussels/Strasbourg* love-ins is what the electorate wants then those voting ‘blue/gold/green/red’ will surely not be disappointed :wink:

  • NB. Why does the EU’s federal bullying require two centres between which their gravy-train runs?

Meanwhile, my understanding is that pro-independence parties from all member ‘states’ (there are many representing countries no longer referred to as nations; shame) have nothing to gain from tittle-tattling against pro-federalists but are working hard. So understand that they are working which requires the necessary funds and democratic reward that your post infers should be spurned.

Finally and to clarify any misty understanding, I reserve utmost respect for politicians who listen, represent and gracefully act for the UK good of those whom they are all paid to represent - even if some may consider it noble to be skint :open_mouth:

Edited to add that Mr Farage writes of having taken a significant drop in his hitherto successful City of London income to pursue his conviction within politics: Perhaps compare that with those trained from puberty to tribally adhere to their parents party grooming (Cameron, Milliband) or learned within the vacuous halls of the EU (Clegg) or a tent/teepee (the Green woman?)

What a good guy Nigel is isn’t he? Public school boy brought up in the Tory party, worked in the city as a broker, been trying to get into public office since 1994 eventually getting there in 1999 as an MEP. Make no mistake, this chap has been a politician all his life.
It was nice of him to give up his lucrative job at a brokerage firm, he joined his latest, a French company btw, as late as 2003, to concentrate on trying to become a proper mp, something he’s tried on six previous occasions failing every time.
I do like the way he says he’ll pick where his next attempt will be for the next election later, he says he has a few to choose from, as if just turning up will get him the win. Let’s face it, he’s no different to any other dodgy politician, he’s just got people stirred up about Europe & immigration at the moment.
His true test will come at the general election where those topics have less impact.

I always laugh at the public mentality that gets a wide range of people behaving like those in betting shops…

Eg. They have no imagination to back anything but one of the top three fancies, thinking that anything priced up as an “outsider” cannot possibly get anywhere. Listening to the mutters and curses whilst watching the screwed up betting slips ping around the room after yet another jolly was short-headed by a 20-1 shot that “couldn’t win”, I realise that on the whole, not only are the public idiots, but they don’t learn from their own experiences and mistakes either.

Even in the aftermath of the local elections - there are still Tories banging on about “A vote for UKIP is a vote for Milliband - these results prove it” and of course the inevitable “This translates into zero seats for UKIP next year, because our voting system makes it virtually impossible for anything outside of the top two from winning an election”. There’s no one alive today for example that voted for the Liberals in the last election they actually won. They didn’t become a “third party” in politics - just a “rank outsider”.

Our politicians are keen for us not to have the Australian system where it is compulsory to vote, and illegal to deliberately spoil your ballot paper. Remember the Census? - Those who were going to throw it in the bin (me included) were warned of the “consequences in law” if we did so…

Human nature dictates however that if you FORCE someone to vote that doesn’t really want to, they will ALWAYS cast their vote against the incumbent.
This flies in the face of the normal expectations of “a public that only backs the favourite, because their too bone-idle to do their own research, and actually make an informed choice”.

Sooner or later, the public are going to realise that the three main party leaders are nothing like us. We’ve got a public school toff, an immigrant descendent that still talks funny, and a complete Xenophile that speaks 5 languages, is married to a foreigner, and lets his own kids speak a foreign language around the house.

Compare those three to some guy who likes a drink and a smoke, and wants to be a turkey voting for Christmas - and you begin to see the wider appeal of Farage still to be built upon over the last year before the general election.

There are quite a few disgruntled ex-counsellors that once represented one of the three main parties as of these local elections.
There’s no rule that says they cannot re-take their former seats on a UKIP ticket, since to listen to them, they feel “hard done-by, and that central government has pushed them out”, rather than the public that just didn’t vote for them.

Osbourne has already declared that it will be either Con or Lab next year. The rest don’t matter - I hope he gets the sack next year with the rest of the benefit scroungers that claim to represent me.

Winseer, you forgot to mention the fourth party leader, again, he’s also a public schoolboy toff, has been an MEP since before even Cameron was an MP. :blush: :wink:
Like it or not people like Osborne are not thick, not blinded by personalities, and know that, for the majority, this has been a protest vote. The main parties will take note & act accordingly.
I hope we never get proportional representation here, it would be a nightmare. Don’t they have it in Italy where they’ve had about 20 prime ministers in 23 years. All this put your favourite, then 2nd & third is total crap. You end up with someone nobody voted for but most put as their 3rd place choice! :cry:

Osbourne has already declared that it will be either Con or Lab next year. The rest don’t matter - I hope he gets the sack next year with the rest of the benefit scroungers that claim to represent me.

I heard him this morn being interviewed on radio 4, Dave’s apparently going to slip his underpants on over his tights and sort immigration and the welfare state out, that’ll be interesting to see, i’ll grab a few cwt of popcorn and watch that happen shall i…

They still don’t get it do they, we didn’t get the message and didn’t do as we were told, so more of the same until we do get it right…sounds a bit like the EU, don’t like the Irish referendum result, so keep taking it till you give the right answer, we know whats best for you.

Well Mr Osbourne, we did get the message, we got it loud and clear, the problem for you is that we don’t want you lot any more, the liblabcon pact, we don’t trust you, if you told it was raining outside we have to go out and take butchers to check, we’ve had enough of you, period.

Whatever rubbish the three cheeks spout over the next 12 months won’t make a scrap of difference, the Lion has finally awakened, the Donkey leaders had better realise their time is up.

It seems they aren’t the only ones that churn out the same old tosh.

It seems they aren’t the only ones that churn out the same old tosh.

the problem is look at Gerry Adams/ sein fein! :laughing: they won seats in Westminster ( the establishment THEY DESPISE ) albeit they don’t turn up and take THEIR seats! :unamused: :imp: BUT ENOUGH PEOPLE BELIEVED WHAT THEY SPOUTED, and although instead of the ballot box they used bombs and bullets, but in the end the establishment gave in! Instead of wiping west Belfast off the face of the earth, they gave them a voice just like ukip have a voice as the people have spoken! The three of them will now listen as the public ( I mean white peasants of uk ) are wising up to lies, more lies and the ■■■■■■ of our money through high taxation, whilst living it up ( they’re millionaires don’t you know! ) many anti EU parties across Europe WANT OUT TOO! :grimacing:

Winseer, you forgot to mention the fourth party leader, again, he’s also a public schoolboy toff, has been an MEP since before even Cameron was an MP. :blush: :wink:
Like it or not people like Osborne are not thick, not blinded by personalities, and know that, for the majority, this has been a protest vote. The main parties will take note & act accordingly.
I hope we never get proportional representation here, it would be a nightmare. Don’t they have it in Italy where they’ve had about 20 prime ministers in 23 years. All this put your favourite, then 2nd & third is total crap. You end up with someone nobody voted for but most put as their 3rd place choice! :cry:

He didn’t go to university, despite having the brains to do so (like me)
He knows how to trade derivative contracts. (like me)
He drinks lager rather than bitter (like me)
…until now, he never stood any chance of actually being in government - You might say Farage now stands where Clegg stood in 2008. No one would have thought at that time that you were looking at someone shortly due to take Prescott’s old job!
UKIP still need to win more seats than the libdems in order to be a “suitor with a dowry” for the general election. About 50 seats should do it, if taken away from mostly the libdems) If the libdem vote RISES, then of course they’ll need a lot more, which is practically impossible to overcome. Thus, UKIP’s best chance next year stems from the libdem poll continuing to drop off, and building on the recent gains just made on top of that. :sunglasses:
Some voters who couldn’t bring themselves to “not vote Labour” thinking that UKIP were only going to get a handful of votes here and there like BNP, might now re-consider for next year. Some Tory voters too, might feel disgusted how complacent talking blue heads are bragging in advance that their “safe seats are unassailable” - because they held on in most true blue areas this week.
…Then take a look at Maidstone. That council - a former VERY blue one - is now fragmented, which I feel is a significant warning to their MP who needs to backpeddle on this “I’m from Maidstone don’t you know” attitude that weald politicians seem to like to perpetuate. :bulb:

It seems they aren’t the only ones that churn out the same old tosh.

Yes, but who do you believe? the three that have already lied or the one who has not. Add a “yet” if you like, I am a believer.

Well Mr Osbourne, we did get the message, we got it loud and clear, the problem for you is that we don’t want you lot any more, the liblabcon pact, we don’t trust you, if you told it was raining outside we have to go out and take butchers to check, we’ve had enough of you, period.

What’s with you and all this ‘we’ ■■■■■■■■?

You’re a Little Englander. You don’t speak for me.

But anyway, the BBC reckons that UKIP’s 23% of the vote in 2013 has dropped to 17% this time around. If the UKIP brigade think that’s good going, I wish you and your party every success for the future… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Olog Hai:


I wish you and your party every success for the future.

Thankyou, most kind, have a nice evening.

Selective quoting to avoid the issue, I love it! We’ll make a politician out of you yet!

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: