Because I’m criminalist, I believe that those who obey the law and behave themselves are superior to the toerags that don’t.
“Strasbourg disappears in a puff of paradoxical logic”.
Because I’m criminalist, I believe that those who obey the law and behave themselves are superior to the toerags that don’t.
“Strasbourg disappears in a puff of paradoxical logic”.
The reason that Farage is becoming very popular is that finally, there is a political figure who’s discussing what a lot of people feel but have been told to suppress for the last twenty odd years.
They see Farage drinking in a pub or outside having a ■■■, and even though he is an ex City boy, people feel he has something in common with them.
Cameron and all the others are petrified of discussing immigration etc (for some reason). This has been the case for a number of years, not helped by the infernal Labour Party and their mates in the Lib Dums and people like Ken Clarke.
Actually I’m not too bothered about romanians taking UK jobs because most are doing things like fruit picking etc.What annoys me is the immediate access to benefits that they have not paid into. Being told how I can buy my veg in the shops etc etc.
Pumping billions into the EU to support dodgy French farmers who don’t know what they are doing.
The truly frightening thing is that Ken Clarke and the ■■■■ Clegg want us still to join the Euro!! I’ve seen Cleggs recent election broadcast and I did not agree with any of it.
Harry Monk:
What! European beer! Surely not.European in the sense that Stella Artois is brewed in Magor, South Wales.
Really■■? I always tought, it’s imported…
Harry Monk:
Racism. The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.Nobody is saying that all Romanians are criminal, simply that there is the likelihood that a dozen male Romanians are more inclined towards criminality than, say, a family of Norwegians. And from my own experience of Romania, this is fair comment, just as it would be fair comment to say that Italians are more partial to riding motor scooters and eating ice-cream than Norwegians. There’s no “inferiority” or “superiority” about it.
I wonder how the average Conservative MP would feel about a dozen Romanians moving in next door to his fashionable town house in Islington? Because I can imagine the curtains twitching ever so slightly.
You’re ■■■■ right.
OK Lads,there’s been a lot of sensible comment on this thread but also a lot of “bollox” spouted,it’s quite evident that when you listen to the three leaders of Con/Lib/Lab without a doubt they all want to stay in the EU regardless of the “huffing and puffing” about reforming the self-serving EU that is run by unelected faceless ■■■■■■■■■■■ come on Lads,put your differences aside for the moment and in three days time VOTE UKIP and give those three ■■■■■■■ the biggest ■■■■■■■ wake up call they will ever have had.I accept that Nige is never going to be perfect but at least a lot of what he says resonates with most of the English voters so it’s high time we made our feelings known,with any luck this Euro vote can be looked upon as a dry run for a referendum in the not to distant future.Cheers Bewick.
Really■■? I always tought, it’s imported…![]()
Stella Artois, Budweiser, Beck’s, Boddingtons, Bass, all brewed in South Wales by Inbev using Welsh water and English hops and sugar.
The only Belgian thing about Stella Artois is Inbev’s right to use the name.
OK Lads,there’s been a lot of sensible comment on this thread but also a lot of “bollox” spouted,it’s quite evident that when you listen to the three leaders of Con/Lib/Lab without a doubt they all want to stay in the EU regardless of the “huffing and puffing” about reforming the self-serving EU that is run by unelected faceless [zb].So come on Lads,put your differences aside for the moment and in three days time VOTE UKIP and give those three [zb] the biggest [zb] wake up call they will ever have had.I accept that Nige is never going to be perfect but at least a lot of what he says resonates with most of the English voters so it’s high time we made our feelings known,with any luck this Euro vote can be looked upon as a dry run for a referendum in the not to distant future.Cheers Bewick.
Oooh you. nearly had me there, I was on the verge of voting for them, then I remembered I’d sent off my postal vote last week. On the upside I see that, despite you all thinking the PM is lying about a referendum, you think there will be one.
OK Lads,there’s been a lot of sensible comment on this thread but also a lot of “bollox” spouted,it’s quite evident that when you listen to the three leaders of Con/Lib/Lab without a doubt they all want to stay in the EU regardless of the “huffing and puffing” about reforming the self-serving EU that is run by unelected faceless [zb].So come on Lads,put your differences aside for the moment and in three days time VOTE UKIP and give those three [zb] the biggest [zb] wake up call they will ever have had.I accept that Nige is never going to be perfect but at least a lot of what he says resonates with most of the English voters so it’s high time we made our feelings known,with any luck this Euro vote can be looked upon as a dry run for a referendum in the not to distant future.Cheers Bewick.Oooh you. nearly had me there, I was on the verge of voting for them, then I remembered I’d sent off my postal vote last week. On the upside I see that, despite you all thinking the PM is lying about a referendum, you think there will be one.
Reckon the reason it’s in 2017, which is ages away, is in the hope we will have forgotten about Farage and the EU altogether. If Cameron was so keen, it would be this week. The fact it isn’t says it all.
OK Lads,there’s been a lot of sensible comment on this thread but also a lot of “bollox” spouted,it’s quite evident that when you listen to the three leaders of Con/Lib/Lab without a doubt they all want to stay in the EU regardless of the “huffing and puffing” about reforming the self-serving EU that is run by unelected faceless [zb].So come on Lads,put your differences aside for the moment and in three days time VOTE UKIP and give those three [zb] the biggest [zb] wake up call they will ever have had.I accept that Nige is never going to be perfect but at least a lot of what he says resonates with most of the English voters so it’s high time we made our feelings known,with any luck this Euro vote can be looked upon as a dry run for a referendum in the not to distant future.Cheers Bewick.Oooh you. nearly had me there, I was on the verge of voting for them, then I remembered I’d sent off my postal vote last week. On the upside I see that, despite you all thinking the PM is lying about a referendum, you think there will be one.
the one thing i notice about you billy is your selective of answering posts, you should take up politics mate as thats what we are used to in this country
it is a dry run for any party who thinks they will hold a referendum, if ukip do as well as i hope they do it will be the clearest message to any fool just what this country wants or doesn’t want.
i want to be able to drive truck without having to spend more money out for sitting in a class room for 35 hours learning what ?
what is anyone going to teach me about truck driving after 25 years on the road ? all the new rules we are getting over here from our masters in europe are a pain in the back side and its not just our industry either and people are fed up with it all put that on top of watching more and more people come into this country WHY DO THEY COME HERE ?
there is the whole of Europe they can go yet its this country they want to come to
we all know why they come we dont need speeches or people playing with figures as we live in the real world
i really hope ukip do well even though i know things will be almost impossable for them to change things around but at least they will give it a try and i belive they will and the other partys have had more than enough time to sort this mess out and its just got worse every year
so no more spin billy as i have heard it all before from all the other politicians deal with the real fears people have and there real anger over things that have been forced on to them like ukip are trying to do so it gets my vote
OK Lads,there’s been a lot of sensible comment on this thread but also a lot of “bollox” spouted,it’s quite evident that when you listen to the three leaders of Con/Lib/Lab without a doubt they all want to stay in the EU regardless of the “huffing and puffing” about reforming the self-serving EU that is run by unelected faceless [zb].So come on Lads,put your differences aside for the moment and in three days time VOTE UKIP and give those three [zb] the biggest [zb] wake up call they will ever have had.I accept that Nige is never going to be perfect but at least a lot of what he says resonates with most of the English voters so it’s high time we made our feelings known,with any luck this Euro vote can be looked upon as a dry run for a referendum in the not to distant future.Cheers Bewick.Oooh you. nearly had me there, I was on the verge of voting for them, then I remembered I’d sent off my postal vote last week. On the upside I see that, despite you all thinking the PM is lying about a referendum, you think there will be one.
A referendum is a waste of time and a lot of public money when you can just vote for a party that wants out.
Only time I’II be happy to see a picture with Cameron, Clegg and Milliband in it is when they’re out of a job and fighting over a day old pack of sarnies outside a food bank.
Instead of fighting each other over how to screw up the lives of the ordinary British working bloke like now.
‘…Racism. The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
Predudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that ones own race is superior…’Looks to me that if it walks like a duck etc…’
You’ve failed it again, Billy-mate, so let this duck be hereby understood.
Since umpteen EU appeasers have told us UK citizens that as a nation of migrants, the UK is not as such a ‘…race…’, I therefore argue the UK to be a fair & hitherto reasonably populated place. However, the UK is currently being stifled the freedom of self rule by unelected Federalists who are overly content to bleat at every tiresome occasion their uber-liberal variant of Communism is vaguely challenged
If anything, UKIP is surely placist - borne out by the UK being a closed-gathered gaggle of islands of broadly hitherto fair value systems populated by (let’s call them) “the generationally-settled, scared witless” of which I am unashamedly one - of other placed people and their domineering methods unfairly swamping ‘our’ own
Next: Allied with ‘…characteristics, abilities, or qualities…’ comes the notion of having ‘value systems’ - of which the UK clings-on to many proud & virtuous ones that were once nationally cherished. But these very assets have since been eroded by the Bed Wetting Four, Lib-Lab-Green-Consters and their undemocratic, federalising, abusive & expensive Brussels’ Puppetmasters
There’s more healthy debate on here than one gets in the commons nowdays - that’s for sure.
When was the last time we had a “minister for transport” who actually was a truck driver, or even worked in the transport industry at shop-floor level?
Me? - I’d tax diesel deliveries under 200 litres (thus penalising 4x4 drivers who really don’t need to be driving that fuel-waster in town at all!) and spend the revenue raised on subsiding the rate for fuel deliveries ABOVE 200 litres. Why shouldn’t the transport industry - essential to the life blood of the country’s economy in ANY trading environment - get a “bulk discount” on the fuel they fill up with each and every day?
…yet another example of an idea we could put through the commons, once a UKIP coalition agreement is in place. I can’t wait for the new leader of the Con-servative party to say things like “Nigel won’t let me!” as of this time next year…
UKIP are getting my vote, carry on playing the racist card if you like, it’s like crying Wolf! I’ve heard it all before.
You get the impression that the smug Student Grant bell-ends that produce this sort of stuff might actually think that being heterosexual and indigenous disqualifies you from having a voice in how the country is run.
If a student that came up with that garbage, then the country has far deeper future trouble looming than anyone can imagine.
My my we are all getting feisty, not getting nervous as Election Day nears? Ok so nobody is going to change their mind on who to vote for, I just find some of the reasons to vote ukip a bit odd when you look at it.
Desypete, regardless of how many seats ukip get this time around the DCPC will still be here, it’s not going away so ■■■■ it up. They would need to get around 60 seats at the next general election to have any say in anything, that won’t happen winseer, you know it & I know it.
Happy Keith, failed at what exactly? Other posters kept saying ukip are not racist with, I believe, no real idea of what it means. I put up the definition. Given recent comments by the fuehrer, that’s German for leader, I would say they were in that category. As for the rest of your diatribe, no idea.
First time I’ve seen that poster, quite funny really, but I do like the way the high horse comes out when it’s about Nigel, as if you’re not allowed to criticise him. Don’t worry, he’s a politician, he’s used to it. If you don’t like it now just wait until next year, they will all be put under the microscope. It’s ok shouting the odds from the sidelines with no prospect of having to back it up, it’s something entirely different to be put in the spotlight, as the lib dems have found out.
Do I vote Tory? Yes I do. Do I like & agree with everything they do? No of course not. But I vote for them because I believe they are the only party capable of getting this country back on track, as they are doing, and keeping us there. It wouldn’t bother me if we got out of Europe but we just don’t know how it would turn out. I do know if we do get out I’d rather have the Tories in power than ukip.
Hi,I am just wondering if UKIP get in if they will abolish the DCPC; not that they will be elected.
I’ve been a UKIP member for two years now.Excellent, maybe you could answer the original question posted above.
They don’t have a specific policy regarding the DCPC. None of the parties do. Manifesto in September.
UKIP is a libertarian party which believes in as little state interference and regulation as possible, so is the most likely to abolish the DCPC.
love or hate them,
in just a few words from me, ukip is the hottest topic in town, its make your mind up time tomorrow, my vote is for ukip,