Oh Billy - If Im not mistaken, the DCPC has been incorporated into British law (of course, I stand to be corrected on this) so it
s hardly a case of “being in favour of keeping it”. In its present shabby form, it
s just another tax on our industry.
Assumption 1 - I think that getting out of Europe will solve all our problems. Where exactly have I said that in any of my posts? If you`d done your homework, you would be aware that my reasons for supporting UKIP are slightly less rose tinted.
Assumption 2 - I have been taken in by his “■■■ and a pint, one of the lads” image projection. You seem to know a lot about my mindset (not).
A couple of other considerations for you - What`s the problem with proportional representation? Is it too uncomfortably close to being truly democratic?
Under the careful nurturing of our venerable government, the stalwarts of the newly released rich list have seen their already obscene wealth increase by 15% this year. Only looking after their own and themselves. 
Winseer - I can`t think of anything more agreeable than sitting down for a pint with your good self for company - make mine a Stella, please!
Well the comparisons will continue as long as their candidates cannot keep their mouths shut.
Funny thing is, the more they say that the media tries to muddy, the more I’m inclined to agree with them.
As are all my pals, something we were talking about in the pub t’other day.
They’re only saying what we’re all thinking - I respect the fact they’re not afraid to speak their minds at the risk of being branded racist/■■■■/whatever.
Does that make me a racist, the fact I think un-regulated immigration is a problem? I don’t care what you think 
Winseer - I can`t think of anything more agreeable than sitting down for a pint with your good self for company - make mine a Stella, please!
What! European beer! Surely not.
Winseer - I can`t think of anything more agreeable than sitting down for a pint with your good self for company - make mine a Stella, please!
What! European beer! Surely not.
Got me on that one, fella - fair play!
What! European beer! Surely not.
European in the sense that Stella Artois is brewed in Magor, South Wales.

It was what myself and m pals were all thinking.
Perhaps I didn’t word it well.
That seems to be a recurring theme with ukip. 
Oh Billy - If Im not mistaken, the DCPC has been incorporated into British law (of course, I stand to be corrected on this) so it
s hardly a case of “being in favour of keeping it”. In its present shabby form, it
s just another tax on our industry.
Assumption 1 - I think that getting out of Europe will solve all our problems. Where exactly have I said that in any of my posts? If you`d done your homework, you would be aware that my reasons for supporting UKIP are slightly less rose tinted.
Assumption 2 - I have been taken in by his “■■■ and a pint, one of the lads” image projection. You seem to know a lot about my mindset (not).
A couple of other considerations for you - What`s the problem with proportional representation? Is it too uncomfortably close to being truly democratic?
Under the careful nurturing of our venerable government, the stalwarts of the newly released rich list have seen their already obscene wealth increase by 15% this year. Only looking after their own and themselves. 
Winseer - I can`t think of anything more agreeable than sitting down for a pint with your good self for company - make mine a Stella, please!
Stella tastes best when drunk outside a French café… There’s my token ounce of Europhilia for everyone laid bare. 
I’m about the same age as Farage btw… 
That seems to be a recurring theme with ukip. 
the guy said there was poll taken and 40% thought he was racist !!! so that means 60% know he is not a racist
so its shows like all the other dirty smears that there trying desperately to get people to not vote ukip but if 60% he isnt racist even with all the smears going on lol its like an uphill battle for the no ukip voters
politcal correctness is worried as for the first time the real true feelings of the majority of people will be heard in the vote and it means 60% of people must be racist also as the support him but then i think the figure is a lot higher than 60 % as its now affected all parts of the country so unless the main partys listen to us racists as they call us because we dont want all the people coming over here as its our dam country not theres and our jobs not theres and if that makes people racist well then they have given them some very good reasons to be that way
As others have said, racism isn’t a valid argument here.
Who are the UKIP racist against?
I’m “Criminalilst” because I’d chuck all criminals in jail, instead of honouring their “human rights” by letting them off scot-free after nicking or smashing up my stuff, which is what the law says we’re supposed to do, according to Stasbourg. Leave the EU, and that’s another daft set of laws we can kick into touch. Everyone who’s ever nicked anything from me has been white. Where’s the racism in my hating every damned one of the light-fingered gits? 
they aren’t saying what I’m thinking, or what plenty others think.
To be honest I think most people who say this haven’t actually experienced what the ‘racists’ have on their doorsteps.
Natural human instinct dictates that when people with a reputation for being generally dodgy/being involved in illegal activity/being a nuisance move in nearby you aren’t comfortable with it. I’d be just as much unhappy with a white british chavvy benefit scrounging family of no-hopers & alcoholics moved in next door, as I would a group of romanians with daily visits from ‘the boss’, or pakistani’s who own one of four ‘mobile phone accessory shops’ next door to each other like on a street near me.
I could complain all I wanted in public about not liking the chavs next door, but say I don’t like the Romanian’s next door because of dodgy goings on they are involved with and I’m called a racist. If a Romanian family moved in next door who clearly worked hard in good jobs, could speak the queens etc. there wouldn’t be an issue. That is what UKIP ultimately are after, quality controlled immigration not open door movement of the unskilled from Europe. Big difference between that are the BNP’s ‘no foreigners, we are full’ policy.
As it’s popped up again I thought I’d put in the definition of racist, I know you all like definitions, just so we’re all clear.
Racism. The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
Predudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that ones own race is superior.
Looks to me that if it walks like a duck etc.
Racism. The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
Predudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that ones own race is superior.
Looks to me that if it walks like a duck etc.
But i’m not talking about an entire race generally though am I? Nor am I implying that my own race is superior. At no point did I imply that, although I am sure you will dissect my post to suggest otherwise
There are plenty of Romanians, Pakistanis, whatever, I would be quite happy to live next door to. There are also plenty of white british families I wouldn’t want within spitting distance of my back yard.
Bore off with the race card 
Racism. The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
Nobody is saying that all Romanians are criminal, simply that there is the likelihood that a dozen male Romanians are more inclined towards criminality than, say, a family of Norwegians. And from my own experience of Romania, this is fair comment, just as it would be fair comment to say that Italians are more partial to riding motor scooters and eating ice-cream than Norwegians. There’s no “inferiority” or “superiority” about it.
I wonder how the average Conservative MP would feel about a dozen Romanians moving in next door to his fashionable town house in Islington? Because I can imagine the curtains twitching ever so slightly. 
I don’t bother dissecting what people say, they are what they are. As for me playing the race card! Trawl back through the thread, I think you’ll find others have brought it up. It does seem to get your backs up though, every time the media highlight another ■■■■ up by the ukip crew,odd considering none of you are racist after all. I never said you picked on any race, unlike Nigel & his obvious dislike for Romanians, or that you think you’re superior, i merely posted the definition of racism.
People seem to cherry pick certain things Farage says to suit their own anti-UKIP agenda. I imagine it’s very difficult for Farage, when every last sentence you say is scrutinised within an inch of it’s life my desperate journo’s eager to ‘read between the lines’ to support an agenda. Proper research of UKIP policies, even listening properly to Farage’s speeches, clearly shows that UKIP wouldn’t actually have a problem with Romanians or anybody being in this country, on a controlled work-permit basis. There are clearly issues with uncontrolled movement of unskilled labour from poor eastern european countries, just watch the ‘Benefits Street’ episode that featured the Bulgarians, or several episodes of Traffic Cops where groups of Bulgarian men have been led here by gangs under false promises about work and find themselves participating in acts such as cable theft or carrying out work for illegally low sums of money. There is nothing racist whatsoever with people being uncomfortable with that sort of activity going on where they live.
For the record, I’m not entirely convinced by UKIP. Whether they do well or not in the elections won’t keep me up at night, but I simply do not recognise them as a racist party of the BNP ilk & think the media campaign against them is bordering on the ridiculous. Whether the political establishment like it or not, UKIP do represent the conversations being had by many working class people in pubs & around dinner tables all over the country. They are paying the price for disregarding the opinions of the electorate over a long period of time.