A video from Peter Hitchins, featuring the great Enoch Powell and Tony Benn. They could see what a disaster the eu would be.

And yet those who were not familiar with them consider them to be “right-winger” and “left winger” respectively.

If the commons were full of such politicians of their calibre - yes, I do mean BOTH of them - we wouldn’t be considering voting outside the two main parties right now. :bulb:

Remember too that Heath unexpectedly winning the 1970 general election consigned Enoch Powell to political oblivion, not to mention the disaster that was the two main parties throughout the 70’s. The same will happen next year to Farage if Ukip support fails to turn into 50+ seats on election night.
This is the British Public’s ONE chance to try and change things at the perceived top. Blow it, and we’ll never get this close to getting politicians to do what we want again. :exclamation:


A video from Peter Hitchins, featuring the great Enoch Powell and Tony Benn. They could see what a disaster the eu would be.

This is the British Public’s ONE chance to try and change things at the perceived top. Blow it, and we’ll never get this close to getting politicians to do what we want again. :exclamation:

Absolutely right, and thats why all three cheeks of the same arse party and its media fiends are firing flak as fast and furiously as they can at the UKIP bomber now right over target.

This is the only chance we have.

Well you might aswell pack up now, I cannot see them getting anywhere near that many seats. 5 or less is my prediction.

just watched the video, all I can say is what a frigging knobhead intervewer he is, its plain to see he is totally against all of ukip ,bringing up stuff that happened in 1997,wow,im sure most of the politilcal leaders have something in their cupboards, worst interviewer ever :imp: :imp: what a plonker he couldn’t even look farage in the eye :wink:

Calm down man, I thought it was quality. He’s going to have to get used to it, and do better, come next year in the run up to the general election. I don’t watch many of these but I do enjoy seeing politicians, from any party, being put on the spot. This guy is well known for being a tool but he still rattled nige, imagine if it was paxo.

Britain is the third biggest net contributor to the EU budget, after Germany and France. In 2012, we paid in more than £12bn to the EU’s coffers, of which around £4bn came back in EU spending on Britain. That makes a net contribution of £8bn, or around £127 per person. … or-us.html

Well you might aswell pack up now, I cannot see them getting anywhere near that many seats. 5 or less is my prediction.

Now then Billy if in your estimation they will only get 5 seats why the hell have you wasted all your time and energy posting on here? If they are not going to get anywhere it’s been a total waste of time on your part, still waiting to be persuaded by the other parties, but sadly nothing yet.


Cheap as chips then considering the welfare budget last year was £208 billion. 42% of which was the state pension, £87 billion. Maybe we should get shot of those and save that cash as well.


Well you might aswell pack up now, I cannot see them getting anywhere near that many seats. 5 or less is my prediction.

Now then Billy if in your estimation they will only get 5 seats why the hell have you wasted all your time and energy posting on here? If they are not going to get anywhere it’s been a total waste of time on your part, still waiting to be persuaded by the other parties, but sadly nothing yet.


If you read my other posts I’ve said all along that the will do well in the European elections, but, people will revert to their usual voting practice come general election time. I don’t come onto this thread expecting to change anyone’s mind or to get them to vote my way, it’s a personal choice. I merely point out that ukip will turn out to be not all they’re cracked up to be, some will be in for a huge disappointment, akin to the labour supporters when they realised bliar was a Tory with a red tie. They are a single issue protest party that have jumped on the eu immigration policy & tried to blame it for all thats wrong in this country, all the time knowing they won’t be in a position to do anything about it anyway. Vote ukip if you wish, I’m expecting plenty crowing when they do well, but don’t expect me to miss the chance to say “I told you so” next year.

Cheap as chips then considering the welfare budget last year was £208 billion. 42% of which was the state pension, £87 billion. Maybe we should get shot of those and save that cash as well.

I’m on state pension only no private pensions nothing and but stilI pay tax on it, I count my self lucky so I’m not complaining to loudly, but still cant figure it out, that’s after 50 years on the road, and when I say not seeing home I mean not seeing home, again not complaining because It’s the life I chose, but never try and tell me a particular political party gave me my pension because it liked me, I worked for it.


Cheap as chips then considering the welfare budget last year was £208 billion. 42% of which was the state pension, £87 billion. Maybe we should get shot of those and save that cash as well.

As usual you have missed the point, the burden of the state pension is a nightmare for the future, with an ever ageing “average age” population, we import people now to look after us (on minimum wage) and then we will have to pay and look after them in the future. What will we do then, import even more? and so on.

We cannot constantly import cheap labour to look after our OAP’s.

Thanks to the “first past the post” system, it is actually possible, and even likely that Ukip will get ZERO seats in a general election in this country. Sure, the same does not apply to EU elections which use a more democratic system for voting support percentages.

It works like this:

Consider THREE different wards in the UK, each with 25,000 inhabitants.

In ward (1) LABOUR score 6,500 UKIP score 6,400, LIBDEM score 3,100 CONSERVATIVE score 2000 with no-shows & other parties have the rest between them. LABOUR win the seat with a majority of 100, making it a marginal for the 2020 election. The “winning” candidate is pretty safe in their job for 5 years.

In ward (2) CONSERVATIVE score 6,500, UKIP score 6400, LABOUR score 3,100 and LIBDEM score 2000 ditto ditto ditto…
CONSERVATIVE win the seat with a majority of 100.

In ward (3) LIBDEM score 6,500, UKIP score 6400, CONSERVATIVE score 3,100 and LABOUR score 2000 ditto ditto ditto…
LIBDEM win the seat with another small majority of 100.

So, each of the three main parties win a seat each, UKIP win bugger all.
Now look at the total number of votes for each party - CONSERATIVE total is 11,600. Labour and Libdem have that same total.
UKIP polled 19,500 overall, and didn’t win a seat despite having over half as many votes again as the other three parties.

To manipulate the result therefore, all the main parties need to do whilst in council power is to alter the boundaries should they find that UKIP are just a little too strong in one area, and might actually win that seat. Calls of “Fiddle” on the day fall upon deaf ears, because the three main parties will all go along with the continuing “first past the post” fleecing of the common vote. Of course, if there’s a ■■■■-up, and UKIP actually won a few seats, then there would quickly be accusations of “Electoral Irregularities” with (engineered) votes going missing for the three main parties - regardless of the fact that a few missing votes for the party in fourth place in particular isn’t going to make a jot of difference. When pumped by a main-party-supporting media - that manufactured “irregularity” becomes a scandal that, of course, will oddly make the front page of the gutter erm I mean incumbent-supporting press for the next morning’s papers. :angry:

Thus, if the three main parties aided and abetted by the biased press can just put a mere 101 voters off from voting UKIP on the day ANYWHERE and EVERYWHERE in this example, then “many seats won” quickly turns into “NIL seats won” as shown in the examples above - and the dream of taking back control of our own government dies over breakfast on the friday morning. Recent unwelcome publicity for UKIP has probably put off a few wets that were considering voting for them. There might already be enough damage done to stop what only a few weeks ago was a juggernaut. I hope I’m wrong about this I really do, but I’m one of the few people around who can say "I got where I am today (ie nowhere) by being right" about things involving human nature alas. :frowning:

UKIP are ■■■■■■■■ and deserve to hit the scrapheap alongside BNP and the National Front…

The Sarge:
UKIP are [zb] and deserve to hit the scrapheap alongside BNP and the National Front…

That may be the case, but at least their support measures to some extent anti EU views, if nothing else.

The Sarge:
UKIP are [zb] and deserve to hit the scrapheap alongside BNP and the National Front…

UKIP are destined to make huge gains next month in a democratic election. Hopefully that will make Messrs Cameron, Clegg and Milliband wake up and smell the coffee, but if it doesn’t then there’s always the General Election next year.

If UKIP are not going to do no good in the EU and GE elections, as we are constantly being told, it does make you wonder why all the mud slinging and paranoia coming from the other parties, I’ve never known such a dirty election campaign as this and it is quiet frightening that some people can stoop so low, there always will be a bit of carping in the run up to any election that is to be expected but this one is plain nasty, not exactly what Cromwell would have hoped of the British, and remember that’s what UKIP is about trying to keep us British not some 18th state of Europe.


I sent off my postal vote this evening, UKIP, if other folk want to vote for another 15 years of the same then that’s their democratic right I suppose. :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

I shall exercise my democratic right on Thursday as soon as the polling station opens. I too will be voting UKIP.

Big Jon’s dad:
I shall exercise my democratic right on Thursday as soon as the polling station opens. I too will be voting UKIP.

me too
i want to take back control of this country before it gets even worse and i think most of the british public are going to show with there votes just what they really think about all the immigrants and the state our country is in
ukip get my vote

‘… eu rules have stopped bosses getting rid of people just so they can be replaced by cheaper workers, anyone would think they were working for us.
Who in their right mind would vote for that…?’

Hmmm …oversimplification doesn’t help your cause of the EU’s dream of homogenised federalism (meaning that Britain is the same as Latvia, is the same as Ireland is the same as Belgium, etc, etc) look any more attractive, Billy

Exactly who is the ‘…us…’ of which you write above and which I’ve highlighted in red?

Uscertainly does not include me nor millions of others who have been tricked & lied to by the bed-wetting four pro-EU parties.

The ‘uswere financially advertised to and thus unfairly manipulated to vote for joining a ‘Common Market’ in 1975 - when I was too young to vote and which has since bulldozered UK society into a bullied submission that (and this is factually true: It is not a vague generalisation!) too many ‘auslanders’ now can’t or wont, eg., be bothered to learn my language, whilst yelling their own alien languages along my workplace corridors. But who cares :question:

I do :wink:

Enough is now enough. It is now both unreasonable & too disenfranchising for anymore less robust than me - and I’m robust - but I feel much sadness for those passive souls who simply give in to bullies and thus I seek and encourage little more than a restoration of a democratic ability to engage with a self-governing nation state hitherto known as the UK

If anyone is going to slag off a particular party or politician - let it be for what they’ve directly NOT done that they promised they would, or done, that has really ■■■■■■ everyone off, despite not saying anything about it in their original manifesto.

With that in mind, UKIP are currently beyond reproach, because they’ve not actually done anything in office “wrong” yet, and all the public upsets running through the media at present are just ■■■■ stirring by the gutter press. What promises has Farage broken so far? - those who don’t like Ukip might want to consider the parties they DO vote for, and look how much this or that party has actually made you worse off across the board. Too many people believe what they read in the newspapers about things like “What a great job Osbourne is doing” when he’s borrowed more money than Labour in 4 years than Labour did in 13… or “How Gordon Brown sold all that gold at the bottom of the market” - the £400 million involved being a drop in the bucket compared to even the first round of QE… or Cleggy’s promises about Student fees - only to be quickly dropped once he found himself as Deputy PM.
We’re always told that Ed Balls is an idiot, that the reason the public don’t like Milliband isn’t because he’s kosher, and the amount of donations from foreign oligarchs is a total scandal - whoever is “on the take” for that money. FFS We’re heading towards Serfdom, indentured servitude, whatever one wants to call it. The attack comes from above and below. The BNP are unelectable with the current high command, but Ukip represents an alternative to the anti-PC vote that many of us are itching to cast. They also need to be scooping up Tory and Labour voters of course, Merely mopping up BNP and Libdem voters is not gonna cut it alas.

Our local Tory MP Chrishti might think he’s cushty right now with that 8,680 majority he’s sitting on, but breaking the promise over “no more mobile phone masts near schools” is gonna cost him at the ballot box next year. How ARROGANT of him to think “Oh, I can afford to lose 5,000 votes, and still win a comfortable re-election next year”. Ukip only got 1515 votes - only slightly more than BNP here, so they’ve got a massive hill to climb. I can’t find anyone yet in this ward who’ll admit to voting Tory at the last election? WTF? Press someone who did, and you’ll get told “My vote is Private”. That is reminiscent of terrorists who wear balaclavas because they are clearly ashamed of themselves, or fear reprisals for what they are doing. That is, ordinary people living in ordinary housing estates who have sided with the upper class twits already because they feel this country will blow up if one of the top two parties doesn’t get in FFS. :imp: