A person who arrives here and claims JSA and nowt else will be getting less than £100 a week, being on their own, available for work, etc. You’re not even going to get accommodation for that, so chances are, they will be doubling up with someone else, perhaps an entire group of their fellow countryfolk.

Now compare that to the bod who turns up, wife and kids in tow, or worse like babooshkas & Mafioso uncles in tow, takes one or more of our home-grown girls off the market on arrival, and gets all the handouts for kids in the mum’s name, thus disguising the fact that these benefits are going to a foreign national’s household. THEN add that housing benefit on top of that, and all capped by the stupidly high amount of what is it? - £520 a week in hand?
For having this opinion, I’m called Xenophobic btw. :imp:

What would you or I have to gross to take home £520 per week? How many benefits would those earnings disqualify us from if we did, especially if our women were working as well?

Essentially, we home-grown Brits are paying our own way, and those turning up from abroad are NOT unless they are millionaire businessmen intent on starting a firm locally, and actually employing some of us in the process. This latter scenario is so rare it pales to insignificance doesn’t it?

Those that have arrived here illegally, either get to work in the black economy, end up being enslaved, or end up working self-employed at best, and easily avoiding paying much in tax as self-employed entitles one to do. Benefits would be, for such people, indirect - but that’s why such an illegal knocks up one of our women instead of gets a proper PAYE job eh? ■■■ slave if female, enslave one of ours if male, and stack up loads of social problems for the future that they’re not even contributing much towards, except in keeping the boss’s payroll costs down at best. That helps the boss rather than the wider community, which of course is why the boss will be PRO EU whilst everyone else is dead against it. :bulb:

It’s laughable to think that only foreigners, illegal or otherwise, are here to fleece the system whereas us poor Brits are all desperate to get into work. Just like my mates in laws, both in their 50s, never worked a day in their lives yet are registered alcoholics, how does that work then. The ones that fall in the pubs & clubs when the doors open, sitting boozing & smoking all day moaning about how hard done by they are. If only we could get out of the eu, or stop those foreign johnnys turning up, they could all find good well paying jobs. Really.

The three cheeks of the same arse party must be nearly ■■■■■■■■ themselves now.

I go on quite a few other forums that cater for my interests, on some of them a Billy Hunt of some sort or another has turned up in the last week or so, not always a tory from central office, some of them are nulabour plants, the limp dump cheek haven’t risked it though, they are history.

UKIP really are over target now, flak has never been so intense, it will no doubt increase further as we draw closer to the day of the european election…Farage must be loving it, never has so much anti publicity been so productive, every smear, every insult, every accusation only goes to increase the number of, and commitment of, those of us fed up to the back teeth with the political class and their acolytes.

Will our very own Billy still be here after the election, or will he vanish, like his heroes promise, the day after…will he parachute in again magically about a month before the general election next year?

The suspense is electrifying.

Happy Keith:
Let’s call it ‘self-rule’ for the UK - which is good enough for the devolution of the N.Irish, Welsh & Scots from Westminster (albeit under EU jurisdiction) but seemingly not something the Bed-Wetting Four wish for the UK to enjoy within the EU.

Strange :wink: Sorry, don’t understand this bit.

‘… I’m still waiting for an answer to my question about the benefits to the working man of getting out…’

How about some democratic representation of elected UK politicians doing what’s best for Britain instead of a homogenised greyness dreamed up by Euro-servants (see DCPC) - which ill-suits the masses of independently minded cultures, values and best-practice for nation states (an entity which the EU wants to rid us all of) for starters :exclamation:
we already have a democratically elected representation of uk politicians working for Britain, Nigel is one of them.

‘…You appear to think we will be part of a brave new world where we won’t have to follow rules, no more WTD, no more DCPC, no more Tacho rules etc…’’

Rot: If it’s ‘best-practice’ for the UK and for us as its subjects we can become properly consulted & have democratic representation by people that walk our streets & who know UK needs - then fine: No-one is advocating a wild-west culture :exclamation:
Since when do we, the subjects, ever get consulted other than election time. Politicians will tell you they are elected to run the country, not have a poll every time something needs sorting out, we’d spend most of our time casting votes.

‘…Bosses will put wages up beyond belief because all those nasty foreigners …’

Why do you write of foreigners being nasty? Please stop trying to assert a distorted stereotype of an advocate for independence that is simply inaccurate & wrong
For the same reason you bang on about Romanians, as if they are the only ones that come here, they aren’t.

‘…what we will get as a benefit of getting out…’

It wont be ‘…a benefit…’ but rather a mass of benefits - involving, eg:

1. Fiscal independence to spend as we need rather than putting our UK tax-gold where others simply pee into. Why should my tax pay to build an un-needed tram system in Spain - which is how the unaudited Eurocrats in Brussels spend my tax money :exclamation:
For the same reason many things have been built or renovated in this country using eu money, it’s not a one way street.

2. A rise of qualitative living-standard through being able to re-establish pride in our island nation identity
Did you get this bit from the bnp website? Pride in a country that doesn’t even celebrate it’s national saints day. And it’s not as if, should we get out, all the Europeans that are here legally would be rounded up & sent home is it.

3. Focus for UK defence to be restored through our (hitherto diminishing but proven successful) NATO membership
An increase in UK defence size will not happen if in or out.

4. Restoration & ownership of UK waters for UK fishermen to benefit the UK being but a few.
Fishing stocks are dwindling worldwide thanks to overfishing of waters, we wouldn’t last five minutes in a free for all. Nor would the fish.

The three cheeks of the same arse party must be nearly ■■■■■■■■ themselves now.

I go on quite a few other forums that cater for my interests, on some of them a Billy Hunt of some sort or another has turned up in the last week or so, not always a tory from central office, some of them are nulabour plants, the limp dump cheek haven’t risked it though, they are history.

UKIP really are over target now, flak has never been so intense, it will no doubt increase further as we draw closer to the day of the european election…Farage must be loving it, never has so much anti publicity been so productive, every smear, every insult, every accusation only goes to increase the number of, and commitment of, those of us fed up to the back teeth with the political class and their acolytes.

Will our very own Billy still be here after the election, or will he vanish, like his heroes promise, the day after…will he parachute in again magically about a month before the general election next year?

The suspense is electrifying.

Well you’ve started early tonight, tough day? I’ll be here after the 22nd, why wouldn’t I be. I’m starting to hope ukip have a clean sweep, if they don’t I fear some of you lot will be reaching for the razor blades. Tbh I cannot wait for the day after, the crowing will be unbelievable, wonder how many more ukippers will crawl out from their hole to say " I told you so" only to turn around days, weeks & months later to find that Nigel & his chums have gone back to Brussels, oh the irony, and nothing has happened.

4. Restoration & ownership of UK waters for UK fishermen to benefit the UK being but a few.
Fishing stocks are dwindling worldwide thanks to overfishing of waters, we wouldn’t last five minutes in a free for all. Nor would the fish.


Funny that, there used to be so much cod in UK waters when I was a kid that Cod used to be the cheapest food there was, and a staple of the working class. I wonder what changed since then? Did fish stop having ■■■? :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:



Well you’ve started early tonight, tough day?

Yes dreadful, breakfast with my lovely wife this morning, then we sauntered out for an easy day after the peak time traffic had dispersed, lovely sunny day, called in at the cemetery to check on the family plot, all good there, will put some summer bedding plants in next week, then we took the dog round one of the lovely parks, daft as a brush she is, you point out squirrells to her to chase and she runs the other way.
Then we had an early lunch at a nice cafe in a workbridge scheme who provide good employment for people with some learning etc difficulties, then we popped over for an appointment we had, then sauntered on home keeping to country roads with the windows open, sunroof too, listening to the song birds in the trees as we passed quietly by, superb stuff, real England.

Had a little nap together then i had to do a few jobs on her car to keep it tip top whilst she tidied up the conservatory (some right wing connotations in that name what)…we run older cars see, don’t pay interest to anyone and dislike modern electronic crap, so keeping these older cars going means careful maintenance, its quite therapeutic actually…

And here i am…and in a moment lovely wife will be serving dinner…edit…stop press, served, cheerio.

Thanks for asking, a lovely day and always a good evening.

How was yours?

Harry Monk:

4. Restoration & ownership of UK waters for UK fishermen to benefit the UK being but a few.
Fishing stocks are dwindling worldwide thanks to overfishing of waters, we wouldn’t last five minutes in a free for all. Nor would the fish.

Funny that, there used to be so much cod in UK waters when I was a kid that Cod used to be the cheapest food there was, and a staple of the working class. I wonder what changed since then? Did fish stop having ■■■? :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:
No, the British public did, and let a bunch of foreigners dictate our laws that let them fish-out our own stocks, whilst we don’t get to dip our toes in their stocks.

On the base line, we either MAKE a profit OVERALL out of being in Europe - or we don’t. None of this “It costs us billions, but if we left it would cost us zillions” - I’m sick of hearing about how “someone nameless” would lose out because they’d lose their job that “directly means being employed by Europe” and all that ■■■■■■■■. Perhaps if Brussels said tomorrow that they are taking over our entire benefits system, and DOUBLING all payments fudning it from the richest country’s contributions, thus turning the screw on der vaterland to actually stop, and reconsider this gross expansion that benefits no other state, except perhaps America. If we could be “in” Europe and WE get all the subsidies directly, you might yet turn me into a Europhile. For now, I’ll carry on booting away with the same foot. :smiling_imp: For those individuals among us who LOSE out of Europe, or at very least do not gain - we want out, because I’m sick of paying for scroungers in THIS country who’ve paid nothing in, let alone someone from elsewhere who’s come across lands and sea to get here, so much a laughing stock in the world as we are.

We only had to tighten up things in line with everywhere else to remove that draw far and wide. Our politicians couldn’t even manage that. Time for a fresh deck of cards I think! :smiling_imp:

It’s laughable to think that only foreigners, illegal or otherwise, are here to fleece the system whereas us poor Brits are all desperate to get into work. Just like my mates in laws, both in their 50s, never worked a day in their lives yet are registered alcoholics, how does that work then. The ones that fall in the pubs & clubs when the doors open, sitting boozing & smoking all day moaning about how hard done by they are. If only we could get out of the eu, or stop those foreign johnnys turning up, they could all find good well paying jobs. Really.

Solve one problem at a time. The social problem of workshy Brits is already here to stay. It has a different solution from adding masses to their numbers that are also off the radar, because of their own secluded cultures, and the fact that very few of us speak THEIR languages.

There doesn’t have to be a single solution to these two separate problems. Perhaps law and order combined with a harder benefit system based on taxes paid by the claimant is the closest to solving both social problems there is, but it needs to be tested. In any case, - I’ve already said it.
I didn’t suggest dealing with immigration was going to solve the workshy homegrown 3.14 door openers problem. Harsher law and order might, but more work is required even then. Let’s oust the softies, the lefties, the asset strippers, and the politically correct from public office first, and deal with the other problems later.

How was yours?

Much hand wringing, teeth gnashing and wailing I’d imagine once the truth of failed preset conversion figures appear at party hq . :smiley:

the maoster:

How was yours?

Much hand wringing, teeth gnashing and wailing I’d imagine once the truth of failed preset conversion figures appear at party hq . :smiley:

:smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :grimacing:

Harry Monk:

4. Restoration & ownership of UK waters for UK fishermen to benefit the UK being but a few.
Fishing stocks are dwindling worldwide thanks to overfishing of waters, we wouldn’t last five minutes in a free for all. Nor would the fish.

Funny that, there used to be so much cod in UK waters when I was a kid that Cod used to be the cheapest food there was, and a staple of the working class. I wonder what changed since then? Did fish stop having ■■■? :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:
I’m not a fish person myself so I’ve no idea about their habits. I would guess that too many fishing vessels catching too many fish that then get thrown away might have something to do with dwindling stocks.




Well you’ve started early tonight, tough day?

Yes dreadful, breakfast with my lovely wife this morning, then we sauntered out for an easy day after the peak time traffic had dispersed, lovely sunny day, called in at the cemetery to check on the family plot, all good there, will put some summer bedding plants in next week, then we took the dog round one of the lovely parks, daft as a brush she is, you point out squirrells to her to chase and she runs the other way.
Then we had an early lunch at a nice cafe in a workbridge scheme who provide good employment for people with some learning etc difficulties, then we popped over for an appointment we had, then sauntered on home keeping to country roads with the windows open, sunroof too, listening to the song birds in the trees as we passed quietly by, superb stuff, real England.
Had a little nap together then i had to do a few jobs on her car to keep it tip top whilst she tidied up the conservatory (some right wing connotations in that name what)…we run older cars see, don’t pay interest to anyone and dislike modern electronic crap, so keeping these older cars going means careful maintenance, its quite therapeutic actually…

And here i am…and in a moment lovely wife will be serving dinner…edit…stop press, served, cheerio.

Thanks for asking, a lovely day and always a good evening.

How was yours?

Excellent, sounds like you’re living the life in Tory Britain, can’t see why you would want to change it.
As for me I got up at 12:30, I’m on nights this week. Spot of lunch then play with grandkids. Repaired the back gate, painted the shed & had tea. Bit of TV before starting again at 22:45.





Excellent, sounds like you’re living the life in Tory Britain, can’t see why you would want to change it.
As for me I got up at 12:30, I’m on nights this week. Spot of lunch then play with grandkids. Repaired the back gate, painted the shed & had tea. Bit of TV before starting again at 22:45.

Good, glad you’re doing well too.

Actually our life’s been pretty good throughout the recession too, we’ve worked hard solidly for years, kept good repute so able to find good jobs which we didn’t take the ■■■■ out with sickies etc, and didn’t ■■■■ the fruits of our labours up the wall like so many have, so we’re living the life we worked for, without subsidy, no thanks to any politician due.

No, we don’t want it to change, we want to keep some countryside, and that doesn’t mean just for the well heeled of Gerrards Cross and Sunningdale or the walled secure estates of Wokingham, but keep some country from being turned into ever more warehouses stuffed to the rafters with Chinese made tat, or built ever deeper into green belt to house and service ever more immigrants to staff those warehouses.

That’s a small part of the reason i’m voting UKIP, to get back control of our own borders.

Totally agree

Ah right :bulb: it’s nimbys all round then.

Nah. You have to live in Oxfordshire to be a proper “Modern” nimby now. Thing is, even if you are all that, you’re still going to be voting UKIP - if the so-called Tory heartland one speaks to in places like Banbury, Bicester, Didcot, & Cherwell Valley services are anything to go by. :unamused:
They really don’t want HS2 ya know!

Down here, Sussex & Surrey don’t want the Gatwick extension, West London doesn’t want the Heathrow extension, and North Kent desperately needs the jobs from the Thames Estuary proposition - BUT of course, the politicians have not even bothered to ask the locals… Just the landlords who own rented-out properties there it seems. Yet more evidence of how out of touch the three main parties are. Even Millband has failed to score with the ball already on the goal line because he could have just gone against HS2, and grabbed that cash towards Labour spending plans instead. Has he been taken over by a pod whilst he slept? :open_mouth: :open_mouth: … 00238903–

A video from Peter Hitchins, featuring the great Enoch Powell and Tony Benn. They could see what a disaster the eu would be.

just watched the video, all I can say is what a frigging knobhead intervewer he is, its plain to see he is totally against all of ukip ,bringing up stuff that happened in 1997,wow,im sure most of the politilcal leaders have something in their cupboards, worst interviewer ever :imp: :imp: what a plonker he couldn’t even look farage in the eye :wink: