Excellent, now crack on and let me know what ukip are going to do to turn everything around. No need to mention getting us out of Europe, that a given, but what’s the plan after that. I’ve asked many times on this thread and so far have received not one answer, why is that do you think?
Sorry Billy but I think I asked that question of you a while back, what is your preferred party going to do for me, It seems they just want us to keep plodding along and let them shaft us some more, I’m open to be persuaded but nobody from the other parties wants to do that, all they want to do is slag off UKIP, they are all full off crap, all they seem to come up with is we might do this or might do that, half promises, and as they lied before so why not lie again, some of us have longer memories that they would like, and mine goes back to being lied to by Ted Heath about just joining a Common Market, which I whole heartedly agreed with at the time, but not with what we have now, well I would like to try and put that right for my kids and let them have the final say, they are both trades men, and if they are prepared to take the gamble as they are, I’ll do my bit. As to how Farage will get out of the EU I cant answer you as I simple don’t know, I leave that up to the people I hope and trust do.