Rhythm Thief:
since those days we have seen huge changes to life in this country and now its got to the point were even our towns and city’s are losing there identity’s, our kids or there kids are going to find it near impossible to find work buy a home of there own etc simply because we are letting more and more people into the country that we dont need.
It may well be that it’s harder for young people to get themselves on the property ladder nowadays, but to blame this solely on immigrants is simplistic in the extreme. And to say “[British] towns and city’s [sic] are losing there [sic] identity’s [sic]” is just hysterical cobblers.
we should be like Australia who only let people in who they need.
This is funny. Australia - other than the Aboriginies - is made up entirely of immigrants. A bit like England, in fact, including, incidentally, one N. Farage, whose name is of French Hugenot origin.
On a different note … telegraph.co.uk/news/politic … -Ukip.html
Australia look after there own people first, and if they need skills from outside and no one else can be found, then and only then will they let people into there country filling a job that is needed. what is so wrong with having that as a system ?
why do people want to come to us in the first place ? because we have idiots who think we can carry the whole world on our backs and pay for everything, and it will all be ok and no need to stop it
wake up will you
vote ukip and make a change
Rhythm Thief:
Why is it that so many UKIP supporters display such a poor standard of written English? Surely you should be proud enough of your country to learn to write its language properly, especially as so many of you seem to insist that if immigrants must come here they should have a decent grasp of the language first.
with a post like that may i take it that your not an englishman ?
As I said above, the population of Australia - like that of England - is made up almost entirely of immigrants. They’ve been a very good thing indeed for both countries over the years, and I don’t like to think where either country might be today if the original inhabitants had said “sorry, if you can’t make flint arrowheads you can’t come in”. Your arguments that immigrants are a drain on the system, and we (by which presumably you mean the native Brits, otherwise known as immigrants who have been here a bit longer) “pay for everything” is shaky at best, and tabloid scaremongering at worst. Don’t believe everything - or indeed, anything - anyone with an agenda tells you, and I include in that the Daily Mail, UKIP, the Guardian and many others.
Rhythm Thief:
Why is it that so many UKIP supporters display such a poor standard of written English? Surely you should be proud enough of your country to learn to write its language properly, especially as so many of you seem to insist that if immigrants must come here they should have a decent grasp of the language first.
with a post like that may i take it that your not an englishman ?
No, I’m as English as they come, which is to say I’m probably of Danish ancestry if you go back four or five hundred years.
Well the bin man thing is fairly easy, machinery has been invented to allow a couple of men to do the job it used to take six to do, I think they call it progress.
Harry, it’s not about blindly sticking with the same team, nobody on here has come on and given any explanation as to what ukip will do for us after getting out of Europe. I’m sorry but it’s not good enough to say " these buggers have cocked it up for long enough, let’s give someone else a go" I’d like to know how they intend to go on once we are out. You cannot seriously believe everything will change for the better for drivers. We are a cash cow and nobody, even ukip, will give that up. Im just not willing to give my vote to a party that has no viable policies for this country post Europe. I’m still waiting for answers.
you missed the point billy, the point was we could afford to employ as many as 6 bin men per lorry, thats 6 wages just for rubbish and yet we were not in Europe.
how could we afford to employ so many people ? how come here were so many more jobs ?
and we were not in Europe dont forget ?
so there is life after Europe as the past proves, so i am not scared at all of getting out of Europe unlike some who are even scared about not getting a cpc card as they must have one as they will have no job thanks to Europe, i haven’t got one and nor will i get one as its the final straw for me in driving and rules and regs sent to us by our masters in Europe.
everything we will become in the future will be set by Europe, the very thing many gave there lives up for in the world war will come in through the back door.
Rhythm Thief:
As I said above, the population of Australia - like that of England - is made up almost entirely of immigrants. They’ve been a very good thing indeed for both countries over the years, and I don’t like to think where either country might be today if the original inhabitants had said “sorry, if you can’t make flint arrowheads you can’t come in”. Your arguments that immigrants are a drain on the system, and we (by which presumably you mean the native Brits, otherwise known as immigrants who have been here a bit longer) “pay for everything” is shaky at best, and tabloid scaremongering at worst. Don’t believe everything - or indeed, anything - anyone with an agenda tells you, and I include in that the Daily Mail, UKIP, the Guardian and many others.
But the difference is that there has been more immigration since 1950 than there was between 1066 and 1949. The sole purpose of immigration is to drive down wages for people like you and me for the benefit of the landowner/ factory owner / rentier class.
I’m not sure that’s true, Harry, but if it is (just for the sake of argument), stopping immigration won’t mean wages will rise. If the “landowner / factory owner / rentier class” are so determined to drive down wages that they engineer an entire mass immigration movement - just stop and think for a moment about how hard that would actually be to do - they’ll find another way to do it if immigration ceases to be a fact tomorrow. Blaming immigrants for lower wages simply lets the bosses off the hook.
The real problem is that those at the top of the tree want an ever - larger slice of the pie. If you really want to campaign for those at the bottom to be paid more - and I’ll not disagree with you there - join up with your Eastern European fellow workers and campaign for a fairer distribution of the country’s wealth.
Since about 1980, the total share of the wealthiest 1% of the population has risen from around 6% to well over 15% by 2005, and is showing no signs of slowing down. The last time these levels of wealth inequality existed was at the tail end of the feudal era, in 1918.
See bbc.co.uk/news/business-16545898 for more … That’s where the real problem lies, with the greed of those at the top of the pile, and you’re not going to change that by preventing Sergei from coming over here in order to earn enough to support his family.
Rhythm Thief:
It may well be that it’s harder for young people to get themselves on the property ladder nowadays, but to blame this solely on immigrants is simplistic in the extreme. And to say “[British] towns and city’s [sic] are losing there [sic] identity’s [sic]” is just hysterical cobblers.
Take a trip to Wisbech, Boston, Leicester, Coventry, Nuneaton, Leeds, Bradford, London, Southampton and have a walk around.
I’ve been to all those places. In fact, if I sit in my garden in Ross on Wye I can hear plenty of Eastern European accents as people walk up and down the street. What of it? Even in London - the city where the highest proportion of immigrants live - the proportion of foreign born people is well under 40%. Enough to influence the population, I grant you, but not enough to make any but the most especially paranoid and xenophobic “feel like a foreigner in their own country”. That’s just ridiculous.
Rhythm Thief:
Why is it that so many UKIP supporters display such a poor standard of written English? Surely you should be proud enough of your country to learn to write its language properly, especially as so many of you seem to insist that if immigrants must come here they should have a decent grasp of the language first.
That can’t include me then. My postal vote has already gone off, and my missus has moderated from another party to boot.
The bloody-mindedness of the Great British Psyche is such that the more the toffs, press, & “learned” lecture us on "why we mustn’t ever vote UKIP" - I suspect the more will actually say “Hah!” and do just that…
It’s not that you “have to be thick to vote UKIP” - You might well need to be smart to know the other parties are not worth voting for at all.
Main party supporters must despair over the fact that modern politics is all about negatives. “Don’t vote for them, 'cos they’re crap!” rather than “Vote for US because we’re gonna do this, and that and the other - that you actually want us to do, because we’re a popularist party!”
Give me “popular” over “lying cheating plonkers” any time.
Give me “popular” over “lying cheating plonkers” any time.
Good idea, I seem to remember Maggie T being popular at one time, and Blair was up there for a while too, vote for them two did you?
Give me “popular” over “lying cheating plonkers” any time.
Good idea, I seem to remember Maggie T being popular at one time, and Blair was up there for a while too, vote for them two did you?
Maggie T kept me out of work for 6 years. She was not popular to me at least. I might have voted for her if I’d actually become employed during her reign of terror, but by the time I did, she had already won her last election, so that didn’t happen. She made it possible for endless amounts of employer abuse to take place, mainly in the form of YTS amounts of money for no training, but still expected to do the full jobs. That regime for today’s young hasn’t ended, because Unions on the whole don’t have any power any more, once again, thanks to her. For the first six years after I left school, I went from one YTS job to another, always getting shown the door when I pushed to be given a contract after the YTS period had ended. Of course, YTS was “use and discard for £25 a week” for employers everywhere, and there were no actual real jobs to be had, let alone training.
Blair is a Tory with a red tie. He didn’t do anything for me either, and I never voted for him. He realised Maggie was popular with “middle England” and chased that vote. Not much difference to Farage now perhaps.
“Popularist” has to be about pleasing the masses - not just those who bleat the loudest in the media. I like to think that we don’t live in an atheist creep/politically correct/celebrity worshipping society where one’s public image means more than one’s private morality.
Give me “popular” over “lying cheating plonkers” any time.
Good idea, I seem to remember Maggie T being popular at one time, and Blair was up there for a while too, vote for them two did you?
“Popularist” has to be about pleasing the masses - not just those who bleat the loudest in the media. I like to think that we don’t live in an atheist creep/politically correct/celebrity worshipping society where one’s public image means more than one’s private morality.
But that’s exactly the society we have now. A place where being thick is celebrated, I’m talking the joey Essex type here, where everyone wants to be famous & don’t care how they get there as long as they get on TV, where your worth is is valued in how many twitter followers you have. Politics has gone down the same road, people will vote for personalities regardless of what they stand for. This comes up regularly when asked what policies ukip have, people just say they don’t care as long as we get out of Europe.
Yes, there is an irony there. The very type of EU politician we see in our media are in fact highly educated multi lingual, who among other things, are capable of conducting their entire session affairs in a foreign language to their own!
Whizz back to the UK, and we see people “Proud to be Monoglots” (those who know what that means of course, so no sun readers eh?) then the kids leaving school with qualifications in needlework, badgemaking, bootlicking, and street fighting rather than the actual skills they need to do a job, and our older generations both retired and not who think that they are entitled to something back just because they’ve paid into a bent system for years that actually intended them to die before drawing their meaty pensions…
Looking at it like this, and one realises that we are an over-valued state in or out of Europe that needs to get a grip on it’s own worth by actually training our own, and not letting foreigners do all the good bits for us, like earn the big bucks, take the most powerful jobs, and get their kids into all the best education 'cos Johnny Essex is too thick to take stock from his own local system. Talking of “own systems”, one might even consider that those on benefits are actually a lot smarter than those that work - because they’ve played the broken system, milked it, = and beaten it.
I knew the system had beaten me when getting decent qualifications didn’t “entitle” me to a good job anymore. Those on benefits have perhaps realised that “Hard Work doesn’t entitle one to prosperity” and those without pensions have realised that “Putting something away all your life doesn’t mean you can’t be robbed of it at the 11th hour”. It’s easy to see why it’s never been as important to be in control of one’s own financial life (ie be loaded) as it is right now. Once, being rich and common was frowned upon. Nowdays being poor makes one a figure of hate instead, because the disenfranchised are too often mistaken for “Benefit scroungers” or “overpaid celebrities” or just plain “bankers”.
“Right-wing liblab”? - Sounds like some kind of latter day Triumvirate to me. The thing about Triumvirates though is the weakest link quickly gets busted out, just leaving the two that then go on to destroy the world between them.
The benefits system would not be broken if it was actually connected to HMRC and would actually turn a tidy profit IF benefits were based on “how long you’ve paid in via taxation”. It would be fairer for high and low, because someone who’s paying say, £10,000 tax a year for 10 years might get 2 years on £10k in benefits that dry up after that time. The payout is only 20% of what was paid in, so the system makes a profit, and the better-paid worker gets a decent benefit cheque for the two years tops they are on hard times.
Those who paid in nowt, get nowt - ever. This would include school leavers, immigrants, and those who pretend to be working by becoming “self-employed” on made-up minimum wages, and then claim many times that in housing benefits in particular - which is the system we have now - even with the cap.
For having this opinion, I’m considered a racist despite it mostly being whites (albeit foreign whites) that drain our system.
For having this opinion, I’m considered “against school leavers getting jobs.” Instead, I suggest if you they don’t have a job lined up upon leaving school - continue in full time education, which comes as compulsory. I wish it had been that way for me when I was that age!
Lastly, for having this opinion, I’m considered “nasty” for being against those who’ve fallen upon hard times. What are hard times? Falling ill? - Fix the NHS out of all the money saved by fixing the benefits system. Are hard times having no job to go to? - Penalise employers for only creating low-paid jobs, and not enough high-paid jobs. If they don’t like the higher taxes they have to pay, then they can always quit the British market and not make their profits somewhere else like Somalia. We won’t miss them. For having this opinion, I’m considered “Socialist”.
The common denominator throughout all this is I favour a system that serves those who are hard working, and helps them through phases of bad luck that was not self-inflicted. I am against all laws that allow one person with more to take the ■■■■ out of someone else that’s got less. That’s nothing but a return to Barbarism - especially when our law makers have sold out long ago, and work for the very people ruining our world instead of the public that are forced to live in - and with - their mess.
How can anybody from the driving and warehousing industry seriously post on here and say they can see no benefit for voting ukip! When you’re getting paid the same in 20 years as what you get paid next week maybe you’ll see! If you’re doing your job at £10hr and there’s 50 people down the road willing to do it for £6 you’re never going to get a pay rise never!
Of we had a bad winter this year there would have been power cuts due to no infrastructure for the amount of population caused by mass immigration.
And you’ll have 40 kids in a classroom.
With inflation at 2 percent, imaging trying to pay for what you do today in 20 years when things are 40 percent more expensive, you can always moan down the pub about how you can do nothing about it!
Excellent, now crack on and let me know what ukip are going to do to turn everything around. No need to mention getting us out of Europe, that a given, but what’s the plan after that. I’ve asked many times on this thread and so far have received not one answer, why is that do you think?
I think i can remember that UKIP said that once they got into power and got us out of Europe they would stand down. Originally that is.